May 31, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
San Pedro’s Lobster Festival is a culinary celebration There are three official celebrations held in honor of the crustacean delicacy known as the Caribbean Spiny Lobster. Every year on June 15th, after a 4-month honeymoon phase, lobsters can once again be harvested for consumption. Our sister island Caye Caulker originally began celebrating the lobster with a weekend-long festival that has become an annual event warranting a pilgrimage to the sleepy island. The festival boasts a pageant, all-day grilling and feasting, and of course, parties all along the beach! Placencia Peninsula joined in on the festivities as well, celebrating in its own uniquely cultural way. Then San Pedro Town joined in, adding its own unique spin to the revelry. From nightly pub crawls to restaurants’ lobster specials to specially-priced daily tour activities and more, there is something for everyone. Taking advantage of the incredible array of services, talented chefs and bartenders on our island, the organizers came up with a weeklong party that culminates in a rocking block party in Central Park. The party is the culmination of the week-long event, and sees booths serving up all manner of culinary delights specializing in the star of the evening: the lobster!
Honourable Patrick Faber is elected as UDP’s First Deputy Party Leader Honourable Patrick Faber, Minister of Education has officially been elected as the First Deputy Leader of United Democratic Party (UDP). At a convention held on Sunday, May 29th in Belize City, Faber overcame his opponent Honourable John Saldivar, Minister of National Security receiving 57% of the votes against Saldivar who only received 42%. Faber took the victory with a lead of 88 votes.
Voting began at 9AM and ran through 3PM. According to UDP Chairman Alberto August, 585 of the possible 589 delegates cast their votes, with only one being rejected. Faber had 336 ballots cast in his favour, while Saldivar only had 248 in his favour. It was previously reported that Faber had an edge over Saldivar with the delegates, even though the majority of Cabinet ministers were on Saldivar’s side. However, according to UDP senior member Michael Finnegan, Cabinet support would be of little support at the convention, since the delegates would be the ones who would elect the new party deputy leader.
SPTC attempts to take over collection of dock fees If local authorities were to be in charge of docks, they would also enforce the rules that come with the approval of docks. According to the SPTC, upon approval, Central Government provides a set of rules on the maintenance of the structures. “We would create a post for an inspector to check each dock from time to time to ensure that all rules are followed,” said Guerrero. “All underneath these docks need to be clean; however that is not the case at the moment.” In the meantime, despite the Central Government’s stand, the SPTC hopes to soon obtain this jurisdiction. This additional revenue, according to local authorities, would allow for a more rapid development of the island’s needed infrastructure. Other plans are on the table for the future upgrade of San Pedro’s status to a city, with the ultimate goal of making Ambergris Caye the seventh district in the country. We will follow up on those developments as changes occur.
Ambergris Today
Unbelievable Freak Show at Belize Tattoo Expo Among all the excitement and ‘literal’ buzzing of the tattoo needle guns during the first ever San Pedro Belize International Tattoo Expo, one man stood out in the crowd for obvious reasons. Victer Max is tattooed from head to toe, has a slit tongue, modified ears, sharpened teeth, pierced all over, has silicone implants on his arms and boasts a couple horns!
Yup! He is a bit out of the ordinary, maybe normal in some circles, but he was the main attraction at the international tattoo expo that took place over the weekend in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize. Cameras flashed his direction as he made his way through the crowded venue as people were excited to meet him, see his tattoo-covered body and touch his implanted horns.
Eight Belizeans Detained in Guatemala to Return as Deportees The Embassy of Belize in Guatemala City has reported that this morning the eight (8) Belizean nationals who were detained in Guatemala last week Friday, May 27, 2016, have been allowed to travel to the Embassy in order to facilitate their travel documents, pending deportation proceedings, for their return to Belize.
All individuals are once again confirmed to be in good health and it is expected that the group will be deported back to Belize by road later this week. The eight Belizean nationals were detained by the Guatemalan Navy when they were found disembarking from their vessel at the Punta Manabique Beach, Dept. of Izabal, Guatemala.
Misc Belizean Sources
Basic Wildland Fire and Fire Behaviour Training The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment and Sustainable Development is currently implementing a five-year Global Environmental Facility funded project entitled, “Management and Protection of Key Biodiversity Areas Project”. One of the key components of the project is to support forest protection and sustainable forest management. Earlier this year a firm from California, Fire Management Consultant International, was hired to train personnel from the relevant regulatory agencies, NGOs, and protected areas co-managers in enforcement and forest fire reduction techniques for rapid response team. Two one-week training sessions were held from the 16th to the 27th of May. The class room sessions were held at the Aguada Hotel in Santa Elena Town and the field component was held at the D’Silva Forest Station in Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve. A total of 49 persons were trained.
Update on Belizeans Detained in Guatemala As an update to Friday evening’s report on the eight (8) Belizeans detained in Guatemala, the Embassy of Belize in Guatemala City has reported that this morning the eight (8) Belizean nationals have been allowed to travel to the Embassy in order to facilitate their travel documents, pending deportation proceedings, for their return to Belize.
All individuals are once again confirmed to be in good health and it is expected that the group will be deported back to Belize by road later this week.
Commonwealth Jubilee Scholarship Program in Grenada, West Indies Full Scholarship Graduate and undergraduate degree programs. Applications Available. Take advantage of this opportunity.
CEMJC (Centro Escolar Mexico Junior College) GRADUATION Graduation is a special time for students, and yesterday Sunday, May 29th was no exception as a special graduation ceremony was held for graduates of CEMJC at their auditorium in the village of San Roman.
Here is wishing all graduates our warmest and sincere congratulations and may the best continue to guide you in your new endeavors. Stay the course and with God's guidance nothing is impossible.
Ocean Academy's Ubuntu event today Tuesday, May 31st from 1-3 pm on the beach beside Rainbow Restaurant. Come on out and show your support to our students! See our student art exhibit and mentor appreciation display and ceremony honoring 70 of the businesses and professionals who are mentoring youth and inspiring the national Ubuntu movement! Call 226-0321 for more information. SEE YOU THERE!!!!
Letter: GOB complacency, rather complicity, amid Guatemala's unprovoked aggression By Paco Smith,
Belize Progressive Party. With the overabundance of chicanery being promulgated by the various enemies to Belize's territorial integrity, sovereignty and overall well-being, who include: the PUDP, the OAS and the government of Guatemala, I sincerely hope that Belizeans are not only making note, but are also setting aside their inherent political biases via taking a sober look at the status of matters afoot.
Make no ghost fool you, the meeting recently attended by the foreign minister and his Guatemalan counterpart in Turkey, was nothing more than an attempt to beg for funds to maintain the ever-so-ineffective OAS office at the so-called adjacency zone. That office, as well as the OAS's involvement, has clearly proven biased in favour of Guatemala and that translates into it being of no good toward engendering confidence and even worse insofar as Belize's best interest is concerned. After all, Belize is not claiming anything from, nor any part of Guatemala.
Poets Corner: UN Resolutions By Abdulmajeed K Nunez. The ICJ has no power
To litigate this matter
Unless both Belize and Guatemala
Give them that power
No exchange notes were given to the UN by Guatemala
From 1931 when we were demarcating the border
Their Congress did ratify the matter
Britain was snubbing Guatemala with the compensation section
Then in 1946 they denounced the 1859 Treaty
But claimed the 1931 notes conveniently
This also fell with the 1858 treaty
This UK, Britain, Ireland territorial difference of opinion
Should have no territorial bearing on us as a nation
Belize role was only to do consultation
Channel 7
Faber First, Saldivar Second The campaign to decide on the new First Deputy Leader of the UDP had the intensity and duration of a general election campaign. It went from mid February until the end of May, and in-between, hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on advertising, signage, and wining and dining the UDP's pool of delegates. And it all came down to Sunday at the ITVET compound in Belize City. 7News was there from the polls opened at 9:00 am - until a winner was declared after at 3:30 pm. Jules Vasquez has the full story:...
Patrick Faber strode into the convention under the propulsive percussion of a marching band.
He only needed the votes of 295 delegates to win the first deputy seat, but this is no low-key event, and the prospective winner must also have the appearance of a winner - and so Faber's entrance was calculated as a kind of political carnival.
Patrick Faber, Aspirant - UDP First Deputy:
"While it is a race for the delegates and while yes we go house to house and my constituencies to persuade the delegates to go with us, there is the public sway. We must sway not only the massive of the UDP, but also the wider population, so that they can be convince that we are winning."
Julia Arana Passes, Will Hon. Jose Be Charged? Two months after she was knocked down on April first in Trial Farm Village by Orange Walk South Representative Jose Mai, Julia Arana succumbed to her injuries yesterday. Reports are that Arana was rushed to the Northern Regional in an emergency and pronounced dead on arrival. Today her son, the cyclist Nissan told us that the family is devastated. He says his mother was released from the hospital by doctors on Mother's Day - but she still had pain. He says that her health took a turn for the worse and she died at his home on Sunday morning, just after 10:00.
Julia Arana was 59 and the mother of four. Now that she has died Orange Walk police will have to decide whether to bring charges against Jose Mai. He knocked her down in his Toyota Hilux on the night of Friday April first as she was crossing the highway in Trial Farm.
Today, we got a chance to speak with Jose Mai's attorney, Eamon Courtenay, about the drastic turn of events which could see criminal charges brought against him. Here's what he told us just before the start of news:
Belizeans Caught Fishing In Guate Will Be Deported On Friday night we told you about the eight Belizeans who were arrested by the Guatemalan Navy when they were found on the Punta Manabique Beach in Izabal, Guatemala. Well, the news tonight is that all eight are expected to be deported to Belize by road later this week. This photo was taken this morning at the Belizean Embassy in Guatemala City when the eight were allowed to go there to straighten out their travel documents before they are deported. The Embassy sent this picture and confirmed that they are all in good health. They are accused of fishing in Guatemala, and Punta Manabique is a point diagonally across from Punta Gorda.
PUP to GOB: Recall The Ambassador Last Tuesday, Prime Minister Dean Barrow revoked the 30-day ban on the Sarstoon a few days early. That was a decision which his Cabinet took following bilateral Talks in Istanbul, Turkey between Belize and Guatemala.
That Cabinet release said that the outcome of that meeting was that, quote, "the two sides have informally accepted a situation in which there will be untrammeled traffic for Belize's military and civilians along the Sarstoon." End quote.
Well, on last week Friday, Channel 5 and Krem News tested that this supposed informal agreement which would allow Belizeans to travel the river freely. And, not surprisingly, they were stopped by the Guatemalan military.
So, this agreement appears to have been exposed as nothing more than just diplomatic talk. And the PUP released a statement today to note their concern. Their statement says, quote, "This latest incident is evidence of Guatemalan bad faith which erodes the very limited progress achieved at the bilateral meeting between Belize and Guatemala held in Istanbul, Turkey on 23 May 2016.
Mafia Style Hit At Mile 9 Last week Thursday we told you about the mafia style execution of suspected narco-trafficker Delmar "El Diablo" Guerra. It happened in El Paraiso village in the Corozal district - and cell phone video appearing now shows the gruesome desperation of those moments after he was shot multiple times - and his gun lay on the pavement.
Just 48 hours later, another mafia style strike played out, except this one was in Belize City and it is gang related. 22 year old Michael and 29 year old Richard Wallace along with their friend were shot at 8 times as they drove along the Western Highway. Police say it was a retaliatory attack. But who were the gangs involved? And what message were they trying to send? That's what Courtney Weatherburne found out today.
Saturday was family day at the Belize Central Prison. Many relatives and friends were there to spend some time with their loved ones. Among those families were the Wallace's.
Both Michael and Richard Wallace went to visit their under-aged brother who was charged for murder.
ZIKA: What Health Is Doing In just a few weeks, Belize has confirmed at least two cases of Zika, and very worryingly, the second case is a pregnant woman. Worrying because, if a pregnant woman is infected with the virus, there is a high possibility that her child will be born with microcephaly- a disease associated with incomplete brain development. Today we spoke to CEO Figueroa who gave us a status update on this particular case.
Dr. Ramon Figueroa, CEO, Ministry of Health:
"As far as I remember it's not 100%. There's a very high prevalence of microcephaly as a result of Zika infections. There was initially the notion that is dependent on which trimester the person got infected but more of the data is revealing that all trimesters there is some neurological effect. It could be microcephaly, it could be other developmental issues. What has been proven is that there are certain parts of the brain that the Zika virus tend to have a predilection for affection. It might be minor developmental issues, might be major, so that's what we need to monitor. I know the maternal and child health personnel are monitoring the case. We will be following the Pan American health organization guidelines in terms of doing the ultrasounds to monitor and looking forward to the delivery and following up the child when it is born. There's nothing really you can do except monitor and provide the kind of support and hopefully we don't have major complications at delivery or with the child."
ZIKA Is A Community Concern Now while health authorities have to take a "wait and see" approach in that case, they have to be proactive when it comes to the larger public health threat. So what is the plan? And when can we expect it to start rolling out? Well according to Health CEO Figueroa that plan is already rolling, but the ZIKA fight has to be more than just a Government response.
Dr. Ramon Figueroa, CEO, Ministry of Health:
"The activities continue to be basically the same, heighten surveillance. We continue to do our monitoring, rash and fever illness and taking samples to send to CARPHA for testing and at the same time doing interventions to eliminate the root causes or the root determinants of the disease which is eliminating mosquito breeding sites, cleaning up yards, drains and so on. Over this past weekend on Sunday, was a major activity, the Ministry of Health personnel took together with the city council in Belmopan and the village council in Cotton Tree doing major clean up campaigns. This is the kind of partnership that we want to continue to foster and implement as we address the issue of the breeding sites for the mosquito."
The Renal Failure Fix? Renal or kidney failure, we're seeing it more and more in Belize, as chronic conditions like hypertension and Diabetes become more prevalent. And, the Taiwanese are seeing it in Belize too! That's why the island nation signed Belize up to a $2.2 million US dollar project called the "Renal Failure Prevention Project". The three-year initiative aims at treating patients in the early stages of renal failure.
Today at the Biltmore Plaza, the Taiwanese Ambassador along with members of the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital from Taiwan, presented the Ministry of Health with the first disbursement of $34,500 US dollars in addition to some 100 dialyzers. Minister of State with responsibility for NHI, Primary Health and clinics Dr. Angel Campos was on hand to receive the donations.
Hon. Dr. Angel Campos, Min. State, NHI, Primary Health & Clinics:
"Today we received the first disbursement of $8,500 U.S. Dollars with an additional $26,000 U.S. Dollars. Being disbursed directly for the purchase of a vehicle and a donation of a hundred dialiters to be used for patients presently undergoing dialysis in Belize especially in KHMH and Loma Luz."
Calaney's Court Case Committed Last Wednesday, we told you how the attorney for Calaney Flowers made a submission that she has no case to answer. She's accused of intentionally knocking down and killing her ex-boyfriend, 29 year-old Lyndon Morrison, and seriously injuring his new girlfriend, Sochyl Sosa.
Her attorney, Arthur Saldivar is of the opinion that none of the evidence that the prosecution has submitted against her is enough to prove the charges of murder and attempted murder. Well, today, Justice Troadio Gonzalez returned his ruling on the submission, and he said she does indeed have a case to answer to.
He then outlined a short list of the prosecution's evidence put forward to prove their case against her, and then instructed her and her attorney to prepare a defence for the continuation of the trial.
POLICE FC To Play In Group E, Champion's League The Police United football club is representing Belize in the upcoming 2016-2017 CONCACAF Champions League tournament. Today the club committee of Police United is in Miami for the drawing. It concluded just a few minutes ago, and at the end of it all, Belize's Police United is set to participate in Group E for the first leg of the tournament. In Group E they will be going up against CF Pachuca from Mexico and Club Deportivo Olimpia from Honduras. Each team will be playing four games in all, a home and away game with the other two teams in their respective groups. The winner of each group, based on points, will move on to the next round. Although clearly the underdog in its group, Belize's Police United FC is hopeful that they might make it past this first round.
Vega Walks Away For His Kids' Safety As you saw at the top of the news, the UDP has a new first Deputy Leader - who will soon be named Deputy Prime Minister. That seems to effectively close the chapter on Gaspar Vega's political life. He rose to first Deputy in May, 2006 and exactly 10 years later, in May 2016, he has been replaced by Patrick Faber. And that's just fine by him. On Sunday Vega told us that he walked away from politics for the wellbeing of his children:...
Jules Vasquez:
"I know that we had spoken some months ago and you said that it had gotten so ugly between yourself and Mr. Cervantes. Your kids received threats by texts and they had to be accompanied by security to school. Does that situation still persists and how much of a factor was that in your big decision?"
Hon. Gaspar Vega, Area Rep., OW North
"I think that was the biggest factor. I would always hope that politics never gets to that extreme in Belize. I would never encourage it, because we want to ensure that the democracy and the freedom continues to prevail. I sincerely believe that 15 years of my life for my country - I've paid my dues."
Vega Still Splashed At Special Convention And while Vega won't have to deal with Monchie Cervantez anymore, he's not exactly going "gentle into that good night." On Sunday, his Orange Walk North Constituency represented with the usual largesse, bringing in a massive crowd from the north. We asked him about proportionality and purpose:
Jules Vasquez:
"This morning just looking on and in every constituency, I saw about 5 buses come with Vega flags, but at the end of the day its only 15 people from Orange Walk North and yourself will vote."
Hon. Gaspar Vega, Area Rep., OW North:
"I will tell you, 16 buses came. It's not 5. They want to come, they want to be part of it. It's a family affair."
Is Elodio On Deck In North? And now that Vega is walking away from that family, who will become the big Poppa in the north? With Patrick Faber positioned to take up the party;s leadership in a few years, his closest elected ally in the north is Elodio Aragon Jr. Aragon rode hard with Faber who is also his senior Minister in Youth, Sports and Culture. So we asked if he will get the nod to become the King of The North:...
Jules Vasquez:
"There will be a vacuum for new leadership in the north for the UDP. We have senior ministers in there. But do you feel that since you are the only elected representative from the north who is with Faber, that if he ascends, you will then ascend along with him?"
Hon. Elodio Aragon, Area Rep., OW East:
"Jules, I am here to serve the people. The people have given me an opportunity from Orange Walk East to serve and that is my first priority, is to serve our people in Orange Walk East and to serve this nation. Nobody can promise you anything."
Adios Diane? And while he is not so sure about the north, Aragon does know about NICH. Long time President Diane Haylock is reportedly taking up the diplomatic posting we reported on months ago. On Sunday, Aragon told us that change is the only constant:...
Hon. Elodio Aragon, Area Rep., OW East:
"There is always change. We live in a time where there is always will be change and we are hopeful that the change will be for the better. At this point in time there is nothing that has been confirmed, that Diane will move on. It is something that we are looking at and when that time comes, you will hear from me definitely on what the position is. But at this time I know there have been an offer for her to go to Taiwan and that is yet to be seen, because we haven't gotten anything official. That is where we are at this point in time."
There is no word on when Haylock will be demitting office.
Praying For Peace At Border 10 days ago, we told you how the Belize Council of Churches intended to try its hand at ecclesiastical diplomacy between the churches of Belize and Guatemala. Well on Saturday, May 28, the the National Evangelical Association of Churches, organized its own event, with the same objective.
The NEAB estimates that about 60 to 70 pastors and a total of about 130 people from both Belize and Peten, Guatemala gathered at the OAS Adjacency Zone Office in Benque.
The weekend gathering was a bilingual fellowship of prayer and worship for, quote, "peace, for cooperation, for partnership, and against violence and bloodshed, declaring with authority and calling forth solution to our border conflict and tensions." End Quote.
Melchorenos Protest And while the pastors prayed on Saturday, on Sunday, the people of Melchor protested. The protest was principally against the OAS Adjacency Zone office and the armed forces of Belize for causing the death of 13 year old Carlos Alvarado Ruano. They wanted to go all the way to the adjacency zone office in Belize - which had security forces on standby, but that never happened. We are told they were met by a counter protest representing Melchor business interests who don't want to antagonize or intimidate their Belizean patrons any more. As we've reported, visits to Melchor are way down in the last two months.
Channel 5
Patrick Faber is the U.D.P.’s First Deputy Leader The Big Deal versus the Real Deal – kind of sounds like a WWE Wrestle Mania event, but it wasn’t. The U.D.P. convention on Sunday saw John Saldivar going against [...]
Will Campaign Mudslinging Divide the Party? With the decided underdog declared victorious, it remains to be seen if time will heal the rift between camps. Much of the campaign was heated some of it very pointed [...]
Detained Fishermen Will Be Deported to Belize In our newscast on Friday we reported that eight fishermen had been detained and were being processed by immigration authorities in Guatemala. The group was detained on the beach of [...]
Guatemalans Deny Media’s Account of Sarstoon Incident Guatemala has issued a formal letter of protest to Belize with reference to a trip to the Sarstoon last Friday. Tonight, we can say that Guatemalan Ambassador to Belize Manuel [...]
P.U.P. Calls for Urgent Action by G.O.B. to Assert Sovereignty Based on the incident in the Sarstoon last Friday, today the People’s United Party issued a very strong release demanding that the government, “Act to re-establish full sovereignty and control [...]
Is There Really An Informal Agreement Allowing Free Access to the Sarstoon? There continues to be much reference to what was referred to in a government release last Tuesday as an informal acceptance of a situation in which, “there will be untrammeled [...]
Eamon Courtenay Says No Excuse for Lack of Communication You’ll notice that while Guatemala did not reject the assertion by Minister Elrington, they didn’t accept it either, so therein may lie the confusion. As was stated by Prime Minister [...]
P.U.P. Calls for Competent Team to Handle Belize/Guatemala Matters The P.U.P. release issued today also specifically issues a call for the appointment of a, “national team to competently manage Belize/Guatemala.” So is the P.U.P. saying that the current team [...]
Police Believe Wallace Murder was Retaliation for Murder of GSG Don Police are perplexed over a weekend murder and are putting all the clues together. A white Nissan Altima traveling to Belize City was reportedly trailed by a white Infinity SUV [...]
Gizmo Escapes Death Again There have been numerous attempts on the life of Gion “Gizmo” Bernard, a street figure from the Victoria Street area in Belize City. In the past two weeks, there were [...]
Police Department Bids Farewell to Fallen Cop Police Constable Edwardo Gonzalez was laid to rest this afternoon in Santa Elena, after taking his own life with a firearm while on duty last Wednesday. Gonzalez was stationed at [...]
OW Police Waiting for Results for Post Mortem Examination of Julia Arana Fifty-nine-year-old Julia Arana succumbed over the weekend. She was knocked down by a vehicle in Trial Farm Village on April first and a postmortem exam will determine the cause of [...]
Calaney Flowers Will Stand Trial for Murder It was big news in August, 2012 when Calaney Flowers allegedly rammed a motorcycle ridden by her ex-boyfriend Lyndon Morrison and his new girlfriend Sochyl Sosa. Morrison died from injuries [...]
Family of Lyndon Morrison Satisfied with Judge’s Decision The case has been adjourned till Tuesday, when the defense will present its evidence. The family of Lyndon Morrison was at Court today and told News Five that while they [...]
Shane Gillett Murder Trial Nears Completion The trial by judge without jury case in the murder of eighty-four year old Samuel Price is coming to an end in the courtroom of Justice Adolph Lucas. Price was [...]
Case of Robert’s Grove Vs. Jean Marc Tasse Concludes The case of Robert’s Grove Limited versus Jean Marc Tasse concluded quietly on the Supreme Court of Justice Sonya Young two years after the suit was filed. Hearings and submissions [...]
Evangelists Pray for Peace Between Belize & Guatemala At the political level, there is tension between Belize and Guatemala as relations deteriorate over Guatemala’s assertion that it owns the Sarstoon. But over the weekend, you would not have [...]
Guatemalans Protest in Melchor de Mencos A protest of about five hundred persons was held in Melchor de Mencos which is the nearest community across the western border where Belizeans trek to shop. Initially, Sunday’s protest [...]
Police Destroy Weed and Crack in Bulk The Police Department last Friday morning destroyed a quantity of marijuana and crack cocaine. The drugs went up in smoke at the Tower Hill factory in Orange Walk Town. Eight [...]
Thousands March Against Cancer in Belize City The annual Cancer Walk has been growing over the years, morphing into a powerful voice in the fight against the disease. The trek from Ladyville into the City started early [...]
Sports Monday: Football and Softball Matches Over the Weekend Good evening, I’m James Adderley and this is Sports Monday. We take you out to the MCC Grounds for yesterday’s showdown between West Lake and FC Elite in the [...]
PUP Demands Action From Government Regarding The Sarstoon Issue The People’s United Party is calling on the Government of Belize to adopt a more aggressive and urgent approach to the Sarstoon problem in order to guarantee full Belizean sovereignty and territorial integrity. The demand follows the prevention by Guatemalan naval forces of members of the Belizean media from free passage to and through the Sarstoon River on Friday May 27th 2016 despite an informal agreement reached in Istanbul, Turkey which allows Belizeans free access to Belize’s side of the Sarstoon until protocols are set in place. In the release issue today the PUP demands that the Government of Belize act to reestablish full sovereignty and control over the Belizean internal waters of the Sarstoon River and of Sarstoon Island. The PUP views the presence of Guatemalan forces in Belizean waters as quote “illegal and a blatant violation of Belizean sovereignty.” End quote.
Guatemalan National Protest Against Belize Last week we told you about the talks of a demonstration that was to be held in Melchor De Mencos during the holiday weekend. At the time, the Belizean media was under the impression that it was being organized by the merchants who were feeling the pressure of reduced business caused by Belizeans staying away from the shopping hub. However, reports coming from the Guatemalan press today is that the protest was actually being organized by leaders of the 36 Guatemalan communities along the adjacency zone, and according to the report in ‘La Prensa Libre’ it was a peaceful march that took place yesterday through the principal streets of Melchor. It is reported that the march was attended by about 500 residents, who were also joined by merchants of Melcor, and they marched from the entrance of Melchor de Mencos along the principal streets and concluded at the bridge near the border where they held a number of activities.
PUP Wants Action from the Government Regarding Guatemala’s Consistent Disregard for Bilateral Talks and Agreements The recent talks in Istanbul, Turkey had given hope to not only the leaders of Belize but to some pockets of society when it was announced that a formal agreement would be developed as it relates to the Sarstoon. That hope, however, was short lived and has somewhat diminished when some fellow media colleagues ventured […]
UDP Elects First Deputy Party Leader, Replacing Gaspar Vega The United Democratic Party via a special convention yesterday has filled the seat of its First Deputy Party Leader. Renee Trujillo has the story.
Belize and Guatemala Meet in Prayer This past Saturday, churches from Guatemala and Belize took a different approach to solve the tensions between Guatemala and Belize. In an event called “Operation United in Christ” more than sixty people came together to pray and intercede for the border conflict to be resolved. Pastor Nelson Larios representing the Association Evangelical Ministers of Peten […]
Police Wait on Statements from Witnesses in Weekend Murder On Saturday as a group of men was heading to Belize City from a visit at the Hattieville prison, they came under gun fire around mile eight on the George Price Highway. Three vehicles ambushed their car on the highway which resulted in the death of one of the occupants, Michael Wallace. Police believe that […]
Victoria Street Shooting Leaves Two Nursing Gunshot Wounds A shooting on Saturday night in the old capital has left two persons injured. Just before ten o’clock on Saturday night, Natalie Clare and Gion Bernard were both standing on Victoria Street when they were shot. According an eyewitness, just before Bernard began to walk off, a white car came up the street, stopped in […]
No-Case Submission Rejected for Calaney Flowers Judge Troadio John Gonzalez has rejected the no case submission by attorney Arthur Saldivar who represents Calaney Flowers. Flowers, a former Bank employee is accused of the August 28, 2012 murder of her ex-boyfriend, Lyndon Morrison, and his girlfriend, Sochil Sosa. The two were allegedly run over with a red car driven at the time […]
Cancer Walk 2016 – Another Success Story The Cancer Society of Belize held its annual walk this past weekend. As has been the case over the past few years, the number of participants continue to increase. We have more on the event in this report. AVA DIAZ SOSA “On Saturday morning hundreds of individuals made their way in front of Celina’s on […]
The Future of the UDP With Faber now holding the seat of the right hand man of the UDP’s Party Leader, Dean Barrow, it is left to be seen if he will also be given the posting of Deputy Prime Minister. According to Godwin Hulse, it is not an automatic ascension. GODWIN HULSE “The person becomes the first deputy leader […]
Excessive Monies Spent on UDP Convention …. Acceptable or Not? The last two and a half months came with nothing short of signage, television advertisements and public meetings. The financial resources would have had to be abundant as both candidates seemingly spared no expense in marketing themselves for the seat of their party’s First Deputy Party Leader. The evident spending concerned many and it was […]
Cyclist’s Mother Dies following Accident; Area Representative to Be Charged It made the news back in early April when the mother of cyclist, Nissan Arana was knocked down on the Philip Goldson Highway, in Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk. The man who was behind the wheel of the vehicle that hit Julia Arana was Orange Walk south area representative, Jose Mai. The news is that […]
Corozal Man murdered in Paraiso village Delmar Guerra aka “El Diablo” a resident of San Joaquin Village, Corozal was shot and killed on Thursday evening in the Village of Paraiso Corozal. Police say that Guerra was shot multiple times by two men travelling on a white and blue motorcycle. Guerra he had just parked his white van...
One dead, one survives in separate traffic mishaps Police in Eastern Division Rural say alcohol may have been a factor in the untimely death of a 31 year old man. The traffic accident occurred between miles 13 and 14 on the Phillip Goldson Highway and the deceased has been identified as Ernest Garcia, a coconut harvester. ACP Edward Broaster infor...
Belizean media told to “get out of Guatemalan waters” on the Sarstoon Today reporters from Channel 5 Television, Amandala and Krem Radio and TV took a trip to the Sarstoon to get an “on the ground” firsthand view of what was happening on the river. The Government of Belize, after the return of diplomats from Negotiations in Istanbul, Turkey, issued two pre...
Zachary Knox finally arraigned; Family plans to speak out about alleged police abuse 19 year old Zachary Knox, a resident of Rio Grande Crescent who allegedly fired shots at Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, was charged with aggravated assault and use of deadly means of harm when he appeared today before Magistrate Carlon Mendoza. The charge of aggravated assault wa...
What’s with stevedores’ CBA? Yesterday as we reported, the Christian Workers’ Union (CWU) signed collective bargaining agreements with the Central Bank of Belize and Port Authority. A witness to the signing and the man whose department must ensure that the agreements conform to standards and are properly followed and enforced i...
Huge quantities of drugs destroyed by police It is normally a quiet operation because it involves the movement of a huge quantity of drugs. Today was one of those operations where the Prosecution Branch of the Police Force spent the morning destroying drugs confiscated over a period of time. That drug destruction exercise took place between th...
SUV catches fire in San Ignacio Town A vehicle caught fire right in front of the San Ignacio Police station earlier today . Fire fighters were immediately called to the scene to extinguish the fire that quickly engulfed the SUV. By the time the blaze was extinguished, the vehicle was completely destroyed. Thankfully, no one was injure...
Church Senator reveals thoughts on Belize-Guatemala, police stress On Thursday we spoke with Reverend Senator Ashley Rocke, who represents the churches in the Senate, during the Lunch with a Cop initiative launch at the Ramada Princess Hotel. In addition to getting lunch with a senior police officer, Rocke shared his personal experience meeting with cops at Queen S...
Guatemalans plan protest in adjacency zone for Saturday? There is a circular apparently making its rounds in Melchor and surrounding communities in Guatemala . The notice is a call to protest at the adjacency zone nd says in part, “On behalf of all farmers in 36 communities in the adjacency area of the four municipalities: Melchor de Mencos, Dolores, and ...
Queen Conch Problems In February 2016, an American NGO called “WildEarth Guardians and Friends of Animals” notified US officials of their intention to sue several US Government Departments over their 2014 decision to NOT list the queen conch as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)....
Caribbean Motors introduces new line of vehicle There is a new line of vehicles being introduced officially today into the Country of Belize by Caribbean Motors. The company that brought the Great Wall vehicles to Belize is now introducing their First World vehicles under the brand called HAVAL. Haval produces a full line of first world luxury ve...
Public Service Information Day observed in Belmopan The Ministry of the Public Service and elections and boundaries today celebrated Public Service Information Day with over 20 different public service departments. Information and display booths were set up on the George Brown Field and a portion of the Ring Road. One of the booths on display belonge...
The Reporter
The International Court of Justice The recent escalation of tensions between Belize and Guatemala, especially following the latter’s apparent sidestepping of the confidence building measures, is something for the international economic relations’ textbooks and scholarly journals. Particularly, if the recent reports by the Belizean media of declining bilateral trade in Melchor de Mencos are accurate, then the Guatemalan government has just become a real-time confirmation of what recent international relations research have predicted.
For instance, in a 2015 study by Ryan Brutger and Austin L. Wright, entitled “The Costs of Conflict: Border Disputes and Trade Diversion”, it was found that two things are likely to happen “when a dispute between two states becomes particularly intense”: bilateral trade declines by “an average of 82%”, and it is likely that trade with third party, non-disputing trading partners increases by 2.5%.
Now, let’s be clear here. Brutger and Wright’s 82 percent figure was in respect to monetary losses between the disputing countries. However, it is just noteworthy that last week’s local report suggested that immigration officials have reported “a decrease of 80% in Belizean visitors” to Melchor.
Yes to the ICJ By:Adrian Torres.
Dear Editor,
The Belize Progressive Party’s (BPP) fiery rhetoric provides a necessary spark to the otherwise humdrum political discourse between the two major parties. In fact, it was the specter of the party’s activism that spooked the Barrow administration into enacting the wildly unpopular (and now rescinded) statutory instrument, prohibiting peaceful Belizeans from entering the Sarstoon River.
Yet, while the BPP’s unapologetic patriotism has ensured that the Belize-Guatemala territorial dispute remain at the forefront of our national conversation, the party’s blueprint for a solution is stenciled around a fundamental misunderstanding of international law and its institutions. As such, the BPP’s proposals are not only unworkable in practice, but also dangerous and reckless. Belizeans should not be convinced of its approach.
Breaking Belize News
Police draw Olimpia, Pachuca in Champions League
CONCACAF Champions League debutants Police United F.C. have a tough row to hoe following this evening’s draw in Miami, Florida. Group stage opponents Pachuca of Mexico and Olimpia of Honduras won their league’s respective closing seasons and between them have 12 appearances in the […]
Shane Gillett murder trial reaches climax
In other news from the courts, 30 year old Shane Gillett is to begin giving his defense to Supreme Court Justice Adolph Lucas, who is trying him alone for the murder of 84 year old Samuel Price in April, 2011. The brother of the […]
Ladyville man charged with land pollution
54 year old Pablo Pedro Bernard, an unemployed of corner Marage Road and Compassion Lane, Ladyville, must pay over a thousand dollars in fines for dumping his no longer wanted electronics on private property where garbage should not be collected, despite allegedly having permission. An […]
Cayo police charge two involved in Burns Avenue “video incident”
San Ignacio police are investigating a reported case of police brutality said to involve no less than a relative of the commanding officer for the town, Superintendent Richard Rosado. However, the alleged victim has refused to make an official report, and is now charged along […]
Judge rules Calaney Flowers murder case must continue
This morning at 9 sharp, Judge Troadio “John” Gonzalez made his ruling in a no case submission put forwarded by the attorney of Calaney Flowers, the former Atlantic Bank employee accused of the August 28, 2012 murder of her ex-boyfriend, Lyndon Morrison, and his […]
Belizeans detained by Guatemala to be deported
Eight Belizeans who were detained by Guatemalan authorities for alleged illegal fishing will be deported home later this week. According to a government release, the Belizean nationals were allowed to travel to the Belizean Embassy in Guatemala to facilitate their travel documents, pending deportation […]
Julia Arana dies, Jose Mai may face charges
Fifty-nine-year-old Julia Arana, who was knocked down on April 1 by Jose Abelardo Mai, has died. BBN has been reliably informed that Mai, PUP Orange Walk South Area Representative, may face charges including manslaughter by negligence. It is still unclear, however, whether Arana died of […]
PC Gonzalez laid to rest
Police Constable Eduardo Gonzalez was laid to rest today in his home town, Santa Elena in the Cayo District. PC Gonzalez is survived Errol Gonzalez JR, Orlando Gonzalez, and Neville Gonzalez; Sisters: Nechisha Ginzalez-Crawford, Gia Gonzalez, Raynell Gonzalez, Elisha Gonzales and Edilene Gonzalez. […]
Guatemalans protest “abuse” by Belizean soldiers
Some 500 residents from Melchor de Mencos, Peten, Guatemala staged a protest on Sunday in that community against what they call abuse of Guatemalans by Belizean soldiers along the adjacency zone. They have demanded justice. The residents marched from the entrance of Melchor de Mencos along the […]
Boca’s Restaurant set on fire
It is still unclear to what extent Boca’s Restaurant in San Ignacio, Cayo District, was damaged this morning but it has been confirmed that a fire was intentionally set at its 11th Street location. The restaurant, popularly known for its ceviche, reportedly received some […]
Fair and warm weather to continue
The National Meteorological Service of Belize is predicting sunny skies with a few cloudy spells today and partly cloudy skies tonight with isolated showers. Winds will be blowing from the East to Northeast at 5-15 knots and the sea state will be light chop […]
Still no suspects in execution murder of Delmar Guerra
Delmar Guerra, 37, also known as “El Diablo”, was shot and killed late Thursday afternoon in Paraiso Village, Corozal while he was still in his vehicle. Police report that Guerra was in his parked white van when two persons, clad in black, on a grey dirt bike rode […]
Belize: Xunantunich, NICH and San Jose Succotz
The village of San Jose Succotz is one of the biggest villages in Belize, with a population of around 2,000. This beautiful village is blessed with the clear waters of the Mopan River and the majestic Xunantunich Mayan temples. The National Institute of Culture and […]
Belize Food Tours – Best idea EVER! Have you heard about Belize Food Tours? If you know me, you know my absolute favorite thing is food! So, I was totally jealous of my parents when they told me they were going on a tour of San Pedro all about food! I can’t even tell you how excited I was when Ms. Dora and Mr. Felipe invited me to go too! Mom said I can’t tell you guys too many details about the tour, cause you all have to go check it out for yourselves.
Seriously, you can go to these places all you want, and believe me I’ve been to most of them lots, but you wanna go with Mr. Fel and Ms. Dora cause they have lots of cool info about the food and places. Like I had no idea that the big tree in my grandma’s restaurant was planted on my uncles first birthday! Hello… I practically live there… why didn’t anyone tell me this?
I’m so excited to share my snapchat story about the tour with you cause it’s a little peek at what you can expect on the tour. Don’t tell mom I’m sharing secrets!
Clear signs you have a case of Belize Withdrawal If you’ve been to Belize, chances are, you loved it and miss it from time to time, but sometimes it gets more intense, more than just miss. Some people just do the smart thing and come back and others let the Belize withdrawal set in, for those wondering if we’re talking about you, Here are a few things to look out for!
You know the feeling, you just got back from your trip yesterday, it’s Friday and you haven’t seen your friends for a week. They all ask you what it’s like down here and you answer with just that “It’s great here“. Thay all look on at you bewildered, then you realize “oh wait…I’m back”. but you really didn’t want to be back. Ha!
Central America, Still Caught Up in the Arms Race In this column, Lina Barrantes Castegnaro, executive director of the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, denounces the arms race in Central America and calls for the implementation of the Costa Rica Consensus, which urges rich countries to increase development aid to countries that cut military spending.
SAN JOSE, May 25 2016 (IPS) – The recent announcement of the Nicaraguan government’s 80-million-dollar purchase of 50 Russian tanks caught the attention of the press in Latin America and caused alarm in the international community.
The purchase, not an isolated acquisition, is part of an arms race seen in Latin America in recent years.
The rise in military spending stands in contrast to the realities in a poor region like Central America, where the levels of defence spending are as shocking as the poverty rates.
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported that in 2015, in Belize 1.1 percent of the annual budget (19.6 million dollars) went toward military expenditure, in El Salvador 0.9 percent (223 million), in Guatemala 0.4 percent (274 million), in Honduras 1.6 percent (324 million) and in Nicaragua 0.6 percent (71.6 million).
International Sources
Rich And Adventurous Living In Corozal, Belize It’s a bright Saturday morning a few days before I leave for the States. I always enjoy this time of day before a trip to visit family… it’s the perfect opportunity to sit in a favorite diner, June’s Kitchen, for breakfast and reflect on experiences and adventures I’ve had in Belize. I take these memories back to my family to share some tidbits of my new, exciting life with them.
This breakfast spot, June’s, is a popular one, located just a few blocks off the main street of Corozal. Most mornings, expats and locals alike stop in here to greet, dine, and meet new people. The ambiance is serene… outside is a garden full of various tropical plants—it’s pleasing knowing that the fruits on your plate are fresh, growing right outside. Not once have I been disappointed by a meal served to me here. This day, in particular, I ordered pancakes and sausage—the breakfast was huge, accompanied by a whole banana and slices of papaya, cantaloupe, and watermelon. It may have been quite the plate, but I let none of it go to waste.
Caribbean urged to brace for more hurricane activity this year A two-day Caribbean Regional Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF) began here yesterday with the region being told to brace itself for a wetter than usual season and chances of more hurricane activity this year than in the past five years.
Climatologist with the Dominica Meteorologist Service (DMS) Annie Carrette-Jospeh, who presented the Wet/Hurricane Season Outlook for 2016, said that between the period June and August, there would also be a gradual drought alleviation across the region and that “surface water reservoirs will recharge, there will be soil moisture replenishment and an increase in river flow”.
She predicted that water shortage-related problems in agriculture will disappear in many places and that “where it has not already started, the wet season may start abruptly in June”.
The outlook noted that the second half of the wet season will be wetter or unusual in countries like Belize and the Leeward Islands with Carrette-Joseph warning that “moist conditions may favour mosquito breeding”.
Caribbean countries expanding share in US$130 billion global seafood market Caribbean economies are poised to benefit from a region-wide initiative to expand seafood market share, through the implementation of food safety measures to enable countries to get a bigger piece of the global pie, worth an estimated US$130 billion annually. Caribbean countries, including the Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, are now capitalizing on a coordinated approach to broaden the gateway to the growing market. CARIFORUM (CARICOM and the Dominican Republic) now exports about US$400 million worth of fish and seafood annually.
Belize and Jamaica are two Caribbean seafood exporters already tapping into markets controlled by the European Union (EU)—a tough market to access because of stringent standards which require that countries have systems in place to ensure that their exports are not only safe for consumption but also free from harmful pests and pathogens.
In the case of Belize, which has traditionally exported shrimp to the EU, it is moving to export conch to that market for the first time, according to Endhir Sosa, Senior Food Safety Inspector, Belize.
Howler monkeys love flowers!, 1min. Yucatan black howler monkeys are herbivorous, with a highly specialized gut that is able to make the maximum use of the leaves they eat. In rehab here at Wildtracks, we help them build their foraging skills through enrichment, encouraging them to hunt to find their favourite leaves and flowers from the bamboo holders provided.
Belize 2016, 4.5min.
Belize 2016, 5min. Our week long trip to Caye Caulker, Belize
Belize 2016, 3min. Nice video!
Belize May Program 2016, 5min. Oldfield School May Program, Belize.
Kaitlin Michaels- Belize, 5min.
Belize, 9min.
Diving in Belize, 15min. Hamanasi Adventure and Dive Resort. 40th Birthday gift from my wife. Thanks Mahal!
Belize - MSSU 2016, 4min. Missouri Southern State University Biology Department Study Abroad with Dr. Wells and Dr. Schlink May 2016
Belize Adventure Honeymoon - December 2015, 3.5min.
May 30, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Letter to the Editor: The Catholic Church needs a reform Dear Editor:
For years the only option there was in San Pedro was the Catholic Church. Many people go there for a sense of community and to listen to the priest’s homily for some food for though. It is not that simple, they also use what is considered horrible tactics. They tell you about this amazing creator who created the world and is responsible for everything.
From a very young age your parents do not take the time to tell you why the skis is blue or why is water wet, yes why is water wet. It may sound like a kid thing to say but do you know why water is wet? Parents gave their kids a lazy and unintelligent answer, “God made it that way”. When they grow up they will be un-empathetic because when they see a poor family they will say “God made that that way”.
The Bible says poor people are blessed in spirit. It won’t tell you what happens to such a family when the oldest brother beats up the middle brother because he is emotionally stressed. The youngest brother is grown scared of the world because their mom listened to the words of the priest and neglected her kids. She believed him. A him – what advice can a man give a woman on how to be a good mother. The clear answer is NONE. That is right there are no female priests because the church is misogynistic.
Wolfe’s Woofer: How to Bargain “Can you watch your grandkids for awhile this afternoon?” Melody asked.
“If I get back in time,” I told her. “I have something I’m trying to do.”
“What do you have to do?”
“If I get back in time,” I said. “I’m trying to buy a golf cart. If this guy drops the price by $1,500 I’ll have enough cash to buy it today.”
At the golf cart shop the owner said, “I can’t drop the price from $8,000.”
“I’ll give you cash right now,” I said. “$6,500.”
“No. Price is firm,” he said.
Island teachers graduate from Galen University The San Pedro Sun joins the community in applauding all of the teachers that graduated from Galen University on Sunday, May 22nd. Of the 99 graduates from Galen this year, 75 students earned their degrees in primary education. A special congratulation goes out to Principal Roxani Kay from the San Pedro Roman Catholic School (SPRCS) for graduating Summa Cum Laude. Also graduating from SPRCS was Roberto Gongora (Magna Cum Laude), Diana Uh and Yvonne Gonzalez (Cum Laude). Jamira Tillet from the Holy Cross Anglican School, Elizabeth Sansores and Miguel Angel Hernandez from the New Horizon Seventh-day Adventist School were also among the many graduates of Galen’s 13th Commencement Exercises.
Doctor Love: Not Sure and Ex-wife Dear Doctor Love,
My boyfriend and I split up after three years together. At the time we were going through some really tough times. He was in the middle of changing jobs he had a lot of family problems with health and with visitation with his son. I waited to tell him about our financial troubles until things got so bad that I had to let him know. He split telling everyone that I lied about our money situation even though I was only trying to keep him from feeling bad. I am still paying off debts.
Now he is back with me but he still has not told his friends about us. He does not help with the back bills. I think he is too embarrassed or something. He does swear he loves me.
What should I do when the man I love keeps me as a secret?
/s/ Not Sure
Misc Belizean Sources
The Expo Tattoo Belize activities continue today at the SPHS Auditorium Yesterday was is more of the same!
Job Vacancies at BEL 2 vacancies exist at the San Pedro and Dangriga Branches of Belize Electricity Limited for the post of Customer Care Representative II in the Customer Care Department.
Walk for a Green Belize 2016 Statistics The DoE has released the stats from the Walk for a Green Belize that was carried out last week. Thanks to all the great supporters and volunteers that cleaned up an amazing 785 bags of trash from the highways. Almost 5 tons was collected. If everyone could show their appreciation by never littering again, more important volunteer initiatives could be undertaken.
"An estimated 785 (33 to 55 gallon-sized) bags of garbage were collected yielding a weight of approximately 9,806.56 pounds of garbage! The Walk For A Green Belize clean-up activity was conducted by several organizations, students, activists, both government and non-government agencies, and the general public. The Secretariat for the 'Walk for a Green Belize' initiative extends heartfelt gratitude to all the participants and sponsors of the event and we look forward to your support and participation in the 'Walk for a Green Belize' 2017."
Galen University 2016 Graduation Congratulations, Galen graduates! They had 99 new graduates at this year's graduation. This was the first time they had Elementary Education, and Criminal Justice majors.
In related news, Galen has a great promo video about their university.
"Galen celebrated with 99 graduates from the Faculty of Arts & Science, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship, and the Faculty of Education. Our first ever Elementary Education and Criminal Justice graduates graced us on Sunday. Congratulations Galen Eagles! Continue to soooooooooooooooar and make us proud."
Five baby parrots found themselves at BBR this week. Sad stories as always. They are all white-fronts which is good for us and for them as they can grow up together.
Two of the chicks were in a felled tree - a sibling did not survive the impact but thankfully the two survivors were discovered and taken to the Wildlife Clinic for a check-up and a watchful eye for a few days while their bruises healed.
The other three were removed from their nest by the Forest Department. A concerned resident contacted the officers and explained that the nest was always poached.
Thankfully they are all in good health and will have intact wing feathers once they fledge.
Turtle nesting season has started in Ambergris Caye 2016 Total of 3 Loggerhead turtle nests; 2 in Basil Jones and 1 in Rocky point Beach.
Channel 5
Patrick Faber is the new First Deputy Leader of the United Democratic Party After counting concluded just after 3:00pm today, Faber had received 336 votes. His opponent, John Saldivar, received 248 votes. We'll have highlights of the Convention in Monday's newscast.
The Reporter
Faber wins UDP deputy leadership comfortably over Saldivar Patrick Faber, the Minister of Education has won the deputy leadership of the ruling United Democratic Party (UDP) comfortably over John Saldivar, the Minister of National Security and only other contender in the race.
Faber won by 88 votes with a final tally of 336 to 248 with one spoilt ballot. Some 585 delegates voted during a party convention at the IT-Vet building on Freetown Road in Belize City. Voting started at 9:00 a.m., and ended at 2:30 p.m., Sunday.
Faber held a dinner and reception for his supporters at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel on Saturday night to thank his supporters.
Taiwan to hand over first disbursement of renal failure prevention initiative to Belize Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Benjamin Ho, will hand over his government’s first disbursement to the Ministry of Health for the Renal Failure Prevention Project and the Medical Skills Cooperation Agreement on Monday.
This is a three-year initiative with a budget of around US $ 2.2 million, for which Taiwan will provide health education training and education for general practitioners, dialysis nurses, and other health personnel.
It also includes the training of two nurses in Taiwan, the purchase of a vehicle to be used for the program, and the establishment of a tracking and management system for chronic disease cases treated in public medical facilities.
During the handing-over ceremony, the chief of Taiwan delegation, Fang-Yue Lin, who is the President of Far Eastern Memorial Hospital in Taiwan, will donate 100 dialyzers of hemodialysis to the Ministry of Health.
Breaking Belize News
Faber sworn in as new UDP First Deputy
The official numbers from yesterday’s United Democratic Party (UDP) First Deputy Leader convention held at the ITVET campus in Belize City are in. According to UDP Chairman Alberto August, of the possible 589 delegates on the voting list, 585 ballots were cast. Of those cast, […]
Patrick Faber is new UDP Deputy Leader
Initial reports from the United Democratic Party (UDP) Deputy Leadership convention held this afternoon at the ITVET campus in Belize City indicates that Patrick Faber has beaten John Saldivar for the party’s number two spot. Faber reportedly beat Saldivar by 88 votes. The total numbers haven’t […]
Have diplomatic relations failed Belize?
As the tension between Belize and Guatemala has ramped over the last year-and-half, and as it climaxed with the death of 13-year-old Julio Alvarado, Belize’s government has sought diplomatic means of easing that tension but Guatemala seems resolved to continue creating friction. This has been […]
Guatemalans protest at the Western Border
Credible information reaching Breaking Belize News is that Guatemalans in the neighboring town, Melchor de Mencos, organized a peaceful demonstration this morning at the Western Border. Information is sketchy but BBN personnel is currently on the ground gathering more information as to why the peaceful demonstration […]
UDP to elect first deputy leader today
Just over 700 delegates are to decide today by secret ballot which of National Security Minister John Saldivar and Education Minister Patrick Faber succeed Gaspar Vega as first deputy leader of the United Democratic Party. The two powerful Ministers have been fighting tooth and nail […]
Living an Affordable Beach Lifestyle in Placencia, Belize With 17 miles of continuous golden-sand beaches, a low key, laidback Caribbean lifestyle, a small population, and plenty of top notch restaurants and funky beach bars, it’s not surprising that expats are pulling up stakes to move to Belize’s Placencia peninsula…
In February of 2014 Laura and Dave Diffendal left Cleveland, Ohio, for Placencia Village. They now live an entirely different lifestyle, as Laura explains, “Exactly two years ago, I was sitting on my couch in snowy Cleveland. Now we’re having weekly adventures, spending days on the beach, afternoons in farmers’ markets, and living a life we would only have tried out on vacation once a year if we had stayed back home.”
Although quite comfortable in Cleveland, the Diffendals were ready for a change. “We both had the itch,” Laura says. “We wanted to push ourselves…experience new cultures…and get out of the north-east winters!”
They traveled around Belize, seeking a new home. “We searched all over the country for something that felt like the right fit. The second we started driving down the Placencia peninsula, we looked at each other and said—‘This is it!’ It felt like home. The sparkling Caribbean on one side, Maya mountains and lagoon on the other, real estate right on the beach. Perfect!”
Belize Lobster Fest 2016 is here With the month of June fast approaching, Belizeans across the country are making plans to attend this year’s Lobster Fest events in either San Pedro, Placencia or Caye Caulker, as visitors from across the globe make their way to the country to partake as well.
The world renowned Lobster Fests are scheduled this year for June 15-26 in San Pedro Town, June 24-26 in Placencia and July 1-3 in Caye Caulker, when thousands of people will flock those destinations for delicious grilled lobsters and endless activities.
These events give locals and foreigners a chance to taste an array of lobster dishes while mingling with fishermen and learning the methods used to catch the tasty crustacean.
Some of the most popular attractions to our Lobster Fests, promise to be even more exciting this year, such as water sports, the beach parties, Miss Lobster Festival Queen Competition, lobster eating competitions, biggest lobster catch competition and live cultural music.
Ways working Moms can maintain a healthy lifestyle When I became a mother, I grappled with creating balance in my life. How was I supposed to maintain a healthy lifestyle? How was I supposed to go to work, take care of a baby, be a wife and cook dinner all in the same day? On top of that, when I looked in the mirror, I still looked like I was 3 months pregnant.
Apparently, the baby weight hurdle is an issue that affects many women and their goals to a healthy lifestyle. I realized this when I would complain to my friends, family and co-workers who relayed their own horror stories of their inability to lose the weight after having their babies.
“After you have a baby, you end up putting everyone before yourself,” my friend Jenna explained as she chased behind her 3 year old son who decided that he did not want to wear pants on that particular day. “You make sure the baby is ok, that your other kids have eaten dinner and that you’re a good employee at work. By the time you put the kids to sleep at night, you barely have energy to take a shower much less jump on an exercise machine. You go to sleep disgusted with yourself dreaming that the baby weight would magically melt off. And it doesn’t.” But there are several things that you can do to make today healthier than yesterday and pave the way to a healthy lifestyle.
Belize Food Tours…A Must-Do Tour on Every San Pedro Visitors’ List After you take the Belize Food Tours…with a walk around town, interesting historical tidbits, stories of growing up in San Pedro and a TON of food and drink….you’ll feel like you know this town. But first, the secret is out of the bag, the creators of this new business are Felipe Paz and Dora Paz Guerra, a brother-sister team who grew up on the island. Guess who are the siblings here.
All invitees met at 11:30am in Central Park. They will be doing both lunch and dinner tours and will keep the groups more manageable in this busy town. 8 people maximum. But for the press tour, we were a bit more.
Meet Felipe, the guide…
And equally lovely but a bit more behind-the-scenes, Dora. The umbrellas are a great idea under the mid-day sun.
I met Don, a Belize City native and very enthusiastic eater and drinker, who won the chance to join the tour on Facebook. Super cool guy.
And we are off! Our first stop, one of the oldest restaurants in San Pedro, Elvi’s Kitchen. Started by Miss Elvi as a burger shack under a flamboyant tree that she planted for the birth of her first grandson, it has grown into a wildy popular restaurant.
International Sources
Belize’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Pat Andrews? Patrick Andrews was appointed in May 2015 to be Belize’s ambassador to the United States and the Organization of American States. It’s the first such posting for Andrews, who spent his career as a banker.
Andrews attended Kansas State University, graduating in 1973 with a B.S. in economics. He went to work shortly thereafter for the Bank of Nova Scotia, which later become known as Scotiabank. Andrews worked in Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, Grenada, Costa Rica, Canada and El Salvador for the bank before being named country manager for Belize in 2002. While running Scotiabank’s operations in Belize, Andrews was involved in several charities benefiting the country’s children.
Andrews does have some experience with the diplomatic service; in 2007, he was named Canada’s honorary consul in Belize. In 2014, Andrews was honored by Queen Elizabeth II as a Member of the British Empire (MBE) for his services to community and banking.
Andrews’ brother Joseph was a long-time party official in the ruling United Democratic Party. His nephew, Patrick Jason Andrews, is also involved in the country’s politics but as a senator in the rival Peoples United Party, and was a television host.
Andrews and his wife, Chita, have a son and a daughter. Andrews speaks English and Spanish.
Caribbean expanding share in multi-billion dollar global seafood market Caribbean economies are poised to benefit from a region-wide initiative to expand seafood market share through the implementation of food safety measures to enable countries to get a bigger piece of the global pie, worth an estimated US$130 billion annually.
Caribbean countries, including The Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, are now capitalising on a co-ordinated approach to broaden the gateway to the growing market.
CARIFORUM, which comprises the 15-member Caribbean Community (Caricom) and the Dominican Republic, now exports about US$400-million worth of fish and seafood annually.
Belize and Jamaica are two Caribbean seafood exporters already tapping into markets controlled by the European Union (EU), a tough market to access because of stringent standards which require that countries have systems in place to ensure that their exports are not only safe for consumption, but also free from harmful pests and pathogens.
Common plant could help fight Zika virus erouen Paul Lumabao, 17, discovered that an extract of the garden croton, or Codiaeum variegatum, kills larvae of the mosquitoes that can carry dengue, Zika and more. Substances in a common plant can kill larvae of the mosquito that helps spread the viruses that cause Zika, chikungunya and dengue fever. That's the discovery of a teen from the Philippines. His research may help public health officials develop a way to slow the spread of those deadly diseases. It also may give homeowners hints about how to home-brew their own mosquito-killing cocktail.
Dengue (DEN-gay) virus is a leading cause of illness and death throughout the tropics and subtropics. The disease is spread by the Aedes aegypti (AY-dees Eh-JIP-tye) mosquito. Dengue causes high fevers, severe headaches and joint pain, among other symptoms. With no vaccine to prevent it, up to 400 million people contract dengue each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than one-third of all people on the planet live in areas at risk of this infection.
Wow Victer Max was an incredible spectacle at the Expo Tattoo Belize, 10sec.
Super Victer Max, 1/2min.
Victer Max Freak Show!!, 1/2min.
The Jungle and Ocean of Belize, 6min.
Loyd Hamilton - Dive Compilation - Belize May-2016, 14min. Had a great time diving the Week with Aggressor Fleet in Belize. This was a birthday present from my family!
Belize CHW Spot, 3min. Spot promoting Community Health Workers of Belize and their work to improve Mother & Child health care in Communities and Villages of Belize.
Belize 2016, 10min. Vídeo sobre: Belize 2016
Belize Defence Force (BDF) New Bell UH-1 Helicopters, 2min. The government of Taiwan delivered two medium helicopters Bell UH-1H Iroquois to the Belize Air wing component.
The two helicopters had arrived by sea to the port of Belize in January, and have been worked on since them to get them to flying condition, and this weeks ceremony marks the completion of that phase. The Hueys are now carrying local serials BDF-11 and BDF-12
Belize 2016, 6min. Fourteen classmates and I traveled to Belize with two of our professors. Here are some of the highlights from our week long adventure!
Belize 2016, 15min. Snorkeling in/around the Hol Chan Marine Reserve (Caye Caulker) and the Gladden Spit and Silk Cayes Marine Reserve (Placencia). May 18-26th, 2016.
Belize 2016, 13min. Lauren, Dani, Gordon, Pricilla, and Nick in the rainforest, caves, beaches, and sea of Belize for Lauren's birthday. April 13-18, 2016.
Belize Off Grid Family Life Video Complete, 6min. A small house with a farm on 1/2 acre in a farm community. Includes Rain Catchment, small solar setup, septic. The community is gated. High Spped Internet connection available.
May 29, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Traffic issues on Northern Ambergris Caye Road to be addressed With the upgrade of the Northern Ambergris Caye road, several issues have arisen, the most prominent being speeding. This past year saw the pavement of three miles of road from the Sir Barry Bowen Bridge to Belizean Shores Resort, as well as the widening of four miles of road from Belizean Shores to Blue Reef Resort. The improved accessibility for vehicular traffic is resulting in speeding and at time, reckless driving which can result in serious accidents.
Most recently, The San Pedro Sun was made aware of a damaged utility pole in the Grand Belize Estates Area, which was allegedly broken by a reckless dump truck. This is only one of many reported incidents.
MOE seeks to motivate unqualified teachers In February 2016, the Ministry of Education (MOE) implemented new standards that has affected a large sector of both primary, and secondary school teachers’ countrywide. MOE’s announcement was geared at teachers who did not have the necessary qualifications to teach in Belize, with hopes to strengthen the education system by pressuring teachers to become better qualified to educate the country’s youth. As the following academic year approaches, up to a thousand teachers are at risk of losing their job if they do not meet the requisites to obtain a full teaching license. Minister of Education, Honorable Patrick Faber states that only about 40% of primary school teachers and 31% of secondary school teachers are actually qualified to be educators. The Education Act Chapter 36 of the Laws of Belize Revised Edition 2000, states that primary school teachers should be trained to at least an Associate level, while secondary school teachers would need to have at least a Bachelor’s degree in a specific subject/field with background in pedagogical skills. Faber explained that once a teacher’s provisional license expires, they will be in violation of section 29 (9) of the Education and Training Act 2010, and cannot be legally employed by the ministry. This policy will apply to both public and private schools.
Growing concerns over illegal garbage dumping Residents of Northern Ambergris Caye are concerned over the illegal dumping of garbage on vacant lots near residential areas. The neighbourhood affected this time is a small sub-division that sits near a newly re-opened resort located seven miles north of Sir Barry Bowen Bridge.
The issue has been noted by the local residents for over a week. Residents claim that some other properties in that area are also engaged in illegal dumping. They are frustrated, as there is no official dump site or drop off area for the residents living on the north of the island. The garbage is not only an eyesore, but serves as a breeding ground for rodents and other pests which is unhealthy for all the residents of the area, including guests at the nearby resort. Deputy Mayor Gary Greif indicated they were recently made aware of the situation and are working to solve it. He admitted that the illegal dumping is a continuous issue that affects the entire island, and they need everyone to cooperate with The San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) in order punish the culprits. “We have teamed up with the Ministry of Health in order to target this issue,” said Greif.
‘Top Million Dollar Agent’ TV show seeks homes on Ambergris Caye Sandy Point Real Estate is putting the island’s name in the international spotlight. The well- known Real Estate Company is now making a call to island residents that have property/houses on the island valued at no less than $US1 million dollars to apply for a feature in an international reality TV show.
Director of Investments at Sandy Point, Daniel Hartin says that this is another effort in the international marketing of Ambergris Caye and Belize. According to him, “Top Million Dollar Agent,” a reality TV show that showcases the best in luxury real estate, would like to film one of their episodes on Ambergris Caye. “They are looking for potential homes to feature on their show, and the only requirement is that the estate be valued at $1 million or more. These homes will receive international exposure to tens of millions of people, which may result in a sale,” said Hartin. The show airs in North America and Asia, featuring knockout properties from around the world.
Miss SPHS Faith Noel seeks to improve her school Recently crowned Miss San Pedro High School (SPHS) 2016-2017, Faith Noel, has taken on two projects to better her educational institution. Faith believes that there is more to being a beauty ambassador of the school, and as such wants to give back to the community. Her projects involve providing new backpacks for SPHS’s less fortunate, as well as the installation of new lunch seating areas for the school’s growing population.
The first project involves collecting new school bags for those who may not be able to afford one. Once she collects the desired amount of bags, Faith intends to give them to the school’s counselor, who will then decide on the students to benefit from them. These backpacks will be given to the student under complete privacy. So far, Faith has collected 30 backpacks, and is hoping to at least triple that amount by July 2016.
The other part of her project seeks to install five new lunch palapas on the school’s campus. Currently the school has two lunch palapas, which along with a sitting area, are not enough to comfortably accommodate all students during lunch time. Many students either have to eat their lunch in the bleachers of the Angel Nuñez Auditorium or in their classroom, which is not ideal. These five new palapas will provide added seating space for students. Construction of each lunch palapa is estimated to cost $900, and so far Sandy Point Real Estate has donated one palapa.
Misc Belizean Sources
BELIZEAN GARIFUNA SCHOLAR EGBERT HIGINIO! Belizean Garifuna professor of Philosophy at San Jose State University in Oakland, California, Egbert Higinio, appeared in full force at the Garifuna International Film Festival on Saturday, May 28, 2016 in Venice, California to moderate the International Discussion Symposium on Human Right Violations Against Indigenous Cultures. A Belizean brother whom has been a great friend of yours truly for some years now, was most impressive in terms of the justice he gave to such a humanistic topic whereby allowing the voices of all the messengers of the indigenous and oppressed peoples represented by a panel of a wide cross cross-section of cultures to speak. We appreciate you brother Egbert, and for your not forgetting to champion and standing up for Belize against the Guatemalan military aggression of Belize. Respect soldier!
RECEIVING THE VISIONARY AWARD AT THE GARIFUNA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL! It has been an exciting and thrilling moment for me at the Garifuna International Film Festival (GIIF). An awaken three days of breathtaking scenes and events in film, touching stories, and meeting passionate people who were able to present the stories of their lives, and their peoples lives through this very dynamic film festival organized by two outstanding people and their team, the culturally conscious Garifuna woman, Freda Sideroff, and her most supportive partner and husband, Dr. Stephen Sideroff.
This photo essay here expresses one of the most thrilling and gratifying moments in my life in being awarded the Garifuna International Film Festival's Visionary Award for my work as a documentary filmmaker, and one who has dedicated a great part of my life in championing the cause and the struggles of the Belizean people at home and abroad.
It was an honor for me to accept such token of appreciation from a film festival that was built from the bottom up by a visionary Belizean woman, Freda Sideroff, who is also a passionate diaspora Belizean that takes her Garifuna culture and country Belize in a very serious way.
"Taliban Birder" :> Police are looking for this individual known in the streets as the "Taliban Birder". He was last seen terrorizing tourists at the entrance to Hopkins while they were en route to MangoFest2016. He is armed with a long range 60X Swarovski Scope and a semi-automatic 8x42 XC Steiner Binos, and highly skilled with them. Do not try to stop him or get between him and a "life bird", the consequences could be brutal. If seen, please call your nearest Police Station.
Hopkins Mango Festival 2016 Lots of photos!
Cost of botched 2002 airport deal – US$4.3 mil, plus interest The Government of Belize has lost its legal battle in the US Court of Appeal, District Court of Columbia, against Newco, a company which had sued the Government to enforce a US$4.26 million arbitration award handed down in June 2008 in Miami over the termination of a 30-year contract to run the Philip Goldson International Airport – the country’s only international airport.
The award was issued with 8% interest compounded, which means that the Government could be on the hook for at least US$3 million more. To date, we have been unable to get an official figure from the Ministry of Finance.
The group of US-based investors who had established Newco in Belize in 2002, had originally threatened to sue for US$33 million, challenging a decision by the then administration of Said Musa to instead offer the concession deal (via a management agreement) to a consortium known as the Belize Airport Concession Company (BACC).
Istanbul UN meeting produces “nothing definite” on Sarstoon As we go to press tonight, there is still no formal accord between Belize and Guatemala coming out of bilateral talks recently held between Belize and Guatemala in Istanbul, Turkey, on the occasion of a United Nations meeting.
However, in a joint statement released on Tuesday, May 24, at the conclusion of those talks, the parties indicated that Foreign Affairs ministers from both sides “recognized the urgent need for and committed to working on the design and development of a mechanism for cooperation in the Sarstoon River…”
The joint statement added that the mechanism “should include the participation of relevant institutions of both parties and be coordinated by both Foreign Ministries with the participation of the Organization of American States.”
Guat car thief captured in Melchor Esdras Chaneck, 21, a taxi driver of Benque Viejo Del Carmen, was held up and robbed by two bandits, believed to be Guatemalans, at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon in Calla Creek, Cayo District.
The thieves robbed Chaneck of his wallet, which contained $200, his Social Security card, his driver’s license, his S4 Digicell phone with chip # 626-6977, and a memory chip valued at $700. The car the bandits stole is a Toyota Corolla valued at $10,000.
Benque Viejo police were quickly alerted, and they notified their counterparts in Guatemala, the Melchor De Mencos police, who began an investigation and looked for the stolen vehicle in that town.
“El Diablo” shot dead in Paraiso The peace and tranquility of Paraiso was shattered this afternoon as a pair of gunmen who were lay-waiting a man came out of hiding and opened fire on him as he was just getting out of his van at about 4:30 this afternoon in front of a house in the village.
One of the two gunmen fired about 10 shots at Delmar Guerra, 37, who is also referred to as Delmar Tun, and is known as “El Diablo,” of San Joaquin, Corozal District.
Guerra suffered multiple gunshot wounds, and his assailants left the scene on a motorcycle. Guerra was rushed to the Corozal Town Hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival. His body has been deposited at the morgue where it will undergo a mandatory postmortem exam.
Police said that Guerra had been shot in the abdomen, chest, arm pit and arm. A firearm was found on the scene, but it cannot yet be ascertained if it belongs to Guerra or to the killers. Police said that the motive for the execution is not yet known.
Evergreen hauls Belize Bank and others before US Federal Court On the 13th of May, the legal dispute in which Belize Bank International and Evergreen E-Pay Solutions Inc. have been embroiled, flared up again. In 2015, the legal wrangling between the two entities took place in the Supreme Court of Belize, where Evergreen was successful in getting the court to order Belize Bank to issue a payout to the company; then on the 3rd of February 2016, Belize Bank presented an appeal. Now, the battle will play out in the United States’ Federal courts.
On Friday, May 13, in Miami, Florida, Evergreen (an e-commerce business) filed a federal law suit alleging that Visa International had permitted three banks in Belize to process international transactions despite not having proper licensing. The case, assigned to US District Judge Donald Graham, includes serious allegations such as fraud, breach of contract, negligence, and business defamation. Evergreen’s current complaint against Visa and Belize’s “Defendant Banks” includes 21 counts. It also makes claims against specific persons, and makes allegations of constant lies and threats of violence by some of these individuals.
Some Belizeans feel more threatened by violent crime than Guatemala’s aggression towards Belize The majority of Belizeans are more concerned about crime at home than the Guatemalan threat at the border, a recent informal poll conducted by Amandala revealed.
Amandala questioned approximately 50 people to get a sense of what people were thinking — which of the situations pose a greater threat to them: the threat to our territorial integrity by Guatemala with the incidents that have been taking place at the Sarstoon and the Chiquibul reserve, near our border, or the crime in the country, which has escalated alarmingly, with an ongoing sequence of murders that shows no signs of ceasing.
The small poll revealed that twenty-eight persons felt that a greater threat was posed by crime within the country, while only thirteen felt that the greater threat was from the border with Guatemala. Eight people felt it was both – the Guatemala threat, and crime.
Rural Female Softball Tournament in full swing The Belize Rural Female Softball Tournament 2016 is in full swing, with 4 games being played each Sunday, 2 games each at two different venues. The 8 participating teams are separated into two divisions, Division A and Division B. Division A, teams are Lords Bank Sunrise (Lords Bank), UB Jaguars (Belmopan), Exotic Girls (Hattieville) and Orchid Girls (Burrell Boom); and Division B teams are Double Head Cabbage (Double Head), Easy Does It (Flowers Bank), Beverly Hill Flams (Lords Bank) and Arrows (Bermudian Landing).
In game 1 on Sunday, May 22, at Double Head Cabbage, Orchid Girls won, 14-3, over Exotic Girls, behind winning pitcher, Therese Baptist; while Iceany Baptist got the loss. And in game 2, it was UB Jaguars, 11-4, over Lords Bank Sunrise. Karlene Williams was the winning pitcher for UB, while Karen Hilton suffered the loss.
Dangriga sports stats U-15 football: Here are the results from the Dangriga Boys & Girls, Griga Yaad Cleaning and Mr. Mar U-15 finals on Monday at the Ecumenical football field. Third place went to 3G by default due to no show by Umadagu. In the championship finals, Wagiya won over Hopkins, 2 goals to nil. Max Mackin, Jr. and Brian Guzman got 1 apiece for Wagiya. Congratulations to Wagiya U-15 team!
U-18 football: The U-18 tournament is coming up, and there is a meeting for all captains, coaches and managers of U-18 teams in the Stann Creek District today, Thursday, at Princess Royal BTL Park.
Primary school football: The Stann Creek District Primary School Football District Finals is all set and ready for today, Thursday, at the Ecumenical football field, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Football update from Orange Walk 5-A-Side football: Here are some results from the 5-A-Side Football Tournament being played at the People’s Stadium every Tuesday and Thursday night in two divisions, Interoffice and Open.
On Thursday, May 19, in game 1, (Open) Stadium Strikers clipped San Fran, 1-0, on a goal by Zacarias Gonzalez. In game 2, (Interoffice) Cuello’s dropped Odett’s, 3-2. Cuello’s goals were by Antonio Sabido (2) and Robi Cuello, while both Odett’s goals were by Mauricio Estrada. And in game 3, (Open) Landy’s won, 1-0, over Minions, with a goal from Gabriel Perez.
In game 1 on Monday, May 24, (Open) Aquarius and Heart N Soul drew, 3-3, in regulation, but Aquarius won, 5-4, in penalty shootout. Goals in regulation were by Luis Carrillo (2) and Rafael Suarez for Aquarius, and by Mauricio Estrada (2) and Hugo Estrada for Heart N Soul. In game 2, Landy’s got the 3-0 win over San Fran, with goals from Gabriel Perez and Enrique Castillo (2). And game 3 saw Stadium Strikers edge Okay Bye, 1-nil, on a goal by Carlos Diaz.
Primary school football finals in San Jose Succotz Zone primary school football finals were held in San Jose Succotz on Thursday, May 19, for male teams only. Participating primary schools were Howard Smith Nazarene, Victorious Nazarene, Succotz RC, Mt. Carmel RC, La Inmaculada RC (Arenal), Holy Cross RC (Calla Creek), and Hills of Promise SDA. Emerging in 1st place was Howard Smith Nazarene (Benque), while 2nd place went to La Inmaculada RC (Arenal).
The District Finals are set for Friday, June 3, at the Norman Broaster Stadium in San Ignacio, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
5868 In 2005, Rosalio Reta was at summer camp, like all the other American teenagers his age – a short Texan fifteen-year-old with spiky hair, nicknamed “Bart” because he looked like a less yellow Bart Simpson and loved to skateboard. He was also into the Power Rangers, alternative pop, and Nintendo 64, especially The Legend of Zelda and Donkey Kong. At camp in that particular year, he was learning useful skills, ones he would remember for the rest of his life. Except at this camp, you don’t learn how to canoe, or sing in a chorus, or make a log fire.
He remembered the techniques he learned there well. Take beheading, for example. “There’s times I’ve seen it they’ve done it with a saw,” he told me through the prison glass. “Blood everywhere. When they start going they hit the jugular and –” he snaps his fingers – “(it’s) everywhere … They put the head right there. The head still moves, makes faces and everything. I think the nerves, you can see inside, the bone, everything’s moving. It’s like they’ve got worms. I’ve seen it move, when it’s on the ground. If he’s making a screaming face, it stays like that sometimes. Sometimes it slacks off.”
From the Publisher On Friday morning, May 20, the leaders of the major Christian churches in Belize decided to call a press conference to express their views on critical matters in Belize having to do with the Guatemalan claim, Guatemalan aggression, the Belizean response, and so on.
For me, the most important thing you should know about the men who sat at that head table on Friday morning is that they are very powerful. They are very powerful because they control the education system of Belize. They decide what is taught and what is not taught to the children of Belize. The major Christian churches here have held that power for generations and generations and generations, and the reason they hold that power is that, at the end of the day, they represent the Western European power structure. Incidentally, the military expression of the Western European power structure is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
The masses of the Belizean people have always wished to educate their children, because the masses of the Belizean people traditionally had to do hard, manual labor in order to make a living, and most parents wished for a less crushing, more comfortable existence for their children. Hence, they sent us to school.
Parliamentary leaders of Central America ink historic agreement on Belize-Guatemala situation Leaders of Parliaments of Central America, with the exception only of Panama, inked a new peace accord, saying that they will encourage the Congress of Guatemala to promptly consider the ratification of a protocol which the Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala signed a year ago, on May 25, 2015, agreeing to changes to the special agreement between the parties to have their territorial differendum submitted for a binding resolution to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), pending popular votes by citizens of both countries to support the move.
The amendment to the ICJ compromis was signed before Jimmy Morales was elected to presidential office in Guatemala. Plans to hold a Congressional vote on the ICJ protocol—which Guatemala had said would have been necessary for the country to hold a referendum on the ICJ simultaneously with its presidential election in 2015 but ahead of Belize—never materialized due to instability in Guatemala.
An entire year later, the Guatemalan Congress has still not been asked to vote on the matter, although it did move recently to pass a declaration calling on Guatemalans to boycott Belize.
Be alert, Belizeans! Guatemala is so poor and has perpetrated genocide on its own people, so how can they still continue with their unfounded, null and void claim over Belize?
Guatemala’s history of genocide against its own people cannot be ignored or forgotten, much less swept under the rug, and the current poverty situation in that country is alarming and disheartening. Don’t think that the acts of genocide in Guatemala are confined to the past — the Guatemalan military and oligarchy are still present and active. The police and the military run the government and the country. Guatemala is a state dominated by organized crime, an unrepresentative and unresponsive political party system and a fragmented civil society in which the marginalized indigenous population struggles relentlessly to make its voice heard. The vast majority of the leadership is comprised of the ruling class and high ranking ex-military personnel.
Guatemala’s criminal organizations Guatemala’s criminal organizations are among the most sophisticated and dangerous in Central America. Some of them have been in operation for decades. They include former members of the military, intelligence agencies and active members of the police. Transporting illegal drugs north comprises the bulk of their activity, but organized crime in Guatemala is also involved in marijuana and poppy cultivation, as well as human trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, money laundering, arms smuggling, adoption rings, eco trafficking and other illegal enterprises. They often work with groups from Mexico, Colombia and other Central American nations and they have the potential to expand and command other Central American nations’ underworlds.
Guatemala has 400 km of coastline, most of it on the Pacific Ocean, from which it receives and dispatches much of the contraband entering and departing the country. The mountainous interior, combined with the vast, sparsely populated stretches of jungle in the north make the country an ideal storage and transit nation. Guatemala shares a border with Honduras, El Salvador, México and Belize.
IMF says Belize’s economic outlook has worsened since 2015 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced today that it had just concluded its two-week mission to Belize which began on Wednesday, May 11. Jacques Bouhga-Hagbe, who led the IMF team, has issued a statement conveying the preliminary findings.
Bouhga-Hagbe said that, “The economic outlook has worsened further since the 2015 Article IV Consultation and is subject to significant downside risks.”
Bouhga-Hagbe added that while the banking system continued to strengthen, “the challenges posed by loss of correspondent banking relationships with international banks have increased since the 2015 Article IV Consultation.”
He noted that the Belize economy is slowing and fiscal and external vulnerabilities are rising. Falling oil production and multiple shocks in the primary sector reduced the growth of the country’s gross domestic product to only 1% in 2015, the IMF rep said, pointing to a worsening forecast as, “GDP growth is projected to decline further to 0.5 percent in 2016 and average less than 2 percent in the medium term.”
Sugar surplus expected for 2016 – but market prices pose serious challenge This year’s sugar crop is estimated at 1.7 million tons, well above the 1.3 million tons which the Belize Sugar Industries (BSI) expected to handle this season. Jessamyn Ramos, Information Officer at the Sugar Industry Research and Development Institute (SIRDI), pointed to the production of a surplus this year, in her presentation at the 6th Annual Belize Esri User Conference, held at the Biltmore Plaza in Belize City.
While that surplus is good news, the bad news is that prices on the world market have plummeted, from $75 a ton last year to $45 a ton this year, Ramos said. This represents a fall of about 40%.
Furthermore, she said that the industry was notified in 2013 that in 2017, Belize will no longer have access to preferential markets which yield the best price for the export commodity. As a result, the industry has launched the Sugar Industry Management Information Systems (SIMIS), which aims to track production with the aim of maximizing outputs from the sector.
The Reporter
Hundreds take part in cancer walk, many are youths Several hundred people, many of whom were youths, took part in Saturday’s annual cancer walk, planned by the Belize Cancer Society.
The event started from in front of Celina’s in Ladyville and finished in front of the Society’s compound on Mercy Lane in Belize City.
The participants, affected either personally or related to someone who has survived or succumbed to cancer, dressed in t-shirts with symbolic messages against the disease.
President of the Society, Laura Longsworth said earlier this year that the scientific and technological advancements have helped to double cancer survival, but we still need to detect cancer earlier so we can improve on that success.
Breaking Belize News
San Ignacio police brutalize man and dog
A very controversial video has gone viral on social media, where police officers not only brutalize a San Ignacio resident but also a dog. The incident played out on Burns Avenue in San Ignacio Town last night around 8. In the video, the officers can […]
Man recovers at the KHMH after road accident
A Belmopan resident is today recuperating from injuries received after his pickup truck suffered a blow out causing him to run off the road. Ricardo Cambeiro Nunez, 41, a Belizean project manager was travelling from the direction of Dangriga to Belmopan City and upon reaching […]
Belize: The Foreign Affairs of The Nation in Shambles Belize is currently facing its greatest foreign affairs challenge in its 35-year history as an independent nation. Its neighbor, Guatemala, continued to claim part, half or all of Belize, depending on what period and who was in power. During the recent elections held last November […]
International Sources
Caribbean leadership project aims at strengthening the capacity of future leaders An initiative known as the Caribbean Leadership Project (CLP) will be implemented in St. Kitts and Nevis to “strengthen the capacity of future leaders in the Caribbean so that they are equipped to contribute more effectively to regional integration and economic growth and support gender-sensitive public sector reform.”
To achieve this goal, the CLP is following a modular programme which includes Leadership Development Programme, Enabling Environment, Research, Continuous Learning and Development Network, Communities of Practice and Caribbean Centre of Leadership Excellence. Each module will be held in a different participating country.
“In between modules, we will use a blended learning approach,” said Dr. Lois Parkes, Regional Project Manager of CLP. “The participants will be involved in virtual learning, executive coaching as well as working in groups and individually on what we call learning stretch projects.”
Parasailing in Belize May 2016, 3.5min. Parasailing Ambergris Caye, San Pedro, Belize.
Heading North from San Pedro with a quick drop into Grand Caribe Belize.
Belize 2016, 10min.
Macarena Rose host of Belize Talk Radio interviews Drummers, 9min. Macarena Rose host of Belize Talk Radio interviews her very long time friends Emmeth Young and Bombay, drummers from Gales Point. Emmett and Bombay are Cousins who help local kids learn how to make drums, and how to play drums
Shark Ray Alley - Ambergris Caye, Belize, 2min.
Beauty Nature: Belize City Tour Carnival Valor Cruise Nature's Lullaby, 51min.
There and Back Belize., 28min. Lexy and Jack Explore Belize! Look for Mayan ruins, caves, beaches and it's locals.
Entering the Cave in Belize, 2min. Tube Caving -Belize about to enter.
Belize. Descubrir un paraíso místico es posible. Capítulo 1: Bienvenidos al paraíso., 3min. Primer capítulo del viaje mágico a Belize, infinitas gracias, una vez más a Copa Airlines por esta experiencia única.
A Visit to the Mission Field - Looking Back at Belize 2000 to 2007, 19min. Dayspring Mission's work in Belize, Central America from 2000 to 2007.
Belize Cycling Bike Race in Dangriga Town, 41min. This big Citrus Belt Productions event was put on by King Toby and started in front of Ilagulie around hopkins junktion and where they returned back to Dangriga Belize. Watch as camera man Rossi from EDITyourVIDEO get's up close and personal hanging out the van door where you can see the Belizean Cyclist racing close as they follow. Dangriga town is a place to enjoy food, music and dance but it can get so hot I can't imagan the Belize roads being bumpy and the Belizean heat beating down on the Belizean cycling bike riders in the Dangriga Belize Heat.
May 28, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Miss Chiquitita 2016-17 is set The “Miss Chiquitita 2016-2017” pageant, which is San Pedro Preschool’s biggest fundraiser, has been scheduled for Saturday, June 4th at the Angel Nuñez Auditorium. Five primary school beauties will compete in the pageant, in hopes of being crowned by outgoing Miss Chiquitita 2015-2016 Killainie Sosa. This year’s participants are 9 year-old Carolina Salinas (sponsored by Touch Management), 10 year-old Sandi Flores (sponsored by Gaby’s Construction), 10 year-old Monique Garcia (sponsored by Suya Tours), 10 year-old Lindsey Williams (sponsored by Saga Humane Society), and 10 year-old Evelin Pichola (sponsored by Wild Mango’s). Event organizer, Ilna Nuñez, is more than delightful to participate in this year’s pageant once again, and encourages the community to support the cause. The pageant will start at 7PM sharp and the show will be divided into five segments: a dance presentation, swimsuit, career, talent, and evening wear.
Funds raised to assist Nurse Natalie There is no shortage of helping hands on La Isla Bonita and they were at it again during a coin drive and telethon held to assist Nurse Natalie Hancock Palen on Friday, May 20th. Nurse Palen recently broke her neck and had to have critical surgery in Belize City. Unfortunately, Palen does not have health insurance and her medical bills are extensive. Known throughout Ambergris Caye for delivering over 1,000 babies, Palen has spent countless days and nights assisting townspeople in need. It was time for residents of La Isla Bonita to give back. Palen and her family are very grateful for the community’s support. A barbecue and raffle are being planned in the coming weeks, to be held at the Lions Den. If you would like make a contribution to Nurse Palen, you can contact Diana Snyder 635-0270.
San Pedro Town Library hosts fun Movie Night On Saturday, May 21st, the San Pedro Town Library (SPTL) hosted a fun, outdoor ‘Movie Night’ at the Esmeralda Park next to the library building. The feature movie of the night was “Epic”, an animated adventure comedy film that brought together families. The movie showed on the SPTL’s large inflatable screen, and a canvas was placed in front so children who brought their blankets could lie down and really enjoy the experience.
The event served as a fundraiser, with snacks and drinks being sold to help raise funds for the upgrade of the library’s equipment. “We are in need of two new computers for our circulation desk, and we are also looking to purchase an external hard drive to back up the library’s information,” said Library Assistant Marlene Coral.
On a long-term basis, the library is looking to secure land and building to establish another library to accommodate a larger audience. Since the current library is small, space is needed to appeal and hold more varieties of literature. “Some people come in and think the library is only for children. In reality, we do have an area for adults, but they don’t have where to sit because the library is small, so we are looking to expand,” said Coral. The SPTL is looking forward to hosting many other movie nights throughout the year.
People’s Coalition Committee formed on Ambergris Caye On Tuesday, May 24th, San Pedro Town joined the other communities around the country as they formed respective People’s Coalition Committee (PCC) for their areas. The committee is made up of police, citizens, and members of the different business sector who are committed to come together regularly in order to discuss and solve local issues affecting their area. The PCC also takes on the responsibility to develop better police and community relations, and find ways to work in partnership.
The committee comprises of six key members and six additional members who will render support to the organization and its main members. The members of the organization which are to serve for the following two years here in San Pedro are: Chairman- Carol McCann from Sotheby’s International Realty, Vice Chairman- Yolanda Parham from The San Pedro Town Council (SPTC), Public Relations- Jorge Aldana SPTCl, Treasurer- Ana Ico from The Palms, Secretary- Dion Vansen from The San Pedro Sun, and Vice Secretary -Sandy Betz-Einsberg from The Belize Red Cross, San Pedro Branch. Also present at the meeting were Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation Honourable Manuel Heredia Jr, Officer in Charge of the San Pedro Police Sub-formation Superintendent Sandra Bowden, and Deputy of the Coastal Executive Unit Henry Jemmott, who all form part of the committee as ex-officio members. Members of the PCC will not be doing actual police work. The duties of a member of the committee are to primarily identify, prevent and respond to crime issues. They are to advise the police through recommendations. Members can be helpful through designing and implementing strategies for safer streets, neighborhoods, and communities when dealing with acts of violence. “We recognize that the police cannot do it alone. Arresting people, with nothing more, will not solve these issues; thus we need groups like this in order to work together,” said Phillips.
Belize and Guatemala sign declaration of peace On Thursday, May 19th, Presidents of the Legislative Bodies of Central America and the Caribbean Basin (FOPREL) held an urgent meeting in Managua, Nicaragua. The meeting was to discuss the ongoing Belize-Guatemala territorial dispute, and served to find a diplomatic solution for both countries. Nicaragua’s President of the National Assembly, Rene Nunez Tellez, hosted the discussion and witnessed the agreement made when Speaker of the Belize House of Representatives, Michael Peyrefitte, and President of the Congress of Guatemala, Mario Taracena, signed a declaration of peace.
Representatives from other countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua attended the meeting and were mediators between Peyrefitte and Taracena. The declaration itself indicated six points, which both countries agreed to comply to. The first point is a reaffirmation by FOPREL to deepen and unite its desire for peace, freedom, democracy, development, justice and political participation of its people. The second point is a request for both countries to promote and facilitate the solution to all disagreements via dialogue and parliamentary diplomacy in accordance with due process and international agreements.
Ambergris Today
Congratulations to the graduating class of Island Academy 2016 Cody Romsa, Ethan Ancona, Lucy Verralls, Mariano Calderon, Mia Gonzalez and Natalie Winger who all received their diplomas today for completing their primary school studies at the MIA. Best wishes to the GRADS!
Blackadore Caye is Dying According to the development and environmental teams of Blackadore Caye, the island is suffering immensely from erosion, land resource exploitation, local species degradation and deforestation and if no action is taken to stop, reverse and restore the island back to its pristine state, it will eventually disappear.
The research team at Blackadore Caye has indicated all these variables affecting the island, which has already it has lost almost seven acres of land over the past couple years. The rich vegetation of the island is dying fast, along with the rich diversity of fauna that once inhabited the island. Coconut trees are suffering/dying from Lethal Yellowing disease and high levels of salinity in the soil content is preventing any other vegetation from flourishing other than high grass. Local hunting on the island has also completely rid the island of wild boars, coatimundi and deer.
Before any construction of the eco-resort takes place, developers have stressed on the importance of restoring the island back to its pristine state, or at least kick start the process to ensure the island does not erode and die. This is why the project at Blackadore is being called “A Restorative Island”; developers, investors, architects and contractor are all conscious of the sensitivity of the island’s eco systems and are willing to work under practices that will ensure the protection and enhancement of Blackadore’s natural resources.
Belize Tattoo Expo The artists are here and already making their mark. The very first International Tattoo Expo in San Pedro Belize is scheduled for (10AM-10PM) May 28th and 29th, 2016. The two day event will feature international tattoo artists from Mexico, Costa Rica, USA and of course also local artists. The artists will display their portfolios and be available for walk-in customers throughout the event and participate in a tattoo contest from 8-10PM on Sunday.
Don’t Miss the Extreme Show by Victer Max at 6pm on Saturday and 5:30PM on Sunday!
You can purchase your tickets at Belizean Ink or at the entrance of the Expo at Angel Nuñez Auditorium. Various DJ’s and live bands including Caribbean Kings, Almost 7 and Verge of Umbra will provide musical entertainment. Food and drinks will be sold all day on both days of the event.
Misc Belizean Sources
Sweet potato pone 1. Peel and grate sweet potatoes. Boil the coconut milk, evaporated milk and cinnamon, the ginger, butter and light brown sugar (azúcar crema).
2. To this mixture, first add the grated mass of sweet potatoes and then the lime zest. Move the mass around and stir so that it is not too sticky nor too dry.
3. Bake it in the oven in a pre-greased baking mold of your preference for 1 hour at 350°F.
Notes: Remember that the azúcar crema will give it a more rustic flavor. Milk can be regular or evaporated. Be careful with the ginger because too much ginger can make it bitter. In addition to cinnamon, you can also use ground cloves (optional).
Corozal District power interruption postponed Power interruption previously scheduled for Sunday May 29th for the entire Corozal District has been postponed until further notice.
Emergency power interruption 9:00am to 2:00pm, Friday, May 27, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye Portion of North San Pedro between Journey’s End & Tranquillity Bay Resort. BEL to replace broken utility pole carrying high voltage lines, caused by traffic accident in the area.
Belize Fishing Report May 17th - May 23rd Orvis’ Spring Bonefish Bonanza finished up early this week with some great weather and some big bonefish totals. A big thanks goes out to Jody and Jake from Orvis for hosting this event. They will be returning in June for another Bonanza ~ so call Orvis travel if you would like to join the fun.
Help Heal the Osprey's wing We have a very special patient at BBR right now. So special that he deserved his own video and fundraising campaign! Perhaps on his first attempted flight, the fledgling dropped to the ground hitting a tree branch with his right wing, breaking it. He was rescued by a Caye Caulker local who called Belize Bird Rescue. Had she not done so, cats, possums, coatimundi would have killed him in no time. He has been X-rayed and his wing is now wrappped. But he needs to be in our care for approximately three months before release when he can be reunited his family.
Note: June 15th is also double-up day for Global Giving: all contributions will be equally matched by the GG Rewards programme.
Belizeans Detained in Guatemala The Embassy of Belize in Guatemala City received a report regarding the detention, by the Guatemalan Navy, of eight (8) persons confirmed to be Belizean nationals.
The report from the Guatemalan Navy states that the persons were detained when they were found disembarking from their vessel at the Punta Manabique Beach, Dept. of Izabal, Guatemala.
According to the Guatemalan Navy, seven of the eight individuals had in their possession Belizean fishing licenses, but no boat registration nor zarpe (a Guatemalan port authorization document).
The Guatemalan Navy has handed the individuals to Guatemalan Immigration officials and they were transported to Guatemala City for processing.
World No Tobacco Day 2016 This year the World Health Organization (WHO) is preparing the public for plain packaging. The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2016 is “Get ready for plain packaging of tobacco products”.
WHO is encouraging countries to draft legislation focused on plain packaging of tobacco products - to restrict the use of logos, colors and brand images- and use graphic health images to discourage the sale of tobacco products, limit misleading packaging, and increase the effectiveness of health warnings.
World No Tobacco Day is an opportunity to focus on tobacco products and its harmful effects. The Ministry of Health invites the public to join us on Tuesday, May 31st for official ceremonies at the National Drug Abuse Control Council (NDACC) office on Amara Avenue, Belize City starting at 9:30a.m.
ROAD IMPROVEMENTS in San Pedro! San Pedrito streets are holding pretty well after the white mall was graded and rolled.
Tropical Wave Street getting its fix of white mall.
Belize Progressive Party: Concern over assertion regarding ratification of Belize-Guatemala Compromis The Belize Progressive Party (BPP), in keeping with its commitment to remain both vigilant and current with all matters involving the most pressing threat to the nation of Belize (that being Guatemala’s existential and ever-increasing threat to our territorial integrity) takes issue with a statement made by Ambassador Stuart Leslie of the International Boundaries Commission (IBC), during the BNTU’s Educational Forum on the matter of whether Belize should go to the ICJ, held in Orange Walk Town on 24th May 2016.
During the session Ambassador Leslie expressed that “the Special Agreement / Compromis has already been ratified by the Senate…” Needless to say, this came as a shock because to our knowledge no such ratification has occurred. We asked for a date of reference and he advised that we check with the National Assembly. In keeping with our commitment to ensuring that due diligence is carried out to the fullest, we contacted the National Assembly and were informed that no such effort toward ratification is on record.
Cayo Maya Sites Prevail in TA Awards 5 Belize Maya Archaeological Sites made Trip Advisor Travelers' Choice Awards for 2016, and 3 of those are in Cayo. Caracol, the most impressive Maya site around, was ranked 4th place, Xunantunich was ranked 7th, and Cahal Pech took 14th. Might be why Cayo was ranked as 7th for places to visit in Central America.
Lamanai came in 8th, and Altun Ha was ranked 20th.
National Festival of Arts today National Festival of Arts continues this morning @10am with the Preschool Showcase and @7pm with Precision & Style Dance Group's first show - 'A New Beginning'
Social Media for the Travel Industry Training held in Hopkins, 26th May 2016. The BTIA Secretariat extends its gratitude to the BTB, Mynor Larreieu, BTIA members from Dangriga and Hopkins for attending the training session.
Channel 7
Eight Belizeans Held By Guatemalan Navy Eight Belizean fishermen are being held by the Guatemalan Navy tonight. The Belizean Embassy in Guatemala has learned that they were arrested when they were found getting out of their vessel at the Punta Manabique Beach in Izabal, Guatemala. This is believed to have happened sometime in the last 24 hours.
Now as these maps show, that is the northernmost tip of Guatemalan territory jutting out into the Amatique Bay - which is in the Gulf of Honduras. It's diagonally across from Punta Gorda and juts out north of the Sarstoon boundary.
The Guatemalan Navy reports that seven of the eight had Belizean fishing licenses, but no boat registration nor "zarpe" which is a Guatemalan port authorization document. All eight are now in the hands of Guatemalan Immigration and they have been transported to Guatemala City for processing.
Who Hunted Down el Diablo In Paraiso? Delmar Guerra, they called him "El Diablo" - "the devil" in English, and yesterday in the village of Paraiso, he was executed with uncommon precision. It was a hit, pulled off by two men on a motorbike - that's the kind of narco killing we've only heard of in Mexico, Columbia and other crime capitals. But, now, it's come to Belize and today we went north to find out more about this execution in the early evening:
Jules Vasquez reporting:
Delmar Guerra was shot and killed here on the main road in Paraiso village, at the home of a relative who does his laundry.
It's just around the corner from his home in Chula Vista, and so he was most likely relaxed - not expecting to confront threats.
That's when two men on a dirt bike pulled up and opened fire - the multiple bullet holes in the windows of the van show the intensity of the attack. A neighbour who asked to appear off camera told us what she saw:
Is UDP Deputy Race Like Way Over The Top? Finally, on Sunday, the UDP will hold its convention to select a new first deputy leader. Now, we stress it's only first deputy - but from the way they've been campaigning you'd think that the winner would automatically become the Prime Minister, or something. And he won't - but he will probably become Deputy Prime Minister, and then party leader, and somewhere down the road, if the political fortunes align, he could be Prime Minister. But we're not there yet. Not even close. So why are John Saldivar and Patrick Faber campaigning with such unbridled intensity? And for the votes of about 300 delegates!? Yes, 300 - that's all the winner will need to become first deputy leader. All these ads to get the votes of 300 UDP's!? Today we asked aspirant Faber if they are going over the top:..
Daniel Ortiz:
"Are you ready for what supposed to come?"
Hon. Patrick Faber, Aspirant - UDP 1st Deputy:
"Ready. I've done all that I can do. I will continue working of course right up until the last ballot is put in that box on Sunday. But I am very confident of a win and that is because I have done the ground work that is necessary. I have been in the homes of the delegates, I have met with the groups, I have communicated my message as I vie for this position of first deputy leader of the party. I tell people that for me, while it is that the position of deputy prime minister may come, the people already know my record of working as a government minister. They know my work in that regard, but I also have a serious passion for the organization of the party."
Chester's Alleged Shooter To Court For over two weeks now we have been reporting on the status of 19 year old Zachary Knox. He's the one being accused of opening fire on ACP Chester Williams during a high-speed chase. And he's also the one who appeared in the hospital right after that, the victim of a mysterious and merciless beatdown.
Well today he was well enough to go to court, and his charges were made official when he appeared before Magistrate Carlon Mendoza, and read one count of aggravated assault, for shooting at ACP Williams, and one count of deadly means of harm. The second charge was in relation to the shooting on Euphrates Avenue, which led to the chase. Three others were charged for that same incident a couple weeks ago: they are Larry Wright, Devon Sankey and Justin Hyde. Knox now joins them on remand.
Driver Falls Out Of Truck, Crushed To Death Under His Own Wheels A man was crushed under his own truck in a freak accident. It happened this morning after 5:00 between Miles 13 and 14 on the Phillip Goldson Highway. 31 year old Ernest Garcia was northbound to Orange Walk when he lost control of his pickup, tumbled out the door and was raked along on the highway as the vehicle rolled along. Today at a press conference, police explained what led to Garcia's death.
Ernest Garcia was well known for selling the freshest roadside coconut water. Almost every day, he would park his truck filled with coconuts along the Phillip Goldson Highway near Belama. But today instead of being parked at that favorite spot. It's in the Ladyvillle Police Station's parking lot under inspection.
That's after Garcia fell out of his truck while driving on the highway and got pinned and dragged under it. It's a bizarre accident and one police believe was caused by drunk driving and a damaged door.
Flipping Them Wheels And Living To Tell About it, Eventually While police look into those samples, they also have to review the statements from another accident victim. Around 1:00 this morning, BDF officer Victor Aldana was driving a GEO Tracker to Cayo when he fell asleep near Mile 19 1/2 on the George Price Highway. The vehicle veered off the road and flipped. Luckily, Aldana survived. But instead of immediately calling the police, he ran off and left it there. It's only until later this morning that Aldana showed up at the Hattieville police station to report the accident. Here's what police had to say this morning just as Aldana arrived at the station.
ACP Edward Broaster - OC, Easter Division Rural
"We had a second accident on the George Price Highway where a dark grey Prizm flipped several times and landed on the shoulder of the road. The driver and occupants of that vehicle abandoned the scene. But we just learnt that he is at the Hattieville Police Station making a report as regard to that accident."
Texting, Also A Driver Safety Issue So, all told, there have been at least 7 traffic accidents this week on the Phillip Goldson and George Price Highways within the Belize District.
Police say they have been doing their part to set up patrols and check points along the highway but there's only so much they can do. Today Assistant Commissioner Broaster explained that apart from drinking and driving, a lot of the accidents now are caused by texting and driving.
ACP Edward Broaster - OC, Easter Division Rural:
"Our drivers tend to be distracted whilst driving on our roadways and one of the main factor for that is the use of cell phones whilst driving and we have to put some legislation in place to ban the use of cell phones whilst operating a vehicle. We have put highway patrol in place and we haven't have accident for a long while until after we had a meeting when Mr. Cocom mentioned that we haven't had an accident for a long time and the next day we had 7 in a row. Information is a demanding things, is an interesting thing and apparently some people just can't wait until they reach their destination to learn what that information is about. Hence the reason they take risk and look at their cell phones or read text what have you and put themselves in danger and other people lives in danger that are using our roadways."
Weed Smoke Wafts Above O'Walk Back in the late 90's and early two - thousands when there were huge drug busts - like tonnes of cocaine - destroying all that would take a whole day at the furnace - in fact, (true story), one time the police just took a few hundred pounds of cocaine bricks, cut them open and dumped it all in the sea!
But, those mega busts just don't come along anymore - and who knows why...but we do know that the cops have to wait a few years before accumulating enough drugs for a good day at the furnace. Today was one of those days when the national exhibit keeper at the Queen Street station got a few hundred pounds of weed ready for the fire. 7News was there in Orange Walk when it al went up in smoke:...
Jules Vasquez reporting:
This morning, a thick plume of marijuana smoke streamed out across the skies over Orange Walk Town.
At this height, probably only birds could get a high from the second hand smoke, but at the furnace, we were feeling the heat first hand.
Two Horses Perish In Bush Fire And while that was a controlled fire, another that killed two horses, was not; in fact, it was a wildfire. Hattieville police report that a bush fire spread to a barn where it killed two horses. The area had been experiencing wildfires - and while the fire department did respond it was too late for the horses.
Police say they do not know who owned the barn or the horses, and will go back into the neighborhood to get more information.
Police were initially investigating the incident as a possible arson and cruelty to animals, but now they believe that it was all caused by a nearby forest fire, that due to all the dried grass in the area, traveled quickly and smothered the small barn.
Rasberry Pi Brigade Back in August, we showed you the ambitious undertaking from the Public Utilities Commission. They spent just over a half a million dollars to acquire Raspberry Pi computers, which they distributed for free to high schools all across the country.
These miniature computers are the perfect teaching tools to enable students to improvise, innovate, and invent. They can easily dismantle the entire device, and freely reconfigure them.
So, the PUC handed the computers out to the IT teachers in the 6 districts, and trained them on how they work. The kids ran with it from there and today, the PUC hosted its first Raspberry Pi Jam, to see what the schools had come up with. Daniel Ortiz got a chance to see the creations for himself. Here's his report:
US Conservationists Make Case Against Conch A legal battle in the US is threatening the foreign exchange earnings of Caribbean nations, including Belize. That's because a group of conservationists from the United States are suing their government for its 2014 decision to not list the queen conch as threatened or endangered.
Last week the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) attended the 7th Annual Meeting of the CARICOM-US Trade and Investment Council, where one of the key topics was this threat of litigation. The Executive Director for the CRFM Secretariat, whose offices are located in Belize, attended that meeting. Today we spoke to him regarding this situation. He explained to us why this is of such major concern for the Caribbean region.
Milton O. Huaghton, Exec. Dir., CRFM Secretariat:
"Our countries together, we are currently exporting queen conch to the United States, that's the main export market. We and some of our countries also export to the European Union. It is a very important market - United States market for us and we really would not like to have this market opportunity closed and the trade in queen conch disrupted. For that to happen, there would be repercussions down the line.
Friday Festival And that's the news on this Friday night - we leave you with more highlites of the Primary School Festival of the Arts Districts Showcase. Tonight's clips are from Orange Walk and Belize City youth performers.
Channel 5
GAF Stops Local Media from Traversing the Sarstoon River Tonight, the uncertainty surrounding that volatile zone known as the Sarstoon is alive and well after Guatemalan Armed Forces denied a News Five team passage down the river this morning, [...]
PM Responds to Guatemala’s Restriction of Access to the Sarstoon Even as our team headed back to Belize City, deterred from entering the Sarstoon but having made the point that Guatemala isn’t playing on the same checkerboard, Prime Minister Dean [...]
PM Says There’s a Clear, Unwritten Understanding Between Belize & Guatemala A release issued by government on Tuesday, announcing the revocation of the Sarstoon Prohibition SI, stated that, “While the formal mechanism is being worked on, the two sides have informally [...]
Will Government Reinstitute Sarstoon Law? So with Belizean civilians still not able to enter the Sarstoon, what happens next? Will government perhaps seek to reinstitute the Sarstoon Law? On the Phone: Prime Minister Dean [...]
What About the B.D.F.; Will They Still be Chased Up the River? It’s clear what the real protocol is at the Sarstoon where civilians are concerned. Belizeans can’t go there. But what about the B.D.F.? We all saw footage of the Guatemalan [...]
Belizeans Fishermen Arrested in Guatemala for Illegal Entry There is another developing story. It is well-known that Guatemalan nationals illegally enter Belizean territory for illegal activities. Most recently when the Sarstoon law applied, their fishermen routinely traversed into [...]
Murder in Paradise, El Diablo is Executed in a Hail of Gunfire The fourth murder for the Corozal District for this year took place on Thursday evening in the village of Paraiso. Thirty-seven year old Delmar Guerra was trailed and executed by [...]
Oswald Garcia Perishes in Road Traffic Accident There was a fatal road traffic accident early this morning, involving a pickup truck traveling along the George Price Highway. Thirty-one-year-old Oswald Garcia was violently flung from his vehicle between [...]
Sleepy B.D.F. Soldier Escapes Traffic Mishap Unscathed A second traffic mishap also occurred in the early hours after midnight, this time involving a Geo Prism traveling along the George Price Highway. Victor Aldana, a Belize Defense Force [...]
Patrick Faber Says His Victory is Certain With less than seventy-two hours to go before over three hundred delegates of the United Democratic Party cast ballots to determine a new first deputy leader, campaigns on either side [...]
Faber Says He’s Laying the Groundwork for Transition in 2020 The campaign between Faber and his opponent John Saldivar has been rather intense with blows coming from both sides. Inside the Faber camp, it is believed that he will win [...]
Bob Bandfield Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering in the U.S. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that US businessman, Robert Bandfield, has pleaded guilty to helping stock manipulators launder two hundred and fifty million dollars through Belize. The seventy-one year [...]
Zachary Knox is Finally Charged for Shooting at Chester Williams After being released from the K.H.M.H., nineteen year Zachary Knox is tonight on remand at the Belize Central Prison. “Yankee,” as he is popularly known, claims he was badly beaten [...]
Businesswoman Sandra Sol Dragged to Court for Failure to Pay GST A businesswoman from the downtown plaza in Belize City was taken to court today by the GST Department on two charges for failing to issue receipts and failing to utilize [...]
A Training Workshop for Lawyers and Medical Practitioners on Mental Health The bar and the judiciary, along with representatives of the Ministry of Health, gathered today at the Radisson for a training workshop on persons with mental health disorders and the [...]
Bar Association on Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System Co-executive Director Pervais Jabbar, of the Death Penalty Project, reiterates that the knowledge generated from today’s discussions can be useful if applied to individual cases involving persons with mental health [...]
Raspberry Pi for High School Innovators High schools from across the country converged on Belize City today where students participated in a competition geared towards young innovators. The goal is to use a miniature computer platform [...]
The National Festival of Arts Showcase For two weeks, the National Festival of Arts will feature creative arts performances in drama, song, music and dance from preschoolers, primary school children, secondary students and even teachers. It [...]
"You are in national waters. You need to leave now" - Guatemalan Military to News 5 team in the Sarstoon River on May 27, 2016 On Tuesday, the Government of Belize announced that the Sarstoon is once again open to Belizeans. This was one outcome of the Istanbul Talks.
This morning our News 5 reporter, Mike Rudon, & cameraman, Darrel Moguel, attempted to travel into the controversial river. Within minutes of entering the river their vessel was intercepted by the Guatemalan Armed Forces.
Belizeans Detained in Guatemala Eight men confirmed to be Belizean fishermen were detained by the Guatemalan Navy and handed over to the Guatemalan Immigration officials and taken to Guatemala City for processing.Reports are that the men were detained when they were found disembarking their vessel at the Punta Manabique Beach in the Department of Izabal , Guatemala. Of the […]
Countdown for the Deputy Seat in UDP The United Democratic Party will be holding a convention on Sunday to elect the party’s first deputy party leader. The post was left vacant after Orange Walk North area representative and Deputy Prime Minister, Gaspar Vega, resigned from the post. As has been reported, the two men vying to fill the position, are Minister of […]
Turkey Commits Funds to the OAS Peace Fund for Belize and Guatemala The Organization of American States has been at the centre of the negotiations between Belize and Guatemala but of recent, there were serious concerns that the OAS may have to pull out as their funding was on the verge of being depleted. In an effort to keep them in office at the adjacency zone, both […]
PUC Hosts Expo of Innovations and Technology The Raspberry PI Jam, is an exposition highlighting the innovations from more than thirty High schools across the country. The event is being hosted by the Public Utilities Commission that has invested approximately half a million dollars for students to bring their innovations to life. Minister of Education Patrick Faber and Consultant for the Public […]
Two Horses Perish in Bush Fire Bush fires are common in the dry season which we are currently facing in Belize. Today, however was an extremely busy day for the firemen in the Belize District as there were several threats to homes and properties due to bush fires. While there was no loss of life or home, there was the loss […]
Central Bank and Union Sign Collective Agreement; Others Remain Pending The Christian Workers Union has been busy in recent negotiations as just yesterday they signed onto two separate Collective Bargaining Agreements in Belize City. We have told you of the CBA signed onto with the Belize Port Authority whereby the union and non-union staff members of the Belize Port Authority will be getting salary increases […]
Union President Speaks on Severance and Pension The Christian Workers Union has a mandate to fight for its union members and to ensure that their employers follow the labour laws of Belize when it comes to salaries, benefits and the likes. With the recent signing of two Collective Bargaining Agreements with Central Bank of Belize and the Belize Port Authority, CWU’s President, […]
How the Belize Port Authority Operates The Belize Port Authority is a Statutory Body established in July 1980 and falling Under the Ministry of Works and Transport. It is overseen by a board of Directors with a Chairman that represents the Minister as well as two ex-officio members being the Financial Secretary and the Chief Executive Officers and Seven other members nominated by […]
Orange Walk woman perishes in traffic accident There was a fatal traffic accident in Orange Walk on Wednesday evening. It happened sometime around 4:30 p.m. on the San Felipe and involved a KIA Sportage vehicle. According to police reports, 55 year old Elba Gongora , a saleswoman of Orange Walk Town, was driving the vehicle and along with her at...
Truck carrying cement flips near Iguana Creek Bridge There was a second traffic accident; this one happened this morning at the Iguana Creek Bridge going to Spanish Lookout. A truck was heading towards Spanish Lookout loaded with Cement and just before the truck reached the Iguana Creek bridge, the driver lost control on the curve and flipped. Fortuna...
Vehicle skids off highway due to fresh chip seal A third accident occurred today on the Humming Bird highway in Armenia village. We don’t have much details except that it happened around 1:30 this afternoon and involved a 4 door gray Hilux pickup which was travelling on that portion of the highway which is under rehabilitation. While traveling on...
Guatemalan Car Thieves Busted in Melchor A Toyota Coralla car was stolen in Cayo and police suspected a Guatemalan was the culprit. Belize police contacted their Guatemalan counterparts who captured 19 year old Brayan Gabriel Hoil Rose, the person alleged to have stolen the vehicle. Rose was found with the car in Melchor at 5:20 p.m. on We...
Cenaida’s Restaurant in Cayo destroyed by fire Cayo police are investigating a fire which occurred in San Ignacio on Wednesday night. According to reports, Cenaida’s Restaurant was completely destroyed as a result of the blaze. The restaurant was located on West Street in San Ignacio Town, The cause of the fire remains under investigation and th...
Retired BDF Colonel speaks on Guatemalan incursion in Sarstoon Retired Colonel of the BDF, Javier Castellanos, appeared on PlusTV’s Rise and Shine morning show to share his observations on the recent Guatemalan incursions on the Sarstoon. Castellanos has served in various capacities in Belize and Guatemala as Deputy Commander of the BDF and Military Attac...
Collective Bargaining Agreement Signed by CWU and Port of Belize It began with much back and forth over several years, strikes, and hard talk, but negotiations took a peaceful and cordial course and now a new Collective Agreement has finally been signed between the Belize Port Authority (BPA) and the Christian Workers Union (CWU). That signing took place at the...
CBB & CWU sign new Collective Agreement Christian Workers Union had another signing today, this one with the Central Bank of Belize. CWU President Audrey Matura-Shepherd said, “Our Members at the Central Bank of Belize (CBB) are relieved that we have today signed this successor Collective Agreement (CA) between the Bank and the Christian...
Police link firearm to recent incidents; search for minor arsonist There is news from Ladyville Police tonight. We start with a firearm found when the late Lionel Rhamdas and others ambushed a group of men at the Lozano residence on Marage Road in Ladyville two weeks ago this Saturday. Officer Commanding Eastern Division Rural, ACP Edward Broaster now says that fir...
Teenagers, 20 and 19, pleaded guilty to wounding 64 year old man Senior citizen and fisherman 64 year old Lester Hernandez was allegedly caught taking public relief at the BTL Park on Newtown Barracks this past Sunday. He received a beating for his trouble and today two teenagers were made to pay fines for taking the law into their own hands. 20 year old Justin ...
Zachary Knox moves from police custody to critical at KHMH 19 year old Zachary Knox the young man that allegedly fired shots at Eastern Division South Commander, ACP Chester Williams on May 12, is reportedly admitted to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) in critical condition. Knox has been charged with ACP Chester William’s attempted murder but he...
Another police officer attempted suicide Yesterday, we told you about the shocking suicide of a police officer who took his life with a loaded gun on the steps of a Belize City police precinct. However, according to reports, another police officer had attempted to take his life even before PC Edward Gonzalez did on Wednesday morning. On ...
BPP expresses concern over Ambassador’s statements Today the Belize Progressive Party – BPP, issued a Press release regarding statements they claimed were made by one Government representative at the first Teachers ICJ Educational Forum held in Orange Walk on May 24th. The BPP, which also has a seat at the head table, say they take issue with ...
IMF Says Belize ‘economy is slowing and fiscal and external vulnerabilities are rising The International Monetary Fund Staff has release preliminary findings after their visit to Belize from May 11-25, 2016. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) team was led by Jacques Bouhga-Hagbe , and at conclusion of the visit, Mr. Bouhga-Hagbe issued a statement in which he says in part that &...
The Reporter
Guatemalan Navy detains eight Belizeans The Government of Belize confirmed late Friday evening that the Guatemalan Navy has detained eight Belizean fishermen.
The information, disseminated by the government’s Press Office, indicates the Belizeans, seven of whom possessed Belizean fishermen’s licenses, were detained “when they were found disembarking from their vessel at the Punta Manabique Beach, Dept. of Izabal, Guatemala,” the release states.
The Guatemalan Navy has indicated, the release states, that none of the men had a boat registration (a Guatemalan port authorization document). The Guatemalan Navy has handed the men to Guatemalan Immigration officials and they were transported to Guatemala City for processing, the information continues.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Belize Embassy staff in Guatemala have been in communication with the individuals to confirm they are in good health.
Coconut harvester dies in road accident Ernest Garcia, 32, a coconut harvester died while driving his vehicle on the Philip Goldson highway. The incident happened sometime after 1:00 a.m. on Friday between miles 12 and 13, while Garcia was heading from the direction of Belize City towards Orange Walk. Police say […]
Oceana holds “Hands Across the Sand”
Oceana hosted its annual “Hands Across the Sand” protest against offshor oil drilling in Belize this past Saturday and saw participation from 13 municipalities across the country. Belizeans from around the country joined hands along the shores of water bodies and public areas on Saturday to stand against offshore oil […]
A Successful Walk for A Green Belize 2016
The Department of the Environment (DOE), in collaboration with the Belize Solid Waste Management Authority (BSWMA) and the Belize Audubon Society (BAS), hosted its annual “Walk For A Green Belize” cleanup campaign last Saturday. The event covered approximately 77 miles of the George Price highway. Both sides of the road […] Taiwan’s new female President inaugurated – Belize celebrates
The government and people of Belize joined their friends of the Republic of China on Taiwan in celebrating the inauguration of their first woman President, Tsai Ing-wen, of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Friday, May 20. While Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega and Foreign Minster Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington represented […]
Taiwanese experts: Taiwan needs to strenghten diplomatic ties with allies, including Belize
In her inaugural speech last week, Taiwanese President, Tsai Ing-wen promised to keep peaceful dialogue with mainland China, which has intensified its threats over claims to the island. But members of the Taiwan Brain Trust, a panel of eight professors in areas of politics, economics, […]
Deforestation shrinks Jaguars’ habitat
The jaguar, iconic symbol of the Belize tourism industry, is under threat from farmers shooting them to protect livestock; as agricultural land-clearing has reduced the jaguars’ hunting grounds and pushed them closer to farms raising cattle and sheep. Yamira Novelo of the University of Belize’s Environmental Research Institute (UB-ERI) sounded […]
Venezuela tells Caribbean to watch out for surge of refugees
Authorities in Venezuela are asking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries to be prepared for a surge of refugees as the the socioeconomic situation in the country worsens. Ramón Muchacho, Mayor of of Chacao in Venezuela’s capital city, Caracas, explained that as food shortages persist, people are leaving the […]
Prevention is key to fighting chronic diseases
“A good health information system to help in the tracking and management of patients is key to the prevention of chronic diseases,” expalined Hung-Tsu “Cathy” Wang. She is Director of the Humanitarian Assistance Department of Taiwan’s International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF). The remarks came […]
Former Minister Elijio Joe Briceño laid to rest
Former Minister of Government Elijio Joe Briceño, was laid to res at the Piemonte cemetery in Orange Walk Town following an official funeral ceremony at the la Inmaculada Church on Wednesday afternoon, May 25. Prime Minister Dean Barrow and his wife, Special Envoy for Women […]
The late Franklin D. Roosevelt in his first inaugural address (1933) told the American people,”The only thing we have to fear – is fear itself – debilitating, unjustified terror which paralyses needed effort to convert retreat into advance.” That declaration by one of America’s greatest presidents has inspired millions of […]
Suicide and suicide attempt baffle police
The Belize Police Department has more questions than answers this week, after one officer committed suicide in front of the Queen Street Police Station and another is hospitalized recovering from a suicide attempt. The Divisional Commanders of the Eastern Division of the department, explained on […]
IMF mission predicts dark days ahead for Belize
Belize is on its way to difficult financial days involving heavier deficits and slower economic growth, according to an end¬-of-mission report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). An IMF team led by Jacques Bouhga¬Hagbe visited Belize for an economic assessment known as an Article IV […]
Belize volleyball men win Gold at 2016 Copa Cancun
The Belize National Men’s Volleyball Team on the Copa Cancun Tournament for the first time ever, eliminated Mexican favorites “Ejercito” in two sets in the championship finals at the Kuchil Baxal Gymnasium in Cancun on Sunday, 22. The Belize men won the first set 25-23 […]
Second confirmed Zika virus case in Belize is a pregnant woman
The Ministry of Health this week confirmed a second case of the Zika virus in the country, in a pregnant woman from Cotton Tree Village in the Cayo district. The Ministry said that it received confirmation of the Zika infection from the Caribbean Public Health […]
BDF soldier escapes death when vehicle careens off highway
Victor Aldana, a Belize Defence Force (BDF) soldier narrowly escaped death when he lost control of the vehicle he was driving early Friday morning on the George Price highway. Aldana told police he had just left the BDF camp at Price Barracks, Ladyville, and was […]
Breaking Belize News
Belizean fishermen held in Guatemala
The Government of Belize has confirmed the ongoing detention of eight fishermen in Guatemala City. The Guatemalan Navy states that the persons were detained when they were found disembarking from their vessel at the Punta Manabique Beach, Department of Izabal, Guatemala. According to the […]
Zachary Knox finally arraigned; Family plans to speak out about alleged police abuse
19 year old Zachary Knox, a resident of Rio Grande Crescent who allegedly fired shots at Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, was charged with aggravated assault and use of deadly means of harm when he appeared today before Magistrate Carlon Mendoza. The charge […]
Reporters stopped at Sarstoon
News 5‘s Mike Rudon and cameraman Darrell Moguel report that this morning, as they attempted to travel into the Sarstoon River, their vessel was intercepted by the Guatemalan Armed Forces. On Tuesday of this week, the Government of Belize lifted the Sarstoon Regulations Order, […]
Mainly warm conditions to prevail The National Meteorological Service of Belize is predicting mostly sunny skies today and partly cloudy skies tonight. Showers, if any, will be isolated. Winds will be blowing from the East at 5-15 knots and the sea state will be choppy. High temperatures today are […]
Local Female Entrepreneur Rocks San Pedro, Belize with Her Delicious Paletas 26 year old Regina Sansores, born and raised on Ambergris Caye and mother of two, came up with a fantastic idea (with the help of her husband) and is putting her heart, soul and time into it.
Her home refrigerator and freezer have only paletas and paleta ingredients in them. Really.
In just about a year, she has grown her unique business, Las Paletas by Regina, into a mini empire. And as another female, a business person, someone who lives across the street from Regina, lover of this island and all things delicious, I could not be prouder.
I’ll back up for just one moment if you are not familiar with paletas. They are not merely popsicles but fresh fruit (Juice and chunk) and sometimes cream frozen on a stick. They are absolutely fantastically delicious and certain flavors appear during the year – like now you can eat MANGO! – when the fruits are in season. They are extremely popular throughout Mexico and Central America.
International Sources
Cayman Islands residents given assurances as GM mosquitoes set to be released GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands, Thursday May 26, 2016 – Millions of genetically engineered mosquitoes are due to be released next month in the fight against the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits the Zika, Dengue Fever and Chikungunya viruses.
The project is being rollout out in West Bay, where officials say up to 200,000 of the genetically engineered insects could be released three times a week to breed with regular females.
“The essence of this technique is the use of effectively sterile male mosquitoes, which are released in the environment then mate with the wild female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are already out there. The progeny of those female mosquitoes then do not complete development, they all die, so they do not reach maturity,” Bill Petrie, Director of the Mosquito Research and Control Unit told residents at a meeting.
British company Oxitec has sought to allay fears of health risks and damage to the environment, with its Product Development Manager Derek Nimmo stating that all traces of the bio-engineered insects disappeared within weeks after trials.
Rocky Point Aerial View, 1min. A Birdseye view of Rocky Point, North Ambergris Caye, Belize
Cayo Frances Farm & Fly, 4min. Thirty-six miles off the coast of Belize City, Belize, lies a fly fisherman’s dream destination. Cayo Frances Farm & Fly is a small fly fishing camp and vacation get-a-way. Located on Ambergris Caye, this modest destination has some of the best fishing in Belize. The camp's owner, Jeff Spiegel, was gracious enough to house the BOTE team for a few days and give them a preview of the camp before it opens for business later this year.
The Creation Story of the Maya, 3min. The Popol Vuh narrates the Maya creation story, the tales of the Hero Twins, and the account of the creation of the sky, the Earth, and all life.
The Inspire Celebration Fundraiser, 1min. The Inspire Celebration will take place on June 18, 2016 at the Mahogany Bay Village in San Pedro Ambergis Caye. All proceeds go to the Inspiration Center.
Pastor Rose message children conference 2016, 24min. Pastor Ross is a powerful woman of God, she has powerful ministry and school at Cayo district of Belize, Central America. She is been a regular minister at CHRIST LOVE FAMILY Children Conferences.
Belize Barrier Reef Scuba Diving, 4min. Scuba Diving the Belize Barrier Reef with Hamanasi Adventure & Dive Resort, including close-ups of a Nurse Shark, Spotted Rays, Lobsters, Seahorse, Puffer Fish, Moray Eel & more!
Belize Snorkeling, 6min. Snorkeling in Belize, 11-17 May, 2016. Video clips are taken from Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Mexico Rocks, Shark Ray Alley, and Tuffy Rocks.
Belize Pig Tail Meatloaf, 6min. This is what happens when you turn the national dish of Belize, Belizean Boil Up, into a meatloaf- a heavy, starchy meatloaf with a prominent pork flavor and a hint of salmon
Belize 2015 SlideShow, 10min. Orange Walk, Lamanai and Ambergris Caye.
May 27, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Blackadore Caye Development updates media on development plans
Blackadore Caye, a private island located west of Ambergris Caye, is about to go through a major restoration process under the expertise of a development team. The first public consultation held on January 14th regarding the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on the development of the island did not sit well with locals. Thus, the Blackadore Caye Development team invited the local media corp for a visit to the island on Thursday, May 26th for an onsite tour and informative session on the development. The group is comprised of local and international professionals, and is in the process of completing consultations prior to completing their second EIA, which will be then presented at a public consultation on Ambergris Caye.
Team Caribeña Enterprises wins Inter-office 6-A-Side Marathon The San Pedro Sports Committee held an Inter-office 6-A-Side football marathon from Friday, May 20th through Sunday, May 22nd at the Honourable Louis Sylvester Sporting Complex. A total of 20 teams registered with players from different businesses around the island. The games took place every night at 7PM, and after each night of tight games a number of teams were eliminated. After two days of heated matches, Team Caribeña Enterprises walked away with the victory, after defeating the Team Rain Restaurant with a final score of 3-1. The marathon was a warm up for the upcoming Inter-office 6-A-Side football tournament that will officially open on Friday, May 27th. Games start at 7PM sharp at the Honourable Louis Sylvester Sporting Complex.
Another sailing win for SPR’s Kevin Velasquez San Pedro Racers’ Kevin Velasquez has taken the first place title in yet another national ranking regatta in the 2016 sailing season. Velasquez earned his second big win of 2016 during the 4th Annual Placencia Sailing Regatta on Saturday, May 21st and Sunday, May 22nd. With 17 registered sailors from across the country, the Placencia Sailing Regatta was an exciting one, testing Belize’s young sailors’ skills in maneuvering her waters.
With the regatta being one of five races that determines which sailors will participate in the National Champions Regatta (BIZ16) at the end of the sailing season, all top sailing clubs entered participants. Participating clubs included the Belize Sea Scouts (BSS), Corozal Bay Sailing Club (CBSC), Placencia Sailing Club (PSC), San Pedro Racers (SPR) and the San Pedro Sailing Club (SPSC).
Inspiration Center to host its biggest fundraiser yet 2The Inspiration Center (IC), an outpatient rehabilitation center in Belize City that aids children with disabilities, will be hosting its biggest fundraiser on Saturday, June 18th at Mahogany Bay Village from 7PM to 11PM. This charity event serves to help sustain the services that the IC provides. Tickets are $150 BZ and may be purchased at El Fogon, Ramon’s Village, and Rum & Bean. The dress code is (WHITE) island casual attire. A buffet dinner will be served, and Rock and Roll band The Tequilla Shooters, will perform live music. All proceeds benefit the Inspiration Center.
11th Annual Reef Week ends with a bang! The 11th Annual Northern Reef Week culminated on Sunday, May 22nd with a series of activities that included the annual Reef Triathlon. Island athletes of all ages converged at the Boca Del Rio Park for an intense morning of swimming, and running. Organized by San Pedro Town Council Sports Coordinator Kent “Bob” Gabourel and Mariela Archer of Hol Chan Marine Reserve, the triathlon was divided into three categories: juniors, female and seniors. At the end of the competition, there was a tie and the competitors, Jordan Santos, Brandon Santos, and Eric Donis were willing to share the prize.
The junior category saw boys under the age of 12 taking on the arduous competition. The young athletes swam about 20 yards in the Boca Del Rio channel, then ran all the way to Wet Willy’s Dock and back to Boca Del Rio Park. Taking first place was McLeish Lambey. In a close second was Adrian Cobo, while Kyle Jacobs finished off in third.
In the female category, sisters Amy Requeña and Karina Requeña swam two laps from the Sir Barry Bowen Bridge to the mouth of Boca Del Rio. They then ran one lap from Boca Del Rio Park to Wet Willy’s Dock and back. Amy came in first place, followed by her sister Karina. There were the only participants in the female division.
Blackadore Caye Development team On Thursday, May 26th, the Blackadore Caye Development team invited the media corp for a visit to the island. As part of the visit, a presentation was given on the current status of the development of the island, including an update on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as well as the concept for Blackadore Caye - A Restorative Island Resort.
Dr. Boumerhi and his family give back to San Pedro During the month of April, Dr. Pierre Boumerhi from Pennsylvania, USA spearheaded a team of dentists who for one week, from Monday, April 18th through Friday, April 22nd, provided free dental services at the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II. Besides providing their valuable service, the group also donated a large quantity of dental supplies and equipment to the Polyclinic. During his time as a volunteer, Dr. Boumerhi was captivated by the charm of La Isla Bonita and on Wednesday, May, 18th he returned to Ambergris Caye for a short vacation with his family, and taking advantage of their getaway, brought boxes full of donations for the island. The donations included clothing, footwear and even sporting supplies such as footballs for the island’s young football players. Welcoming them to the island was Laurie Norton from the Belize Red Cross San Pedro Branch. She assisted them with the initial donation process during their first days in San Pedro. After getting familiar with the town, they took it upon themselves to distribute some of the items during the football games at the Louis Sylvester Sporting Complex, while the rest of the donations went to the San Pedro Food Bank.
SPHC presents the History of the Fishing Industry in San Pedro The San Pedro House of Culture (SPHC) has launched a new exhibit showcasing the history of the fishing industry in San Pedro. The exhibition, which hallmarks the founding industry for the island, was revealed on Thursday, May 19th as part of Hol Chan Marine Reserve’s Reef Fair. Among the old photographs of local fishermen and fishing equipment artifacts, the SPHC highlighted the various types of fishing methods used, and how it benefited the community throughout the years. Some photos even date back as far as 75 years ago when Ambergris Caye was nothing more than an island inhabited by approximately two families. Reef Week House of Culture Exhibit-4One of the key purposes of the exhibit is to show the community and visitors how San Pedro fishermen went from net fishing, spear fishing, and other sustainable fishing methods used today. The SPHC invites the community to visit the exhibition and see the many generations of fisher folk in San Pedro. The House of Culture is located on Angel Coral Street and is open Mondays to Fridays from 9AM to 5PM.
Ambergris Today
Ministry of Health Confirms Second Zika Case in Pregnant Woman A press release from Belize’s Ministry of Health states that it has received another confirmed case of Zika in the country by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). The case is being closely monitored by the Ministry of Health staff as the patient is a pregnant woman. This patient is from the Cayo District. The case was picked up through the heightened and strengthened vector borne disease and vaccine preventable disease surveillance, which now includes the monitoring of Zika, currently underway across the country.
Belize/Guatemala Ministers Commit to Peace and Good Faith on Bilateral Agenda On the occasion of the World Humanitarian Summit held by the United Nations Secretary General, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize and Guatemala, Hon. Wilfred Elrington and Mr. Carlos Raúl Morales, and in the presence of Magdalena Talamas, Representative of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), held a working meeting in the City of Istanbul, Turkey on the 23 and 24 May 2016, and discussed several issues under their bilateral agenda.
Misc Belizean Sources
Renal Failure Prevention Project Minister of Health, Hon. Pablo Marin hosting first meeting today with Taiwanese delegation on "Renal Failure Prevention Project" at the Ministry of Health offices in Belmopan.
Walk for a Green Belize 2016 In commemoration of World Environment Day 2016, the Department of the Environment (DOE), the Belize Solid Waste Management Authority (BSWaMA) and the Belize Audubon Society (BAS) conducted the “Walk for a Green Belize” 2016. This event was held on Saturday, May 21st, 2016 and involved cleaning both sides of the George Price Highway from Belize City to Benque Viejo del Carmen.
An estimated 785 (33 to 55 gallon-sized) bags of garbage were collected yielding a weight of approximately 9,806.56 pounds of garbage!
The Walk For A Green Belize clean-up activity was conducted by several organizations, students, activists, both government and non-government agencies, and the general public. The Secretariat for the “Walk for a Green Belize” initiative extends heartfelt gratitude to all the participants and sponsors of the event and we look forward to your support and participation in the “Walk for a Green Belize” 2017.
EDUCATION MONTH: SCHOOL VISITS 2016 Education is definitely the key to success, and as a part of Education Month, Mayor Daniel Guerrero, Councilor Ruben Gonzalez, and members from the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) visited the San Pedro High School, Holy Cross Anglican School, Ambergris Caye Elementary School, Isla Bonita Elementary School, New Horizon Seventh-day Adventist School, and the San Pedro Roman Catholic School. The initial purpose for the Mayor’s visit was to emphasize the importance of education and to assist schools in renovating, improving, or aiding all schools visited.
Gemini Fete THIS Saturday CAYE CAULKER:
Get your ticket,
Rent a boat,
FLY* Maya Island Air/ Tropic Air.
Don't swim..
Mother's Day Extravaganza 2016 The SISE Town Council had a great Mother's Day Extravaganza, and they gave away loads of prizes to many of the moms that attended. They had live music and entertainment for the special event, which was held at the Cayo Welcome Center. Thanks, SISE Town Council!
Cayo Art Collection 2016 The SISE House of Culture is calling all Cayo artisans to submit are for the 2016 Cayo Art Collection, which will launch on the 28th of July.
"The Cayo Art Collection 2016 is coming up in July, giving Artists an opportunity to Exhibit/showcase their Art Work. For more information or to register, please contact SISE House of Culture (NICH)."
Documenting the flora and fauna of the Chiquibul Forest Video/film producers contracted by the Selva Maya Programme prepare to document the flora and fauna of the Chiquibul Forest from the Tower at Las Cuevas Research Station. According to Dr. Jennie Garcia-Saqui the video will intend to capture the importance of the Maya Forest.
Rotary Orthopedic Clinic The Rotary Club of Belmopan is doing their annual Orthopedic Clinics, and they'll be in Cayo on Monday, June 20th, at La Loma Luz in the morning, and at the Western Regional Hospital in the evening. Thanks, Rotary!
"The Rotary Club of Belmopan, in collaboration with the Illinois Rotary District 6510 and WPP, announces its annual Orthopedic Clinic, for the Belize Children's Program, with Orthopedic Surgeon from St. Louis, Missouri, Dr. Coles L'Hommedieu. We see children (up to age 18) who are in need of orthopedic care suffering from neck, spine, shoulder, arm, elbow, hand, hip, leg, knee, foot and other types of bone problems and abnormalities"
Cayo Honey Day 2016 The Cayo Quality Honey Producers Cooperative is having their Honey Day on Saturday at the Cayo Welcome Center. It goes from 9:00am to 3:00pm, and there will be samples, educational displays, games, and cooking demonstrations. The Beekeeping Forum is Friday, May 27th.
Belize Security Forces Commonwealth Sovereignty Parade This Monday, the US Embassy Security Cooperation Office and the Military Liaison Office attended the Belize Security Forces Commonwealth Sovereignty Parade at the MCC park. The parade had members of the Belize Defence Force, Belize Police Officers and Agents, Belize Coast Guard, Belize Defence Force Band, ROTC, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to name a few.
Channel 7
Notorious "El Diablo" Executed in Paraiso A man was shot and killed on the main road in Paraiso village in the Corozal district this evening. It happened around 5:00 pm, and according to unofficial reports, the victim is 44 year old Delmar Javier Guerra, better known as El Diablo, a notorious figure from San Joaquin. Reports from Paraiso say that Guerra was driving a white minivan when he pulled up at a home in the village where he regularly washes his clothes. But before he could get out of the van, two men pulled up on a motorcycle and shot him. Residents report hearing as many as 10 shots - on the scene police put down 9 markers. The shooters sped off, and when residents came out to see what was the commotion they saw the bullet riddled van - we saw 5 bullet holes in the windshield. They opened it, and Guerra was still alive inside while his revolver fell out of the van - he may have pulled that weapon to try and defend himself. Residents in the area tried to rush him to the hospital but he died on the way.
Behind The Blackadore Curtain We first reported on Blackadore Caye in 2005. That's when reports were that Hollywood Mega star Leonardo Di Caprio had bought the 104 acre private island off the coast of Ambergris Caye. In the 11 years intervening, much has been said about Blackadore, but little done - and today the Caye remains undeveloped, like a pregnant promise that just never delivered. And why is that? Well the media was invited out to the caye today to find out why Blackadore is a beautiful and odd mystery:...
Looking at Blackadore Caye from it's coast line, a fly over of its land mass, or from its malformed beaches, you might be tempted to view it as just another island paradise waiting to be developed into a pricey tourist getaway.
But, the biologists hired by the intended developers of the Blackadore Caye project say that it's a location under ecological pressures, both man-made, and by nature.
Broken Tie Rod Causes Woman's Death A traffic accident in the North yesterday claimed the life of 55 year old Elba Gongora, a resident of Orange Walk Town. It happened around 4:30 when Gongora, accompanied by two others, was driving a rented Kia Sportage on the San Felipe Road. Near the entrance to the village, Gongora lost control and flipped several times. Elba Gongora was flung out of the vehicle in the process. She sustained severe injuries and died on the spot. But just what caused the vehicle to flip in the first place? Well police believe that a broken "tie-rod" might have been the source of the problem. The deputy commander of Orange Walk Police Inspector Nicholas Palomo told us more.
Insp. Nicholas Palomo, Deputy OC, Orange Walk Police:
"Upon our arrival, on the left side of the road, police observed a blue KIA Sportage with an Orange Walk license plate with extensive damages. The windshield was broken and at the top of the KIA was damaged; the front bumper was off. About 3 feet from the KIA Sportage there was the lifeless body of a female who was later identified as Elda Gongora, a resident of Belize Corozal Road in Orange Walk Town. Initial investigations was that Miss Gongora was travelling from the direction of Orange Walk heading to San Felipe. Upon reaching the curve, she lost control of the vehicle and flipped several times."
Who Knocked Out Knox Yesterday you heard Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams respond to the questions posed to him regarding the medical status of 19 year Zacharia Knox. As you may recall, he is the one being accused of attempting to shoot ACP Chester Williams during a high-speed chase that turned into a deadly stare down. Knox allegedly fired 3 shots at Williams but missed. Somehow, after that, he ended up at the Hospital in a critical condition. Yesterday when the question was brought up to ACP Williams, he simply told us he didn't know. But Knox remains at the hospital in a very bad condition. Today a close friend of his shared some pictures of his injuries and told us that Knox wanted to tell his side of the story. But just how he intends to do that we don't know, because he remains under police guard. The images that were shared with us show multiple abrasions, lacerations and bruises - clearly indicating someone who endured a punishing full body beatdown.
Alrick's Alleged Attacker Gets Bail Two alleged Ladyville shooters got Supreme Court bail today. The first is 29-year-old Shane Bahadur. He is accused of shooting at Alrick Smith and later on he was charged with attempted murder and wounding. Well today in court, Bahadur was able to go home after he met his $10,000 bail. But he must still follow certain conditions: he has to report to the Ladyville police station twice a week, and he must not interfere with the victims. The shooting happened on Friday May 6th. Smith was outside his house with his now deceased brother in law Lionel Rhamdas when Bahadur and another man allegedly opened fire on them, hitting Smith in the leg.
Prado Remains Behind Bars, Got Bail Didn't Meet It The other alleged shooter is 19 year old Darwin Prado. He was involved in the Lozano home shootout on May 16th. Today in court he was also granted bail, his one for $15,000 but he was unable to meet it. Since Prado could not pay the bail he was taken back to prison. Prado, along with 18 year old Egbert Baldwin were both charged with several offenses ranging from wounding to attempted murder. This is after the crazy shootout on Marage Road that left 3 men from the Lozano home injured and Lionel Rhamdas dead. Prado and Baldwin go back to court on August 15th.
Teenaged Arsonist Terrorizing LADYVILLE Residents A wild car-burning teenager is on the loose in Ladyville. Police had caught the 13 year old boy who was behind the recent vehicle fires, but he escaped yesterday. In the past 2 weeks, two Ladyville residents have reported that they woke up to find their vehicles torched. Apparently the boy lurks around at night in Ladyville and just sets cars on fire. Today Assistant Commissioner of Police for Eastern Division Edward Broaster told us more about this mischievous boy and how they plan to recapture him.
ACP Edward Broaster - OC, Easter Division Rural:
"We arrested a juvenile who is no more than 13 years old, who has confessed to the burning of two vehicles for no apparent reasons. Unfortunately last night or I should say early this morning when he asked for a bathroom break, he forced his way through an opening of the window and made good his escape. So we are now searching for him and that matter we will be dealing with."
Police Connect the Dots in Recent Ladyville Murders So while police are on the lookout for the teenaged arsonist, they still continue to investigate the links between the recent Ladyville shootings. The latest update is that police had found a gun in the Ladyville area that is believed to be the one used to kill Lionel Rhamdas during the Lozano house shootout.
Well, to add to that piece of evidence, the shells found at Merkel Pitts' April Murder scene, the ones found after Lloyd Robateau was executed in the Japan area and the ones found at the Lozano home shootout, were all fired from the same gun.
But while more elements are coming together, they still don't bring police that much closer to solving these cases because although they have the gun and matched shells, they still need to find the shooters. Police told us more today.
Senator Ashley Supported S.I. The Sarstoon S.I is history; it was rescinded earlier this week. And while all anyone heard were the criticisms of it, there was a not so vocal section of the populace who supported the measure. Senator for the council of churches Ashley Rocke is one of them. Today he told the media that it was necessary:...
Hon. Ashley Rocke, Church Senator:
"As a senator I did not see the issue. The thing I saw was that the Prime Minister had a responsibility to make sure that he did all he could do to prevent whatever incident could have happened there with the Belizean people. I think writing the SI was one of the ways that, if you were thinking of another way, that would have been the best way to do with the understanding that that is not ultimately going to restrict Belizeans from going to the Sarstoon, but was going to quench the obvious disquiet that was there."
CWU And Port (Authority, Not, "Of Belize") Sign CBA The Christian Workers union has taken all kinds of flak for failing to make any breakthrough in its collective bargaining negotiations with the private Port of Belize. And while that negotiation trudges on, tonight the Union is proudly proclaiming that it has signed an agreement with the Belize Port Authority - which is a statutory body. 48 CWU Members employed at the Port will get a 12% increase in salaries. The CWU also signed a collective agreement with the Central Bank of Belize. According to a press release, 106 CWU Members at the Central Bank will get a 5% salary increase, retroactive to January 1, 2015.
The Mentally Ill And The Law How to deal "legally" with mentally ill persons who break the law? The situation is not uncommon to Belize and recently we have seen major crimes perpetrated by mental health patients. The Death Penalty Project, a London-based NGO, is here in Belize to host a three day workshop in an attempt to at the very least, create a baseline protocol for dealing with the mentally ill within existing laws.
We spoke to the event organizer this morning and he told us about the importance of hosting such an event in Belize.
Parvais Jabbar, Co Exec. Dir., The death Penalty Proj.:
"We've been working in Belize now for over 20 years on individual cases representing prisoners who had been sentenced to death. Over that period of time, we got to know the country very well, we have very good relationships with lawyers and other organizations here and one area that we wanted to explore was the criminal justice system. A couple years ago, together with other stakeholders in Belize, we launched a report 'Behind the Prison Gates' which looked at issues that were important not only in relation to death row prisoners, but other vulnerable prisoners such as juveniles, mentally disordered, and so on. As a result of this report and some of the findings and recommendations that were agreed and considered by a number of important stakeholders in Belize, together with the Chief Justice and with the Belize Bar Association, we agreed to hold a number of training workshops and seminars looking at mental health and the law."
More Police Promotion Needed For "Eat and Greet" Today the police department held its first "Lunch with a Cop" session. The idea behind this initiative is to give residents a chance to sit down with officers in their area to voice concerns or even make suggestions on how the police can better protect the community. So officers from both South and Northside gathered at the Sea View Restaurant at the Princess Hotel for lunch. But the cops pretty much enjoyed their meal amongst themselves because…Yah! Nobody showed up. Luckily there were a few willing lunch-goers who sat down and spoke to the officers.
Assistant Commissioner of Police for Rural Eastern Division Edward Broaster told us that the lack of proper publicity played a role in this case. And we also spoke to a youth advocate who gladly joined in the session, she told us how it went.
The next Lunch with a Cop session will be held next month. The police will also be rolling out another initiative called Shop with a Cop.
Top Cop Honoured Yesterday we told you about Police Constable Edward Gonzalez. He shot himself in the head yesterday morning in front of the Queen Street Police Station. The suicide stunned everyone because Gonzalez was known for his good police work. And maybe it would have been him who would have received an award sometime this year for officer of the month. But now it is left up to other officers to keep his memory alive through their hard work and dedication. And his colleagues PC Gregory Witty and Harris Gabourel are doing just that. Today they received their award for officers of the month for April and May. Today we found out why they stood out among the rest.
PC Witty has been a police officer for 20 years while PC Gabourel has been for 2 years. Zitro Western Union sponsored the monetary gifts.
Festival Finish And tonight we close with highlights of the Primary School Festival of the Arts Districts Showcase. That brings the best youth performers from all over the country to the Bliss Stage. We leave you with the Belize City and Orange Walk Showcase. Enjoy and join us back here tomorrow...
Channel 5
Delmar Guerra is Ambushed and Killed in Paraiso Village Late this evening, San Joaquin resident, Delmar Guerra was shot multiple times as he drove a van through the village of Paraiso, Corozal. Guerra was ambushed by a pair of [...]
P.U.P. Senator Eamon Courtenay Discusses Istanbul Talks The much anticipated Istanbul talks are over and done with, but there is no definitive resolution and certainly no protocols coming out of those very high-level discussions. A release sent [...]
Is Guatemala Willing to Fast Track Sarstoon Protocol? The fact is that if Guatemala agrees to any protocols with equitable use of the Sarstoon as an end point, it would represent a significant back-tracking. In past months the [...]
A Timeline to Continue Negotiating Sarstoon Protocol is Pretty Much Set Both positions are polar opposites, so the next step is actually to the point where concrete protocols enter the equation. We’ve actually been there. On April eighth Belize presented eleven [...]
Ambassador Courtenay Says O.A.S. Has Critical Role in Discussions The incident in Chiquibul in which a Guatemalan minor was shot also made it to the negotiating table in Istanbul. Following that incident, Guatemalan officials including President Jimmy Gonzalez, Foreign [...]
Is There Any Update from O.A.S. in Chiquibul Shooting? And finally, in our coverage of the Istanbul talks, we asked Courtenay about the ongoing investigation into that Chiquibul incident. The OAS launched one at the request of Guatemalan authorities, [...]
IMF Preliminary Report on Belize Doesn’t Inspire Economic Confidence The International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) has issued a report at the end of its most recent visit to Belize which concluded this Wednesday. The team was led by Jacques Bouhga-Hagbe [...]
A Single Firearm is Used in Ladyville Murders/Shootings Since March of this year, Ladyville has been experiencing an upward trend in violent crimes. It started with the murder of Rene “Fat Cat” Chavarria and since then, three other [...]
Suspected Arsonist Escapes from Police Custody in Ladyville Police also believe they have the person responsible for setting two vehicles on fire in Ladyville over the extended weekend. But while quick police work led to the apprehension of [...]
Shane Bahadur is Granted Bail Following an Attempt on Alrick Smith’s Life While Ladyville police connect the string of violent crimes in the jurisdiction, the suspect in the shooting of thirty-old year Alrick Smith was granted bail by the Supreme Court today. [...]
Darwin Prado Remains in Police Custody After Being Unable to Post Bail The court also granted bail to Darwin Prado, another Ladyville resident, but he remains in police custody since he was unable to post the required fifteen thousand dollars to be [...]
Port Authority and Christian Workers Union Sign CB Two collective bargaining agreements were signed today to benefit members of the Christian Workers Union. The Belize Port Authority and the CWU, after five weeks of negotiations, reached agreement in [...]
Port Authority Chair Says Signing New Agreement is Historic According to Chairlady of the Belize Port Authority, Ruth Staine Dawson, the signing is a historic experience because the agreement was concluded in a relative short time and there is [...]
Central Bank Signs CBA with CWU As we said, there was a second CBA signed earlier today, but at the Central Bank. While the media was not invited to that signing, a total of one hundred [...]
Ashcroft Attorney Says Speculation on Arbitration Award is Pointless The official figure tallied in what will very likely be a whopping arbitration award is due in soon. We’ve all heard the numbers being thrown around – anywhere from a [...]
Government Loses Another Multimillion Dollar Litigation to BCB Holdings That arbitration award is hefty, but government will spend much more. Recently, G.O.B. lost another multimillion dollar litigation brought by BCB Holdings in a U.S. Court. Courtenay says that the [...]
Blackadore Caye Development is Back on Track Blackadore Caye Resort is back in the news tonight. The multimillion-dollar, eco-friendly, luxury resort project restructured, following a round of consultations in San Pedro in which residents expressed serious concerns [...]
Lunch With a Cop at the Princess The police department has embarked on a new initiative to strengthen its community policing approach. The three regional commanders of the Eastern Division came together today to Lunch with a [...]
Courts Donates Ten Thousand Dollars to Lifeline Foundation A donation that will go a long way for children was handed over to the Lifeline Foundation today at Courts Main Store in Belize City. Unicomer Belize Limited provided the [...]
Remembering Elijio Briceño And this news…Elijio Briceño, affectionately known as Don Joe or Boss Joe, was laid to rest in his hometown of Orange Walk on Wednesday. The former Minister of Energy and [...]
Healthy Living: Why Men Don’t Like to Go to the Doctor? There are many reasons why men simply don’t access the healthcare system as often as women do – and no, gentlemen – it has nothing to do with being stronger [...]
Traffic Accidents Claims One Life And Leaves Two Injured
At about 4:30 yesterday evening the road leading to the village of San Felipe in the Orange Walk District turned deadly as it claimed the life of a 55 year old Orange Walk business woman and left two others injured in a tragic traffic accident. Reports are that Elba Concepcion Gongora was driving a 1990 blue Kia Sportage heading towards San Felipe Village and upon nearing a curve she lost control of the vehicle which overturned several times until coming to a stop.
Accompanying Gongora at the time of the accident along were 47 year old Luis Briceno Sr. and 36 year old Amalia Cocom, a resident of Yo Creek Village, Orange Walk. Preliminary investigations indicate that Gongora died on the spot after receiving several head and body injuries while Briceno sustained injuries to both his legs and Amalia Cocom escaped with minor injuries.
IMF Gives A Grim Prognosis For Belize's' Economy
In a recent release issued by the International Monetary Fund, it indicates that the economic outlook for Belize has worsened since last year’s Article Four Consultation. In order to shed some light with regards to this issue that is of grave concern for our country, the IMF team, spearheaded by Jacques Bougha-Hagbe visited Belize from the 11th of May to the 25th with the purpose of hosting conferences based on the country’s Article Four Consultation for this year 2016. The team met with Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, financial secretary, Joseph Waight, Central Bank Governor, Glenford Ysaguirre, private sector representatives along with other government and central bank officials for the meetings. After the entire visit concluded, it was established that Belize’s economy is slowing at this point in time while both fiscal and external vulnerabilities are increasing.
OW PC Rewarded For His Services To The Community
As part of their monthly initiative to acknowledge police officers and present them with a token of appreciation for their commitment and dedication towards serving the community, the Orange Walk Police Formation held a short ceremony today with the objective of recognizing police constable Eugenio Uk, who has been working in the department for about twenty five years, for a doing a remarkable job throughout this entire month.
Eugenio Uk – Police Officer of the month:
“I feel great to be recognized to be police of the month; honestly all police officers of this detachment should receive an award because all of them work very hard at this station.”
Rotarians Donate Computers To Assemblies Of God Primary School
Access to reliable, up-to-date computer technology has become increasingly important in classrooms across our country yet not all of our primary schools have the finance to provide computer access for their students. Seeing the need for more computers in classrooms across the Corozal District, the Corozal Rotary Club and the Virginia U.S.A Rotary Club, are currently donating computers to various schools. One of the lucky recipients was Santa Rita Assemblies of God Primary School, and according to Principal Jesus Catzim, the donation will make a substantial difference for the learning environment. Jesus Catzim Principal Assemblies of God Primary School: “I am very happy for the Rotarians to bring the computers for our school and definitely we are going to have our students use them, we will probably include some lessons so that we can have a group of them come and give them lessons so now we have these other computers, definitely they will use them more on doing their research after classes they use them but since we only had three of them it took them longer but now we have five more it will definitely be more beneficial to them.”
Orange Walk Resident Missing For Three Weeks
The family and friends of twenty four year old Pedro Alfonso Caliz remain in despair at this point in time, for yesterday marked three weeks since he mysteriously disappeared from his neighborhood in the Louisiana area, Orange Walk. Caliz reportedly left his residence at about 11:00 on the morning of May 4th to shop for groceries at a local store but never made it back home.
CTV3 News spoke to Caliz’s aunt, Dolores Sanchez, who informed us that the family has been doing everything in their power to locate him but so far, have been unsuccessful.
Dolores Sanchez – Aunt:
“Les Preguntamos a los amigos, a los que lo conocen nadie lo ve que hasta ahorita no hemos sabido nada de él, a su familia como tiene hermanas en Camalote haya les hemos avisado a ellos y que no saben nada de él.”
IMF Says Belize Needs to ‘Put Public Debt on the Downward Path’ Following a two week working visit in Belize, the findings documented by the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are alarming when it comes to the economy and the country’s vulnerabilities. While the document is not a final report from the IMF’s Executive Board, it is a preliminary report put together by the team […]
Crooked Tree Causeway Gets Overdue Attention Crooked Tree Village is the home to about a thousand people and is an area that seems to only get attention during election time or when the rains come and the causeway gets flooded. There is, however, some good news this evening as funding of just under one million dollars has been approved for a […]
The Talks in Istanbul, Turkey Earlier this week, a delegation led by Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington met with his Guatemalan counterpart in Istanbul, Turkey. Earlier this week Cabinet announced the statutory instrument limiting movement on the Sarstoon River would be revoked since the talks proved successful. Yesterday Prime Minister Barrow was asked about the meeting. DEAN BARROW “There’s an agreement […]
Belize’s Ombudsman Takes Over as Head of the Human Rights Defenders Ombudsman Lionel Arzu, has been installed as the President of The Council of Human Rights Defenders. He assumes presidency for the year 2016-2017. The baton was handed over by the former president, the Ombudsman of Honduras, Doctor Roberto Herrera in a ceremony that took place in Belize for the first time. Arzu spoke to Love […]
Ombudsman Cites Displaced Migration as a Crucial Regional Issue The New President of The Council of Human Rights Defenders, the Ombudsman of Belize, Lionel Arzu, spoke with Love News about the current issues affecting the region, especially the issue of displaced migration. LIONEL ARZU “—the guy who is the outgoing president had some issues that were started by him as the president and it […]
Consultations Continue for Blackadore Caye A multi-million dollar eco-friendly hotel to be built on Blackadore Caye has begun its second process of consultations. A number of amendments were made to the Environment Impact Assessment, based on consultations with those who will be affected by the development of the project. For the eco-friendly hotel to become successful, they need a healthy […]
Traffic Accident Claims Woman’s Life and Injures Two A woman is dead and two others injured as a result of road traffic accident that occurred on Wednesday in Orange Walk Town. According to Police, sometime after four o’clock yesterday evening, 55-year-old Elba Concepcion Gongora was driving a four door KIA Sportage from August Pine Ride to San Felipe Village when she lost control […]
Woman dies in traffic accident in OW A woman is dead and two others injured as a result of road traffic accident that occurred on Wednesday in Orange Walk Town. According to Police, sometime after four o’clock yesterday evening, 55-year-old Elba Concepcion Gongora was driving a four door KIA Sportage from August Pine Ride to San Felipe Village when she lost control […]
CBA to Benefit Staff of Port of Belize Christian Workers Union and The Port Authority have signed, a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that was negotiated for five weeks. The CBA benefits the 48 staff members of the Port of Belize union and non union members. Port Commissioner Merlene Bailey Martinez commented on the main benefits the employees will gain. MERLENE BAILEY MARTINEZ “The […]
Costa Rica Seeks Investment Opportunities in Belize A Costa Rican company is looking for investments in Belize. This morning Procomer Costa Rica exports, along with the Embassy of Costa Rica held a breakfast at the Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina to discuss investment opportunities for Costa Rica in Belize. Director of Trade Promotion Office Itzamn Huelat spoke with Love News about […]
The Guardian
Istanbul Talks successful - Sarstoon Protocol coming soon A delegation from both Belize and Guatemala has held extensive bilateral meetings in Istanbul, Turkey, and satisfied by the outcome of those talks, the Government of Belize has decided to revoke the 30-day ban on the Sarstoon a few days early.
Those meetings happened on Monday, May 23, and Tuesday, May 24, but it was the Monday working session which went on for 4 hours. That meeting happened at the Hilton Bomonti Hotel in Istanbul, and Belize was represented by Foreign Affairs Minister Wilfred Elrington; Belize’s Ambassador to Guatemala, Alexis Rosado; and the Representative for the Opposition Leader, Eamon Courtenay. The Guatemalan delegation was represented by that country’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Carlos Raul Morales, Guatemala’s Ambassador to Belize Manuel Barrillas and other officials. Magdalena Talamás, the Representative for Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) was the mediator in these bilateral talks.
Two cops: one attempts suicide, one succeeds One police officer is dead and another is receiving medical treatment after a suicide and an attempted suicide this week. The first took place on Monday May 23 when police constable Melvin Nah drank herbicide, apparently because he had sentimental problems. Our information suggests that he was intimately involved with another police officer, a woman, who decided to sever relations with him and he opted to take his life. He was unsuccessful and ended up being treated at the KHMH after he ingested Gramaxone, a herbicide, to take his life. He remains hospitalized receiving treatment.
In the second attempt, which was successful, Police constable 34 year old Edward Gonzalez went to work at the Queen Street Police station at 7 a.m. on Wednesday May 25, he was his usual self being what appeared to be a carefree individual. Reports are that, as he usually does, he was hugging women police constables who were his friends when shortly thereafter he sat on the front steps of the Queen Street Police Station, he drew his service pistol, placed it to his head and pulled the trigger.
Who will it be? On Sunday May 29, 589 delegates of the United Democratic Party will have to make perhaps one of the most difficult political decisions they have ever been asked to make in selecting either Hon. John Saldivar or Hon. Patrick Faber to be the First Deputy Party leader of the UDP.
Both men are exceptional and charismatic leaders within the UDP and as such the decision is no small task. Added to that pressure is that of a well animated campaign which is seeing both candidates campaigning across the country. Hon. Faber is carrying his message under the banner - Path to the Future, while Hon. Saldivar has his under the theme Unity, Maturity, Integrity. Both men have mounted aggressive campaigns visiting constituencies to speak to candidates as groups as well as campaining to delegates on a one on one basis.
All the work that they are putting in will yield their results on Sunday at the ITVET compound on Freetown road where the delegates will cast their votes from 9 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. According to the convention rules, any delegate who has not cast their vote by 2 pm will have that vote replaced by an alternate.
Sarstoon SI repealed - PUP fail to rile up Sarstoon issue After weeks of hyping this supposed trip to the Sarstoon River, on Saturday, the PUP failed to deliver on their promise. In addition to that, the Government has since revoked the 30-day Sarstoon Ban. This means they have also missed their window to try to make a political spectacle of the Government trying to ensure that were not bamboozled by persons trying to politicize an important issue.
The reasons they have given to explain the cancelation of the Sarstoon trip is that the Government supposedly leaned on their hired boat captains and intimidated them into backing out. As usual, instead of being straight with the Belizean public, the PUP have to paint themselves as victims to the big bad government.
Taiwan to disburse first installment for Renal Failure Prevention Project to the Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health on behalf of the Government and people of Belize will be receiving the first disbursement of US$34,500 for the capacity building project for the prevention and control of chronic renal failure in Belize at a ceremony to be held at the Best Western Biltmore Hotel on May 30th, 2016 at 9:00a.m.
The “Renal Failure Prevention Project” is a three-year project with a total approved budget of US$2.2 million. It was signed on February 10, 2016 between Belize and Taiwan to treat patients at the early stages of renal failure or kidney disease, ultimately reducing the socio-economic burden to families and to the health system.
Condolences 78 year-old Eligio Joe Briceño, a two term Area Representative for Orange Walk, passed away at 11:58 p.m., on Saturday, May 21. His son, John, and the entire Briceño family, were at his bedside until the very end. The Briceño family say that “Joe” suffered a stroke some 11 years ago, and that, is believed, started the decline in his health which took its toll this weekend. Briceño has told the press that his father’s death factored into his decision to cancel the Sarstoon trip. To honor his contribution as a former Minister of Government and a former Parliamentarian, the Government held an official funeral on his behalf at La Immaculada Church, in Orange Walk Town.
California Missionaries Bring Gospel, Joy and Supplies to Belize “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” said Jesus Christ to his disciples in Mathew chapter 28 verse 19. This is the Great Commission and all believers are called to adhere. Those who do are called missionaries. They spread the gospel all over the world and their love has saved many troubled societies.
Hundreds, maybe thousands, of missionaries visit Belize each year. They host summer and Easter camps, vacation bible schools, crusades and clinics. Some renovate churches, schools and homes. They come from various religious denominations and as long as they come with clean hearts they are all welcome. However, there are certain mission teams that are ever so slightly more appreciated. Those are the teams that include members with Belizean blood; like the team from Abundant Living Church from Rancho Cucamonga, California that is currently in Belize.
Benque resident drowns A taxi driver from Benque Viejo del Carmen has drowned after consuming alcohol. Benque Viejo Police visited an area on George Street behind the bus terminal at about 4:25 pm on Saturday of this past weekend, on arrival they observed the body of a male Hispanic being escorted to the bus terminal.
Initial investigation revealed that Pedro Valdez, a 51year old Belizean Taxi Driver was alone at J&G Bar situated on George Street, Benque Viejo Town and at the time he was consuming alcohol. He then decided to go take a bath in the Mopan River at an area behind J&G Bar. About five minutes later, he disappeared from the area. A search was conducted and approximately 100 yards away from where he was last seen going down, the body of Pedro Valdez was found and retrieved from the river.
Drugs and firearm found in Cayo Police in Cayo have safely removed a weapon from off the streets. On Tuesday May 24th 2016 about 7:00am a joint operation by San Ignacio Police and the K-9 unit executed a search in an abandoned lot in the Hotpoint area, Santa Elena town. At that location police discovered a red bucket with white cover containing (6) black plastic bags which contained green vegetable substance suspected to be cannabis under an abandoned cement building. Further searches behind the same building, under some dry grass, led to the discovery of (1) 12 gauge pump action shotgun (Remington Brand) with serial number T356956V. Both items were taken to the San Ignacio Police Station where the drugs was weighed amounting to 2,141 grams. Both items were deposited as found property since no one was found in the area.
Nicole Flowers confesses to trafficking 7 kilos of weed Officers of the Gang Suppression Unit were operating in the Lake Independence area on May 14, 2015, when their attention was drawn to Nicole Flowers, 23, as they entered a yard. She was behaving suspiciously and this caused police to conduct a search on her. Inside a purse she was carrying, police found five pounds of weed. They decided to take Flowers to her home on Jasmine Street to conduct a search of her residence. There the officers found another substantial amount of marijuana in a room, eleven pounds. Flowers was arrested and charged with drug trafficking.
Trial commenced for Flowers in the Belize City Magistrates Court and on Friday, May 20, she decided to plead guilty to one count of drug trafficking. When Magistrate Mendoza asked her where she got so much marijuana from, Flowers told him that a man gave her the weed to hold for him. She chose not to reveal the name of the man. Magistrate Carlon Mendoza imposed a non-custodial sentence upon Flowers, who is in an advanced stage of pregnancy. She was fined $10,000, which is to be paid by December 31, 2016. In default, she will serve three years imprisonment.
Twelve years for killing Jason Pott Twelve years imprisonment is the sentence handed down by Justice Adolph Lucas after Devaughn Goodger, 22, accepted a plea deal in trial for the murder of Jason Pott. On Wednesday, May 11, Goodger pleaded guilty to manslaughter, which is a less serious charge than murder for which he was on trial. Justice Lucas deducted 5 years and 2 months from the sentence for the period of time he has been on remand.
The senseless killing of Pott occurred on Cleghorn Street near the intersection with Slaughter House Road in March of 2011. Pott and his cousin were approached by a group of three men. They got into an altercation and he was stabbed once to the chest. His cousin tried to rush him to the Karl Heusner Memorial on bicycle but they were stopped by police who allegedly knocked them off the bike for riding contrary to the flow of traffic. Pott pleaded to the officers for help and they then transported him to the hospital. Pott later died as a result of the stab wound to the chest.
Officer accused of molestation is out on bail Police Constable Darren Evan Martinez, 21, is out on bail after being on remand for four days for sexual assault upon a child under the age of 16. Martinez is being accused of penetrating the vagina of an 8-year-old girl with his finger on February 21, 2016.
Martinez appeared before Magistrate Deborah Rogers on Monday, May 16. He is being represented by attorney Oswald Twist. Since the matter is an indictable offense, no plea was taken. Court prosecutor, Cpl. Kennard Clark, objected to bail on the grounds of the prevalence and serious nature of the offense. Twist was concerned about possible harm that could come to his client while on remand at the Belize Central Prison. However, Martinez was placed in protective custody while his attorney carried out the bail application process.
Vehicle stolen in Roaring Creek A hard working Belizean has been deprived of his vehicle. Elias Reyes, a 23 year old Belizean of Frank’s Eddy Village Cayo District has reported that on Friday of last week at about 5:45 pm he had parked his 1990 four door car with license plate C-01957 at the Westar Compound in Roaring Creek and had gone to work at Santander. On the following day at about 7:40 am on his return from work he noticed that his Sky Blue in color Honda car was nowhere to be found. The value of the car is $4000.00 Belize. Police investigation continues in an attempt to recover the stolen vehicle.
Over 33 pounds of weed and shotgun found in Cayo A quantity of weed has been discovered by San Ignacio Police near one of its booths. On Friday 20th May 2016 about 5:00 am, San Ignacio Police were on mobile patrol between miles 68 and 69 on the George Price Highway and upon making checks opposite Rumors Resort by the Police booth, they discovered a large black bag wrapped with transparent tape. Upon further checking its content they noticed that it was a large quantity of green leafy vegetable substance suspected to be cannabis. Further checks in the immediate area led to the discovery of another small black plastic back containing more green leafy vegetable substances.
A determined search also led to the discovery of a 20 gauge sawed off shotgun with a wooden brown stock, and a brown wooden handle with a weed leaf carved and painted green on the grip. Beside the shotgun was a single yellow in color 20 gauge cartridge RIO Brand inside the barrel. All items were retrieved and taken to the San Ignacio Police Station, where the big bag was weighed amounting to 14,968.5 grams or 33 lbs. The small black plastic bag was weighed amounting to 170 grams. All items were deposited as found property.
Steven Young granted Supreme Court bail for attempted murder Steven Young, 25, is out on Supreme Court bail after Prosecutor Sheneiza Smith had no objection to a bail application submitted to Justice Herbert Lord on Friday, May 20. Justice Lord released the accused who had been charged with attempted murder on bail of $8,000 plus one surety of the same amount or two sureties of $4,000 each.
Young was arraigned on Monday, May 16, for the attempted murder of Lord’s Bank resident, Brandon Stevens, who was stabbed during an altercation inside Ruba’s Bar on Saturday, May 14, 2016. Charges against Young include attempted murder, dangerous harm and use of deadly means of harm upon Stevens. On Saturday afternoon, Stevens went to Ruba’s Bar and saw his common-law-wife sitting down with four men. He approached and asked her for their house key.
First Annual Elodio Aragon Sovereign’s Day Cycling Race The organizing committee for the 1st annual Elodio Aragon Sovereign’s Day Cycling Race is proud to report that the race which took place on Sunday 22 May was a huge success. Hon. Aragon through vision and determination has made this event possible and has pledged to make it even bigger and better as time goes by as the plan is to have it every year.
Honorable Aragon who is responsible for the ministry of sports, understands that it is only through education and sports that we are going to rid ourselves of ignorance and crime. By encouraging our athletes we will ensure that they develop that physical and mental competitive spirit which will see us being propelled to the next level. He has a passion for whatever he does and there is no doubt that we are now witnessing the ushering in of a new era in the area of sports in Belize.
Belizean athletes to Central American Junior Track & Field Championship The Belize Athletics Association had representation at the XXIV Central American Junior Track & Field championship, which as hosted by Confederación Atle?tica del Istmo Centroamerico (CADICA) from May 20-22, 2016, that was held at the National Stadium in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Belize competed in the 100m event for female 15-17 years old where Faith Morris and Hilary Gladden were the competitors. Faith Morris finished 8th in the qualifying round to advance to the finals where she finished 5th in a time of 12.53.
In the 200m event for female 15-17 years old, Belize’s competitors were Faith Morris who finished 3rd in the qualifying round in a time of 25.98 and Hilary Gladden who placed 9 out of 11 starters. However, Faith Morris was unable to compete in the finals of her 200m event.
Mega Business opens in Santa Elena, Cayo Now sandwiched between Era Store and Brother’s Supermarket on the George Price Highway in Santa Elena Town, Sargent Pepper’s mega project made a soft landing last week, opening its doors to customers from all over. The new addition of Sargent Pepper’s to the Santa Elena landscape will boost the local economy; as 22 Belizeans are now employed there. Sargent Pepper’s Manager is Amir Segura Junior, who is a resident of Santa Elena Town.
Sargent Pepper’s will now be opened Sunday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, with their servings such as the Sargent Pepper’s Burger, which is now available therein. There is also a selection of healthy orange and lime juices at the new business place. Sargent Pepper’s drive through was also opened last week, which provides a great convenience for those on a busy schedule.
Campbellsville University Doing Service Work at High School in Belmopan Seven Campbellsville University (C.U.) students and two team leaders are doing teaching service work at Our Lady of Guadalupe High School O.L.O.G in Belmopan. C.U. is a private Baptist university in the state of Kentucky.
The seven students are finalizing their Teacher of Students of Other Languages (T.E.S.O.L ) certification. While at the same time, the team is doing 12 days of Service Teaching at O.L.O.G. and will be in Belize for a total of 19 days.
O.L.O.G. teachers say that this is beneficial for everyone where the American team gets to experience some of the Belizean culture and educational system. Likewise for Belizean teachers, it is an opportunity to work with the American teachers, who are here to do individual tutoring and to share the teaching methods they have been taught. Most importantly, O.L.O.G. students will be able to receive instructions and lessons from teachers with different perspectives, teaching methods and teaching styles.
WORDS OF LIFE In his book, “How to Obtain Strong Faith,” Dr. Frederick K.C. Price sets out six principles. The first step is to “Know the Reality of God’s Word.” (Believe the Bible is true.) The second principle is “Know the Reality of your Redemption in Christ.” (Jesus freed us from bondage.)
Now we look at principle 3: “Know the Reality of the New Creation.” Dr. Price comments, “You should not see yourself as Satan sees you. You should not see yourself as other [people] see you, but you should see yourself as God sees you. Until you learn to see yourself as God sees you, you will never be able to obtain strong faith… You must see yourself as God sees you – a new creature in Christ.
House Speaker helps with easing tensions with Guatemala For the first time in 150 years of the Belize Guatemala territorial dispute, the parliaments of both countries have decided to get involved to try to assist their governments in peacemaking initiatives. This decision was made at the 17th ordinary meeting of the Forum of Presiding Officers of the National Parliaments of Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean Basin (FOPREL).
Hon. Michael Peyrefitte, the Speaker of the Belize House of Representatives is the current vice-president of FOPREL, and Mario Taracena Diaz-Sol, who is the Speaker of the Guatemala Congress, is the President. So, that FOPREL meeting, held in Managua, Nicaragua, gave these two men an opportunity to also discuss Belize-Guatemala relations. Also present were the Speakers and Deputy Speakers of parliaments of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica.
California Missionaries Bring Gospel, Joy and Supplies to Belize “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” said Jesus Christ to his disciples in Mathew chapter 28 verse 19. This is the Great Commission and all believers are called to adhere. Those who do are called missionaries. They spread the gospel all over the world and their love has saved many troubled societies.
Hundreds, maybe thousands, of missionaries visit Belize each year. They host summer and Easter camps, vacation bible schools, crusades and clinics. Some renovate churches, schools and homes. They come from various religious denominations and as long as they come with clean hearts they are all welcome. However, there are certain mission teams that are ever so slightly more appreciated. Those are the teams that include members with Belizean blood; like the team from Abundant Living Church from Rancho Cucamonga, California that is currently in Belize.
PUPs told Johnny to paddle and bail his own canoe Belizeans were waiting to see if the PUPs would follow through on their resolve to challenge the security forces and proceed with their planned illegal voyage to the Sarstoon River. Well like all things associated with the PUP, the voyage was a NO GO! Even at the risk of sounding repetitive we must and we say MUST repeat this statement “PUP has not been able to get anything right in the last 150 MONTHS, having not only have they lost every election held during that time, they have also not made any forward progress. For them it is like Midas touch in reverse. Everything they touch turns into EXCREMENT. We may be at the point where BWS might be charging them for creating too much raw sewage.
Around 11 p.m. on Friday word started to spread that the PUP would not be going on the much talked about voyage , that had been planned for the next morning . It was not that their decision caught us by surprise because we have gotten to know the PUP as what can only be described as TALK PLENTY- DO LITTLE! They talk up a storm but just at the moment when it is time to put up or shut up they fall down. And so they left the stage without even a whimper. We can understand Wil’s and BTV’s disappointment at the PUP decision not to go. Say what we may say about Wil but he is either brave or stupid enough, to follow up on his plans to go to the Sarstoon even if it is wrong headed, he would still follow through, unless he is stopped by the security forces.
Taiwan to disburse first installment for Renal Failure Prevention Project to the Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health on behalf of the Government and people of Belize will be receiving the first disbursement of US$34,500 for the capacity building project for the prevention and control of chronic renal failure in Belize at a ceremony to be held at the Best Western Biltmore Hotel on May 30th, 2016 at 9:00a.m.
The “Renal Failure Prevention Project” is a three-year project with a total approved budget of US$2.2 million. It was signed on February 10, 2016 between Belize and Taiwan to treat patients at the early stages of renal failure or kidney disease, ultimately reducing the socio-economic burden to families and to the health system.
Training will be provided to general practitioners and dialysis nurses in Taiwan, while local training programs will be conducted for Case Managers and Community Health Workers in identification and management of risk factors for kidney failure. Furthermore, the project also includes the establishment and launch of a tracking and management system for chronic disease cases in medical facilities.
Walk for a Green Belize was a success! In setting the pace for the upcoming World Environment Day, a “Walk for a Green Belize,” was coordinated by the Department of the Environment DOE on Saturday of this past weekend. The event started at 7:00 a.m. and ended at 11:00 am along the 77 mile stretch of the George Price Highway, with the participation of a number of organizations and Government bodies. The Police and Transport Department as well as City Traffic were involved to caution drivers to be more wary of all the participants, who were cleaning along the busy highway.
Among the participants were the Rotaract Club of San Ignacio, San Ignacio Community Police Officers, Belmopan Police, Belmopan Cadets as well as the Belmopan City Council. In a statement from the office of the Mayor of Belmopan, Khalid Belisle, he extended a big thanks to everyone, who came out to volunteer their time on Saturday. Mayor Belisle and his team removed more than 200 bags of garbage from along the Hummingbird Highway (Guanacaste Park to almost the entrance to the City dump site).
Meshack Banner charged for stabbing his brother, a GSU Officer Crooked Tree resident, Meshack Banner, 25, is at the Belize Central Prison on remand after he was charged with the attempted murder of his own brother, Walton Banner, an officer of the police department’s Gang Suppression Unit. Allegations are that Meshack and his brother Walton got into an altercation on Friday, May 20, and it ended with him pulling a knife and inflicting a stab wound upon his sibling.
Meshack Banner was unrepresented when he appeared in court on Tuesday, May 24, before Magistrate Carlon Mendoza. He was read three indictable offenses: one count each of attempted murder, use of deadly means of harm and wounding with a deadly instrument. Due to the nature of the offenses, no plea was taken and bail could not be granted.
Two injured in Traffic accident in San Ignacio Town There was a traffic accident in San Ignacio Town on Saturday of this past weekend, where two persons resulted with various injuries. Acting on information, San Ignacio Police visited Savannah Street in San Ignacio Town at about 4:10 am, near the Low Lying Bridge area where on arrival they saw a blue Toyota Corolla 4 door car, which had collided into the recently constructed concrete Market Wall. Trapped inside the vehicle was a male person of dark complexion, who was seated on the driver’s side in an unconscious state, and a female of clear complexion, who was seen on the passenger’s seat of the vehicle and was crying for help.
Both persons inside the vehicle had injuries all over their bodies. Initial investigations reveal that at about 4:00 am, Patrick Gordon was driving his blue Toyota Corolla from an east to west direction whilst crossing the low lying bridge from Santa Elena Town to San Ignacio Town. Unfortunately, after crossing the board bridge and onto the pavement road he lost control of the vehicle, which caused the vehicle to swerve left, directly into the solid concrete wall of the San Ignacio Market Square area.
Man from Cayo drinks Paraquat
Burglar says he has “seven kids to feed and one on the way” Zane Pott, 19, will spend the next two years at the Belize Central Prison after he pleaded guilty to one count of burglary and one count of theft on Tuesday, May 24. Pott told Magistrate Deborah Rogers that it was a moment of weakness and he was desparate to provide for his family, which include seven children and a pregnant common-law-wife.
Hue Hulse, a resident of Belize City, says he went to his warehouse at about 7:15 a.m.on Tuesday, May 17, and noticed that it had been burglarized. The burglar bar from one of his windows was removed and an HP printer was stolen. Hulse then checked his surveillance system and realized that the cable wires were cut. However, the camera captured a Hispanic male with a pony tail entering the warehouse before the wires were cut. Police were called to the scene and they were able to identify Pott from the footage. He was arretsed and charged for burglary. Police additionally charged him with theft and damaged to property for an incident that occurred later that same week. Roni White, a tour guide of Captain Eiley Street, reported to police that on Friday, May 20, he went to start his bus and noticed that his batteries were missing.
Kristoff Riverol pleads guilty to theft Kristoff Riverol is lucky to have been spared jail time after he pleaded guilty to two counts of theft from his former workplace, Fultec System.
Bjana Bradley, Belize Operations/Human Resources Manager of Fultec System, reported to police that between May 16 and May 20, 2016, Riverol stole two 1-terabyte My Passport Ultra external hard drives valued at $239.95 each. Bradley viewed a surveillance monitor at 2 p.m. on May 20, 2016, and noticed Riverol taking two hard drives from off the counter and placing them into a plastic bag. According to Bradley, Riverol was employed as a sales support representative whose duties included phone and after sales support. However, he has no authority to move items from the counter. The police was called in; they reviewed the camera recording and proceeded to arrest Riverol within a four day period. Police investigation also revealed that Riverol had already sold one of the hard drives to a businesswoman from the Buttonwood Bay area.
Anthony Robinson Takes Rap for Gun Again Leith Bermudez, 21, Deshane Mena, 29, Anthony Robinson, 29, and Richard Flores, 38, were charged with gun and ammunition offenses after they were found inside a vehicle with a firearm on Tuesday, February 26. At around 8:25 p.m. that Tuesday, police intercepted a gold Toyota Camry that was driving recklessly at the corner of Flamboyant and Mahogany Street with the four men inside. A search of the vehicle led to the discovery of a chrome .38 Smith and Wesson revolver with a wooden grip and five live rounds of .38 special S&B ammunition under a seat. All four men were arrested and charged with keeping a firearm and ammunition without a gun license.
Alrick Smith Charged for Plotting to Kill 11 Persons Alrick Smith, 31, is in trouble with the law yet again. This time the charges against him may certainly be something of a reach by police but with Smith it is now difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt. Smith is on remand at the Belize Central Prison after he was arraigned for abetment to commit murder upon 11 persons. According to Ladyville police, on May 14 he solicited to cause the death of Cynthia Lozano, Jerome Lozano, Justeen Lozano, Cassidy Lozano, Amber Lozano, Celine Lozano, Sherdon Lozano, Camryn Lozano, Athlee Lozano, and Shemera Williams.
Cynthia Lozano is the mother of Casey Lozano, one of three persons shot over the weekend of Saturday, May 14, on Marage Road, Ladyville. In that exchange, Lionel Rhamdas was shot fatally. Smith is said to be an in-law of Rhamdas and the charge stems from his intended retaliation.
Ebenezer Methodist School boys continue on winning path The Belize City Primary Schools Football competition continued over the last week with a number of games in both the girls’ and boys’ competition at the MCC Grounds.
On Friday 20th May, 2016, in the first of two games played in the girls’ competition, Salvation Army School and St. John’s Primary School played to a 0-0 draw.
In the second game, St. Martin de Porres shut-out St. Mary’s Primary School by the score of 3-0. The goals for St. Martin de Porres were scored by Jeanna Usher, Shantel Flowers and Hui Ling Chen.
In the first game in the boys’ competition, Salvation Army School and St. John’s Primary School played to a 2-2 draw. The goals for Salvation Army School were scored by Emmeth Serrano and Jerwin Carcamo. For St. John’s Primary School, the goals were scored by Rashied Lord and Patrick Kerr.
Roaring Creek Grace Kennedy continues to lead in Cayo Softball Competition The Raymond Garbutt Cayo Senior Female Softball Competition which is being sponsored by the Hon. John Saldivar continued on Sunday 22nd May, 2016, at the Dembeigh Fuller Softball Stadium in Camalote Village.
In the first game played, Camalote defeated Esperanza Wolverines by the score of 17-2. The winning pitcher was Tiara Bradley and the losing pitcher was Shanaya Soberanis.
In game two, Belmopan Bandits won over Unitedville Rebels United by the score of 6-4. The winning pitcher was Laniesha Jones and the losing pitcher was Francine Salazar.
And in the final game of the day, the defending champions and the competition’s league leading team, Roaring Creek Grace Kennedy blank the Belmopan Capital City Emeralds by the score of 12-0. The winning pitcher was Leandra Guy and the losing pitcher was Dominga Tut.
Orchid Girls of Burrell Boom halt Exotic Girls from Hattieville The Belize Rural Softball Association competition continued on Sunday 22nd May, 2016, with four games on the schedule.
In the first game played in division A, Orchid Girls defeated Exotics Girls by the score of 14-3. The winning pitcher was Therese Baptist and the losing pitcher was Iceany Baptist.
In game two, UB Jaguars defeated Lords Bank Sunrise by the score of 11-4. The winning pitcher was Karlene Williams and the losing pitcher was Karen Hilton.
In Division B games played in game one, Easy Does It of Flowers Bank defeated Beverly Hill Flames of Lord’s Bank by the score of 14-7. The winning pitcher was Margaret Hendy and the losing pitcher was Nikita Anderson.
Softball returns to the Stann Creek District The Stann Creek Softball Association 2016 Senior Female competition opened on Sunday 22nd May, 2016, in Independence Village with three games on the schedule.
In the first game played, Independence Pals blanked Seine Bight by the score of 13-0 in four innings. The hitting gem for the Independence Pals team was Arlette Linarez who drove in 2 runs, scored 2 runs and stole 2 bases in leading her team to the win. Her teammate Ardis Linarez also drove in 2 runs, scored 1 and stole 1 base.
The winning pitcher was Leona Linarez who struck out 8 batters in leading her team to the victory.
In the second game of the day, Silk Grass defeated Ashley Lucas and the Hopkins team by the score of 10-7.
Belize Softball Federation to hold Umpires Training The Belize Softball Federation has announced that it will be holding an Umpires Training for intermediate and advanced umpires from August 4-8, 2016.
The Training will be conducted by the Chief Umpire of the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) Softball Division Robert Stanton and will include both theoretical and practical work.
The federation envision that this will be the spring board for umpires who have been involved in the game at the advance level for the past five years to move towards the International Certification for Umpires.
The Belize Times
Only Bull From Istanbul Nothing of substance was accomplished by Belize in its “ten cents” meeting with Guatemala in Istanbul, Turkey, over the weekend. Guatemala had refused to hold a direct meeting with Belize as it relates to the Sarstoon River. For months Belize was chasing after Guatemala to please allow them to sit down and talk about the serious issue of the Sarstoon River. At a summit in Turkey, attended by many countries, including Guatemala and Belize; the Guatemalans decided to meet for a few minutes over this past weekend. What was discussed? Several matters which had been discussed already. But not the serious issue of Sarstoon River which has caused such grave concerns in Belize. These are what were discussed. Belize and Guatemala Foreign Ministers said they wanted peace and good faith. That is nothing new. They said that the territorial, insular and maritime disputes should be resolved at the I.C.J once it passed the referendum in both countries. This is nothing new. They said that while this I.C.J process is going on and even after it is concluded it will still be necessary to develop good neighbourliness which helps with peace and stability and will promote economic development.
PUP mourns passing of Hon. Elijio Briceño The People’s United Party mourns the passing of the Hon. Elijio Briceño, former Minister of Energy and Communications and father of PUP Party Leader Hon. John Briceño. Don Joe, as he was popularly known, succumbed peacefully with his family by his bedside on Saturday, May 21, 2016, at 11:58 p.m.
The People’s United Party assures the Briceño family that they can find comfort in knowing that they’re not alone in their grief. People from inside and outside of the Party have known the generosity and goodness of Don Joe.
Deputy Party Leader Cordel Hyde recalls, “Don Joe was a source of towering strength to his family, and a giant figure in the Orange Walk community. He was always such a fantastic cheerleader and trusted advisor for our Party Leader, and though he had been ill for some time, and his feet eventually got tired, his huge heart never wavered.
“He worked long and hard for his family, his community and his country. And now his work is done; his soul is at rest.”
Diplomacy, Not Lunacy! Secretary General to the Commonwealth, Baroness Scott’s visit to Belize has been critically significant in the wake of the spate of incursions and illegal fishing by Guatemalan civilians and the asserting of military power by the Guatemalan Armed Forces (GAF) in the Sarstoon. The Baroness’ message was resonant with the re-affirmation by the Commonwealth Heads of Nation in support of Belize’s right to sovereignty and territorial integrity. Baroness Scott is that individual that is mandated by the Commonwealth Heads of Government to examine the needs of small and vulnerable states like Belize, including their security needs. The organisational body has been deeply concerned about the precarious situations that have overcome these vulnerable countries and have admonished that “the need to be scrupulous about security arrangements is both obvious and urgent”.
However, the significance of the visit was transformed into media footnotes complemented with a passive embrace by the Rt. Honourable Dean Barrow.
Cop Commits Suicide?? Queen Street Police are investigating a suspected suicide from within their own ranks.
PC Edward Gonzalez allegedly shot himself with his personal weapon in front of Precinct 3, which is the Queen Street Police Station sometime in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.
THINK ABOUT IT Graduation season is here once again.
And once again there are no jobs available for our young people. None.
The government of Belize has been stocking up the public service offices with cronies and unqualified people. They are also keeping their supporters in offices even after such persons reach the retirement age of 55 years.
Young people whose parents sacrifice and send them to college and sixth form and in many cases to University, are forced to stay home and idle their lives away because the government couldn’t care less whether they work or not.
It’s a damn shame.
Celebrate Our Forefathers I do not share the sentiment that we have too many holidays in Belize. In fact, I believe that we could do with a few more so that the working class people can get a break. In what amounts to nothing short of modern day slavery, the aristocratic business owners can vacation whenever and for however long they choose while the regular Joe must toil away endlessly for meagre wages. But, “dah suh it set” and I’m not here to rock that boat just yet.
We just came out of a long weekend and the average person on the street had no idea what we were celebrating. It didn’t matter much really, suffice only that we were able to get some time off and enjoy a long weekend. While I’m not in favour of getting rid of any holidays, we should take a look at a couple and exchange them for others more relevant and appropriate to our culture and traditions.
What started out as Queen Victoria’s birthday evolved into Queen’s Day and then Commonwealth Day and most recently, Sovereign’s Day. When you think about it then, and when you think about what “sovereign” actually means; it means we have come full circle to where it all began; celebrating a day to honour the monarchy.
Another ridiculous holiday is what is now known as Day of the Americas. It is said that a rose by any other name remains the same and regardless of how they dress this one up, it is a day in honour of the most vicious and barbaric son of a gun ever to walk this planet.
GOODBYE, DON JOE A giant has passed away.
The great spirit of Don Joe has left our Earth.
We mourn our loss and we celebrate his life.
We join with the people of Orange Walk and Belize in extending our sincere condolences to the Hon. John Briceño and family as they lay to rest a beloved father, uncle and family patriarch; Elijio “Joe” Briceño.
Here was a man amongst men. A leader who helped shape Orange Walk and inspire the many who were fortunate to come in contact with him.
La Inmaculada Church could not hold the thousands who turned out to pay tribute this Wednesday afternoon. The former Prime Minister and the present Prime Minister joined by the Queen’s representative, Governor General Sir Colville Young, were among the Ministers of government and elected representatives of the National Assembly; as were the leaders, executives and members of Don Joe’s beloved People’s United Party.
Don Joe is remembered for a multitude of accomplishments, all and always for the benefit of the people whom he loved so much.
Belize Elementary girls lead with 8 goals The Belize Elementary School girls posted their 3rd win against St. John Vianney RC School girls last Thursday, when Aaliyah Herbert scored the winning goal. BES girls also defeated Wesley Upper School 5-0 last Tuesday with 2 goals by Chrystal Young and Michaelen Hyde, while Niesha Garbutt and Rianna Chebat scored a goal each. BES had enjoyed their 1st win: 2-0 vs Holy Redeemer with a goal each from Michaelen Hyde and Aaliyah Herbert.
BEL Powersockets lead Interoffice Softball with 4 wins The BEL Powersockets are leading the 2016 Belize City interoffice softball competition with 4 wins, hammering KHMH 12-5 at the Roger’s Stadium on Saturday.
BEL’s pitcher Melissa Foreman struck out 3 batters to hand the medics their 4th loss, as Godsden Ferguson, Glenford “Mac-10” Flowers, Jason Bennett and Foreman score d 2 runs apiece, while Susan Lu, Mark Cassasola and Jorge Fabro scored 1 run apiece.
Camalote United defeats Wolverines in Cayo softball The Camalote United mauled the Esperanza Wolverines 17-2 by mercy rule in 3 innings when the Cayo Softball Association’s female competition continued in Camalote Village on Sunday.
Esperanza’s Shanaya Soberanis gave up 14 hits and walked 3 batters. Shanae Williams led the attack scoring 3 runs, while Shanice Williams, Samantha Casey, Taesha Lewis, Kenisha Sutherland, Isha Matute and Renisha Richards scored 2 runs apiece. Patricia Budna and Rhea Flowers scored a run each. Only Denise Gordon and Rose Vernon scored for Esperanza.
UDP Crabs in a Bucket – Saldivar vs. Faber Pt. 2 Last week we shared with our readers the nasty infighting taking place in the United Democratic Party over the race for First Deputy Leader.
Only two candidates cared to vie for the post, Patrick Faber and John Saldivar. Something must be very wrong with a Party in search for the best and most qualified candidate for leadership that ends up with Faber and Saldivar. Mr. Immature Loudmouth and Mr. Petty! How pitiful.
The candidates and their supporters have taken the campaign to new lows with their attacks at each other. Saldivar landed the first low blow when he posted a flyer on his own Facebook page with the message: “REAL MEN DON’T HIT WOMEN” in bold letters. It was a “did he really go there??” moment in the UDP, but not without reason. Faber’s past domestic affairs has been too messy for a senior Government official. He has come under heavy scrutiny and criticism for his not so mature behaviour many times, but more so during his separation with his wife. Among the reports is one that he attacked her by smashing her car’s windshield with a brick.
NOT GOOD ENOUGH The Millennium Development Goals were the World’s time-bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme poverty in its many dimensions – income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter, and exclusion – while promoting gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability. The eight MDGs, as they have been called, were established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in the year 2000. One hundred and eighty-nine countries committed to work to achieve them, and the goals were all measured from the baseline year 1990 and for twenty-five years up to the year 2015.
These goals were (I use the past tense because we are now in 2016) 1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2) Achieve universal primary education 3) Promote gender equality and empower women 4) Reduce child mortality 5) Improve maternal health 6) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7) Ensure environmental sustainability and 8) Develop a global partnership for development. During the twenty-five year period progress towards these goals was uneven worldwide. Some countries achieved much, while others were not on track to achieve any.
And since the beginning of this year 2016, the Sustainable Development Goals have replaced the MDGs.
Image Factory to launch “The Adventures of Rowan Garel” Children’s Book The 32-page illustrated children’s book tells the story of Rowan’s high-adrenaline undertakings to raise funds for Belize Council for the Visually Impaired (BCVI) to provide services and support for children who are blind. To the summit of Victoria’s Peak; Across the country of Belize and Down into the Blue Hole, Rowan surpassed his personal and charitable goals each time.
Written by Katie Usher and Gia Martinez and Illustrated by Marvin Vernon, Climb Walk Dive is the brainchild of Image Factory Foundation’s Yasser Musa who felt it imperative to tell Rowan’s incredible story.
“This children’s book was developed because the action of Rowan Garel sparks our imagination and fills our hearts with the enduring power and fire of the human spirit. It is a story about family, tenacity and hope. It is a great Belizean narrative,” Musa said.
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely There’s so much happening in our little country that it’s hard to keep up. When you criticize the Government, they call you names and attack you. They accuse you of preaching doom and gloom, of behaving like the sky is falling. Well look up people because something sure is falling…and it’s not the price of fuel or anything else.
Abuse of alcohol can destroy a home. It can destroy a community, and it can destroy a country. Abuse of politics and power is the absolute same thing. Look at one thing – this situation with sports in Orange Walk. The people who have always supported sporting activities for our youths, like the beloved Mad Bull and others, may support one party over another. But sports transcends politics. And still we have problems because some of the people at the Sports Council and at the Ministry of Sports are political and power junkies. They can’t see that this isn’t about demonstrating who has power, or about using that power to punish those who may support the PUP and not the UDP.
Akeem Humes, accused of 2013 murder, walks free A young man, who walked off a murder case for lack of evidence in August 2011, walked off another murder charge this morning for lack of evidence.
Akeem Humes, who has been linked to the George Street Gang, was brought to the Supreme Court this morning from the Belize Central Prison where he has been on remand for the January 2013 murder of Orlando Williams who was shot on East Canal and apparently died on the scene.
Shortly after Williams was murdered, police arrested and charged Humes for the murder. Humes had only enjoyed a short stretch of freedom, since his release from prison in August 2011 after a similar murder charge against him was dismissed for lack of evidence.
Bulgarians Plead Guilty to Daring ATM Thefts Jeorgi Petrov, 28 and Halid Aptula, 25 were visibly upset with their attorneys on Friday after Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer reserved her sentence and sent them back to the Belize Central Prison until June 8, 2016. Both men pleaded guilty to 18 counts of theft from the Belize Bank ATMs located on Albert Street and North Front Street by the Water-taxi Terminal.
On May 7th Halid Aptula was caught in the act by a vigilant Belize Bank auditor as he withdrew money from the ATM on Albert Street. The Bank had been targeted on different occasions earlier in the year, so Bank officials were on the lookout for the suspected cyber-thieves. When the auditor spotted Aptula he recognized him from surveillance footage and followed him to the ATM on North Front Street. As Aptula withdrew from that ATM, a passing Policeman was summoned and briefed, after which Aptula was taken into custody.
Barrow Eats Crow after Hostile Nationalization of Telephone Company The Prime Minister of Belize is today eating crow as he grasped to put a positive spin on what his hostile piracy of Belize Telemedia in 2009 will now cost the tax payers of Belize.
While the Prime Minister was trying to explain his costly gamble, his son, whom he had appointed to run the telephone company, at a press conference, appeared to be far removed from the national implications and the cost to his father’s government and the people of Belize.
The younger Barrow, while acknowledging that the national telephone company, which he was nepotistically appointed to head at his father’s behest, also seemed far removed from the judgement of tribunal, that the Barrow Administration must now pay an additional $500 million to the Ashcroft Group of companies that once owned and invested in the modernization of the telephone company that enjoyed a top-notch reputation in the region.
Touting the social and economic benefits of the nationalization of the telephone company, while hastily pushing legislation through parliament with much jingoism to get his way, the Prime Minister, at the time, said that he did not estimate that the nationalization of the company would have been at a cost of more than $150 million. Real market value for the company put it at a little over $300 million.
Dolly House Crumbling The UDP is clearly on its way out. Their leader is still braggadocios and a bully but his days are numbered, while their up and coming leaders are all major failures. But the most glaring signs of serious trouble on the horizon for the UDP are the infighting and backstabbing taking place.
With the Patrick Faber-John Saldivar race heating up, so have the divisions in constituencies. Cayo South, for example, has become the battleground for internal warfare for the UDP. The division is no longer controlled by the chiney man.
Court gives GOB until June 27th to respond to PUP’s “Sarstoon Law” challenge The Barrow Government today announced that it has revoked the now infamous Statutory Instrument number 42 of 2016, otherwise known as the Sarstoon Law, which restricted the movement of Belizeans from entering the Sarstoon River for a period of one month.
The Opposition People’s United Party opposed the passing of the law and is of the view that it is seriously flawed and unconstitutional. As a result, Opposition Leader Hon. John Briceño launched a legal challenge to the legislation.
Party Leader Hon. Briceno and the party’s Legal Advisor, Andrew Marshelleck, SC, appeared in the courtroom of Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin last Friday to begin the constitutional challenge to the law which the government hastily passed on April 29, 2016.
“The Sarstoon Law” is a serious encroachment on the freedom of movement guaranteed by the Belize Constitution, and it is now left to the Supreme Court to declare that the law was unconstitutional, because the circumstances which the law sought to alleviate did not exist in the first place.
The Gems of Graduation Season 2016 Part II – Featuring Anglican Cathedral College, Escuela Secundaria Mexico, Independence High, Gwen Lizarraga High and Belize Rural High Week 2 of the BELIZE TIMES’ coverage of High School Graduation Season 2016 continues with results from Anglican Cathedral College (ACC). This Southside mainstay, located on Albert Street and recognized as the only Anglican high school in Belize City, will graduate 69 students on Sunday, May 29th, 2016 at the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts on Southern Foreshore, starting at 2:00 p.m.
Leading this year’s class are: 17- year-old Valedictorian Mr. Winfield White (from Class 4-Wallace, with a Grade Average of 84.85%), 18-year-old Salutatorian Ms. Athaleah Rivas (from Class 4-Sylvester, with a Grade Average of 83.53%) and 3rd Place finisher, giving the Vote of Thanks, 18-year-old Mr. Joseph Young (also from Class 4-Wallace, with a Grade Average of 82.32%). The BELIZE TIMES interviewed the students on Tuesday, May 17th, at the St. John’s Cathedral, right next door to their campus, in the midst of their graduation practice.
Hard Knocks A Policeman killed himself this morning at the Queen Street Police Station, a young dude. Who knows what was on his mind and why he felt so desperate that he got to the point there was no other option but to end it all. It’s something he will have to figure out with his Maker. But here’s the thing. So many of our men and women who serve do so in the worst of conditions. The pay is crappy, resources are practically non-existent, conditions are terribly and the work just sucks most of the time. Hell, we’ve all heard stories about officers transferring to other jurisdictions and not being able to collect their transfer allowance for years. Seriously, people, these guys are the frontline between us and the criminals. While we’re at home in bed they’re dealing with the scums in Belize. They’re the ones who have to deal with children who are molested. They’re the ones who need to deal with all the dead bodies bleeding on the ground. They’re the ones who have to deal with the most evil elements of society. So while they take care of us, who takes care of them? Certainly not the fat Minister/DJ/everybody’s buddy/sports mascot/rock star. Big deal my a@*. He’s getting his in every way that counts. He doesn’t care about anything else.
Stay the course, PUP!! Dear Editor,
Two very significant things happened this weekend. The first is the passing of an icon of our community and country, a former Minister and a longstanding soldier of the People’s United Party – a Party man for sure, but a man who gave his all to God, country and people first and always. Elijio ‘Don Joe’ Briceño was the father of our Party Leader John Briceño, but he was also a legend in his own right.
I’ve seen the messages come in after his passing – messages of grief and sadness, but also remembrance of the great person he was…productive members of our community who remember Don Joe for some little thing he did for them during their childhood, some small gesture which made all the difference in their young lives. There are many such stories because this giant did so much for so many. If I could paraphrase from a message sent by Hon. Cordel Hyde – even as his feet got tired, his great heart never faltered, never wavered.
Round-About John Dear Editor,
I am amazed as to how much money John Saldivar is wasting around Belmopan on roundabouts. His pet project, the football field with an A/C and Glass Lounge for himself and his cronies to watch his bandits at work.
Yet, no kind of help for Belmopanese.
The reality is that some of the resources could have gone to the paving of the George Price Boulevard, a much needed traffic artery in the capital. But without vision, the people shall perish…with roundabouts.
John is all about show time and feel-good projects instead of true development. Any UDP will tell you, that’s just John – a lot of glitter and no substance. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Well, after Sunday’s showdown with Patrick, we’ll see if John will continue his roundabouts or if he will just be going round and about?
Breaking Belize News
Corozal man shot and killed in his vehicle Delmar Javier Guerra, 44, was killed in an execution style murder in Paraiso Village, Corozal. Unconfirmed reports are that Guerra, also known as “El Diablo”, of San Joaquin Village was driving his white van when, at about 5:00 p.m., he pulled up to a […]
SUV catches fire in San Ignacio Town An SUV vehicle caught fire in front of the police station in San Ignacio Town just now. Fire fighters were immediately called to the scene to extinguish the fire. The vehicle was left completely destroyed and luckily no one was injured. Police and a crew […]
Zachary Knox, Police Brutality and Cover-ups
Zachary Knox, 19, the young man that allegedly fired shots at Eastern Division South Commander, ACP Chester Williams on May 12 is reportedly admitted to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) in critical condition. At a press event yesterday, the media pressed Williams and […]
Woman dies in traffic accident
Yesterday evening at around 4:30, Orange Walk Police visited San Felipe Road in that municipality, where officers saw an extensively damaged Kia Sportage vehicle and a woman lying motionless on the ground. That woman was later identified as the driver of the vehicle, 55-year-old […]
How Blackadore Caye can regain former glory – and make money The 107-acre Blackadore Caye, seven miles west of Ambergris Caye and San Pedro Town, appears at first glance to be no different from the many tiny cayes dotting the Caribbean Sea off Belize’s coast. But it faces a critical […]
BoneVille Cafe gives back to Punta Gorda students
BoneVille Café, located on Front Street in Punta Gorda (PG) Town, on the third floor of the popular Sea Front Inn, is a unique eatery that in recent years, has held many programs for children during holidays, with the aim to give back to […]
How To Save and Empower Our Youths
In the early to mid-90s, gangs started becoming prominent in Belize City. In Placencia, where I was born and where I grew up, we were introduced to this world, more so than other parts of Belize, at that time, due to the ‘sea […]
IMF says Belize economy slowing
A new report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), released this morning, has given a bleak prognosis for Belize’s economy saying it is slowing while fiscal and external vulnerabilities are rising. “The economic outlook has worsened further since the 2015 Article IV Consultation and is subject […]
Zika confirmed in pregnant woman from Cayo
There is a second case of Zika confirmed by testing at the regional agency. A pregnant woman from Cayo was picked up through heightened Ministry of Health surveillance and is being monitored, while a second sample from another pregnant woman has been collected for testing. […]
Popular restaurant in San Ignacio goes up in flames
A fire ripped through Cenaida’s Restaurant in San Ignacio Town on Wednesday night, completely destroying the building. The restaurant which is located on West Street served a variety of Belizean foods and was rated one of the top places to eat in San Ignacio by […]
Belize’s Phenomenal Inspiration Center, How You Can Help & A Grand Event On Ambergris Caye The Inspiration Center (their motto is, aptly, Where Hope Lives) was founded in 2014 by our Prime Minister’s wife, The First Lady of Belize, Kim Simplis-Barrow to help some of the most vulnerable children in Belize. The facilities are located just outside of Belize City.
SO…they are having a benefit here in San Pedro. And I hope that everyone who is able can help in some way.
Dress code is Evening Casual WHITE. Think white slacks and a white button down, or a simple white dress. This is not a super formal event.
Tickets are available at Ramon’s Village, El Fogon and Rum + Bean Coffee Shop at Mahogany Bay. ALL proceeds will go directly to the Inspiration Center.
Donors are filling in. Mahogany Bay is donating the Facility, the staff and the liquor aside from donations by Bowen & Bowen of all the beer. Travellers Liquors Ltd. is donating all rum. Karl H. Menzies will be donating the wine.
At 8pm, food will be served. Tables/food are being donated by Belcampo Lodge in Punta Gorda, by Ian Anderson’s Farm House Deli, by Victoria House, by Rojo Beach Bar & Lounge, by AmberGreens, the gorgeous aquaponics green house on the Mahogany Bay property and by the TacoShack, also part of Mahogany Bay.
Travel In Belize: Top 10 Things To Do If you’re planning your first trip to Belize it can be hard to decide what to do, given there are so many choices. Here’s a list of the top 10 activities to consider when planning your trip: 1. Visit a Mayan Ruin. Remnants of the amazing Mayan civilization have been found throughout Belize. After all, Belize was the center of the Mundo Maya. It’s a special treat to explore one of the unique ruins and step back in time. In the Cayo you have a choice of touring Xunantunich, Cahal Pech, or Caracol. If in Corozal, check out Santa Rita or Cerros. Even if you stay on Ambergris Caye or Caye Caulker you can take a boat trip and tour of Lamanai or Altun Ha.
Inside the Great Blue Hole of Belize An almost perfectly circular sinkhole measuring 300 meters across, the Great Blue Hole is one of the most popular and special sites for diving in the Belize Barrier Reef. Formed about 10,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age, the Blue Hole offers divers a uniquely gothic experience of starkly beautiful underwater caves featuring enormous stalactites and the occasional glimpse of the elusive hammerhead shark.
As an underwater diving attraction, there is little variation by season or time of year so just about any time is a good time to explore the watery depths of the Belize Blue Hole. Be aware that storms or heavy rainfall can somewhat reduce visibility as well as make transportation to the Belize Blue Hole more difficult.
There are no commercial routes that connect Lighthouse Reef (which surrounds the Belize Blue Hole) and the mainland or other islands. A number of private companies offer boat service to and from the area, as well as supplying the necessary diving gear and equipment.
Ginger Pork and Broccoli In a medium skillet, saute 2 garlic cloves, minced, and 2 teaspoons minced ginger in 1 teaspoon sesame oil for 1 minute. Add 4 ounces cubed pork loin, fat removed, and cook 5 minutes until browned on all sides. Add 1 cup cooked brown rice to pork. Cook 1 cup chopped cauliflower and 1 cup chopped broccoli in boiling salted water for 1 minute; strain, reserving 1/3 cup water. Add vegetables and water to skillet with pork. Cook until water has evaporated, and then add 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons sliced scallion, and a dash red chili flakes.
International Sources
IMF Says Belize 'economy is slowing and fiscal and external vulnerabilities are rising.' 'The economy is slowing and fiscal and external vulnerabilities are rising. Falling oil production and multiple shocks in the primary sector reduced GDP growth to 1 percent in 2015. The decline in prices of energy and other commodities led to deflation in 2015, although the increase in fuel tax restored positive inflation, at 0.1 percent in March. The current account deficit widened to 9.8 percent of GDP as exports fell by 9 percent (mainly oil and marine products) and imports continued to grow, partly due to investment projects. Following partial compensation payments for the two nationalized companies, international reserves fell to 4.6 months of imports in March 2016. The fiscal deficit widened to 8 percent of GDP due to a one-off payment related to a settlement of a loan to one of the nationalized companies, an increase in public sector wages and transfers, and a large overrun in capital expenditure. As a result, the stock of public debt climbed to 82 percent of GDP. The banking system continued to strengthen, although the challenges posed by loss of correspondent banking relationships with international banks have increased since the 2015 Article IV Consultation.
IMF Staff Completes 2016 Article IV Mission to Belize End-of-Mission press releases include statements of IMF staff teams that convey preliminary findings after a visit to a country. The views expressed in this statement are those of the IMF staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF's Executive Board. This mission will result in a Board discussion.
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Jacques Bouhga-Hagbe visited Belize during May 11-25 to hold discussions in the context of the country's 2016 Article IV Consultation. At the conclusion of the visit, Mr. Bouhga-Hagbe issued the following statement:
'The economy is slowing and fiscal and external vulnerabilities are rising. Falling oil production and multiple shocks in the primary sector reduced GDP growth to 1 percent in 2015. The decline in prices of energy and other commodities led to deflation in 2015, although the increase in fuel tax restored positive inflation, at 0.1 percent in March.
IMF staff completes mission to Belize An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Jacques Bouhga-Hagbe visited Belize during May 11–25 to hold discussions in the context of the country’s 2016 Article IV Consultation. At the conclusion of the visit, Bouhga-Hagbe issued the following statement: “The economy is slowing and fiscal and external vulnerabilities are rising. Falling oil production and multiple shocks in the primary sector reduced GDP growth to 1 percent in 2015. The decline in prices of energy and other commodities led to deflation in 2015, although the increase in fuel tax restored positive inflation, at 0.1 percent in March. The current account deficit widened to 9.8 percent of GDP as exports fell by 9 percent (mainly oil and marine products) and imports continued to grow, partly due to investment projects.
“Following partial compensation payments for the two nationalized companies, international reserves fell to 4.6 months of imports in March 2016. The fiscal deficit widened to 8 percent of GDP due to a one-off payment related to a settlement of a loan to one of the nationalized companies, an increase in public sector wages and transfers, and a large overrun in capital expenditure. As a result, the stock of public debt climbed to 82 percent of GDP.
CDB to fund US$400,000 road project in Belize The village of Crooked Tree in Belize is home to approximately 1,000 residents, many of whom need to commute daily for employment or educational opportunities. Currently, the village can only be accessed via a 5.6km-long unpaved road, or causeway across the lagoon. During periods of high-intensity rainfall, high water levels in the lagoon regularly overtop the causeway and portions of the road, interrupting access to the community. To assist with ensuring uninterrupted access to the village, the board of directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved funding in the amount of US$400,000. The funds will be used to partially finance a feasibility study and the preparation of designs to upgrade the Crooked Tree Road and Causeway.
A Spider vs. Gecko Battle Showed Me the True Heart of Belize It was 2 a.m. I was huddled in the middle of my bed at Chaa Creek, a luxury jungle resort in Belize, trembling and staring at the blanket I just chucked to the floor in a fit of fear. I’d been in the jungle for three days.
Everything up to this point had been great. I trekked through the jungle to nearly the Guatemala border searching for Mayan ruins. I helped stir some drying painted sand locals in a small village use to create elaborate murals on the ground for the Easter season. I snorkeled with sharks and stingrays. But at this moment, none of that mattered.
There were two beds in my room and I was using the one closest to the door. I turned off all the lights except the main room light and the bedside table. Then, something in the dark shadows at the foot of the next bed moved. Years of monsters-under-the-bed nightmares had trained me well, and I quickly pulled my legs up onto my bed. And then the monster crawled out of the darkness: a lightly fuzzed and largely segmented black spider as big as my hand. It slowly advanced toward my bed, staring at me with its soulless eyes the entire time.
Jesse Lee youth preparing for Belize Jesse Lee Church’s youth will be hosting their first breakfast-to-go before the Memorial Day parade on May 30. The breakfast will include an egg and cheese breakfast sandwich with your choice of bacon or sausage and a beverage for $8. They will be set up at the corner of Main and King Lane. The money raised by the high schoolers will be added to the group’s Belize mission trip fund which has a goal of $30,000.
The group of 16 youths and their leaders will be traveling to Belize to help impoverished children. Jesse Lee’s team will be working with the United Methodist Volunteers in Mission in their efforts in reconstructing and refurbishing classrooms.
What to Know Before Buying Travel Insurance Don’t let the extra money deter you from making the investment of travel insurance — the peace of mind it buys is worth every penny. A dream of Belize for your birthday or experiencing the Australian Outback doesn’t have to be derailed by events outside of your control.
Travel experts have found that many recent global events have affected how travelers view insurance. For many U.S. travelers, insuranced used to be a “nice to have” but not an essential, however that attitude is changing. The U.S. Travel Insurance Association reported that insurance purchases are up by over 15% since 2012.
Looking to purchase a package for an upcoming trip? Some things to do before buying:
Watch Shyne Perform ‘Bad Boyz’ During Bad Boy Family Reunion Show There’s a few rappers missing from Diddy’s star-studded Bad Boy Reunion show but Shyne isn’t one of them. The 37-year-old rhymer surprised fans when he appeared to perform “Bad Boyz” via video.
The former Bad Boy artist appeared live onscreen for concertgoers at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center last week weekend to spit lyrics from his his 2000 song.
Shyne moved back to his home country, Belize, back in 2009. But that didn’t stop the rhymer from joining in the Bad Boy fun as he rapped in from of one of Belize’s famous Mayan temples. “Happy birthday to the greatest rapper of all time,” he said before getting into the track. “Notorious B.I.G.”
Diddy put together an epic lineup for The Notorious B.I.G.’s birthday (May 20) with his Bad Boy family. Lil’ Kim, Ma$e, Faith Evans, the LOX, French Montana, Total, 112, Mario Winans and Carl Thomas were just some of the artists who came out to perform. Bad Boy affiliates and friends such as Jay Z, Mary J Blige and DMX also stepped on the stage to perform.
SHYNE JOINED THE BAD BOY FAMILY REUNION TOUR FROM BELIZE Shyne streamed into the second night of Bad Boy Family Reunion Tour from Belize. (Revolt TV)
Cost of corn flour in Venezuela skyrockets 900% as economy continues to slide The arepa – a corn flour patty that's typically stuffed with meat, cheese and vegetables – is a staple of the Venezuelan diet, but that regional dish has become a lot pricier after the government-controlled price of corn flour skyrocketed almost 900 percent.
For the last 13 months, the government of President Nicolás Maduro kept the price a steady 19 bolivares per kilogram – which is a little less than $2 at the official exchange rate. But earlier this week, Venezuela’s Superintendent of Fair Prices increased the price of corn flour to 190 bolivares per kilo, or around $19.
Honduras aims to become the leader of the textile industry in the Americas Honduras is pursuing an ambitious development plan focused on strengthening the textile industry, according to government sources. The Central American country has established itself as a leading player in recent years, currently holding the spot as the second largest exporter of textiles in the Americas, after Mexico. Here are the top five reasons given by the government why Honduras is on the path to becoming the leader of the textile industry in the Americas.
1. Sustainability
The key to success for this transformation is sustainability. The plan, a joint initiative of the government and the private sector, seeks to position the country as a leader in the Americas that pushes the frontier of sustainability and innovation in textiles, raising the bar for development and productivity in the industry. This is a critical factor in the current global context where consumers, particularly the younger generations, demand sustainable practices and supply chain integrity throughout the production process.
Belize Fun, min. Belize fun dives (Spanish bay, Gallow's point, Border Line, Sandy Point, Cypros Canyon). Sea cucumber, eagle rays, lion fish, barracuda, dolphins, sea turtle and so many sharks and moray eels that we lost count.
You better Belize it, 2.5min.
Belize Destination Wedding with Samuel Rivera Photography, 11min. A little fun we had during a destination wedding to Belize. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Prado for taking us along :)
Safe and Profitable Seafood through SPS, 6.5min. Endhir Sosa, Senior Food Safety Inspector at the Belize Agricultural Health Authority, demystifies SPS
BELIZE ZOO, 10min. The Belize Zoo is on of those great places to visit in Belize. The animals are not gathered for display but rather, they are injured or orphaned animals that would most likely die. The Belize Zoo is a rescue rehab and release back into the wild as main reason for this endeavor. The chance to learn about these exotic creatures is simply incredible and it is possible to intern here..
Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, 10min.
May 26, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Ministry of Health Confirms Zika in Pregnant Woman The Ministry of Health has received another confirmed case of Zika in the country by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA).
The case is being closely monitored by the Ministry of Health staff as the patient is a pregnant woman. This patient is from the Cayo District. The case was picked up through the heightened and strengthened vector borne disease and vaccine preventable disease surveillance, which now includes the monitoring of Zika, currently underway across the country.
The Ministry this morning collected a sample from another pregnant woman with symptoms of the virus. The sample will be sent to CARPHA for further testing.
Mayor Guerrero makes education a priority Education is definitely the key to success, and as a part of Education Month, Mayor Daniel Guerrero, Councilor Ruben Gonzalez, and members from the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) visited the San Pedro High School, Holy Cross Anglican School, Ambergris Caye Elementary School, Isla Bonita Elementary School, New Horizon Seventh-day Adventist School, and the San Pedro Roman Catholic School. The initial purpose for the Mayor’s visit was to emphasize the importance of education and to assist schools in renovating, improving, or aiding all schools visited.
Mayor Guerrero’s agenda included giving a welcome to the student body of each school, touring each classroom and interacting with teachers to hear their needed requests. “After various school visits, it is apparent that many schools are in need of repairs, and improvements to infrastructure are needed,” said Guerrero. He pledged to put a commitment on education, and promised to supply schools with needed materials to improve the overall quality of the education system in San Pedro.
Ambergris Caye residents join Hands across the Sands against offshore oil exploration On Saturday, May 21st Belizeans from among 13 municipalities joined hands as part of the second annual “Hands across the Sand,” in order to promote and highlight the issues of offshore oil exploration and drilling. This year, the campaign was also aimed at spreading the message of saying ‘NO’ to filthy fuels and saying ‘YES’ to clean energy.
The event, which also took place in over 80 countries around the world, was spearheaded in Belize by Oceana in Belize who rallied citizens to take part in this worthy cause. In San Pedro Town a total of 19 residents gathered on the beach in front of the Central Park. For around 15 minutes, the group held hands in solidarity against offshore oil development in Belize’s marine environment. Hundreds of Belizeans across the 13 municipalities also joined in. Orange Walk Town, Corozal Town Belize City, Belmopan City, San Ignacio Town, Hopkins Villa, Placencia Village, Sarteneja Village, Caye Caulker Village, and Punta Gorda Town said NO to filthy fuels.
Full Moon concert highlights local talent The glow of the full, beautiful moon inspired the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH), the San Pedro House of Culture (SPHC), and the San Pedro AIDS Commission (SPAC) to host a full moon concert on Saturday, May 21st. The event took place at Central Park, where dozens of people viewed the full moon while enjoying free entertainment from four local artists. The concert featured Wil Nuñez, Oscar Aguilar, Natalie Arceo, and Rompe Raja for a night of family fun. Vice President of SPAC, David Jenkins, and his committee was productive throughout the night raising funds from their food and drink sales. “The weather is perfect and the concert finally happened after many attempts. On behalf of our AIDS Commission, all proceeds will help our organization to continue to stand up for people living with HIV/AIDS in San Pedro,” said Jenkins.
The night was perfectly clear, and people danced and applauded the musical talents of the artists. Overall, the concert was a success and the SPHC is hoping to plan a Full Moon concert each quarter of the year.
SPTC celebrates teachers and nurses In honor of Teacher’s and Nurse’s week, the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC), along with Area Representative and Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr., organized a celebration to commemorate their tremendous contribution to the island on Thursday, May 19th.
Nurses, doctors, and medical practitioners from Dr. Otto Rodriguez Polyclinic II, as well as teachers, administrators, and principals from schools across San Pedro packed the Angel Nuñez Auditorium for a night of fun. Prior to starting the ceremony, guests enjoyed socializing and mingling with colleagues and business friends. With an apology given for the absence of Hon. Heredia, Councilor Ruben Gonzalez gave the official vote of thanks for the night. “The purpose of this event is to celebrate all our teachers, nurses, and medical practitioners. We are all very thankful for the commitment from them and we recognize their hard work, long hours, patience, and grace they have. I encourage them to keep up the good work,” said Councilor Gonzalez.
Ambergris Today
Belizeans Across the Nation Hold Hands for a Cause Residents across Thirteen municipalities join hands as part of the Second Annual “Hands Across the Sand” to Say ‘No’ to Filthy Fuels and ‘Yes’ to Clean Energy - On May 21, 2016, at noon, Belizeans around the country joined hands on beaches, across bridges, along sea walls and in other public areas to stand in solidarity against offshore oil development in Belize's economically important marine environment.
Belize was one of 83 countries to observe Hands Across the Sand with participation from hundreds of residents across the following municipalities: Orange Walk town, Dangriga, Belize City, Placencia, Corozal Town, San Ignacio, Hopkins, Sarteneja, Punta Gorda town, Caye Caulker, San Pedro (Headline Picture) and Belmopan.
Misc Belizean Sources
Habaneros Pepper Sauce This stuff is just onions in vinegar with maybe a few habaneros or jalapenos cut up and tossed in for a little kick and some other secret spices. Rosita's Burrito stand had it in a big jug and you could put it on burritos/hotdogs.
Village Initiative Arcadia San Pedro Seminar Series August 8 – August 19 Arcadia University is being hosted in San Pedro for the purpose of bring free education and seminars to the community. With focus on Education, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Medical and Psychological Support, and Business, Supervisory and Leadership initiatives.
Republic of China (Taiwan) to Disburse First Installment for Renal Failure Prevention Project to the Ministry of Health The Ministry of Health on behalf of the Government and people of Belize will be receiving the first disbursement of US$34,500 for the capacity building project for the prevention and control of chronic renal failure in Belize at a ceremony to be held at the Best Western Biltmore Hotel on May 30th, 2016 at 9:00a.m.
The “Renal Failure Prevention Project” is a three-year project with a total approved budget of US$2.2 million. It was signed on February 10, 2016 between Belize and Taiwan to treat patients at the early stages of renal failure or kidney disease, ultimately reducing the socio-economic burden to families and to the health system. Training will be provided to general practitioners and dialysis nurses in Taiwan, while local training programs will be conducted for Case Managers and Community Health Workers in identification and management of risk factors for kidney failure. Furthermore, the project also includes the establishment and launch of a tracking and management system for chronic disease cases in medical facilities.
Minister Panton delivers Keynote Address at Galen University Graduation On Sunday, May 22nd, 2016, Galen University graduated ninety-nine students at its 13th Commencement Exercises held at the Muffles College Auditorium in Orange Walk Town.
Graduates received degreesin various fields including Anthropology, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Elementary Education, Accounting and Business Administration.
Hon. Tracy Taegar- Panton, Minister of State in the Ministry of Economic Development, Petroleum, Investment, Trade & Commerce, delivered the keynote address, highlighting the emerging socio-economic needs and challenges in the public and private sectors and how Belizeans can combine their skills, talents and experiences to shape a new future. The minister stressed the importance of diversifying our economic base using technology, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship as well as maintaining open dialogue to foster co-ordination and objectivity on matters of national importance.
Empower Yourself Belize Movement Empower Yourself Belize Movement (EYBM) recently held a event to commemorate IDAHOT Day. EYBM is a Belize NGO that works with People Living with HIV and focuses on delivering health tips and the importance of medication adherence, addressing nutrition, increasing prevention education interventions for HIV/STI, and advice on personal hygiene.
Currently EYBM is funded through The U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). PEPFAR is the U.S. Government initiative to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS around the world. This historic commitment is the largest by any nation to combat a single disease internationally, and PEPFAR investments also help alleviate suffering from other diseases across the global health spectrum. PEPFAR is driven by a shared responsibility among donor and partner nations and others to make smart investments to save lives.
Education in Belize: Breaking bad habits I commend the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) for defiantly standing up to Guatemala during its escalating armed border incursions into Belize. An age old, yet formerly non-violent, border dispute has now turned violent. Guatemala has defiantly stationed its military at Belize's Southern Sarstoon border, and may want to push armed contingents even further into our Southern and Western borders. Our government ignored the first armed encroachment, and then urged Belizeans to stay away from the Sarstoon border. Yet, we now have incurred loss of life on both sides. Many Belizeans have reached a boiling point (against their own government as well as Guatemala), and are taking defiant actions to protest Guatemala's armed bullying and the Belize government's sudden Sarstoon Prohibition law. BNTU members/teachers have set a positive example for thousands of students in Belize, and showed them the importance of "taking action".
May 2016 External Trade & Consumer Price Index During the month of April 2016, the prices of goods and services
purchased by Belizean households were a marginal 0.1 percent
higher than in April 2015. According to latest statistics released by
the Statistical Institute of Belize, the All Items Consumer Price Index
was 102.9, up from 102.8 in April of last year. For the first four months
of the year 2016, an inflation rate of 0.2 percent was recorded. Belize’s total imports for the month of April 2016 were valued
at $168.9 million. This was an increase of 7.2 percent or $11.3 million
over last April’s imports, which totaled $157.6 million.
Of the various categories, ‘Machinery and Transport Equipment’ was
the primary reason for the rise in total imports during the month,
growing considerably by $25 million dollars, from $31 million in April
2015 to $56 million in April 2016. This increase was mainly attributable
to purchases of telecommunications equipment valued at $17 million
dollars made during the month. The ‘Other Manufactures’ category
had the only other observable increase, growing by a lesser $2
million due mostly to purchases of construction material along with
plastic boxes and crates.
2nd annual Summer Music Camp, Caye Caulker You have seen what our children are capable of accomplishing with a dedicated and excellent music instructor like Mr. Carlos Perrote so Come join us during the summer as we get ready for our 2nd annual Summer Music Camp.
Our Saturday music classes will continue as scheduled.
The music camp is not only designed for children but adults as well.
If you would like to join us or sponsor a child give me a call at 605-5904 or visit my Tutoring center at the corner of Estrella Street and Avenida Mangle.
Bartending Training in Belize City Belize Mixology is finally coming to Belize City for bartending training.
Details are as follows:
Venue: BTEC building at the ITVET compound.
Introduction to Bartending: Tuesday June 7th to 9th from 9am to 12pm. Cost $350
Advanced Bartending: Friday June 10th to 13th from 9am to 12 pm. Cost $450
We are offering a 10% discount for the first 10 persons to to sign up and pay the required 50 % deposit. Payment can be made via cash, cheque, or bank deposit to our Scotia company account.
This is a great oppurtunity to gain knowledge in a rapidly growing sector of the hospitality industry. We also help in finding jobs for qualified participants after training. If a participant would like to take just the Advanced course, he/she would need to have a minimum of 5 years of experience at a fully functioning bar. If not then the Introduction training is required first.
Certificates are awarded for each training.
Spaces are very limited.
De-escalating the Working Poor's Mental Health Issues We are all challenged with emotional distresses. As men it is harder as we are expected to be stronger. There is a correlation with physical work. The more physical the environment is, the more macho a male is expected to be. The only therapy that most of us receive is when we chat with a friend or in a group, social setting. You ever see a bunch of guys hang out and drink? In the middle of the loud music and chatting about which woman is sexy, there will be moments when relationship issues are brought up. The only help they get is the release, depending on the quality group they may or may not receive good advice. But they will get the "I feel yo pain" response, which is all the therapy they receive. Earlier in the week you may have noticed a series of "high school fights" of mostly girls and maybe one with adult females. The quality of the discussion by the friend who recorded these attacks, that's what they were, attacks to shame the victim who they expected to lose. They didn't want a fight, they wanted a victim whose pain can be repeated continuously. If you look at the comments, they range from "this boring" "They can't be from this neighborhood because they so lame". People have no empathy. People are cold.
Submit your application today to the BETEX Committee Deadline for applications is April 29, 2016.
Ministry of Health Confirms Zika in Pregnant Woman The Ministry of Health has received another confirmed case of Zika in the country by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA).
The case is being closely monitored by the Ministry of Health staff as the patient is a pregnant woman. This patient is from the Cayo District. The case was picked up through the heightened and strengthened vector borne disease and vaccine preventable disease surveillance, which now includes the monitoring of Zika, currently underway across the country.
The Ministry this morning collected a sample from another pregnant woman with symptoms of the virus. The sample will be sent to CARPHA for further testing.
Vector control and public health officers, along with staff from the Epidemiology Unit and Maternal and Child Health Departments, are actively engaged with the community and are further scaling up efforts in the monitoring of Zika.
The Ombudsman of Belize Assumes Presidency of the Central American Council of Human Rights Defenders/Ombudsmen The Ombudsman of Belize welcomes the Central American Council of Human Rights Defenders/Ombudsmen to Belize City, Belize from 25 to 27 May, 2016. During the Council’s visit, the Ombudsman of Belize will assume the Presidency of the Council for the year 2016 to 2017.
On May 25, the Council will host a Forum on Internal Displacement and Forced Migration, a topic of important concern to the region at the moment. The Council will also have closed meetings to discuss other important topics, including the formulation of plans and projects, adoption of resolutions and other matters.
The Council was reconstituted in February 2015 and consists of the seven Central American Countries: Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. The Presidency rotates among the member countries annually.
Poets Corner: Shock Wave By Abdulmajeed K Nunez. Pause for a cause
Let’s look at our laws
The Mayan cause
Is Belize’s cause
Their ICJ victory
Made legal history
Setting precedence for indigenous peoples throughout the territory
This makes the status quo uneasy
Sending shockwaves throughout the hegemony
The NGC, NCC and the East Indian Council
Need to seek legal counsel
Join together taking your indigenous cause to the judiciary
This will put a stop the hegemony’s corruption in country
We all have rights to this territory
We won’t be able to accede any land and territories
To any other countries
Power interruption from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday May 29th for the entire Corozal District. BEL to conduct critical maintenance of equipment at the Corozal Substation.
2016 Frenchie's Offshore Open First place honors for the 2016 Frenchie's Offshore Open went to Team Venator out of Chetumal who boated a 135lb Blue Marlin, a 15lb Wahoo and 5lb Tuna. 2nd Place winners were Princesa Del Mar out of San Pedro who released a Sailfish on Day 1 and a White Marlin on Day 2 while 3rd Place went to Fishizzle also from San Pedro who released a White Marlin on Day 2 and took heaviest Dorado which weighed 18lbs.
In all the tournament boats released 2 Sailfish, 3 White Marlin and weighed 1 Blue Marlin. Thanks to all our sponsors for their support and to all 17 boats who competed. We'll see you again next year Caye Caulker!
Men at Work art Exhibit in Corozal Mark the date, as we celebrate Corozal's talented male artists at the 4th annual Men at Work art exhibit.
I AM Belize scholarship Program Belize Electricity Limited and RESTORE Belize entered into a four-year partnership on May 25, with the Company committing to provide a $36,000 total contribution towards the “I AM Belize scholarship Program”. BEL’s contribution will provide tuition, books, and uniforms for 9 new scholarship students for the 2016 – 2019 school years. A total of 38 students have graduated from the program since its inception in 2010, with a success rate of 80% in 2014 – 2015.
ATLIB Professional Development 2016 ATLIB had their 2016 Professional Development Sessions last week, where most of the country's tertiary level professors met to learn everything from technology in the classroom to grant writing to statistics. Sacred Heart Junior College, Belize hosted the event. Minister Faber was there to kick off the learning, and he gave a great speech about quality and the need to strive for that goal in the field of education.
Public Service Info Day 2016 Public Service Information Day is Friday, May 27th, and it'll be celebrated at Sir George Brown Field in Belmopan. The Benque Marimba Academy will be there along with entertainment for everyone. There will also be chocolate making. Thanks, MoEYSC!
"Happening on Friday May 27th 2016 @ The Sir George Brown Field in Belmopan!!! Come out and view our booth MOEYSC from 9:00 am to 3:00pm!!!"
Belize Zoo Conservation Camp 2016 The Belize Zoo is gearing up for their 23rd annual Conservation Camp. Now is the time to apply because the camp will start on June 27th.
"CONSERVATION CAMP 2016!: TBZ will once again be accepting young Belizeans join our Education team as we explore Belize's natural wonders through our week long conservation camp. This will be the 23rd year of 'Zoo Camp.' Special guest presentations, field trips, scientific studies and role play are just a few of the many activities planned this year. The goal of Camp, as always,
is to foster conservation-minded attitudes in the next generation of stewards of our natural heritage.
June 27th to July 1st are the dates this year, so, parents, start applying! Campers must be 12-17 years of age, and come prepared for 4 nights and 5 days of activities. More info and registration forms can be requested from, or, or call the Zoo at 822-8000."
Maypole Dance w/ the Charikanari Dancers in San Pedro Join us this Friday at the San Pedro House of Culture as we revive the traditional Maypole dance. Performing will be the Black & White Charikanari Dancers. This events will be a fundraising event for the cultural dance group. Food & drinks on sale. Performing will be the Charikanari Dancers and local children. See you there!
Learn more about
The Belize City House of Culture and Downtown Rejuvenation Project Public Engagement meeting #2, June 15th
Channel 7
PM Was Curt When Discussing Istanbul Talks Yesterday bilateral talks between the Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala concluded in Istanbul, Turkey. At the conclusion of that meeting, the Foreign Affairs Ministries of both Belize and Guatemala sent out a joint press release. Although it was lengthy, and mentioned that both parties recognized the need to avoid further incidents along the border, it did not give much specifics as to what was actually discussed.
However, as a result of these talks, the Prime Minister, who sits as the chair of the National Security Council, saw it fit to revoke the Sarstoon SI. That was a surprising action, given that the Prime Minister ended the 30-day Sarstoon Ban a few days early. So, what did the Belize delegation relay back to give him that kind of confidence? That's what we asked when we caught him Orange Walk Town after attending Elijio Joe Briceño's funeral. Here's how that very brief conversation actually went:
Ambassador Courtenay Was More Forthcoming On Bilateral Talks We had a few more important questions for the Prime Minister on this topic, but he declined to entertain anymore and walked off. We did however meet Eamon Courtney at that same event, who had returned home early.
He was a bit more candid in speaking with us about the bilateral talks at Istanbul. He attended the summit as a representative of the Leader of the Opposition and as a member the Belize delegation. Here is his take on the Istanbul discussions.
Eamon Courtenay - Representative of the Leader of the Opposition:
"First of all I think the most significant thing is that Belize and Guatemala have now agreed that it is necessary to have a protocol for the free navigation in the Sarstoon and the parties have agreed that they will start the negotiations very shortly of that protocol. As the Foreign Minister indicated during the course of the meeting the basis on which Belize will start is that we will have full sovereignty and territorial integrity over our side of the Sarstoon River as well as the Sarstoon Island; so that was the basis from which we will start. The second important thing is a sort of informal understanding from Guatemala that there will be free navigation even whilst we are negotiating so we do not expect that the Guatemalan naval forces and military are going to continue to stop Belizeans or other people from using the Sarstoon River."
The Opposition Leader's Representative Is Cautiously Optimistic But just how confident is the Belize Delegation that Guatemala will hold true to this "informal" agreement?
We couldn't get the Prime Minister's thoughts on that issue but according to Eamon Courtney, it is all but a waiting game now. He added that, at least for their part, the PUP remains confident - but not too confident - on the way forward. Here is how he put it.
Eamon Courtenay - Representative of the Leader of the Opposition:
"I would say it's important for us to see what happens. Saying something in a diplomatic meeting is one thing, the proof of the pudding is in the eating so we need to see what happens beginning now when we exercise our rights to use the Sarstoon when our citizens and when the military exercise their right. We expect based on the understanding at the meeting that they will be entitled to do so as we have always done. Now as you say the important thing is whether or not the Guatemalan forces in the Sarstoon is going to respect that. We are hopeful that they will, we insisted that the information be communicated not only to the top of the military but to the soldiers and the naval forces in the area. So there should be no defence that the message didn't reach the people in the field and that type of thing; we expect full compliance and respect for our territorial rights."
When's the Next Bilateral Talks On Sarstoon Protocol? So, the SI is revoked and tensions at the Southern border are expected to de-escalate given the "Informal" agreement that allows for the free passage of Belizean military and civilians along the Sarstoon. It's is a good start, but just for how long will this "informal" agreement stand?
Both countries have agreed that it is necessary to set the protocol of operation at the Sarstoon but no timeline has been given for when that protocol will be fleshed out; however according to Eamon Courtney, negotiations are expected to begin soon in that regard. And, it better, he says, because the PUP have all intentions of continuing to assert their sovereignty over Belize's portion of the Sarstoon.
Eamon Courtenay - Representative of the Leader of the Opposition:
"The understanding is that Ambassador Roldan and Ambassador Rosado will meet very shortly and set the time table for the meetings which we expect to start as a matter of urgency. We expect the meetings to take place very quickly and to be progressed with some deliberate speed because we need certainty and we need a clear understanding because we will be exercising our rights in the Sarstoon."
PUP's Failed Trip Could Have Affected The Outcome Of Istanbul Talks Full respect of our rights to even visit the Sarstoon… this is very a strong position from a PUP senator. As you know, the party's trip didn't happen for the reasons the Opposition Leader described last night.
Nevertheless the members of the Guatemalan delegation caught wind of the planned expedition and at the diplomatic talks at Istanbul yesterday it was briefly brought up.
Eamon Courtenay - Representative of the Leader of the Opposition:
"The Foreign Minister of Guatemala did mention the fact that the proposed trip by the PUP was in his view and in his words provocative. Our side didn't respond to it but as you know we believe that we have a right to travel in the Sarstoon and to travel anywhere in the 8,867 square miles of Belize. It is regrettable that Guatemala would regard that as being provocative but it is our right that the PUP believes that every Belizean has a right to exercise and we as a party if necessary will do it."
Opposition Leader's Rep. Sees Purpose For PUP Lawsuit So now with the SI revoked, it makes another PUP Trip to the Sarstoon a little less meaningful by way of political standards. The main reason for the PUP's visit to the Sarstoon was to challenge the - what they called- unconstitutional move by the Government. So no SI, no political meaning. But is the same true for the Constitutional Challenge which the opposition filed against the Government? Today we asked Eamon Courtney for his legal opinion on this matter. Here is what he said.
Eamon Courtenay - Representative of the Leader of the Opposition:
"It's not mute and it is not pointless because we expect the challenge to continue. You see what you have there is in our view an unlawful exercise of state power. As I said before it is bad policy and it is bad in law. The public safety act has a specific criteria for the Governer General to exercise that power to restrain people from moving in the Sarstoon or anywhere else. We believe that the facts were not there for him to do it and therefore he acted unlawfully and we have to set a precedent, the court has to speak to the circumstances in which that kind of power can be exercised in the future. So it is a very important case, it violated our constitutional rights and the constitutional rights of many Belizeans who attempted to go there and we ask the court to still pronounce on it for the future."
2nd Zika Confirmed In Belize; This Time It's A Pregnant Woman Belize has another confirmed case of Zika in country, and this time, it's a pregnant woman who is infected. That's not the type of news that the Ministry of Health wants at this time, since the woman's baby is at risk of being born with the medical condition as micro-cephaly, a birth defect where newborns have abnormally small heads and under-developed brains.
The Ministry of Health confirmed before news time that it has received the confirmation of the pregnant woman by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA).
Their statement says, quote, "The case is being closely monitored by the Ministry of Health staff as the patient is a pregnant woman. This patient is from the Cayo District. The case was picked up through the heightened and strengthened vector borne disease and vaccine preventable disease surveillance, which now includes the monitoring of Zika, currently underway across the country.
Police Constable Killed Himself Suicides don't normally make the evening news, but one of them is tonight after a cop killed himself this morning. Another cop attempted to take his life less than 5 days before, and we'll get to that, but first to the very tragic story of Constable Edward Gonzalez.
Right now, the Queen Street Police Formation, where he was stationed is still trying to grapple with his death. The 34 year-old constable shot himself in the head early this morning around 2. Gonzalez was with 2 other officers outside of the Queen Street Police Station when he suddenly pulled out his licensed gun and shot himself. Gonzalez's suicide has stunned his colleagues and today at a press briefing, they told us they didn't see this coming. Courtney Weatherburne has the story.
PC Edward Gonzalez went to work every morning at 7:00 sharp. He was always right on time for the routine inspection and briefing sessions. Gonzalez became known for his promptness, tidiness and good police work.
Another Cop Tried Suicide; Very Fortunately, He Failed Now while it is very unfortunate that Gonzalez lost all hope and ended his life, there is hope for Precinct 2 Police Constable Melvin Nah. He is recovering at the hospital right now after he tried to poison himself on Monday night. Luckily his family and friends got to him quickly and rushed him to the hospital. Nah was saved. Police told us more about this other troubling case.
ACP Chester Williams - OC, Chester Williams:
"There was an incident on Monday night where a police officer who is assigned to precinct 2 apparently drank some noxious substance and was rushed to the KHMH. He is currently in the hospital admitted in a stable condition. From what we have been made to understand he's slowly recovering and he should make a full recovery in a very short space of time."
Police Counsellor Trying Assist With The Stressors Of The Job So Now, what is being done in the police department to help officers like Gonzalez and Nah? Well as you heard, there is an Employee Assistance Program which provides counseling to police officers. Today we spoke to the coordinator of the program Shawn Vargas and he highlighted some of the stresses that police offices face and he also discussed how to manage that stress.
Shawn Vargas - Coordinator, Employee Assistance Prog.:
"It's a high stress job. There are several factors that police officers have to contend with. Many among them is putting your life at risk on a daily basis and so as to some of the challenges that they are faced among the general public on their job it's the idea of walking to know that you might be a target; now that's a level you have to work with. It is important for us to understand ourselves, it is important for us to understand our body; our body tells us a lot in terms of dealing with stress and coping with personal challenges. So if you believe that you are a point, at a breaking point then it is best to get professional help. It is best to get professional help for guidance and professional help is available through the employee assistance programme."
Eastern Division South Commander Wants In-House Personal Constable But is this Employee Assistance Program enough? Well, the Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams doesn't think so. Williams explained that there needs to be a greater focus on having in house counsellors at the different divisions.
ACP Chester Williams - OC, Chester Williams:
"Our department have grown so huge and I think that the police department is the largest organization in the government service, bigger than the BDF, bigger than the coast guard. The only organization bigger than us are the teachers and I think that we have grown to the extent that we should be able to have our own in house counsellors and I think that what we need to do is look seriously at how we can achieve this to have at least one at each of the different divisions within the police department. That is only 6 regions so to hire 6 counsellors to be available at any given time to provide counselling to our officers I do believe that the benefit will surely outweigh the cost. While we do have the employee assistance programme it is a good idea, good initiative but I think that if we have our own in house counsellors our officers will be more use to those person and they'll be more willing to open to those persons."
Calaney's Attorney Says She Has No-Case To Answer To For the past 16 days now, 30 year-old Calaney Flowers has been standing trial in the court room of Justice Troadio Gonzalez for the capital offenses of murder and attempted murder. Police say that on August 28, 2012 she used her car to intentionally knock her ex-boyfriend, 29 year-old Lyndon Morrison, down. He was on his motorcycle with his new girlfriend Sochyl Sosa, and the impact of the collision caused them to suffer serious injuries, which ended up claiming Lyndon Morrison's life.
Well, since we last reported on the trial without jury, a lot has taken place. The prosecutor, Crown Counsel Sheneiza Smith, has called a number of witnesses including Morrison's mother Laurel Grant, as well as Sochyl Sosa, the woman who survived the deadly accident.
She told the court last week from the stand that, on that night, at around 9:00 o'clock, she was at home, when Lyndon Morrison arrived at her house to pick her up on his motorcycle. They stopped at Friendship Restaurant on Mahogany Street to buy a burger and headed to a Chinese shop near to get a juice.
The Newco Ghost of Previous Government's Past You may remember Newco, as a European Consortium which had a brief 30-year concession agreement with the Previous Musa Government over the Management and control of the Philip Goldson International Airport. That business deal eventually led a legal dispute which for which a 4.2 million US dollar award has been hanging over the current Government's head. Well, it appears that this ghost of the Musa Government past is coming back to haunt the current Goverment once again.
It's a dispute that dates back 11 years ago to May of 2005 when Newco, sued the the Musa Government. The company's claim is that the then Government of the day entered into that concession agreement and 11 months later, they terminated it without cause. If that deal hadn't ended abruptly, Newco would have been entitled to operate the airport and make improvements to it. You'll remember that the Belize Airport Concession Company, the group of well-connected local investors, got the deal to run the airport after the canceled Newco agreement.
BEL Teams Up With Restore Belize For Scholarships Every year, Restore Belize sources business partners to help fund four years of secondary school expenses for a number of underprivileged students. Today they signed a formal agreement with the Belize Electricity Limited, BEL, in which the electricity company is granting $36 thousand dollars to the "I AM Belize scholarship Program". The grant will provide tuition, books, and uniform for 9 new scholarship students for a period of four years.
We spoke with Restore Belize and the BEL representatives who signed the document. Here's what they told us about this new partnership.
Roger Bradley - Sr. Prog. Officer, RESTORE Belize:
"What is happening is we are embarking on a partnership between RESTORE Belize and the Belize National Energy Charitable Trust to riase funds for another 4 years and this morning we really appreciate the assistance of the Belize Electricity Limited and this will enable 9 students to have an opportunity to complete their secondary education."
A Discrepancy In the Narrative Of Chester's Alleged Shooter You may remember the high speed city chase that almost got Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams shot by a gunman, or worse. As we told you, On May 13th Williams was driving in his personal vehicle when he got word of a shooting on Euphrates Avenue. He was also alerted of a fleeing black truck that was nearby when the shooting happened. Williams was in the area and set chase after the men in the vehicle. He caught up with them and that is when he came face to face with 19 year old Zacharia Knox. Knox fired 3 shots at Williams but he missed. Knox along with 2 others were charged in connection with the shooting. But there is one thing that does not quite add up, Knox somehow ended up in the hospital in a critical condition after that brazen encounter with Williams. So how did he get there? Well we asked Williams about it today and he said plainly : he does not know!
Mike Rudon - Channel 5 News:
"That fellow last report we got he fired at you, he was apprehended that same evening and somehow from there to this point he is at the KHMH in what was critical condition up to a couple days ago. Could you take us from the apprehension to the KHMH."
Don "Joe" Laid To Rest Earlier you heard the Prime Minister's comments on the latest developments on the diplomatic front between Belize and Guatemala. We met him in Orange Walk earlier this evening, but he was not there on official business.
He was actually there in a sort of informal capacity, to attend the funeral service of the late Joe Briceño, a stalwart PUP, former Government Minister, and two time representative for Orange Walk. He is also happens to be the father of the now leader of the People's United Party.
Today, the Prime Minister and a few other UDP Ministers paid a courtesy visit to the Leader of the Opposition and attended his father's funeral. Minister for Port Loyola even offered a few kind words to the late Briceno during the official funeral service.
Today we spoke to the PM who told us that while He and the Briceno's are political enemies, outside of that political arena is no space for animosity. And so today it was just right to join in honor the legacy of the late Briceno.
Come Have Lunch With A Cop You know all about the weekly meet and greets that the different Eastern Division commanders hold to become more friendly and available to the communities they serve.
Well, the Eastern Division's commanders are offering another means to reason with them on a one-on-one basis. It's called the Lunch with a Cop initative, in which, as the name suggests, members of the public can sit down and share a meal, with the different Eastern Division leaders. Assistant Superintendent of Police Desiree Phillips told us more about it today.
The first edition of the Lunch with a Cop initative is set for tomorrow at 11;30 to 1 at the Sea View Restaurant at the Princess Hotel. Everyone is invited to come and have lunch with 12 officers at your own expense.
The ESRI User Conference Is Here Again The 2016 Belize Esri user conference was held today at Biltmore Plaza. The two day event saw key note speaker Jacqueline DaCota, the Chairperson of the Land Information Council of Jamaica, presenting her expertise in the field of applied Geographic information system (GIS).
Other speakers included lecturers, GIS students, business owners, bank managers, members of Government agencies, and just about anybody else you could think of- all sharing their knowledge and experiences in the use of GIS technology. The wide variety of participants set the background for what ESRI and its local partners are trying to do- and that is to get everyone using this GIS technology.
Channel 5
Suicide at Queen Street Precinct: On-duty Police Officer Shoots Himself Today, the Belize Police Department is reeling from the sudden death of one of their own, Police Constable Edwardo Gonzalez – not in the line of duty, but allegedly by [...]
Another Officer Ingests Deadly Poison in Suicide Attempt That suicide this morning follows what we are told was an attempt by another police officer on Monday. In that case the officer allegedly ingested some form of poison, reportedly [...]
Police Department Addresses Critical Turn of Events When and if that officer does recover, he will be placed into counseling which is provided by the Employee Assistance Program. It’s a twenty-four hour service available to those within [...]
Counseling to be Provided for Traumatized Colleagues That counseling is sorely needed by officers who deal with long hours at a very difficult job. The suicide and attempted suicide this week highlight the need. But there’s some [...]
‘Papa’ Mena Discusses U.D.P.’s Upcoming Special Convention On Sunday at the ITVET in Belize City, the United Democratic Party will be holding a special convention to elect a First Deputy Leader. Belmopan Area Representative John Saldivar is [...]
A Pregnant Mother in Cayo Tests Positive for Zika There is another confirmed case of zika in Belize. Late this evening, the Ministry of Health issued a release confirming that another patient has tested positive for the virus. This [...]
Did Police Pummel Zachry Knox Following Incident Involving Top Cop? On May twelfth, nineteen-year-old Zachry Knox allegedly fired three shots at Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams during a high speed chase in the city. Knox was picked up that [...]
A Date for Decision in Calaney Flowers Murder Trial is Set Thirty-year-old Calaney Flowers, a former employee of Atlantic Bank who is accused of the vehicular homicide of her ex-boyfriend, appeared before Justice Troadio Gonzalez today. Flowers has also been charged [...]
Youths Charged for Beating Up Elderly Man Near BTL Park Two Belize City youths were today fined five hundred dollars each after they both pled guilty for badly beating a sixty-four-year-old fisherman over the weekend. Today, twenty-year-old Justin Marin and [...]
Public Service Day Celebrated with Information Fair An all-day information fair concluded in Belize City this evening. The event was part of the annual celebration of Public Service Day and saw the participation of a number of [...]
B.E.L. and Restore Belize Sign MOU for High School Scholarship A Memorandum of Understanding was signed earlier today between Belize Electricity Limited and Restore Belize for a grant of thirty-six thousand dollars. The money, given for a specific purpose, has [...]
Skills Training Center Showcases Talented Young Students Over four hundred students have been graduated from the Skill Training Center in Belize City since its inception in 2012. There has been a fifty percent success rate so far [...]
Belize Wins Gold in COCABA Men’s Volleyball Tournament The Belize Male National Volleyball Team wins the Copa Cancun 2016 Tournament. Over the weekend, three teams from Belize, including the MOEN Stars female team and the UB Black Jaguars [...]
Special Edition Sports Wednesday – Football and Softball Stats Good evening, I’m James Adderley with a Wednesday edition of Sports Monday. You know some days are better than others so let’s jump into the action. Monday’s Belize City [...]
Sarstoon Restriction SI revoked The Government of Belize has announced that it has revoked the Sarstoon Prohibition SI which was placed into effect on April 29th of this year. Government made the announcement on Tuesday May 24, 2016, following a cabinet session, just 5 days shy of when the restriction would have been lifted accor...
Guatemala-Belize Foreign Ministers agree to “work on formal cooperation mechanism” That agreement to start work on “a formal cooperation mechanism” between the two countries was reached when the Foreign Ministers attended the World Humanitarian Summit held by the United Nations Secretary General. There, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize and Guatemala, Hon. Wilfred Elringt...
PUP blames Government for postponed Sarstoon trip The People’s United Party (PUP) says it has postponed, not cancelled, its planned educational trip to the Sarstoon River for party leaders that was scheduled for Saturday. According to an official statement from the party issued Saturday evening, “..this unfortunate postponement in no way signals an...
BPP and BTV go to Sarstoon However, while the PUP backed out, the Belize Territorial Volunteer leader Wil Maheai and Belize Progressive Party member Bobby Lopez, did not . The two organizations teamed up and took a boat to the mouth of the Sarstoon River on Saturday before the law was revoked. Also with Maheia and Lopez on...
Teacher drowns on fishing trip with Coast Guard friends A teacher drowned after he and two of his Coast Guard friends went on a fishing trip in the Orange Walk district. According to reports, on Sunday May 22, 31-year-old Coast Guard Elijio Reyes of Xaibe Village, Corozal District and another Coast Guard, Genaro Chan, were along with their friend 31...
Two injured after car slams into concrete wall Two Santa Elena residents were injured on Saturday May 21st after the car they were travelling in slammed into the concrete wall by the San Ignacio market. Police say they were called out to Savannah Street, San Ignacio, near the low wooden bridge area sometime around 4 o’clock Saturday morning wher...
RTA on Hummingbird Highway There was another traffic accident over the long holiday weekend. This one happened on the Humingbird Highway on Monday May 23 somewhere near St. Margaret’s village. There is not much information to go on except that a black SUV apparently lost control and ran off the road flipping and landing with...
Breaking Belize News
Deadly accident in OW kills one, several others hospitalized
Tonight the Gongora family are mourning the death of one of their loved one, 55 year old Elba Gongora, who perished in a fatal traffic accident on the San Felipe Road in the Orange Walk District. Breaking Belize News was made to understand that a […]
Teenagers, 20 and 19, pleaded guilty to wounding 64 year old man
Senior citizen and fisherman 64 year old Lester Hernandez was allegedly caught taking public relief at the BTL Park on Newtown Barracks this past Sunday. He received a beating for his trouble and today two teenagers were made to pay fines for taking the law […]
Belmopanese charged for beating senior citizen
Two young men from Belmopan are accused of beating up a La Democracia villager ten days ago, such that he may lose an eye. 22 year old Justin Ashley Clark and 20 year old Edmond Anthony Pascascio appeared in the Belize City Magistrate’s Court, accused […]
Judge to decide fate of woman accused of murder
Justice Troadio Gonzalez is to hand down a ruling next Monday, May 30, 2016 in the case of Calaney Flowers, accused of the August 28, 2012 murder of her ex-boyfriend, Lyndon Morrison, and the attempted murder of his new girlfriend, Sochil Sosa, a Honduran national. […]
Belizean taxi driver hijacked by Guatemalan
Credible information reaching our newsroom indicates that a Guatemalan has been detained for allegedly hijacking a Belizean taxi driver in the Cayo District. BBN Sources have indicated to us that sometime this afternoon a taxi driver was stopped by two men who requested to be […]
Police United represent Belize in CONCACAF Champions League
Newly crowned national football champions Police United Football Club is Belize’s representative to the CONCACAF Champions League, as winner of the overall Premier League of Belize season 2015-2016. When all points won in competition are taken into consideration, Police, which won the opening season […]
Council of Churches supports ICJ resolution
During Friday’s press briefing in Belize City, the Belize Council of Churches, which represents the three largest Christian denominations in Belize – Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism and Methodism – and other smaller churches, revealed that it supported taking Belize and Guatemala’s territorial dispute to the […]
Melchor vendors did not demonstrate; say it’s safe to shop there
This past Friday there were reports that merchants in Melchor de Mencos, Peten would hold a protest targeting their leadership in Government. But the demonstration never happened. In the weeks following the death of a Guatemalan minor in the adjacency zone on April 20th, […]
Elijio Briceno buried today
Past government minister under the People’s United Party (PUP) from 1979-1984, Elijio ‘Joe’ Briceno, passed away on Saturday night in a Belize City hospital after falling gravely ill. Elijio, the father of current PUP leader, John Briceno, was laid to rest today and given […]
Weed and shotgun found in Santa Elena
San Ignacio Police with the assistance of its K-9 Unit, conducted searches in two areas of Santa Elena Town yesterday morning, resulting in the discovery of cannabis and a shotgun. At around 6:00 a.m., the team searched along the banks of the Macal River, […]
Sixth ESRI User Conference reaches out to businesses Total Business Solutions’ 6th annual ESRI User Conference showcases development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and how to adopt it to modern work. This year, the benefits to businesses are being discussed. Location intelligence – maximizing where you are to be more attractive […]
Police officer kills himself in Belize City A police officer posted in Precinct 3 of the Queen Street Police Station killed himself last night. Information is still sketchy and according to reports, he shot himself with his own weapon. The police officer is Edwardo Gonzales P.C 944 of Santa Elena, Cayo District. […]
A Trip to A New Beach On the Leeward Side of Caye Caulker – Koko King Monday was a holiday in Belize.
I celebrated by joining a bunch of friends on a boat trip to Caye Caulker – actually…to a small caye with a sandbar off the northern tip of Caye Caulker. My friend Jackie had spotted it from her Tropic Air plane and thought it would be a great place to lounge and enjoy the day.
There was a sandbar…of sorts. But, the area was extremely grassy and the sandbar, more of a…smushbar. We decided to head to the backside (the leeward side of Caye Caulker – about another 15 minutes) and try the new cleared beach just north of the famous Split in the island.
I believe the name is Koko King. A large plot of white sand beach with a beautiful dock and lots of lounge chairs. We pulled up and paid $10bzd each to have access to all the chairs and the sails used for shade. Perfect.
To the left, The Split.
To the right, a hammock in the water…and lots of kids kayaking and swimming. A few families were up here too for a day in the water.
10 Reasons to visit Belize, Central America After travelling through Guatemala, the final stop on my Central America itinerary was Belize. Crossing the border from Guatemala to Belize was a surreal experience in itself; armed border police watched on as we dragged our wheelie cases through the ‘no mans land’ between both countries.
I didn’t expect to see or feel a whole lot of difference as soon as we crossed the border, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Despite being located next to one another, the identities of Guatemala and Belize are a world apart. Guatemala is full of vibrancy, colour and has a strong Hispanic cultural influence, with Spanish being the first language.
In contrast, Belize has a much more laid-back Caribbean vibe and being located right on the Caribbean sea, there is a geographical logic to this strong cultural influence. Like much of the Caribbean, English is the first language in Belize. The country has become an on-trend honeymoon destination in recent years, and after visiting for myself, it’s evident why.
And if that hasn’t tempted you enough, here are 10 reasons to visit Belize…
Driving directions from Belize City Airport (BZE) to Placencia, Belize! You will depart the airport and follow the “International Airport Road” – signs should say – to Belize City. You’ll drive with the airplane runway on your left as you depart the airport.
Next, you’ll turn left onto the “Northern Highway”. This is a little different (easier) than going through Belize City. It will probably add about 10 minutes to your drive, but will make the drive a lot easier to manage.
You will proceed North for only about 10 minutes.
You will make a left onto the “Burrell Boom Cut”. Burrell Boom is a town and this “cut” will take you around to the Western Highway.
Follow the Burrell Boom Cut all of the way to the Western Highway, where you will make a right turn onto the Western Highway (this turn is in the area of Hattieville).
Go West on the Western Highway.
Dry/Fire Season …. Rain/Hurricane Season According to a forecast released last Friday by The Weather Company, the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to be the most active since 2012. Perhaps more alarming to me are some studies that point to climatological and meteorological conditions mimicking weather patterns from 1998, the year that produced Hurricane Mitch.
Preliminary analysis of the 2016 fire season in Belize: In terms of the environmental impacts of fires, thus far in the current fire season, 89% of fires occurred outside of protected areas (a similar percentage to previous years), and when fires did occur in protected areas, they generally affected pine savannas. In the case of the Caracol Archaeological Reserve and the Chiquibul National Park, however, fires detected signified illegal encroachments (clearing of forest) from Belize’s western neighbor.
If the 2016 fire season is similar to that of 2012 (when a similar number of fires occurred in the January-April time frame), another 300 or so fires might be expected prior to the end of the year.
So it would seem we have not had a record fire/dry season and my early reports are that we did not have an intense dry season. It would seem, though, that when it starts raining it just might pour.
Oscar Generale and Denny Mendez expect a new star! Leading female character of La Isla Bonita Telenovela, Denny Mendez is soon expecting a bundle of joy. Actress/model Denny Mendez and husband Oscar Generale, a Hollywood producer are living the charmed life in Southern California. The Italian superstar couple were spotted shopping in Beverly Hills among the famous store fronts and top designer labels. The glitz of ritzy Rodeo Drive was matched by the sparkle in Oscar and Denny’s eyes, due in no small part to Denny’s baby bump.
Generale and Denny took time off from the Cannes Film Festival this year in anticipation of their new addition to the family. Denny recently completed filming a promotional campaign for Festina watches with Gerard Butler. Oscar Generale was the force behind the deal. The couple will welcome their new little star late in the summer of 2016.
Pleasure over Business a Tropical Tip and a Cheap Dinner Reef week in Belize has just finished it’s 11th year of recognizing and highlighting the importance of the Belize Eco-system. The 7 day event included fishing tournaments, beach clean ups, a swim to the Belize Barrier Reef and back from the shores of San Pedro, and a kayak race.
The event I made it to was the kayak race and had a great time cheering the women’s division (our friends), Cindy Vigna and Lara Goldman on with my other friend Jack. After having a blast chasing the race a bit we continued to hitch our way around town and the last driver we picked up, Terry, decided to keep us for a while :) We got did a joyride to the bridge, down the beach road, made a stop at Palapa Bar then all headed back to my place to hang out.
BELIZE IS HOME TO 5 OF TRIPADVISOR’S TOP 25 LANDMARKS IN CENTRAL AMERICA FOR 2016! Five landmarks in Belize were named in TripAdvisor’s Top 25 Landmarks in Central America for the year 2016. This should come as no surprise as the country boasts thousands of years in unearthed history owed to the Mayan Civilizations that flourished in what is now Belize.
At #4 – Caracol Mayan Ruins – Located deep within the Mayan Mountains, Caracol rests on the Vaca Plateau at an elevation of about 500 meters or 1640 feet above sea-level. The actual size of Caracol is approximately 200 square kilometers (124 Sq Miles). In real time comparison – this would be an area much larger than present-day Belize City.
#7 – Xunantunich – One of my personal favorites. Xunantunich was named the 7th top landmark in Central America. The word Xunantunich has several meaning in Maya including “Maiden of the Rock” or “Stone Woman” and is situated on the Western Highway across the river from the village of San Jose Succotz. The site of Xunantunich provides an impressive view of the entire river valley.
Bucket List Family portraits on a caribbean island: Caye Caulker Peachie and her family took 1 year off from their regular routine in USA and moved on our island… to live the experience of their lives here! And.. was a year full of extraordinary things who gave them an entire different perspective of life.
Each had his own Bucket List and they checked most of them… At the end of the list, the mom have her “family photos” checked… she decided to have me snap them.
We went in Caye Caulker and had a blast! Life on a tropical island in caribbean.. yeah… you can write a novel!
Thank you, guys, for visiting our country and make it your home for this past year! I look forward to see you again!
International Costa Maya Festival – A Week of Culture and Festivities First conceived as a celebration of the wider Maya world with participants from Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Mexico in 1992, the festival has since blossomed to become one of the most popular events on the Belizean calendar. The festival begins with a beauty pageant featuring contestants from the “Mundo Maya” countries and then explodes in a celebration of dance, food, art, games, and music.
The International Costa Maya Festival is held in the streets of San Pedro Town, the capital of Ambergris Caye. Various locations in the town feature musical entertainment, games, face-painting booths, food stalls, and local arts and crafts.
The three-day festival is always held in August on a weekend but the dates vary from year to year. In 2016, the festival will be held from August 4-6.
A celebration of all things Maya, the festival is a colorful mix of a beauty pageant, music including Punta, Salsa, Merengue, Soca, Reggae, and traditional Maya melodies, riotous parades, and a celebration of food, art, and merrymaking.
The first night of the festival begins with a beauty pageant featuring the winners of regional contests from neighboring countries as well as representatives from Europe, North America, and Australia. Contestants demonstrate elegance, poise and beauty in evening gown, bathing suit, and talent categories, with the winner given the coveted title of Miss Costa Maya International.
International Sources
Chicxulub 'dinosaur' crater drill project declared a success The effort to drill into the Chicxulub Crater off the coast of Mexico has been declared an outstanding success.
A UK/US-led team has spent the past seven weeks coring into the deep bowl cut out of the Earth's surface 66 million years ago by the asteroid that hastened the end of the dinosaurs.
Rocks nearly 1,300m below the Gulf seafloor have been pulled up.
The samples are expected to reveal new insights on the scale of the impact and its environmental effects.
The original target was to get down to 1,500m, cutting through a feature called the "peak ring" in the process.
This ring was created at the centre of the impact hole where the Earth rebounded after being hit by the city-sized space object.
In earlier geophysical surveys that were able to sense below the seabed, the feature looked like an arcing chain of mountains.
Rocks from the ring have certainly been sampled. And even if the 1,500m mark was not reached, the team believes it has more than enough material now to answer its key science questions.
The most amazing museums around the world Technology is not the only tool that museums are using to transform themselves. Institutions around the world are breaking rules that were once set in stone.
Remember those hushed, dusty halls you visited as a child? They are well and truly gone. Today's museum is a place where DJs set you dancing, where visitors are encouraged to touch the exhibits, and where you can run loose through the storage areas.
This new approach has been a resounding success. Attendance numbers are soaring at museums across the globe. However, according to one Australian expert, the most powerful tool any museum has remains its exhibits.
"People are looking for the real and authentic," says Kim McKay, the director and chief executive of the Australian Museum, who has a reputation for encouraging innovation.
"These days, we can see just about everything on a screen, but there is nothing like the real thing."
They may be more entertaining than ever before, but the mission of today's museum remains the same as ever: education. Or, as McKay puts it, "Museums take you to new places."
Mexican narco arrested in Nigeria An article forwarded to me a few days ago reminded me that we will never know the extent of narco trafficking and the involvement of particularly the Colombian/Mexican/Guatemalan cartels in Belize.
One of the names and picture of one of the detainees, a Mexican, caught the eye of one of my sources who thought he looked familiar.
The man was known in Belize as Christobal Castillo, a Mexican and he was held and questioned by Belize police here in connection with a shipment of pseudo-ephedrine pills and the violence, which included murders, which accompanied that discovery.
Drug transshipment in Belize has gone through several distinct periods. In the 70’s it was weed and that came to the public notice in a sensational way when a ship was busted with literally tons of weed in bales as cargo. It was piled so high at the Queen Street police station it towered over the fence and reached to the top of the second floor of the CIB building.
CDB to fund US$400,000 road project in Belize The village of Crooked Tree in Belize is home to approximately 1,000 residents, many of whom need to commute daily for employment or educational opportunities. Currently, the village can only be accessed via a 5.6km-long unpaved road, or causeway across the lagoon. During periods of high-intensity rainfall, high water levels in the lagoon regularly overtop the causeway and portions of the road, interrupting access to the community. To assist with ensuring uninterrupted access to the village, the board of directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved funding in the amount of US$400,000. The funds will be used to partially finance a feasibility study and the preparation of designs to upgrade the Crooked Tree Road and Causeway.
Green & Black's co-founder says travel industry could do more to exploit Fairtrade demand The travel industry could do more to exploit demand for Fairtrade products, according to the founder of Green & Black’s, the organic chocolate brand.
Jo Fairley told the Global Travel Group conference in Dubai said she was surprised more ethically-sourced holidays aren’t made available by agents and operators.
She said in the early days of Green & Back’s the firm worked with Bristol-based travel agent Trips to offer customers the chance to visit where it sources the cocoa for its chocolate in Belize.
“Today I think there are more and more people who want to do that. We live in a more caring world. People are more conscious of the impact they are having.
Shyne Has a Documentary and World Tour Coming The headline-worthy moments from this past weekend’s Bad Boy reunion concert event are too numbered to count, but among them was the surprise return of Shyne. While he wasn’t quite live in the flesh on stage, the Bad Boy affiliated artist did perform his hit “Bad Boyz” from Belize with the performance shown on the stage’s large screen. What’s more, the Brooklyn-bred rapper is reportedly making a more official return to centerstage with an upcoming documentary and tour.
Sources close to the rapper tell XXL he’s been hard at work on a documentary which will hit theaters along with an accompanying soundtrack. He is rumored to be going on tour as well, joining Puff Daddy once he hits Europe and embarking on his own world tour with Barrington Levy, who is featured on “Bad Boyz” and “Bonnie & Shyne,” another of the rapper’s early 2000s hits.
Sugar shortage cuts Coca-Cola production in Venezuela A sugar shortage has forced Coca-Cola to stop producing soft drinks in Venezuela amid an escalating food and energy shortage.
Coke said that suppliers in Venezuela will "temporarily cease operations due to a lack of raw materials".
The announcement comes after the country's biggest brewer, Empresas Polar, closed plants due to a barley shortage.
Venezuela's economy has contracted sharply as oil prices plunge.
A Coca-Cola spokesperson said the company would continue producing sugarless drinks such as Coca-Cola Light (Diet Coke).
"We are engaging with suppliers, government authorities and our associates to take the necessary actions for a prompt solution," she said.
Manatee encounter, 1min. Woooohaaaaa!! Ik word gek!! Vandaag enorm vette nieuwe opnames gemaakt voor Freeks Wilde Wereld 2016 (Zapp/VPRO) Wat een dag! Zo bijzonder en uniek! Kippenvel. Woooohaaaaa!! I'm going crazy!! Today huge fat new recordings made for freeks wild world 2016. What a day! So special and unique! Goose Bumps...
Belize 2016, 7min.
Snorkeling Mexico Rocks in Ambergris Caye, Belize, 4min. This is a video of me snorkeling (for the first time) at the Mexico Rocks Patch Reef in Ambergris Caye, Belize.
Lionfish getting speared, Belize, 1min.
The Great Kayak Race Reef Week Ambergris Caye Belize, 2min. My friend Jack and I went out to support our Friends Cindy Viga and Lara Goldman in the Kayak Race. We were also there to support Emil Teck and his mom Angelica Teck. Lara was helping get them a kayak that morning and how I leaned that Amil was challenging himself to do the race, he has Spina bifida. What an inspiration.
KELLER WILLIAMS REDDAY 2016,BELIZE, 7min. Painting of the Macal Park,San Ignacio,Cayo,Belize by Keller Williams Redday 2016
THINKING ABOUT MOVING IN WITH YOUR MAN??? THINK AGAIN!!, 2min. Want to get married? what not to do. Morning Matters
B.P.P'S PATRICK ROGERS DISCUSSES THE ICJ, COMPROMIS & GUATEMALA'S CLAIM TO BELIZE (PT. 2), 21min. The featured interview here on Belizean Legends highlights the work of the Belize Progressive Party's (BPP) political leader, Patrick Rogers, who has emerged today as a progressive voice on the Belize political scene after many years as an activist for many Belizean causes on the ground in Belize. Rogers, who is also an astute Belizean historian with credible historical facts to drive home his political views on the Belize / Guatemalan Dispute, spoke with Belizean Legends producer and host, Bilal Morris, about the insidious and treacherous Compromis signed by the Belize and Guatemalan governments in December of 2008, without the consent of the Belizean people, to take the aged old Anglo Guatemalan Dispute to the International Court of Justice (I.C.J).
El Pilar La Ciudad Perdida, 26min. El Pilar is highlighted in this special. Dr. Anabel Ford explains El Pilar's significance in the Maya world. The El Pilar exhibit at the SISE House of Culture is in full swing.
Global Service Partnerships, 2.5min. Global Service Partnerships (GSP) creates and designs service projects in partnership with schools and communities in Belize to address educational challenges. We believe international service and travel, combined with intentional learning, broadens the mind and heart, giving us global perspectives on ways we mutually impact one another's lives.
Belize 2016, 6min.
Belize, 2.5min. First in swimming with stingrays and a barracuda.
Belize 2016, 4min. My trip to Belize in May of 2016.
Diving Belize 2016, 9min.
May 25, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Kayak Race highlights 11th Annual Northern Reef Week The 11th Annual Northern Reef Week ended with a spectacular kayak race, which saw nine teams paddling around the island on Sunday, May 22nd. Junior and senior kayakers alike took to the channel heading south of Ambergris Caye on the leeward side, racing for their chance to claim the first place title, while bringing awareness to conservation of the barrier reef. In the last minutes of the race, competitors began separating from each other as the finish line came into view in the horizon. In a fast sprint, Team Sea Monsters crossed the finish line to glory. Afterwards each winning team was given their respective prizes. In the Juniors category, second place went to Team Do It Boys, comprised of Joseph Pineda and Brayan Bradley, who received $100. First place went for Team Buff Kids, comprised of Kyron Vasquez and Brayan Averdado, who walked away with a cash prize of $100.
Ambergris Today
La Isla Bonita Telenovela Star Pregnant The continuation of La Isla Bonita Telenovela is still in the works and rumors that production of the telenovela might be picked up seem to be true. Information coming in to Ambergris Today is that if all goes well, shooting should start this year. But the telenovela might need a new a new cast member to take on the leading roll of Carolina as news came in this week that Oscar Generale and Denny Mendez expect a baby.
Generale & Ms. Mendez took time off from the Cannes Film Festival this year in anticipation of their new addition to the family. The Italian superstar couple was spotted shopping in Beverly Hills among the famous store fronts and top designer labels. Denny recently completed filming a promotional campaign for Festina watches with Gerard Butler; Oscar Generale was the force behind the deal.
Catch and Release Success at Frenchie’s Offshore Open in Caye Caulker The Frenchie’s Offshore Open was hosted by the Belize Game Fish Association (BGFA) out of the Lazy Lizard in Caye Caulker over the Commonwealth Day weekend. A total of 17 boats hit the seas in a blasting south-east breeze early Saturday morning and it seems the Billfish were hungry! Princesa Del Mar captained by Shadany Bradley was the first boat on the board with a Sailfish release. Team Venator later reported landing a Blue Marlin just outside of Tres Cocos in San Pedro, which weighed in a 135lbs.
The first place trophy as well as a check for $5,000 went to Team Venator out of Chetumal who recorded 1,370.5 points over the two days with a Blue Marlin, Wahoo and Tuna, which also won them the cash prize and trophy for the Heaviest Blue Marlin and the tournament’s Top Angler. Second place went to the San Pedro boys aboard Team Princesa Del Mar who accumulated 1,156.5 points by releasing a Sailfish, a White Marlin and weighing a Tuna. The third place cash prize also went to a San Pedro boat, Team Fishizzle who recorded 668 points with a White Marlin release and an 18lbs Dorado, which also won them the trophy and cash prize for Heaviest Dorado and Heaviest Non-Billfish.
Misc Belizean Sources
GOB Revokes Sarstoon Prohibition SI The Cabinet of Belize announces that the Government of Belize has asked the Governor General His Excellency Sir Colville Young to sign a Statutory Instrument revoking, with immediate effect, the Sarstoon Prohibition SI.
Government's decision comes as a consequence of the agreement reached in Turkey between Belize and Guatemala regarding the Sarstoon. That agreement commits both sides to start work now on a formal cooperation mechanism that will respect Belize's and Guatemala's respective use and navigation of the Sarstoon. While the formal mechanism is being worked on, the two sides have informally accepted a situation in which there will be untrammeled traffic for Belize's military and civilians along the Sarstoon.
Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize and Guatemala Meet in Istanbul, Turkey to Address Matters in their Bilateral Agenda On the occasion of the World Humanitarian Summit held by the United Nations Secretary General, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Belize and Guatemala, Hon. Wilfred Elrington and Mr. Carlos Raúl Morales, and in the presence of Magdalena Talamas, Representative of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), held a working meeting in the City of Istanbul, Turkey on the 23 and 24 May 2016, and discussed several issues under their bilateral agenda.
Both Foreign Ministers once again expressed their commitment to peace and good faith. In this vein, they reiterated that the existing Territorial, Insular and Maritime differendum should be definitively resolved by the International Court of Justice, once approved by the required referenda.
They expressed that as long as this process continues and even after its conclusion, it is necessary that both promote and develop relations of good neighborliness that conduce to peace and stability and that promote the economic development of both peoples. In this vein, they underlined the importance of the thirteen agreements signed in Placencia, Belize in December 2014 that have contributed to the development and strengthening of their bilateral relations.
The BHA is being represented by staff of the Embassy of Belize in Mexico at the The Feria de Las Culturas Amigas (FCA 2016) which is being held in Mexico City at the Plaza Zocalo from May 21 to June 5, 2016.
Ambassador of Belize in Mexico, HE Oliver del Cid and Mrs. Elena Baeza del Cid at the Belize Booth FCA 2016
The Festival is one of Mexico City's most important international cultural events, where visitors can learn about the culture, traditions and customs of the 85 participating countries which include Belize, Jamaica, Haiti, Austria, and Malaysia to name a few.
The Festival has become a tradition, being held every year since 2006, and serves as a great opportunity for the residents of Mexico City to strengthen ties of friendship at the international level. In 2015, the Feria de las Culturas Amigas received approximately 3 million attendees, and as many if not more, are expected for this year.
3-day FREE Spay and Neuter Clinic on June 24 to 26 GREAT NEWS! Belize Humane Society will be having a 3-day FREE Spay and Neuter Clinic on June 24 to 26 at St. Catherine Academy (SCA). This is your opportunity to have your dog or cat "fixed" at no cost. We are very fortunate to be assisted in this event by a group of vets and veterinary technicians from the US who have done similar work with other Humane Societies in Belize. Watch this page for more information as the date gets closer. And please share the news with your friends!
We will be needing lots of volunteers to help with the event, so please consider signing up. In the weeks before the event, we need people to help us go door to door in neighbourhoods to spread the word and sign-up animals and their owners for the clinic. On the days of the clinic, we need about 15 volunteers each day to help with intake of animals and other duties so that everything runs smoothly. If you can volunteer, message us with your contact info or contact Annette at 610-1071 (after May 27).
Rockin' the Caye w/ Abracadabra Saturday, June 4 at 4 PM - 7 PM at Mahogany Bay Village. Former and current members of the Steve Miller Band, Rock n Roll Hall of Fame and Grammy inductees, live and in concert! Proceeds support the South Ambergris Caye Neighborhood Watch providing security and well being to our neighborhood.
Tickets going for sale online at and at Seaside Realty across from Fido's. General admission is $125BZD and limited VIP Meet & Greet tickets are $400BZD.
Splashers Sign up for this weeks paint party! ERBER DAISIES!! I LOVE them. I'll be in the studio to paint these.
Deputy Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Three Day Working Visit to Belize Ambassador Manorma P. Soeknandan, PhD., Deputy Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), is currently in Belize for a three day working visit. During that time, Dr. Soeknandan will be meeting with officials of the Government of Belize, as well as representatives of the various CARICOM institutions headquartered in Belize.
Today, May 24th, 2016, Dr. Soeknandan completed a visit to the OAS Office in the Adjacency Zone, where she was briefed on the latest developments taking place in the Adjacency Zone between Belize and Guatemala. In demonstrating their strong support for Belize, CARICOM Foreign Ministers at the Nineteenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR), emphasized their “resolute support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of Belize.”
Lobster Fest 2016 Cook-Off Competition You say you have cooking skills?? Sign up for this year's official Lobster Fest 2016 Cook-Off Competition. That's right, this year we have teamed up with GraceKennedy (Belize) Ltd. to bring you this fierce cooking competition. If you think you have what it takes, then step right up!!
Calling Entrepreneurs in Belize! Good News!!! The YLAI deadline has been extended until Friday! Don't miss out! Apply today!
Paradise Theater playing this weekend 13 Hours,
The Other Side of the Door,
The Brothers Grimsby.
Channel 7
Bilateral Talks In Istanbul; FM's Vague About Details Belize-Guatemala talks were held yesterday and today in Istanbul, Turkey. On Sunday, Belize's Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington and his Guatemalan counterpart Carlos Raul Morales held what we are told was a four-hour working session in the margins of the World Humanitarian Summit.
The business of the meeting was concentrated into that session at the Hilton Bomonti Hotel in Istanbul. The Belize delegation was led by Foreign Minister Elrington, accompanied by Ambassador to Guatemala, Alexis Rosado, and Representative of the Leader of the Opposition, Eamon Courtenay. The Guatemalan side was represented by Foreign Minister Morales, and the Guatemalan Ambassador to Belize, Manuel Barillas, among other officials. Magdalena Talamas, the Representative of the OAS Secretary General, acted as mediator.
Cabinet Ends Sarstoon Ban Early Now we've all heard that so many times before, so if you're scratching your head and wondering what's the real takeaway from the meeting, well…maybe the Prime Minister knows. He's the chair of the National Security Council and the report he got seems to have given him confidence about the way ahead. Shortly after the joint releases went out, another Government release arrived announcing that the 30-day ban on the Sarstoon is over - the S.I. has been pulled a few days early. This release says quote, "the Government of Belize has asked the Governor General…to sign a Statutory Instrument revoking, with immediate effect, the Sarstoon Prohibition SI." End quote.
The release then goes unto say, quote, "While the formal mechanism is being worked on, the two sides have informally accepted a situation in which there will be untrammeled traffic for Belize's military and civilians along the Sarstoon." End quote.
PUP Failed To Go To The Sarstoon But it's a moot point for the PUP - who failed to challenge the law as they had promised to do on Saturday. 3 weeks ago, the party said it was going to the Sarstoon to challenge the Government to stop them.
It was marketed first as direct action against an oppressive law. But then, starting last week, the leadership of the party started to change tune, describing this intended excursion as an "educational" trip.
Still, we were on board, and plans were made for the members of the PUP's National Party Council to go down to PG on Saturday morning at 10:00. The plan was for them to board boats which would take them near the mouth of the Sarstoon. But, at about 11:00 on Friday night, hours away from departure time, word started getting around that the PUP had suddenly cancelled their Sarstoon sojourn.
Politically, that's a major letdown, especially since the law has now been rescinded.
Joe Briceno Passes; Son, John, Stayed At His Bedside Til The end As you heard, one of the two reasons that Opposition Leader John Briceño agreed to cancel the trip was because his father's health was failing fast.
And, personally, he made the right decision, because 78 year-old "Elijio Joe Briceño" passed away at the hospital at two minutes to midnight on Saturday. The elder Briceno was a two term PUP representative for Orange Walk and today, his son John spoke with us about his many accomplishments:
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition:
"MY father passed away on Saturday at 11:58pm. As you all know that my father suffered a stroke 11 years ago and its because of him being unable to move that overtime his party started to slow down, his metabolism and it started affecting his organs. We did everything try to try to keep him here, but the good Lord has other plans for him. Whilst we've been through a difficult time, a time of sorrow, a time of grief, it fills our heart with love to find out that so many people appreciated the work that my father did as a person and as a politician.
BPP Members Visited; Without Hype Or Fanfare; PUP Senator Also Went So, after hearing that the PUP failed to follow through with their trip to the Sarstoon, border activist Wil Maheia took his fellow BPP party member Bobby Lopez and TV personality Rosalie Staines to the river in his own personal boat.
Maheia had told the teachers that the Security Forces had been closely monitoring his movements ever since the Sarstoon Statutory Instrument was passed. Well, it appears that on Sunday, he was able to make the trip without being stopped.
Here's Rosalie Staines making the announcement only minutes after they had arrived close to the river mouth:
Bilateral Commitments Made At FOPREL Meeting On Friday's newscast, we told you about how House Speaker Mike Peyrefitte tried his hand at parliamentary peacemaking between Belize and Guatemala at the FOPREL meeting in Managua, Nicaragua.
As we reported, Peyrefitte is the Vice President of "FOPREL", the Forum of Presiding Officers of National Parliaments of Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean Basin, while the speaker of the Guatemalan Congress, Mario Taracena Diaz-Sol is the President.
Well, during the weekend, Peyrefitte spoke with us, and he told us that while he was speaking with Mario Taracena for the parliamentary cooperation on last Tursday, he also mentioned that that worrying resolution that the Guatemalan Congress had passed. You'll remember that it was the travel advisory warning citizens not to travel to Belize - alleging human rights violations by the BDF.
CARICOM's Deputy Sec. Gen. Visits Belize Ambassador Manorma P. Soeknandan, the Deputy Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), is currently in Belize for a three day working visit. During that time, Dr. Soeknandan will be meeting with officials of the Government of Belize, as well as representatives of the various CARICOM institutions headquartered in Belize.
Today, May 24th, 2016, Dr. Soeknandan completed a visit to the OAS Office in the Adjacency Zone, where she was briefed on the latest developments taking place in the Adjacency Zone between Belize and Guatemala. In demonstrating their strong support for Belize, CARICOM Foreign Ministers at the Nineteenth Meeting of the Council of Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR), emphasized their "resolute support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of Belize."
Dr. Soeknandan leaves Belize on Thursday, May 26th.
Families Terrible Accident Victims Waiting In Vain For Compensation Cheques You may remember that terrible traffic accident back on July 3, 2013 which killed 64 year-old taxi driver Eliseo Chan, and his 3 female passengers Molly Hude, Angela Bugeja, and Ioanna Thomopoulou.
The three women were all international scholars who were studying archeology under the then Director of Archaeology, Dr. Jaime Awe. On that date, they were heading to the airport when the taxi that they were in slammed head on into a Westline Bus right after Busman Arnold Bridge, at mile 60 on the Western Highway. They died on impact or shortly after.
Well, in the years that followed, their foreign families brought a private suit against the insurance company involved in covering the vehicles in the accident, and they won over a hundred thousand dollars in compensation.
Wildfire Threatens Zoo's animals The Belize Zoo's animals almost perished in a weekend fire. The blaze erupted on Sunday afternoon in the Pine Savanna forest area - opposite the Belize Zoo and took the fire dangerously close to the facility. The wildfire was raging, and wind carried the smoke and ash over to the Zoo's compound. That's when the staff rushed over to try and contain it. Guests had to be asked to leave the compound. eventually, it was too much and the Belmopan fire department had to be called in to put out the fire. This is not the first time that a fire came so close to destroying the Zoo. There was another bush fire in 2011 but this one was much closer.
Orange Walk Teacher Drowns This morning police found the body of a teacher who had drowned in San Carlos, Orange Walk. 31 year old Bartolo Torres and 2 of his Coast Guard friends were on a Sunday fishing trip across the New River Lagoon. Around midday that Sunday, they decided to rest at a nearby wharf but the strong winds caught them on their way and water got into their small boat - sinking it. The men then jumped into the water. 2 of the men survived but Bartolo Torres did not know how to swim and he drowned. Police told us that they conducted the post mortem immediately after they found Torres' body this morning. Torres taught at Chunox St. Viator Vocational High School.
Mystery Chopping In Independence A man was chopped this weekend in Independence. 33 year old Guatemalan watchman Jose Coc left for work around 6 Saturday evening. Coc was guarding the tools and equipment at the bridge being built just outside Trio village. But later at 11, 2 men came to the bridge and called out to him, and when Coc did not respond, the men approached him and chopped him - slicing off his right hand. Coc was also slashed to his stomach and foot. He is at the KHMH in a stable condition. Coc told police that he did not recognize the men because it was too dark. No tools were stolen from the bridge so police believe this may have been a planned attack.
Cayo Cops Come Up On Weed/Weapon Bust Police in San Ignacio came up big last week Friday when they discovered upwards of 33 pounds of cannabis and an unlicensed firearm in the streets of San Ignacio. The first discovery was made around 5 am on Friday. San Ignacio Police were on mobile patrol between miles 68 and 69 on the George Price Highway and upon making checks by the police booth in front of Rumors Resort, they discovered a black plastic bag wrapped in transparent tape. Inside that bag was a large quantity of suspected cannabis. The substance weighed in at a total of 14,968 grams- approximately 33 pounds. Further searches in the area lead to the discovery of a smaller black plastic bag which also contained suspected cannabis. The substance in this bag weighed approximately 170 grams. Searches continued in the area which lead police to discover a 20 gauge sawed off shotgun with a wooden brown stock, and a brown wooden handle. Inside the barrel of the shotgun police discovered a single RIO Brand cartridge. No one was around the area when the discovery was made and as a result the items were deposited as found property.
4 Difference Accidents Over Holiday Weekend There was a spate of traffic accidents over the long weekend but fortunately, none were fatal.
On Friday afternoon at around 2:00, 64 year old retired Mechanic Kenneth Wright was driving his Dodge Ram Pickup to Sandhill from Ladyville. His brakes failed near the Burrell Boom Junction and he swerved into the opposite lane, hitting the rear tail of American National Carlos Arango's Toyota 4 Runner. The impact sent Arango's truck spinning on the highway then landing on the side of the road. Wright was served with a notice of intended prosecution. No one was seriously injured.
And later that Friday night, a pastor and his family were hurt in another accident on the Phillip Goldson Highway. At 9:10, 37 year old Pastor Angelo Dominguez and his family were heading to Ladyville from Belize City in his Toyota Hilux. As he was driving between miles 7 and 8, a white SUV coming in the opposite direction veered onto Dominguez's lane. Dominguez then darted to the side of the road to avoid the collision, but he lost control of the vehicle and it flipped twice. Dominguez received injuries to his hand and lower back, while his wife Gayle Dominguez was injured to her knee and upper back. The pastor's 63 year old mother Mona Requena Smith received only scratches. Other minors who were seated inside and in the pan of the Hilux also received minor injuries. The family was treated at the KHMH. Now their injuries are classified as harm and wounding but for now the driver of the SUV, American national Krlo Barbery has been charged with failure to provide specimen. Police continue to look into this case.
Police United Needs Your Help To Compete In Champion's League It is the biggest football tournament in the region and the Belize Police Department has been invited to participate. After a tallying of points from the two local tournaments back in April, the Police United FC came out on top with a total 40 points besting the Belmopan Bandits by only one point. As a result the last two weeks, the team committee received their official letter from CONCACAF inviting them to this, one most prestigious football tournament. And while it is noteworthy that for the first time ever, a police club is entering the Champions League, this regional tournament will be a very costly initiative one that is of course not included in the police department budget. So today the police department invited us to a press briefing at the Raccoon Street Police Station to appeal for the public's support as they take on this venture.
The team committee has enlisted Charlie Slusher as the head coach for the team and are also looking for foreign players to add some more muscle to their rank.
ESRI GIS Conference Upcoming Looking at the world and everyday life through digital maps: that is the idea behind the Geographic Information System technology. And to celebrate the impact of this type of referencing, the 6th annual ESRI conference will be held tomorrow at the Biltmore. There will be a number of presentations on how GIS can improve business operations in Belize. Organizer Loretta Palacio told us more today .
The conference is a 2 day event. It starts tomorrow at 8:30 at the Biltmore.
Hand In Hand Against Offshore Oil On Friday Oceana Belize joined 82 other countries around the world in observing the annual Hands across the Sand campaign. It is an event held every year to in a very literally way, draw a line in the sand in solidarity against offshore oil development.
Oceana was joined by hundreds of activists and ocean lovers from all across the country: including people from Orange Walk town, Dangriga, Belize City, Placencia, Corozal Town, San Ignacio, Hopkins, Sarteneja, Punta Gorda Town, Belmopan and of course from the islands of Caye Caulker and San Pedro. No numbers are yet confirmed as it relates to how many persons actually participated in the activity but according to Oceana it was very much comparable to last year's event- which would put the number at somewhere between 400 to 500 individuals.
Shyne's Reunion Performance For Bad Boyz One of the biggest names in rap history, Sean Puffy Combs, rap mogul, producer, and founder of the Bad Boyz record label in the United States launched his much anticipated 2nd reunion tour on Friday night at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. It featured mega stars such as Jay Z, Rick Ross, DMX, and Usher performing live. And Belize's Music Ambassador was right there in the lineup with them. Of course, Shyne can't travel to the US because he is a deportee, but he did grace the stage, well sort of. Shyne came up on the big screen at the Barclay Center to perform his hit "Bad Boyz" - and he did it from Xunantunich. He told us about it today:
Though not quite on par with a Tupac Hologram, Shyne's was well received, and one press report we saw described it as a performance that drew goosebumps.
Channel 5
G.O.B. Revokes Controversial Sarstoon Law! There’s a lot of news tonight revolving out of Belize/Guatemala talks and the Sarstoon – perhaps the most sensational being that G.O.B. has revoked the Sarstoon Prohibition S.I., that piece [...]
Belize and Guatemala Negotiate Sarstoon Protocol in Istanbul That’s big news indeed, since the Sarstoon has remained a potential flashpoint for months. So that brings us to the Istanbul talks, scheduled for May twenty-first. We’re told they didn’t [...]
P.U.P. Cancels Planned Weekend Sarstoon Trip While those talks were supposed to be happening on Saturday, the P.U.P. had planned a trip to the Sarstoon. They claimed that it was an educational trip as opposed to [...]
Deputy Party Leader Cordel Hyde Says There Were No Boats The revocation of the Sarstoon Prohibition SI comes only four days after it was challenged in Court by the People’s United Party, and three days after the P.U.P. planned an [...]
P.U.P. Cautiously Optimistic About Progress in Istanbul Talks So what’s the P.U.P. position on the big news coming out of the Istanbul breakthrough? That agreement between both foreign ministers that Belizean military and civilians will be allowed to [...]
C.E.O. George Lovell Speaks on SI Annulment The P.U.P. may not be showing much enthusiasm just yet, but for Ministry of National Security C.E.O. George Lovell the agreement is a welcome one. We’ve all seen the footage [...]
Former P.U.P. Minister Elijio Briceno Passes Away The father of P.U.P. leader John Briceño passed away at midnight on Saturday after a long illness. Elijio Joe Briceño was a former Minister of Government, and as such will [...]
Cordel Hyde Weighs in on B.T.L. Arbitration Award In a matter of a couple weeks, the arbitration panel will be delivering its final, tabulated award on B.T.L. share value assessment, reliably reported to be close to half a [...]
Police Investigation into Alleged Abduction of Roger Plett Concludes Last Wednesday, the C.E.O.s of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and National Security spoke out for the first time on an allegation made by Belizean Roger Plett. Plett claimed that [...]
A Run for Diabetes Awareness The Second Annual Diabetic Run and Wellness Expo was held over the weekend in the west. Wellness Ambassadors in collaboration with the Belize Diabetic Association Belmopan Branch and Marathon runner [...]
Many Road Traffic Accidents Reported Over Holiday Weekend There were at least seven traffic accidents in the Belize and Cayo districts over the weekend, but none were fatal. The wave of RTAs started on Friday near the Burrell [...]
Forest Fire Comes Dangerously Close to the Belize Zoo On Sunday, fire nearly burned its way into the Belize Zoo. Reports from Zoo Management is that a raging bush fire which started in the pine savanna forest south of [...]
Ocean-lovers Hold Hands Against Offshore Oil Development in Belize On Saturday at midday, Belizeans across the country joined hands on beaches, along sea walls and other public areas to stand in unity against offshore oil development in Belize’s sea [...]
Chocolatiers Descend on Punta Gorda for Annual Festival It started as the annual Cacao Festival, but over the weekend, the tenth edition of the event surrounding chocolate was held in the southernmost town of Punta Gorda. The three-day [...]
Police United to Defend Belize in CONCACAF Champions League The Police United Football Club, winners of the 2016 Premier League tournament, will represent Belize in the upcoming CONCACAF Champions League series. It is a momentous occasion since the Belize [...]
Team Needs Financial Assistance to Meet Competition Expenses The team has put together a budget for expenses related to the tournament; however, it needs another one hundred thousand dollars to meet its overheads. Supt. Andres Makin Sr., [...]
Shyne Rocks Bad Boy’s Barclays Center Concert from Xunantunich Music powerhouse Bad Boy Records took a journey down memory lane this weekend. An audience of twenty thousand gathered at the Barclays Center in New York City to experience the [...]
Honorable John Briceno Remembers His Father's Accomplishments
Eleven years ago Elijio Joe Briceno suffered a stroke and since he could not move his body slowed down and started affecting his organs. But this did not stop Don Joe from continue being an active member of the People’s United Party and following step by step his sons political career. Today Leader of the Opposition John Briceno told our colleagues at Seven News how he will remember his father and also spoke about some of his other accomplishments.
“It fills our heart with love to find out that that so many people appreciated the work that my father did as a person and as a politician, he was larger than life person and he took on the powers of when he felt it was not in the interest of the people that he represented for instance in the history book we talk about black Wednesday when he with the cane farmers of Orange Walk stood up to defend the interest of the cane farmers in the Orange Walk district and went against his own government and they sent the BDF and I was there and witness what was going on.”
PUP Will Proceed With Law Suit
As you heard at the top of the newscast GOB has revoked the SI implemented in the Sarstoon that restricted movements through the area. So…. will the PUP move forward with their claim against the Sarstoon Law in court even though it was rescinded? According to Leader of the Opposition, Hon. John Briceno, the People’s United Party will be moving full steam ahead with the constitutional challenge.
According to Honorable Briceno, the P.U.P.’s legal team is proceeding with the suit in an effort to provide guidance to this current government and others to come, from the court as to when it is accurate for a law of this nature to be implemented.
“We do plan to go through the law suits as what our legal advisor pointed out that it is very important for which ever government to know how far they can go with this which is almost like the preventative detention that they try to do remember that when they wanted to amend the constitution when Belizeans were vehemently against the likewise in this case it is almost like that, it is important for the courts to make a ruling to see if it is something that it is allowed within the constitution in the laws of Belize so it is important for us for the government and future governments to see how far they can go.”
Oceana Corozal Promotes Awareness And Environmental Consciousness
Hands across the Sand across the Land was also commemorated in Corozal on Saturday. According to OCEANA’s Field Representative for Corozal, Ryan Rivero, the activity showed that there are still Belizeans who care about the environment.
“The purpose of the event, Hands Across the Sand, is to show solidarity in the efforts being carried by Oceana and other organizations to keep oceans health and our reef healthy, in fact our entire environment healthy, this was done nationally and internationally in countries that are supportive of this initiative, it just entails people that come out holding hands for a period of fifteen minutes to show that they are in support of what we are fighting for right particularly free from offshore oil exploration and that is the support and participation that we are looking for people to want and to help us work in any way possible.”
GOB Issues Press Release To Rescind The Sarstoon Law
An hour after GOB issued the release on the meeting in Istanbul, another release was issued…this time by Cabinet stating that a decision had been made to recede the Sarstoon Law. The decision comes five days before the law was scheduled to expire on May 29th.
In the release Cabinet states that the Government of Belize has asked the Governor General His Excellency Sir Colville Young to sign a Statutory Instrument revoking, with immediate effect, the Sarstoon Prohibition SI. The decision came as a consequence of the agreement reached in Turkey between Belize and Guatemala regarding the Sarstoon. That decision, according to Cabinet, commits both sides to start work now on a formal cooperation mechanism that will respect Belize's and Guatemala's respective use and navigation of the Sarstoon.
GOB Issues Release On Meeting In Istanbul, Turkey
Before midday today the Government of Belize issued a press release on the meeting held in Istanbul, Turkey where discussions for protocols for the Sarstoon was at the top of the agenda. There is no doubt that Belizeans were waiting anxiously for word on the outcome of that meeting attended by Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala Wilfred Elrington and Carlos Raul Morales, their delegations and representative of the Opposition Eamon Courtney. But after reading the Governments release we can simply state that Belizeans remain in the dark because while the release is quite lengthy…it does not mention any direct decision taken in reference to the Sarstoon.
The release states that “The Ministers recognized the need to avoid incidents between the two countries that affect the process of confidence building as agreed in 2000, 2003 and 2005. In this context they affirmed the need to work more in the development of building confidence, especially between the Armed Forces of both countries, including the possibility of having joint training for the troops responsible for patrolling the Adjacency Zone.
PUP Party Leader Speaks On Cancellation Of Sarstoon Trip
The PUP's scheduled educational trip to the Sarstoon, which was to take place this past Saturday, was called off late on Friday night. According to a release issued by the PUP the Party was having difficulties with the boats for the journey as they were unable to assure the boat captains that they would not be victimized by GOB. On Friday, indications were that the group would not have been allowed to reach their first destination, the BDF's Forward Operating Base at the mouth of the river but according to the release issued by the PUP, GOB went a step forward as there was reportedly a barrage of overt intimidation of licensed boat captains and charter groups in Punta Gorda Town and southern maritime areas which untimely resulted in the last minute cancellation of the charter arrangements the party had made weeks ago. Today Opposition Leader, Hon. John Briceno spoke to the media about the cancellation of the trip.
Belize and Guatemala to Formulate Cooperation Mechanism for the Sarstoon Bilateral talks between Belize and Guatemala began yesterday in Istanbul, Turkey with delegations from Belize, Guatemala and the Organization of American States.For Belize’s part, Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington led the delegation while Carlos Raul Morales represented Guatemala and Magdalena Talamas represented the Secretary General of theOrganization of American States. The meetings coincide with the World […]
BTV Visits Sarstoon; Boycott Efforts Continue Against Guatemala While the top foreign affairs officials from both Belize and Guatemala were making their way to Turkey for these bilateral meetings, a handful of Belizeans had ventured out onto the Sarstoon on Sunday. Head of the Belize Territorial Volunteers, Wil Maheia led that small group including Bobby Lopez of the Belize Progressive Party. According to […]
CARICOM’s Deputy SG In Belize Deputy Secretary General of CARICOM, Ambassador Manorma P. Soeknandan, PhD. is on a three day working visit to Belize. During that time, Dr. Soeknandan will be meeting with officials of the Government of Belize, as well as representatives of the various CARICOM institutions headquartered in Belize. Earlier today, Dr. Soeknandan visited the OAS Office in […]
US Court of Appeals Affirms Judgement Against Government of Belize Belize’s debt is at the highest it has ever been and with the final ruling imminent regarding the nationalization of Belize Telemedia Limited, it will go even higher. Today, however, there is more to add to the country’s debt as a US court has confirmed an arbitral award made against the Government of Belize. It […]
US Citizen Found in Belize Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering Activities The gravity of the issue surrounding offshore banking and the effects it has had on the banking sector was not given much attention back in July 2014 when Belize was in the international news following the launch of an investigation into CYNK Technology, a company that had falsely stated its address to be inside the […]
Former Government Minister Elijio Joe Briceno Dies Last week when we brought you an interview with the Leader of the Opposition, John Briceno, he was standing outside the Buttonwood Bay Clinic in Belize City where his father was being treated. His father had become frail in the last few weeks after suffering from cardiac complications. On his Facebook page, John Briceno wrote […]
Garifuna Council Elects New Executive The National Garifuna Council has a new executive. During the thirty second annual NGC convention in Libertad Village in the Corozal District, Sandra Miranda was elected as President. Other members of the executive are Vice President, Hazel Cayetano; second Vice president, Stanislus Martinez; Secretary, Dr. Ethel Arzu; Assitant Secretary, Marsha Mejia; Treasurer, Marietta Enriquez and […]
Saldivar Remains Confident on a Win for the Upcoming Convention A convention to elect the new first Deputy Party Leader of the United Democratic Party will take place on Sunday. The two men contesting to fill the post, Minister of Education, Patrick Faber and Minister of National Security, John Saldivar have been on a campaign to woo the almost five hundred delegates. The two men […]
BTL Hustles to Repair Broken Fiber Optic Cable A fiber cable break in Belmopan, this morning caused the interruption of 4G internet network around the vicinities of the US Embassy and the British High Commission. Public Relations for the Belize Telecommunications Limited, Roneisha Gentle told Love News the company is doing everything to restore the network by nine o’clock tonight. RONEISHA GENTLE “There […]
Sedan Collides Into Market Wall in Saturday Morning Incident In the wee hours of Saturday morning, San Ignacio Police was called out to the area of the low lying bridge in that municipality following a traffic incident. Reports are that police responded to Savannah Street just after four o’clock where they found a blue Toyota Corolla sedan with extensive damages near the wall of […]
Council of Churches weighs in on Belize-Guatemala dispute The Belize Council of Churches says it supports Government’s program of diplomacy with relation to the Belize-Guatemala dispute and is calling for all involved to avoid unnecessary conflict. That is the main plank of a statement issued this morning during a press conference called by the Council at ...
PUP leader speaks to press Yesterday Leader of the Opposition John Briceño confirmed that his People’s United Party (PUP)’s intends to travel south to the Sarstoon and spoke about why the party feels it must go this weekend. The PUP leader also discussed the partnership with civil society, who will not be a major part of thei...
1 Killed and 1 Injured in Road Traffic Incident in Placencia 42 year old Richard Moguel died in a road traffic incident on Thursday night between miles 19 and 20 on the Placencia road. It happened sometime around 9 0’clock when Moguel was riding his bicycle on the road. Along with Moguel at the time was 46 year old Osvaldo Matute of Saine Bight Village . Acc...
Shooting victim charged with abetment to murder Police continue to try to crack down on the spiralling violence in the Ladyville area of Eastern Division (Rural). In the wake of the shoot-out at the residence of Cynthia Lozano early last week Saturday on Marage Road, police have arrested the two accused of the incident, Darwin Prado and Egbert Ba...
Accused Bulgarian ATM thieves plead guilty This afternoon, Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser reserved sentence who has been hearing the case of two accused of theft of over $14,000 from the Belize Bank ATM machine against the men after they both changed their not guilty plea to guilty for the offenses of a total of 18 counts of theft each. Bu...
Constitutional case against Sarstoon Regulations adjourned The first hearing of the People’s United Party’s challenge to the Public Safety Act Regulations, Sarstoon Order of 2016, took place this morning at the Supreme Court. But when the case goes back to court, it may be likely that the crux of the case will be moot. That’s because the regulations expire...
Chief Executive Officer addresses MOE’s latest news Yesterday during our interview with Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Education David Leacock, we queried him on ongoing issues within the Ministry. A few years ago the Ministry started a program to review funding being given to schools, aiming to level the playing field and reward schools ...
The Reporter
Former minister of energy dies Elijio “Joe” Briceno, former Minister of Energy and Communications and father of People’s United Party Leader John Briceno, died today.
Briceno, who had been very ill for some time was at the Northern Regional Hospital, when he passed away at 12 a.m.
“HIs family and friends were close by his side. We are thankful for the life of our father and grateful to everyone for the amazing support. We ask you to pray for our family and for one another and remain thankful for your support.” John briceno posrted on his Facebook wall this morning.
During the 1979-1984 term of the PUP, “Joe” Briceno served as Minister of Energy and Communications under the late George Price. He later retired from politics in favour of his son, John, who has kept the Orange Walk Central constituency as a PUP stronghold since taking up the mantle.
Breaking Belize News
Two busted for illegal logging in National Park
Last Wednesday, two men were detained for ‘illegal logging within a national park’ after they were busted by a team comprising of police officers, park rangers and a member of the Mayflower National Park. The men, Carlos Palacio, 35 and Donald Wewe, 45, were […]
Teenager pleads guilty to burglary and theft
Nineteen year old Zane Pott, a construction worker of 2 and a half miles George Price Highway, pled guilty to burglary and theft when he appeared today before Magistrate Deborah Rogers. Because he had no previous conviction for crimes of dishonesty, Pott was sentenced […]
Ex-Fultec employee pleads guilty to theft
Twenty-nine year old Kristoff Riverol, a former employee of Fultec Systems, located on Coney Drive, who posted a hard drive he stole in the “buy and sell” column on Face Book, was spared a custodial sentence when he appeared today before Magistrate Carlon Mendoza […]
Watchman chopped in Trio Village
Dangriga Police visited the Independence Polly Clinic on Saturday night at around 11:24, after receiving reports of a chopping incident in Trio Village. Upon arrival, officers saw Jose Coc, 33, suffering from large cut wounds to his abdomen, left foot and right hand. His […]
Ladyville burglary cost home owner over $17,000 in losses
On Friday of last week, 34-year-old Melissa Ellis of a Ladyville Village address, reported to police that her house had been burglarized and an assortment of valuables were stolen. Ellis stated that around 5:50 that morning, she arrived home from work and became suspicious […]
$15,000 van stolen in city
Philip Kewley, a 55-year-old resident of Ladyville Village in the Belize District, reported to Belize City Police on Sunday morning that his Ford-350 van was stolen from New Town Barracks. Kewley told officers that sometime between 9:00 on Saturday morning and 6:00 on Sunday […]
Belize and Guatemala meet in Istanbul
Belize and Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Ministers, Wilfred Elrington and Carlos Raul Morales, met in Istanbul, Turkey yesterday and today to discuss several issues related to recent tensions between both countries. Elrington and Morales met at the World Humanitarian Summit held by the United Nations Secretary […]
Agreement reached on Sarstoon, SI revoked
The following is a statement issued The Cabinet of Belize announces that the Government of Belize has asked the Governor General His Excellency Sir Colville Young to sign a Statutory Instrument revoking, with immediate effect, the Sarstoon Prohibition SI. Government’s decision comes […]
Bail for cop charged with unlawful sex assault and accused attempted murderer in bar brawl Interdicted cop, Darren Evan Martinez and 25 year old Belize City resident, Steven Young, accused of the attempted murder of Lord’s Bank resident, Brandon Stevens, were each granted bail on Friday in the Supreme Court.
Martinez, a police officer of Haulze Street, Belize City, was arraigned last week on a single count of unlawful sexual assault on a minor, at the tender age of 8. Young is accused of stabbing Stevens in an altercation to the chest with an ice pick.
In the case of Martinez, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution did not raise an objection. According to Crown Counsel Sheiniza Smith, she was not aware that the victim in Martinez case was 8 and not 10 as previously reported because the age of the victim was not on the information and complaint form.
Once more to Caye Caulker and a bunch of other stuff, like Reef Week As small an island as Caye Caulker is, there is always something — or someone — new to be discovered.
Like the kids in the picture above. I have never seen kids have more fun in four inches of water. I’d take a picture and then the kids would all run over to see themselves on the screen. Then I’d take another picture and they’d all run behind the camera to see themselves. Then I’d take another picture . . . . you get the idea.
We could have kept this up all day.
Yesterday was filled with great friends, gorgeous weather, long white sand beaches, cool water, delicious food and drink and, yeah, exactly the kind of day you imagine on a tropical island.
Hey, look. It isn’t every day. Not by a long shot. When they do happen, when all the island gods align themselves, well, it becomes pretty special.
International Sources
Don't feed the monkeys—why your generosity is harming their health Tourists who feed wild monkeys are risking the health of an endangered species by making them larger, more susceptible to disease, and more stressed, according to new research. Behavioural ecologists compared the health of two groups of wild Barbary macaques in Ifrane National Park in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco; one which spent nearly 50 per cent of their feeding activity eating food provided by humans, and another which rarely encounter tourists and instead relied on natural food resources.
The macaques which ate food from tourists were found to have poorer quality fur, with some patches of alopecia, and also suffered from higher levels of stress hormones compared with the other group.
All the females in the non-fed group gave birth, but only a third of females in the groups of Barbary macaques frequently fed by tourists had babies. The monkeys which relied on natural food were observed to only suffer one incident of a stomach upset, while the group which received large amounts of food from tourists had 32 bouts of illness.
Scuba trip to Belize nearly fatal for Rogue River man When you’re 90 feet deep in the ocean, things can go wrong very quickly, as Rogue River veterinarian Bob Bradford learned while diving with his wife, Jan, a few weeks ago on a barrier reef off Belize.
Bradford, 77, made several key mistakes — delay in starting up to the surface before he got below 700 pounds of air pressure, not staying with his diving partner when he reached the 15-foot depth and ran out of air, then shooting up to the choppy surface and, realizing he was in trouble, not dumping his weights so he could float.
His wife quickly joined him and found him not breathing. A nearby dive boat saw trouble and pulled him aboard. Paramedics Dave and Becky Cook, leaders of Vagabond Ventures of Phoenix, quickly surfaced and found Bradford blue and unconscious, not breathing and with no heartbeat.
As the boat sped to a shoreside clinic, the Cooks took turns doing CPR, restoring Bradford’s vital signs after five to eight minutes of unconsciousness. He was flown by private jet to a larger hospital and brought back to health over several days.
Ursuline students put lessons from Belize to work close to home A group of Ursuline Academy High School students delivered two murals and more than 40 blankets to the Metropolitan Center for Women and Children on April 22.
The students painted the whimsical murals for the shelter’s play therapy room and constructed blankets to comfort the children in residence. They devoted their school year to volunteering at the shelter and making a difference in the lives of women affected by domestic violence.
The project is part of Beyond Our Borders, Ursuline’s service-learning immersion program. Students traveled to Belize, where they built a 16-by-16-foot home for a family in an impoverished community. They were challenged to take inspiration from their trip and relate it to comparable social issues in New Orleans.
The students divided into four groups, recruited additional students and worked to implement service projects that connected their experiences in Belize with the Ursuline community and with organizations throughout the city.
THE BEAUTY OF BELIZE: A Tropical Paradise Made for Montanans The Montana winter is a long one. The only thing paler than my skin come spring is the snow still causing slide-offs on the Bozeman pass. Every once in a while, a Montanan just needs to head south.
Armed conflict between Guatemala and Belize unlikely despite military build-up and increased border incidents Guatemala and Belize have agreed to seek to de-escalate a border dispute through the staging of diplomatic talks in Istanbul, Turkey on 21 May.
The Belize Foreign Ministry announced on 19 May that it had requested that the Organization of American States (OAS) investigate allegations that Guatemalan uniformed personnel had kidnapped a Belizean farmer and detained him in Guatemala the previous week. The request was made in the context of the OAS having already started an investigation into live-fire incidents involving the Belize Defence Force (BDF), which resulted in the death of a Guatemalan child on 20 April, and the wounding of a man on 13 May in Chiquibul National Park along the shared border. The child's death, along with the injury of his father and younger brother, triggered a rapid build-up of 3,000 Guatemalan soldiers on the border, including along the Sarstoon River near Belize's Forward Operating Base (FOB) on the Caribbean coast.
Guatemala and Belize, 4min.
University of Belize | Calabash Caye Trip, 13min.
Hopkins and Xunantunich- Belize 2016, 10min. May 2016
Hopkins Village
2 1/2 hrs south of Belize City
Belize Sharks & Rays Tour, 2.5min. Check out our excursion in Belize swimming with nurse sharks, stingrays, barracuda and various other sea life!
Holidays to Belize - San Pedro & Caye Caulker, 4in.
PUP MOURNS THE DEATH OF FORMER CABINET MINISTER AND FATHER OF LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION, 8min. The Peoples United Party, Orange Walkenos and Belizeans on a whole are mourning the death of Mr. Elijio Joe Briceno father of Leader of the Opposition John Briceno. Elijio Joe Briceno died on Saturday May 21st at midnight after falling gravely ill. At the time of his death he was surrounded by family and friends. “Don Joe or boss Joe” as he was affectionately known served as a member of Cabinet for two consecutive terms from 1974 to 1984 and tonight we look back at his years of service to the people of Belize and his numerous contributions to the development of the country.
Former Government Minister and father of the leader of the opposition dies, 4min.
Cuba to Belize 2015, 3.5min. finishing 2015 in the Caribbean - this song is the biggest song we have heard through Central America
Belize - GoPro, 3.5min.
Aftermovie: 3 months 7 countries, 6min. USA, Costa rica, Panama, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico & Cuba
CHW of Belize, 1min. Community Health Workers of Belize
Allies to Maternal and Child health care
A production of the Ministry of Health - Belize , financed by JSDF and The World Bank
Yet Another Belize Bonefish, 8min.
Snorkeling Shark Ray Alley, Belize with Lil' Alphonse, 2min. My friend and I had a great time snorkeling while visiting Belize. Snorkeling with Lil' Alphonse was great!
We hit up Shark Ray Alley and lured all the sharks over with bait and jumped in. So cool. They only have nurse sharks there, so it's perfectly safe.
If you're ever staying out on San Pedro, check this guy out.
Blue Hole, Belize, 3.5min.
Another Belize Bonefish, 2min.
Clips from Belize: April 2016, 5min. Girls Weekend trip to Hopkins Belize
Dolphin Drive By Belize 2015, 1/2min.
Belize 2016, 6min.
Belize Tourism Board's "TASTE OF BELIZE" tv ad, 1min.
May 24, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Second phase of SPPD Barracks nears completion In less than a month, the San Pedro Police Formation will be provided with a brand new police barracks. Nearly two years since construction began, phase two of the police barracks project will finally be completed, providing additional space to accommodate more police officers as the Department seeks to increase its numbers on the island. Once the police barracks is complete, the ground floor will have an assigned area for the San Pedro Police Cadets, complete with private bathroom. It will also accommodate an office for members of the Central Investigation Bureau along with a separate bathroom and a computer/conference room. The top floor will accommodate three officers and a separate bathroom.
Officer in Charge of the San Pedro Police Sub-Formation Superintendent Sandra Bowden at the San Pedro Police Formation feels very confident about the progress of the construction. She is aware of all details of the construction and appreciates the support of everyone in finally completing the building.
Expo Tattoo Belize promises to be spectacular Tattoo lovers unite! Expo Tattoo Belize will be in San Pedro for one very unique, colorful, loud weekend of inking, music, freak shows and fun. From Saturday, May 28th through Sunday May 29th, talented international tattoo artists from such places as Bolivia, México, USA, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Belize will be on the island to provide their unique artwork. For an entrance fee of $20, you will be able to venture to the San Pedro High School Auditorium where you can select one of the top notch artists to use your skin as canvas! (Prices for the tattoos vary, but organizers have ensured that you get the best value for your money). For those seeking the extra crazy, there will be a freak show courtesy of Victer Max. The pierced, tattooed, horned man will be alternately freaking you out and amazing you with his skills!
For the music lovers, the bands Verge of Umbra and Almost 7 will be performing as well! There will be Deejays throughout the day. Tickets are available at Belizean Ink (Wimpas Tattoo Shop). Festival hours run from 10AM to 10PM.
Taxi permits cannot be sold Taxi cabs are a source of transportation in San Pedro Town. It has been brought to The San Pedro Sun’s attention that various local taxi drivers attempt to sell their taxi permits, when selling their vehicles. The questions is, ‘is that legal?’ A call to the San Pedro Traffic Department led to the confirmation that taxi permits are nontransferable and thus, cannot be sold. According to Chris Nuñez, Head of the San Pedro Traffic Department (SPTD), the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) is not entertaining anymore taxi permits. This is an effort to alleviate the number of cabs on the island.
The SPTD also mentioned that those who applied for the permit should be the one driving the cab and taxi drivers are not allowed to rent vehicles to other individuals. The public is also welcome to question taxi drivers about their credentials as safety measures.
Misc Belizean Sources
Assemblage Exhibit Launch Wildfire Artz Space had their Assemblage Art Exhibit launch on Sunday. Wine, chocolate, and some great art were all there, along with some spectacular music.
One of a Kind Rock Concert Rockin' the Caye 2016! Rock n Roll & Grammy Hall of Fame inductees are coming to San Pedro June 4th, 2016!
Kenny Lee Lewis, Bobby Vandell, Will Peterson and Billy Peterson will be rocking Ambergris Caye from 4-7 pm June 4th at Mahogany Bay Village - 2 miles south. Playing as Abracadabra. (you know the song - these are the guys)
Is an all American Classic rock 'n' roll band. The band is spearheaded by Grammy hall of famer (Bob Dylan) Billy Peterson, and current Steve Miller band bassist and guitarist Kenny Lee Lewis. On drums is the virtuoso, Bobby Vandell, probably best known for his work on the drum set on the world wide hit, "Funkytown" The keyboard chair is filled by Billy Peterson's son, Will Peterson. The singing multi keyboardist is a cornerstone for Abracadabra delivering soulful performances on Bad Company and Stevie Wonder renditions.
Happy Reef Week 2016 from all at The Phoenix! Show your love for our barrier reef by joining us each Saturday to help remove any trash from our shores. Help us keep our reef pristine!
Thank you to this weeks volunteers. We would love to see some new faces in our weekly pictures
BELIZE AT THE 5TH. ANNUAL GARIFUNA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL! The documentary features the work of the southern Belizean community organizer, farmer, and activist, Leonides Sanchez, and his struggle for food security and agricultural awareness in his hometown of Punta Gorda in Belize's southern district of Toledo. Sanchez also an educator, has been advocating for black consciousness and self awareness among the Garinagu, and has developed farming cooperatives among the Belizean people of the South while working with civil society in Belize to bring about change in land reform and self-sufficiency.
Official Death Announcement - Hon. Elijio Joe Briceño The Government of Belize announces the passing of Mr. Elijio Joe Briceño, Former Minister of Government and former Member of the National Assembly. Mr. Briceño passed away on Saturday, 21 May, 2016 in Belize City.
An Official Funeral will be held on Wednesday, 25 May, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at La Immaculada Church, Orange Street, Orange Walk Town. Interment will follow at the Piemonte Cemetery.
The Belize Women's Political Caucus is unveiling the Development of Belizean Women in Politics Exhibition at the GPC on Thursday and Friday, from 10:30am to 4:00pm. It showcases all the women that have held offices in Belize.
The Reporter
Council of Churches weighs in on Belize/Guatemala dispute The Belize Council of Churches, has given its full support to the Government of Belize in finding a diplomatic resolution to the territorial dispute with Guatemala.
The Council held a press conference at the ITVET compound in Belize City over the weekend, explaining that in light of Guatemala’s recent acts of aggression along the Sarstoon, it feels that GOB is making the right moves in trying to find a peaceful solution.
“The Belie Council of Churches supports actions that seek to avoid confrontation in the Adjacency Zone, along the Sarstoon, and along the border between Belie and Guatemala,” the Council said.
The Council also gave it’s full support to taking the territorial dispute to the International Court of Justice. The BCC then called upon the government to work in unity with the opposition in resolving the dispute; on the media to report facts relating the issue responsibly as not to cause trouble; and on its membership to be informed on the issues.
DOE hold second “Walk for a Green Belize” To spread awareness about the importance of not littering, the Department of the Environment held its second “Walk for a Green Belize” clean-up activity on Saturday.
The clean-up campaign started around 7 a.m. in Benque Viejo and del Carmen and spanned some 77 miles along the George Price Highway. DOE and its partners also cleaned along the Ladyville Area and the Phillip Goldson Highway.
The clean-up was done in collaboration with the Belize Solid Waste Management Authority, the Belize Audubon Society the Police Department, Department of Transport and the Belize City Traffic Department.
The DOE reminds everyone travelling along Belize’s roadways that littering is a violation, for which a ticket can be issued and carry a fine of $100 for a person and $500 for a company.”
PUP cancel their Sarstoon trip The People’s United Party (PUP) announced Saturday morning that it will not be making it’s scheduled trip to the Sarstoon River.
There were conflicting reports on the reason for the cancelation. One report said it was because PUP leader John Briceño’s father was ill, and Briceño canceled the trip to be with him in his last hours. However, another report said that the PUP could not get a boat captain willing to take them to the river because of the Statutory Instrument in place, which prohibits travel to the Sarstoon without authorization.
Briceño could not be reached for confirmation on whether or not they had trouble getting a vessel.
Since the beginning of May, Briceño announced that the PUP would go down to the Sarstoon and he challenged the government to arrest them under the provisions of the SI. The trip was originally scheduled for May 7. They postponed it, however, in consideration of progress GOB was making in negotiations with the Government of Guatemala.
CEDA moves to strengthen Caribbean-US export efforts The Caribbean Export Development Agency has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States, to strengthen trade and investment promotion with the region.
The MOU will serve to strengthen investment and trade to develop reciprocal cooperation between the US-based entities and the member states of Caribbean Export. The agreement will help CEDA members to access Latin American markets and open collaboration opportunities for US-based Latin firms and Latin investors seeking to enter the Caribbean market.
The signing of the agreements formed a part of the activities at Regional Public Goods Initiative entitled: Support to Foreign Direct Investment in the Caribbean. The Caribbean Investment Summit and the Inter-American Development Bank collaborated on holding the event, which targeted US-based markets.
UN holds humanitarian summit Representatives of 175 countries, including around 65 heads of states gathered in Istanbul, Turkey on Monday for the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit.
The two-day summit is aimed at restructuring the world’s response to wars, disasters and the need for humanitarian aid that arises from them; including changing the way aid is provided. The UN’s Emergency Relief’s office is running the summit.
The summit is the brain child of outgoing UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, who in his opening speech, set out the key commitments that he hopes leaders will sign up to in order to improve the global humanitarian system.
“I proposed this summit four years ago out of concern for rising humanitarian needs and declining political will. Today, the urgency has only grown,” he said.
Breaking Belize News
Belmopan Quick Response Team seize homemade firearm
On Sunday May 22nd at about 4:00 a.m. members of the Belmopan Police Quick Response Team (QRT) were on mobile patrol when their attention was drawn to a male person driving a motorcycle in high speed on Cemetery Road in the San Martin Area, […]
Orange Walk authorities search for missing man
Reliable information reaching the BBN newsroom is that presently members of the Belize Coast Guard, Orange Walk Police and volunteers are searching for a missing man. According to family members, a group of men went on a fishing trip in the Indian Church Lagoon […]
Mainly fair, warm and mostly dry weather conditions will continue today
The National Meteorological Service of Belize is predicting mostly sunny skies during the daytime and partly cloudy skies tonight. Little or no rainfall is expected. Winds will be blowing from the East-Southeast at 5-15 knots and the sea state will be choppy. High temperatures today […]
Passengers trapped in vehicle after vehicle crashes on George Price Highway
Reports reaching our newsroom are that a traffic accident just happened on the George Price Highway. According to our sources, some passengers are trapped in the vehicle and police have been dispatched to the scene. We will be updating this story as more information is […]
Ka’ana Boutique Resort – True Luxury & Attention to Details In The Ideal Location Last week, I visited Ka’ana Resort, just outside of western Belize’s San Ignacio town, for two glorious nights. A short distance from my home at the Belize reef (less than 100 miles), Ka’ana immerses you in a totally different world – and doesn’t skimp one bit on the amenities. he staff is amazingly attentive, the attention to decor and detail (all Belize specific) in each and every nook of the property is amazing and the food is honestly the best that I have eaten at any resort in Belize – and there are some STRONG contenders. Ka’ana’s property may be smaller than some of the 1000+ acre lodges that surround them in the Cayo District but by being so close to town (San Ignacio) and to the main thoroughfare, you have easy access to the AMAZING adventures and sights in the area. From the caves to the waterfalls to the Maya temples.
As the World Sleeps Belize keeps getting destroyed, terrorized and invaded As the world sleeps, Belize is being systematically destroyed and invaded both from within and without.
For decades Guatemala has remained head strong claiming that it owns Belize despite the world noting that Belize is an independent nation and it’s people have full rights to independence.
At the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Community (ACP-EU) meeting in Abuja Nigeria on March 2000 the following was noted:
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 35/20 of 11 November 1980, which reaffirmed the inalienable right of the people of Belize to self-determination, independence and territorial integrity and called on all parties concerned to respect that right.
Calls upon both governments to continue their discussions to put into effect measures that will ease tensions along their border, and to establish a process for the early and definitive settlement of their differences in accordance with the principles and practices of the United Nations and with full respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Belize.
Making the Coffee Connection From the classic espresso to the flavoured frappes, we just can’t seem to get enough coffee into our systems. Ambergris Caye has its fair share of caffeine enthusiasts, and luckily there are several establishments to satisfy our needs. Whether you find yourself north, south or anywhere in between, you are sure to find a place to sit down and have a cup of fresh brew on the island.
For many coffee is more than just a drink – drinking coffee means hanging out with friends, family or your significant other. And that’s exactly what Rum+Bean elaborated on! Even though Rum+Bean is undoubtedly one of my favourite places to get good coffee, I often find myself going there to escape the hustle and bustle of downtown San Pedro. Located south of town inside the Mahogany Bay development, Rum+Bean is a quaint coffee shop with charm and great brews.
International Sources
U.S. Businessman Pleads Guilty in Belize Money-Laundering Scheme A U.S. businessman pleaded guilty Monday to helping stock manipulators launder hundreds of millions of dollars through Belize, a victory for prosecutors seeking to crack down on offshore havens.
Robert Bandfield, 71 years old, pleaded guilty in Brooklyn federal court to one count of conspiring to launder money and now faces a maximum of 20 years in prison. He had been set to begin trial next week.
Mr. Bandfield was arrested in 2014 and charged as part of a sprawling probe into overseas shell companies used by various penny-stock promoters to commit financial fraud. He is the third defendant in the case to plead guilty. Several other defendants are still at large.
Prosecutors say Mr. Bandfield, a U.S. citizen who operated a group of companies in Belize, was the architect of a scheme that allowed his clients to secretly manipulate U.S. stock prices, launder their illegal proceeds back to the U.S. and evade taxes. As part of the scheme, Mr. Bandfield created more than 5,000 shell companies in Belize and the West Indies to hide from the U.S. government his clients’ stock ownership and ill-gotten proceeds, according to prosecutors.
Lee College Study Abroad program off on 8-day exploration of Belize The Lee College Study Abroad program headed off to the Central American country of Belize for an 8-day exploration of Mayan ruins, the natural beauty of land and sea, and the unique relationship between place and identity.
Study Abroad allows students to experience another country while also earning academic credit for their Lee College degrees. Students and faculty left for Belize on May 16 and returned to campus on May 23. The program was revived at the college last year with a trip to Great Britain, Ireland and Wales.
As part of their participation, Study Abroad students had to complete intensive English and kinesiology classes that began weeks before their departure and provided a theoretical foundation for their journey. They must also share impressions from their trip with the community upon their return.
Stevie J’s Reunion Concert Footage Will Remind You Why He Will Always Be Bad Boy For Life! The Bad Boy Reunion concert kicked off last Thursday and Friday and certainly did not disappoint those who came out. For those who couldn’t make it, Stevie J was sure to catch all that action from his Bad Boy fam on camera. What better way to celebrate the (would have been 44th) birthday of the late and great B.I.G than to have performances from legends such as Mary J Blige, Jay Z, Lil Kim, Mario Winans, Faith Evans and even Shyne who performed from Belize via live feed, for the Brooklyn show. A shirtless Stevie can be seen rocking out on his guitar with Total to their classic, “What About Us” as a fan hilariously shouts out an ask to be on his bus. Check out some dope videos from the concert:
Belize fishes, 1min. Pairs of Queen Angelfishes, Queen Triggerfish, and Black Durgon frolicking on a reef in Belize.
Making of the Iconic BELIZE Mural | San Pedro, Ambergris Caye | Welcome to the Truck Stop, 1.5min. 1 Mile North San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize
Belize Travel Log, 3min.
Belize 2016, 6min. A Belizen awesome trip to Belize in January 2016. Stayed in Caye Caulker for a week and went snorkelling in Shark Alley. Then sailed down the coast from Caye Cauker to Placencia on the Ragga King with RaggaMuffin Tours...
SHYNE JOINED THE BAD BOY FAMILY REUNION TOUR FROM BELIZE, 1min. Shyne streamed into the second night of Bad Boy Family Reunion Tour from Belize. (Revolt TV)
BPP Dared to Challenge Barrow's Unlawful SI., 1min. While PUP was finding fault about going to
Sarstoon. BTV and BPP actually went.
Belize Vacation- Gordy Honeymoon 2016, 11.5min. Honeymoon trip to Belize with my best friend.
TAN Airlines Miami Belize San Pedro Sula Belize Miami 1990, 20min. Round Trip TAN 737 Miami Honduras 1990.
The Beer Diaries World Tour: Belize - Full Concert in Hopkins, 23min. The Beer Diaries is proud to present The Beer Diaries World Tour: Belize, a series dedicated to using beer as an introduction to history, culture and the geo-political state of countries around the world.
In this episode, host Mike Mann and his team capture the admiration of Aurelio Martinez with the people of Belize, during a once in a lifetime concert at the Driftwood Beach Bar & Pizza Shack in Hopkins. Celebrate Garifuna Culture and experience a concert that cannot be duplicated.
Flying on Tropic Air from San Pedro to Belize City 5/22/2016, 4min. After taking the Belize City Ferry 3 times, I decided to fly back to make my United connecting flight to Houston.
Cave Tubing in Belize!, 3min. I had always wanted to check out cave tubing while in Belize and I got to do it in May of 2016! was the tour I went with, they were great to deal with and I highly recommend them.
They picked us up at the Belize Water Taxi and off we went. After touring the Altun Ha Mayan Ruins, we drove to the jungle.
After hiking for about 45 minutes on a stone trail, you jump into the warm and clear waters of the river. The inner-tubing last about an hour, you start by going through a cave.
Once you're done, you can swim around a bit and enjoy the pool. Great fun!
Diving and Fishing in Belize, 10min.
May 23, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Tropic Air gives back to Octavia Waight Centre Tropic Air, The Airline of Belize, has announced April’s results of its 2016 nationwide #TropicGivesBack charitable fundraising campaign. For every ticket bought at the month’s selected station, $1 is donated to an organization chosen by our staff stationed in that community. April was the chosen month for San Ignacio.
As part of the airline’s largest charitable fundraiser of the year, Tropic Air business partners, staff and Customers joined efforts and raised $450 for the Octavia Waight Centre in San Ignacio. A check was presented to the organization on Friday, May 6th.
“It’s very humbling to see the real and tangible difference the donations, made so generously by our customers, make” said John Greif III, Tropic Air’s president. “The money they give really can help deserving organizations in this country, and we are proud to support that.”
Letter to the Editor: Dive Safety Seminar Dear Dive Community,
We are hereby inviting Dive Operator’s, Dive Instructor’s, Dive Master’s, Certified Diver’s and other personnel involved in the Diving Industry to assist in a Diver Safety Seminar that we are offering to promote Dive Safety through Education and Training on 25 and 26 of May, 2016 the Dive Safety Seminar is being promoted by DAN Divers Alert Network and TEMS Traveller Emergency Medical Services.
There will be 3 topics that will be presented and discussed by Dr. Matias Nochetto the Director of Medical Programs for Divers Alert Network which will include Decompression Sickness, Arterial Gas Embolism, Inner Ear Decompression, Case Presentation and Hazardous Marine Life Injuries.
There will also be some snacks and a raffle of DAN products.
Wolfe’s Woofer: Family Planning “Where are you off to?” Sherry asked.
“I’m going to visit Melody at her art gallery,” I told her. “I haven’t seen her and the kids for a long time.”
“They do need to see their grand dad every once in a while,” she said. “Why don’t you take them out for ice cream?”
“Good idea.”
“Where are the boys?” I asked Melody, when I got to the gallery.
“Grayson is with his nanny and Davin is still at school. He should be walking through the door any minute.”
“Hey, Grandpa!” Davin said, when he came in. “Are we going for ice cream?”
“Of course, “ I said. “That’s what grandpas are for.”
Melody said, “Davin, you were supposed to have your first family planning class at school today. How did it go?
Barbara Miller Celebrates 30 Years at Tropic Air This month, Government Liaison Officer, Barbara Miller celebrates 30 years of employment with Tropic Air.
Barbara joined Tropic Air in 1986. Over the years, she has also served our customers in many roles, including Station, Sales and Marketing Manager positions.
“Having served Tropic for over three decades, she has seen us grow from a small company to one that now serves 18 destinations,” says John Grief III, President of Tropic Air. “Barbara was dispatching flights before many of current employees were born. That’s says a lot about her experience and her value to our company”.
As a token of the Company’s appreciation, Barbara was presented with a beautiful watch chosen to fit her unique style and was thanked for her many years of dedicated service.
Doctor Love: Oldest Daughter Dear Doctor Love,
My family needs some help deciding what to do about our father. Eight years ago our mother died at an early age (49). My father went into some kind of mourning and was devastated for several years and could barely function. Three years ago he sold his business and retired, moving in with my younger sister.
He started living on the internet and developed a hot relationship with a young woman from the Philippines. This lady is nothing but a scam artist. She managed to talk my dad into paying for a boob job for her because she said her small boobs were holding her back in her modeling career. None of the family knew about this until it was over. We found out because she sent topless pictures to him showing the before and after. He shared the photos with us and that’s when we discovered what was going on. Then he sent her money to pay off her lease so she can move here. When she was supposed to arrive her father died and she had to spend the money to pay for his funeral.
Misc Belizean Sources
Chocolate Festival 2016| Big Falls Celebrating everything chocolate!
The Reporter
Former PUP Minister Briceno dies Former People’s United Party (PUP) Minister of Energy and Communications, Elijio “Joe” Briceno has died. Briceno, who was the father of the PUP’s current leader John Briceno, passed away at a private hospital in Belize City.
On his Facebook page, PUP Leader John Briceno posted comments saying his father died at the stroke of midnight on Sunday in the company of relatives. Briceno said he loved his father all his life and that he was grateful for the life his father gave his family and for his service to Belize.
Hours before that, Briceno asked people via the same medium to pray for his dad, who was approaching the end.
Joe Briceno was Belize’s Minister of Energy and Communications from 1979 to 1984 under the late Right Honorable George Price. He represented Orange Walk North.
Breaking Belize News
Shyne wows the world at ‘Bad Boyz’ reunion tour
Sean ‘Puffy’ Combs, long time hip hop mogul, rapper, producer and owner of the ‘Bad Boyz’ record label in the United States, launched his highly anticipated second reunion tour at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center on Friday night. The two night event featured accomplished artists such […]
Alcohol suspected as cause of yesterday morning’s traffic accident
An investigation is ongoing into the traffic accident that happened in San Ignacio yesterday morning, when a Toyota car collided head on with a concrete wall of the town’s market square. Police arrived on the scene sometime around 4:10 a.m., seeing Patrick Lewis Gordon, […]
Taxi driver drowns in Mopan River
The body of 51-year-old Benque Viejo taxi driver, Pedro Valdez, currently awaits a post mortem examination at San Ignacio Hospital’s morgue after he reportedly drowned yesterday evening. Valdez was reportedly at J&G Bar alone and consuming alcohol when patrons saw him suddenly get up […]
Car stolen in Roaring Creek
23-year-old Elias Reyes, a resident of Franks Eddy Village in Cayo District, reported to police that his Honda car valued at $4000, was stolen from Westar’s compound in Roaring Creek. Reyes said he left it there at around 5:45 p.m. on Friday and went […]
Weed seized in Unitedville
At around 3:20 on Friday afternoon, while San Ignacio Police were on an operation in Unitedville Village, Cayo District, officers discovered 315 grams of cannabis, equal to 0.7 pounds. The cannabis was found inside a lard bucket in the Ingram Creek area where searches […]
Weed and gun found in Cayo
While on patrol between miles 68 and 69 on the George Price Highway at around 5:00 on Friday morning, San Ignacio Police discovered more than 33 pounds of cannabis and a shotgun near Rumors Resort. Officers made checks near a police booth opposite from […]
10 Reasons To Live, Retire, And Invest In English-Speaking Belize Belize is a little country with a population of fewer than 350,000 people, most all of whom speak English. Part Caribbean, part Central American, it’s mostly wide-open spaces with a long coast and a sprinkling of small islands just offshore fringed by white sand and swaying palms.
This is one of the least densely populated places on earth. In Belize, you enjoy plenty of elbowroom ... and plenty of opportunity.
Belize is also peaceful, democratic, and stable. The country has generally no beefs with the rest of the world. Really, few other than scuba divers, sports fisherman, and Caribbean sun-seekers give Belize a second thought.
The country flies under the radar, and Belizeans (and those of us who appreciate what it has to offer) like it that way. Belizeans are fiercely independent folks, proud of their young democracy. More than 70 percent of registered voters turn out for every election. The political process in this country is dynamic, grassroots, and underfunded. That last being an especially good thing. Underfunded politicians are the best kind.
WTF!?! Where’s The Food?! WTF!?! Where’s The Food?! Belize Food Tours (BFT) is where the food is! It sounds pretty self explanatory, right? Well what it doesn’t tell you is the particularly obscure items on this adventure. The foods range from Ghetto Pringles to Goat Shit, don’t worry, it’s not actually goat shit. They also offer more common tasties like Cuto Brut, yummy coconut that has been boiled down with sugar to a hard candy.
Unexpectedly there was also a touch of Belize folklore in the seasoned Macobi Seeds aka Pumpkin seeds. Legend has it they help keep your mind off a bad romance or distant lover. In Creole language, the word Macobi is used to describe love sickness.
All of that is just what BFT has shown us so far. Who knows what other tasty treats and heart healing foods have up their sleeve!
So many travelers want to know about local favorites and hidden food gems. Now the perfect option for you to explore, eat and discover is about to open it’s doors. This tour isn’t just for tourists or locals, it’s for everyone! Who doesn’t like food? The food runs from sweet treats to savory snacks and every stop is different. Combined with a leisurely social walk through town where you never know what deliciousness could await you around the next corner. This is Belize, always expect the unexpected and be pleasantly surprised and quite possibly have a good story to tell later.
The Truck Stop’s Second Monthly Farmers Market Stops Traffic on Ambergris Caye Farmer Markus of AmberGreens Aquaponics – I bought the last two bunches of swiss chard.
Farmer Sue of Home Baked Breads – her boules are so delicious. This time I bought two. Pumpernickle for some of the Farm House Deli’s pastrami I was expecting and Cranberry & Walnut for slathering with cream cheese and eating as often as possible.
She sold out of her 50 loaves in less than an hour and a half.
The Farm House Deli crew was working hard…the pickles and kraut station.
I picked up a parmesan cheese, smoked barracuda (which is so gorgeous on pumpernickel with cream cheese, OH MY), pastrami, this slice of heaven called porkchetta and…I think that’s it.
A new farmer selling fresh pastas including this luxurious offering.
I tasted a really good sample of a slider/burger from the Rasta food truck…
SO…farmers and shoppers alike, keep your eyes on the Truck Stop facebook page for the next June market – as well as information on Wednesday movie nights and Sunday Pig Roasts. So far the market has been the third weekend of the month and in June, that will be Lobsterfest-time.
Fun and delicious.
International Sources
A soccer field with a goal in Guatemala and one in Belize Un campo de fútbol con una portería en Guatemala y otra en Belice. Meter un gol en Guatemala y otro en Belice solo es posible hacerlo en el campo de fútbol más inusual del mundo. Situado entre las localidades de El Arenal, en el Petén guatemalteco, y El Arenal Belice, se trata de un campo compartido por ambos países. Así, una portería pertenece a Guatemala y la otra a Belice, mientras que por la mitad atraviesa la ‘línea imaginaria’ que hace la función de frontera.
Conocida como la línea de adyacencia, fue delimitada en 2001 por Guatemala y Belice con la mediación de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) a la espera de que estos dos países resuelvan su litigio territorial que se remonta a hace 150 años. Cada país administra un kilómetro al este y al oeste de la zona de adyacencia.
Guatemala reclama a la ex colonia británica más de 12.272 kilómetros cuadrados de su territorio, lo que supone la mitad de Belice, a pesar de que en 1991 reconoció su independencia. Ambos países se comprometieron en 2008 a realizar una consulta entre sus respectivas poblaciones para que decidan si desean que este conflicto sea resuelto en la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya.
Belize - Sugarcane crush continues at steady pace Belize Sugar Industries milled 45,585 tonnes of cane during week 23 of the 2015/16 crushing season, down from 46,756 a week earlier and also slightly below 47,114 in the same period a year ago, the company announced.
DMX, Desiigner, Shyne Make Appearances At Puff Daddy's 2nd Bad Boy Reunion Concert The surprises kept coming at the Barclay's Center Saturday night.
Puff Daddy's highly anticipated Bad Boy reunion tour kicked off Friday night at the Barclay's Center, hosting not only performances from the many billed guests like Mase, The Lox, and Faith Evans, but also some surprise appearances from the likes of Jay Z, Nas, and more. Saturday night was the encore performance, and naturally, there were no shortage of special guests on day 2.
DMX and Swizz Beatz came through to run through classic hits like "Party Up" and "Ruff Ryders" anthem, while X made sure to give it up for Notorious B.I.G., who was honored throughout the night even moreso than on night 1, on account of it being the late rapper's birthday. Meanwhile, Desiigner took the stage alongside Lil Kim to put on for Brooklyn and perform his inescapable hit, "Panda," making sure to deliver some of his signature arm flailing to the large crowd. Bad Boy vet Shyne also made a special appearance from Belize via live feed, while Fabolous performed his live favorite, "Lituation".
Check out some of the biggest moments from the show below. Did they top night 1?
Diddy Brings Out DMX, Shyne & Desiigner at Bad Boy Family Reunion Tour Diddy (aka Puff Daddy) returned to the Barclays Center stage on Saturday (May 21) to perform the second edition of the Bad Boy Family Reunion Tour. Saturday night’s performance was even more special because it was on the Notorious B.I.G.’s 44th birthday.
On Friday (May 20), Diddy had an impressive lineup of guest appearances. Music superstars Mary J. Blige, Jay Z, Nas and Usher came through to salute the rap mogul and Bad Boy Records’ musical legacy. For the encore performance on Saturday, Diddy delivered some of the BIG-gest surprises yet.
Perhaps the biggest surprise was DMX who rocked the mic alongside his producer and friend Swizz Beatz. The dynamic duo perform several of their classic hits including “Party Up” and “What These Bitches Want.”
During Lil’ Kim’s set, the Queen Bee brought out in-demand rapper Desiigner, who performed “Panda,” and BK’s own Fabolous who rapped “Lituation.”
A Taste of Belize with Caribbean Flavor Sunday, June 12 at 2 PM - 6 PM.
3725 Don Felipe Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90008-4210, United States
Backyard Fundraiser for Belize Peaceful Solidarity Movement Saturday, June 25 at 1 PM,
Belize Blue Hole, 3min.
Belize Documentary, 6min.
Nadia Bood from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Belize on her blue solution, 3min. Nadia Bood from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Belize on her blue solution “Valuating climate adaptation options on Placencia Peninsula”. On the Placencia Peninsula, coastal infrastructure and natural ecosystems face significant climate-related impacts. Efforts are leading toward seeking protected areas designation of the Placencia Lagoon as a means to protect mangrove forests and fringing ecosystems, seasonally and permanently inundated wetlands, endangered species and nursery habitats for marine life as well as to create buffer zones for flood and wind control.
Belize National Zoo, 3min. Wethersfield High School trip to the Belize National Zoo.
Sea Trek/Snorkel Belize, 3min. Wethersfield High School Sea Trek and Snorkel in Belize.
Sea Trek in Belize, 3min. Wethersfield High School Sea Trek in Belize.
Kaydan visits Belize Zoo, 15min. Kaydan goes on an adventure at the Belize Zoo.
Belize, 5.5min. Happy Hour, San Pedro
MUMC Belize 2016 College Mission Trip, 10min. Matthews United Methodist Church. College age mission trip. San Pedro, Belize. May 16-21, 2016. On Eagles Wings Ministry.
Tropical Lightning Storm in Belize, 1min.
Belize 2016, 4min.
May 22, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Hands Across The Sand Island residents joined thousands of Belizeans across the country in the annual event 'Hands Across The Sand'. The initiative propelled by Oceana Belize, aims at creating awareness on the negative impacts of offshore oil development in Belize's economically important marine environment.
First Quarterly Police Report Released The San Pedro Police Department (SPPD) has released their report for the first quarter of 2016. The report demonstrates statistics that compare major crimes to the same time period in the previous year of 2015. The Officer in Charge of the San Pedro Police Sub-formation, Superintendent Sandra Bowden reported that overall, the amount of crimes committed this quarter shows a decrease in major crimes, especially relating to robberies and murder.
In 2016, the accumulative statistics for January to March indicate that there were nine less major crimes committed than in 2015, a 39% decrease. On the other hand, San Pedro saw an overall increase in rape and unlawful sexual intercourse compared to 2015. Major crimes reported on the island for this quarter include: three murders (decrease of 40%), one rape (increase of 100%), two robberies (decrease of 60%), 16 burglaries (decrease of 20%), six thefts (decrease of 25%) and two incidents of unlawful sexual intercourse (increase of 100%).
Primary School Football Tournament officially begins! The Belize District Zone 5 Primary School Football Tournament officially started on Wednesday, May 11th at the Honourable Louis Sylvester Sporting Complex in San Pedro Town. The tournament is being organized by The San Pedro Sports Committee in collaboration with the National Sports Council of Belize. Both male and female teams from different primary schools of Ambergris Caye including Caye Caulker are participating in the sporting event which culminates on Thursday, May 26th. The winning team will represent Ambergris Caye at the Belize District Finals, tentatively set for Thursday, June 2nd in Belize City. Games will resume on Tuesday, May 24th beginning at 2PM sharp. Everyone is encouraged to come out and support their favourite teams.
Reading: “I see the world”; Writing: “I change the world” I write to the education theme, Reading: “I see the world”; Writing: “I change the world,” as the relationship between reading and writing is weave in a web and when properly use can have a tremendous effect on student’s achievement and development. In the history of our education system in Belize, we have appreciated the three R’s of reading which comprised of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Respectively, this threesome had been coined together as the foundation of what may be classified as the background needed when students left the primary school system. However; today’s education have plummet educators to challenge the Language Arts Curriculum which emphasizes the skills of Language Arts from a holistic approach. These skills have been outlined in five main basic category of learning. These are: listening, viewing, and speaking, reading and writing. Twenty – five of the forty- five Content Standards in the curriculum speak to reading and writing of which I will address.
Hol Chan hosts another successful Reef Fair The Hol Chan Marine Reserve hosted their Reef Fair on Thursday, May 19th at the San Pedro House of Culture. Numerous environmental and marine conservation organizations came out to educate students of San Pedro Town. Participating organizations included: the Belize Fisheries Department, Mar Alliance, Hol Chan, Protect Our Manatees, Saga Humane Society, Blackadore Caye Supporters, Oceana Belize, Belize Solid Waste Management Authority, and the Department of the Environment.
Tips on how to efficiently preserve the environment, as well as making Belize a more sustainable country, were highlighted at each booth. Also, many interactive demonstrations such as a cooler with live sea creatures, a display of Bacalar Chico Reserve, and videos from Blackadore Caye Supporters had the students highly engaged. They also had opportunities to play games for prizes, which tested their knowledge about topics discussed. After an appearance from Langoustine, a six-foot tall lobster mascot, refreshments were served and tasty lionfish ceviche provided by the lionfish tournament was served to the crowd.
Misc Belizean Sources
Road to Cayo factory sale at Mahogany Bay Village If you missed the Road to Cayo factory sale at Mahogany Bay Village today don't despair — here's what we've got left! Visit us tomorrow morning (Sunday May 22) 9am-12noon for round two! We are located in south San Pedro, Ambergris Caye.
Toledo Maya and GOB at odds over land rights consultations A year after the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) handed down a consent order aimed at breaking the impasse between the Government of Belize and 39 Maya villages over indigenous land rights in the Toledo District, the parties are again at loggerheads—this time, over the manner in which the Toledo Maya Land Rights Commission is planning to proceed with consultations, key to the application of the appellate court’s ruling.
On Monday, May 16, the Toledo Alcaldes Association (TAA) issued a statement reporting that village leaders who attended a meeting organized by the Commission had been ordered to leave. Since the publication of that report, the Government of Belize has issued a statement on the matter, which fell short of denying the claim made by the TAA that the Maya contingent was chased from the meeting.
“The planned meeting was held and present were 32 of the 36 village leaders. The participants were very engaged and welcomed the opportunity to commence dialogue with the Commission,” the Government release said.
GOB accepts that Guats abducted Roger Plett! Roger Plett, a young Belizean farmer of the Mennonite community of Spanish Lookout, is still trying to cope with the terrifying experience he had exactly one week ago when armed Guatemalans whom he identified as a group of both civilians and military men, abducted him from his farm and took him over to Guatemala, threatening to beat him up, apparently in retaliation for a forest fire which had been raging in the area. Plett told police that the light-skinned man who was giving orders said he works for the Organization of American States (OAS).
Belize police have a very extensive report with the information gleaned from four men—two Mennonites and two Guatemalans—who encountered the Guatemalans in the Green Hills area last week and were allegedly forced to the other side of the border.
Ironically, Plett said that he had gone to the area to help put out the fire when he came under attack. After the Guatemalans released him, he found out that the very tractor he was using to quench the forest fire had been so badly vandalized, he could barely drive it.
2 months for touching buttocks of girl, 10 A man who sexually assaulted a child by touching her on the buttocks was sentenced to two months in prison today after he pleaded guilty to the offence when he was arraigned before Chief Magistrate, Ann Marie Smith.
Ashton Lambey, 26, a laborer and resident of Lake Independence, pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault upon a 10-year-old girl.
Chief Magistrate Smith spared Lambey from the maximum 3-year sentence the offence carries when she sentenced him to two months in prison for his guilty plea, which saved the court the time it would have taken to conduct a trial.
The incident occurred shortly before 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 15.
Over $60 million: the cost of Guatemalan illegal activities in Chiquibul The government and people of Belize have been deprived of tens of millions of dollars due to illegal farming, illegal logging, extraction of xaté, large land clearing for farming and other illegal activities being conducted in the Chiquibul National Park in the Cayo District by Guatemalan poachers and farmers.
The tally includes $1.541 million dollars in xate extraction and its loss of royalties, and an overall loss of $60,082,232 due to illegal logging, among other losses.
Amandala visited the Chiquibul and saw the large tracks of burnt land, cleared for farming by Guatemalan farmers, exposing the land to erosions and degradation by the elements.
Rafael Manzanero, Executive Director of FCD, a master patrol officer of Chiquibul, after studying the negative impacts of the activities carried out by Guatemalans in the protected area and national park, reported that an estimated 1,500 Guatemalans were combing the Chiquibul Forest illegally for xaté.
Devaughan Goodger, 22, gets 12 years for manslaughter A 22-year-old man, Devaughan Goodger, who has been on remand for murder since he was a 17-year-old minor, learned his fate today when Supreme Court Justice Adolph Lucas sentenced him to 12 years in prison after he aborted his murder trial on the advice of his attorney last week and pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter.
In sentencing Goodger, Justice Lucas noted he had already spent 5 years and 2 months behind bars, so that time has been deducted from the 12-year sentence. The sentence is to take effect from today, Justice Lucas stipulated.
Goodger was remanded to prison for the March 5, 2011 murder of Belize Defence Force (BDF) top recruit, Jason Pott, 27, a father of two children whom he stabbed once in the heart on Cleghorn Street.
The trial of Goodger for murder began in the Supreme Court of Justice Lucas last week Wednesday, May 11, but after the first day of testimony, Goodger returned to court the following day and decided to accept the advice of his attorney, Bryan Neal, rather than risk spending the rest of his life in prison if he was found guilty of the murder.
From the Publisher I enjoyed reading Mervin Robateau’s article (Where will you be?) in last weekend’s issue of Amandala. It had been sent to us more as a letter than an article, and our editor asked me to choose a heading for Mr. Robateau’s material. In retrospect, in fact even at the time, I realized my choice of a head was weak. We are therefore publishing Mervin’s article again in this issue with a more attractive head – How we can defend Belize.
In all the escalation of tension between Guatemala and Belize which has been taking place since the murder of Danny Conorquie in September of 2014 and the abduction of the Northern Territorial Volunteers (NTV) by the Guatemalan military at the end of February in 2015, our United Democratic Party (UDP) government has based all its reasoning and policies on the presumption that it is impossible and suicidal for us Belizeans to defend ourselves from Guatemalan military aggression. It appears to me that the reasoning and policies of the Opposition People’s United Party (PUP) are based on a similar presumption, but I cannot speak categorically for the PUP. The UDP Cabinet Ministers, however, have been unhesitant and they have been repetitive: Belizeans cannot even think of fighting.
Washington’s hands Dear Editor Amandala,
The campaign waged against Belize through the international press couldn’t have been done without the consent and support of the “Friends of Guatemala and Belize.” This has been an old trick that was put into practice during the time of Jacobo Arbenz when the U.S. attack began through publications from the Reader’s Digest, the New York Herald Tribune, the Chicago Tribune, the Saturday Evening Post, etc.
I am convinced that Washington has their hands in the Guatemala issue. Guatemala couldn’t have invaded Belize without the order from Washington. The people of Belize love the United States of America, Great Britain’s big sister. The strategy is exactly what Guatemala is following to correct the Anglo/ US Treaty of 1850/1856.
Barney, Perle, Marie and Bill Dear Editor,
Marie Knowles was the sister of Bill Belisle, saxaphonist with the original Messengers. Both Bill and Marie were adopted or raised by Barney Cervantes and Perle Kemp, good citizens and productive people.
Barney and Perle, along with a niece of Dr. John Reneau, were crushed to death by a vehicle at the curve on Princess Margaret Drive in front of the now Princess Hotel on a Sunday evening in the late 1950 or early 1960’s. Fate is cruel – 4 lives snuffed out in similar fashion.
To put it another way, parents and daughter cheated out of life, in the same way, about 50 years apart. Question – what is a life worth in Belize? $5,000 dollars, probably about 1/5th or less of her pension?
Big up, Lorenzo A. Aldana To all Conscious Belizeans,
Recently, we have been living a tense life with Guatemala breathing fear on Belizeans (well, at least the majority of the population). We recognize that Guatemala has a bloody reputation, being involved in a 35-year GENOCIDE. They believe that their track record will be enough to make us curl our tails in submission. I know that Belizeans are hoping for the best peaceful resolution but we must be real. When dealing with animals, we must be prepared with the whip. God will help.
This is the reason why after so long waiting from the politicians for a PLAN OF ACTION (similar to when there is a hurricane threat), Belizeans are at a loss. All those in authority are lost themselves. So while politicians are seeking diplomacy (I strongly think that they do so because they are intimidated), we should start preparing for the worst. This means that from now on, we should maintain that state of readiness just like when we are at school. Please check on Mexican, Cuban, Guyanese, and American military, etc. and judge the similarity of what I am saying.
“ … not a problem for brave leaders, and knowledgeable nationals.” Dear Editor,
National parks should not extend to our international borders.
I’ve heard it said that, “Business is not the good thing or the bad thing. It’s the necessary thing”. To that saying I’ll add, business is the necessary thing, until it clashes with national security. That’s when border closures, boycotts and other economic tools are implemented, and business as usual is revised in exchange for a national good.
The United Democratic Party (UDP) and the National Alliance for Belizean Rights Party (NABR) coalition government 1993 to 1998, established the 65 square miles Sarstoon/Temash National Park in 1994, and redrew the Chiquibul National Park boundary in 1995, such that the Chiquibul National Park is now 414 square miles.
Security-minded individuals and agencies may likely have recommended that the boundary of these two national parks not extend to the international border with Guatemala. But, Belize politicians seem not to be very national security-minded. Belize is not a physical island. Were our politicians national security-minded, Belize’s road network would have been four lanes wide Corozal to Toledo at least twenty years ago; such that emergency services and commerce can get from one end of the nation to the other without much hindrance.
Belize gained independence through hard work, intelligence, high-skilled diplomacy, statesmanship, bravery and courage! In the late 1950’s, the then president of Guatemala, Miguel Hidigoras Fuentes, declared: “Belize will be ours by right or by might”. Notice that he said “WILL BE”, which makes clear, in the president’s own words, that BELIZE WAS NOT AND IS NOT for Guatemala. It is only because Guatemala’s Constitution says that Belize is for Guatemala, that they keep the unfounded claim, with absolutely no right to claim Belize. However, despite this, Belize, valiant and bold, lobbied tirelessly for international support in a very courageous manner, under the leadership of Hon. George Price, and achieved its independence with all its territory intact. The United Nations then accepted Belize’s independence with all its territory intact.
The crucial Independence movement had begun some years before the 60’s but became even more intense in the mid and latter part of the 70’s. Belizeans under the leadership of the incorruptible George Price were strongly motivated by the unstoppable desire of having a nation of our own with full sovereignty and territorial integrity, with borders from the Rio Hondo to the Sarstoon River, as our borders have always been. Belizeans wanted independence for Belize by all means. Those Belizeans thus felt compelled to be part of this colossal movement because of their love for Belize.
The Special Agreement and the ICJ The Special Agreement (SA) or Compromis was signed between Belize and Guatemala on 8 December 2008 in Washington DC. The wording of the SA did not benefit from any public discussion in Belize, as the SA was considered a confidential document that was only to be released to the Belizean public after its signature.
As a matter of fact there existed at that time an Advisory Council on the Guatemalan Claim (ACGC), of which I was a member, and we did not have any direct input on the wording of the SA. The Organization of the American States (OAS) had prepared and presented a Draft SA to Belize and Guatemala for review and finalization and the ACGC only received updates from the Belize Negotiating Team on the progress of the negotiations with Guatemala while finalizing the SA.
I am confident that if prior public consultations had been held on the content and wording of the SA, it would be different and more acceptable than what presently exists, as it is said that to get a good idea you need to get several good ideas, and none of us is better than all of us. Probably the intellectuals at the OAS are?
Soul brothers of Istanbul Belize’s first native millionaire, Isaiah Emmanuel Morter (1860-1924), bequeathed his fortune to Marcus Garvey for the cause of African redemption in the early 1920s. Garvey never got the money and assets, because the United States government framed him on mail fraud charges and sent him to jail in the Atlanta State Penitentiary. During the two years plus Garvey was in jail, after which he was deported to Jamaica, charlatans got ahold of Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), and the matter of the Morter fortune ended up in the courts. (In 1939, British courts finally gave Isaiah Morter’s fortune to one Lionel Francis, a Trinidadian physician, who came to British Honduras to enjoy the money and assets. Garvey died broke in London in 1940.)
Belize’s second native millionaire, Robert Sydney Turton, was arguably the individual who was most responsible for the birth of the independence movement in British Honduras in the 1940s. Turton, the “illegitimate” son of a British army officer and a black Belizean lady, had selfish motives for seeking self-rule in Belize. He was doing most of his mahogany, chicle, and import commission business with United States companies, and the British colonial tariff laws in the colony gave great advantage to Turton’s British competition – the Belize Estate and Produce Company, Limited (BEC). The man who ended up leading Belize to independence, Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, was Mr. Turton’s personal secretary, and Mr. Turton was responsible for Mr. Price’s entry into electoral politics in 1944.
SI 13 of 2016: Some teachers may be unable to continue in the profession. In February, Hon. Patrick Faber explained, at a press conference, a process that teachers would have to undergo to ensure that they are qualified and that they remain in possession of a full teaching license. Faber had explained, in making reference to a provisional license that, “if you have not met the requirement for a full license, then we are in effect carving out a special permit for those teachers who meet the requirement for that permit.”
Today, Dr. Carol Babb, Deputy Chief Education Officer, told Amandala that the mandatory permit came into effect with the passing of Statutory Instrument (SI) 13 of 2016, which affects early childhood teachers, primary school teachers and high school teachers. Babb said that the application process has already begun.
FFB Congress update As previously reported, on the 30th day of April, 2016, the Football Federation of Belize (FFB) held its IX Congress at the Princess Ramada Hotel in Belize City. Of the items listed on the agenda, one was for election of a new executive, where persons vied for the posts of President, Senior Vice President, Vice President and two Executive Members. After twenty-two rounds of voting, only three posts were filled, being Senior Vice President, Marlon Kuylen, and Executive Members Shane Orio and Darlene Vernon. Thereafter, the Federation was advised to halt with further attempts at selecting a President and Vice President, which remained deadlocked at 10-10 each, until further directions were given by FIFA. At the end of the night, all members were advised that the Senior Vice President would be elevated to Acting President until such further time.
On Tuesday, May 10, 2016, the three elected members travelled to Mexico City to attend the 66th FIFA Congress and to vote for the election of the new CONCACAF President, but more importantly to meet with the relevant FIFA personnel as to the way forward in relation to the posts that still remained vacant.
The Reporter
Taiwan’s new president says she will try to keep the peace with mainland China Taiwan’s new President, Tsai Ing-wen, has said she will try to maintain peace with mainland China as she takes over reign amidst a cloud of economic and social challenges on the island.
Tsai, who was sworn into office Friday, faces different of expectations. Her supporters want indepenedence and social and political reform and China wants to maintain control over Taiwan.
Tsai’s platform on which she won promised the 23 million Taiwanese just what they were asking for, but increased pressure from China, which has a claim on Taiwan, could undermine her promise to her people.
In her inauguration address, Tsai listed the areas that needs urgent attention.
“The path forward is not a smooth one. Taiwan needs a new government that readily takes on each and every challenge. And it is my job to lead such a government.
Breaking Belize News
Former Cabinet Minister Joe Briceno grave in hospital
Former Cabinet Minister Elijio “Joe” Briceno, father of current People’s United Party (PUP) leader John Briceno, is in an extremely grave condition at the Northern Regional Hospital at this hour.
PUP chairman Henry Charles Usher today asked for the prayers and thoughts of all Belizeans and PUP’s to be with Mr. Briceno and his family at this time.
Briceno served as Minister of Energy and Communications in the 1979-1984 term of the PUP under the late Right Honorable George Price. He later retired from politics in favour of his son, who has held the Orange Walk Central seat ever since.
PUP blames Government for canceled Sarstoon trip
The People’s United Party (PUP) cancelled its planned educational trip to the Sarstoon River for party leaders that was scheduled for today.
According to PUP insiders, they were unable to guarantee the boat owners that they had contracted to take them to the area that they would not be victimized by the ruling government.
Speaking with us this morning, party chairman Henry Charles Usher laid direct blame at the feet of the Government for threatening the livelihoods of any operators who assisted the PUP in today’s planned exercise.
Usher also told us that the party may likely continue with its constitutional challenge to the Public Safety Act Regulations Sarstoon Order, 2016, after the first hearing was adjourned on Friday at the Supreme Court.
Ladrick Shephard raises funds for sickle-cell afflicted son
Sickle cell anemia is a severe hereditary form of anemia – or “poor a blood” – in which a mutated form hemoglobin distorts the red blood cells into a crescent shape at low oxygen levels. It is most common among those of African descent.
Well-known football official Ladrick “Mad Bull” Shepherd and his family have been struggling with the disease, which afflicts his son Keshawn Shepherd. Today, Shepherd is hosting a fundraiser in the Sugar City Orange Walk to help get his son to the United States for clinical trials for a new pill that may be able to help.
Shepherd is collaborating with Universal Radio for a radiothon and dollar drive at the Queen Elizabeth Park, in front of the Town Council’s offices; there will also be a barbecue sale.
Traffic accident leaves two critical
An early morning traffic accident near the San Ignacio market in Cayo District, has left two persons hospitalized at the Karl Heusner Hospital (KHMH) and reportedly in critical conditions.
Due to the severity of their injuries, both persons were rushed from San Ignacio to the KHMH where they are now receiving emergency treatment.
Details are still sketchy but more will be posted as the information becomes available.
PUP trip to Sarstoon Island cancelled
Reports reaching Breaking Belize News are that the People’s United Party’s (PUP) trip, scheduled to have left this morning en route to the Sarstoon Island, was cancelled.
According to those reports, the cancellation was because of the medical condition of party leader, John Briceno’s father, who is said to be really ill at this time.
The trip, which would have gone against the 30 day ban set on the area by government, had garnered much attention as the Belizean public waited to see if it would share the same fate as Belize Territorial Volunteers’ last attempt to traverse to the island.
New British Defence Attaché strengthens the UK’s defence relationship with the Guatemalan army This is who we are looking at to defend Belize. Well, sorry to burst your bubble people, they are in bed with the enemy.
From:British Embassy Guatemala City,
First published:18 April 2016,
Part of:Guatemala.
Colonel David Strawbridge MBE, a serving officer in the British Army, paid a three day visit to Guatemala to initiate his new role as the UK’s Defence Attaché to Guatemala.
He assumes the role with over 34 years of military experience including time spent in operational theatres such as Northern Ireland, Kosovo and Iraq as well as peacekeeping in Africa.
During this initial visit, Colonel Strawbridge met with the Guatemalan Deputy Minister of Defence, Mynor Francisco Mus Tujab and other high level officials including the Chief of the Defence Staff Brig General Perez Ramirez.
The British Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) mission is to protect the security, independence and interests of the UK at home and abroad, working closely with allies and partners. During his visit, Colonel Strawbridge reiterated the United Kingdom’s eagerness to work alongside Guatemalan counterparts and to share operational experiences. Whilst remaining resident in Mexico City he hopes to visit Guatemala on a regular basis.
International Sources
Remains of long-ago child sacrifices found in Belize cave Midnight Terror Cave has a name that really fits. Grim discoveries there are shedding light on a long tradition of child sacrifices. They happened long, long ago.
Researchers have often emphasized that human sacrifices in ancient Central American and Mexican civilizations targeted adults. Clearly, however, not all were adults. In fact, these rituals occurred so long ago that no one today can be sure how or why someone would have been chosen.
From 2008 to 2010, scientists found 9,566 human bones, bone fragments and teeth on the floor of the cave in Belize. (Belize is a country in Central America.) A large share of those pieces, it now turns out, had belonged to individuals no more than 14 years old, reports Michael Prout. He is an archaeologist at California State University, Los Angeles. Many of the bones came from 4- to 10-year-olds. But because the bones are so broken, it’s hard to estimate precisely how many people they represent.
The bones belonged to a people called the Maya. They had a grand civilization in Mexico and Central America. It spanned from about 2500 B.C. to 1500 A.D. Their descendants still live in the region today.
THE GUATEMALANS ON THE GROUND KNOW ALL TOO WELL (BELIZE'S WESTERN) BOUNDARY LIMITS , 2min. Five local media crews on Monday May 16, 2016 headed out to a farmland area known as Green Hills in the Cayo District. It is a Mennonite acquired property some 6 miles behind the center of Spanish Lookout. It was bought around 1987 and is close to the Belize Guatemala border. In fact, only a few hundred meters separate the only remaining government land which buffers the Mennonite farmland and the Belize – Guatemala border. The important detail we learned from the farmers and businessmen in the area is that the Guatemalans know very well where the border line is. Below is that story.
A deceptively easy way to die - Cave Diving, 10min. NSS/CDS safety video.
Do not dive in caves without proper training. There have been a few disturbing rumors and videos popping up of people diving without the proper training and equipment in the cave we call "winter wonderland" just off Caye Chapel. If you or someone you know have been thinking of diving in any cave or have dove in a cave without a cave certification and redundant systems, then I urge you to watch this video. Cave diving is an amazing sport, with breathtaking beauty and history, but just like flying a plane, doing it without the right training is not just suicidal, it's stupid. Being a Dive Master or instructor is not the sort of training you need to handle any bad situation in a cave. I need to share this with the Caye Caulker community.
Belize Zip Line Adventure!, 3min.
Belize Tubing`, 12min. Cave Tubing in Belize.
Belize Tubing`, 9min. Cave Tubing in Belize.
Aziatic 2015 Belize Day performance, 3.5min. First annual Belize Day in Inglewood California at the Hollywood Park Casino.
Lova Boy 2015 performance at the first annual Belize Day in California, 5.5min. Belize Day at the Hollywood Park Casino in Inglewood California.
Shyne Performs Live From Belize At Diddys Bad Boy Reunion Tour NY, 2.5min. Shyne Performs Bad Boys At Diddys Bad Boy Reunion Tour This is the 20th Anniversary for Diddy's Bad Boy Records & Family.
Diddy Brings Out Shyne Perfoms Bad Boy At The Bad Boy Reuion Tour Barclay's Center From Belize!!!, 2min. Shyne Performs Bad Boys At Diddys Bad Boy Reunion Tour This is the 20th Anniversary for Diddy's Bad Boy Records & Family.
May 21, 2016
Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, West Vision (Cayo) and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Rise and Shine Morning Show, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Police Report – Arson 29-year-old Wendy Lineth Carpio of San Marcos Area reported to the San Pedro Police Station that on Sunday, May 15th, while she was home sleeping she was awakened by a banging noise and noticed it was her neighbour yelling that her blue 4-door-Ford car with license plate SPC- 4095 was in engulfed in flames. She immediately went outside and noticed her car in flames. The value of vehicle is $15,000. Police are investigating the matter which is believed to be an act of arson.
8 teams to advance to the second round of the Five-a-Side Football Tournament The first round of the Five-a-side football tournament has come to an end and only eight teams are advancing to the second round. The games took place on Sunday, May 15th at the Angel Nuñez Auditorium and after a series of intense matches these are the teams that qualified: Catrachos, Pro Divers, United FC, Scorpion, Island Pure, Boca Bombers, Los Dorados and E and L. The games were tight with each team picking their best players to try and win a spot in the second round of the competition. From the Under 11 to the Senior’s category, teams gave their all, delighting their fans during game time. The second round of tournament will begin on Thursday, July 7th and run through Sunday, July 24th.
SPTC donates golf cart to health inspector The San Pedro Town Council donated a golf cart to the Dr. Otto Rodriguez Polyclinic II on Friday, May 13th. Receiving the welcome donation was Health Inspector Horris Patten, who expressed that the golf cart will be used to conduct health inspections through the week, and will assist him in performing his daily tasks. The Dr. Otto Rodriguez Polyclinic II extends their gratitude to the SPTC for this donation.
Island students participate in Reef Trivia Contest The Hol Chan Marine Reserve held its 11th annual Reef Trivia Contest at the San Pedro House of Culture on Wednesday, May 18th. The program commenced at 9:30AM and seven students from Island Academy, Ambergris Caye Elementary School (ACES), New Horizon Seventh Day Adventist School (NHSDAS), and Caye Caulker Roman Catholic School (CCRC) participated in the contest. The purpose of the competition serves to test each contestant’s knowledge about reef conservation, marine ecosystems, and protected areas through education.
In round one, Yari Flores (ACES), Matilde Carillo (NHSDAS), Mia Gonzalez (Island Academy), Lupita Aldana (CCRC), Edward Polanco (ACES), Astrid Ruiv (NHSDAS), and Ethan Ancona (Island Academy), were asked one basic question about corals, sea turtles, and sea grass question by Mariela Archer, Environmental Educator at Hol Chan Marine Reserve. Judging the contest were Cecilia Guerrero, Nidia Chacon, and Shakera Arnold. New Horizon’s Astrid Ruiv was the lucky first place winner, and she took the grand prize of a roundtrip ticket courtesy of Tropic Air, a 7” Samsung Galaxy Tablet, a backpack filled with school supplies, an engraved trophy, and $600 will be donated to her school. In second place, Island Academy’s Ethan Ancona also received a 7” Samsung Galaxy Tablet, a backpack filled with school supplies, and an engraved trophy. In third place, ACES Edward Polanco to a prize of a backpack filled with school supplies and a $50 gift certificate to A&R. All eliminated contestants who participated were given a t-shirt from Hol Chan.
Ambergris Today
Letters To The Editor:
San Pedro Not as Advertised We had booked an island vacation but not a traffic vacation with parking problems. The high traffic is wrong for a small island with just one road and very, very wrong for tourism.
I am not sure about the rest of the year but Easter conditions were not what we as tourists had in mind. Something major needs to be changed or the last tourist will have visited soon.
Letters To The Editor:
Tourists Are Just Seen as an Entitlement We were regulars since 2009, some years even twice a year. We used to love this island, it was cozy and unique. First we stayed at a hotel in/near town, than further South and a few times up North. Sometimes we visited just the 2 of us but three times we also brought friends and once our kids. Finally we must quit.
We saw it coming over years, the worsening situation on this island but for some years we were somewhat still hopeful that logic eventually would prevail. By now we have no hope.
The many years of "no rules, no regulations, no plan, no foresight, no vision" has smashed this originally so beautiful island to the very bottom in attractivity.
The ugliness of electronic billboards, advertising sign bonanza all over the island, high traffic in combination with arrogant and unsafe driving, unsightly developments, no apparent zoning law (every junk yard gets mixed in), no sustainable transportation system, dangerous boat traffic, lack of infrastructure to name just a few . . . .. "Viva to a cheaper version of Mexico but at higher prices"!
Commonwealth Urges Peaceful Settlement of Belize, Guatemala Border The Committee reiterated and endorsed the firm support of the Commonwealth for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Belize, as expressed consistently and most recently in the 2015 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) Communiqué. The Committee encouraged all concerned to work towards a peaceful and final resolution of the longstanding disagreements concerning the border between Belize and Guatemala.
The Committee encouraged progress to be made through dialogue between Belize and Guatemala, and urged both parties to honour the terms of the Agreements reached in 2005 and 2008.
Misc Belizean Sources
Belize City House of Culture and Downtown Rejuvenation Project Residents and Business Engagement Meeting The Belize City House of Culture and Downtown Rejuvenation Project completed its first Residents and Business Engagement Meeting for the Foreshore, Albert and Regents Streets areas. Our inaugural meeting was a success and we thank all of the residents/business owners who attended. Our next meeting will be held in about two weeks. We will communicate the date and time by next week on this page. Our plan at these meetings is to share the Mission, Vision, Objectives and Strategies for the Downtown Rejuvenation Project. Make it a point to attend one of our meetings and be a part of the change. — at Government House ~ House of Culture (NICH).
Taipei International Tourism Expo Belize is well represented at the Taipei International Tourism Expo 2016.
Have lunch with a cop! May 26, Sea View Restaurant, Ramada Princess
PRESS RELEASE from the National Assembly of Belize The Honourable Michael Peyrefitte, Speaker of the House of Representatives, met with the Honourable Mario Taracena Diaz-Sol, Speaker of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala at a meeting hosted by the Nicaraguan Government through the XVIII Extraordinary Meeting of FOPREL (Forum of Presiding Officers of National Parliaments of Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean Basin). The meeting was held on Thursday, 19th May 2016, at the Congress Conference Room in Managua, Nicaragua.
The meeting also had the participation of Speakers and Deputy Speakers of the parliaments of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica. At the meeting, the Honourable Peyrefitte briefed the Speakers of Central America about Belize’s perspective in relation to the recent incident that occurred in our Chiquibul Reserve where a young boy lost his life.
Televisa's TV host of "Mojoe" Montserrat Oliver in Belize There she is - we found her. Her vacation started from Tulum, Mexico down the Costa Maya to Ambergris Caye Belize. Actress, Producer, Entrepreneur, Televisa's TV host of "Mojoe" Montserrat Oliver of D.F. Mexico City caught enjoying the best of Belize with our friends at Amigos Del Mar on our little paradise, Ambergris Caye. Welcome to Belize Monsterrat and enjoy your vacation.
The Corozal Town Council embarks in a plan of action to keep our parks and playgrounds litter and loiter free We fully support the efforts of the Corozal Town Council to keep our community safe and clean. The Corozal Town Council has embarked in a plan of action to keep our parks and playgrounds litter and loiter free.
These two signs have been recently erected at Rainbow Park on 1st Avenue. One warns of fines up to $500.00 for anyone caught dumping garbage at or littering the park. The second signs warns that NO PUBLIC DRINKING or SMOKING is ALLOWED.
This is a great initiative that should be implemented and enforced in all our parks and playgrounds, especially our Central Park.
Black Pearl River Run 2 Ascenthium will be playing at the Black Pearl River Run this Sunday. The festivities will be around the wooden bridge, and it all starts at 2:00pm.
"In San Ignacio! we hit the stage with Almost 7 from Belize City! Black pearl's River Run is gonna be epic! tons of cool bikes, good
rock n roll and an awesome experience! see you there."
Tropic Air Helps Octavia Waight Centre Tropic Air raised $450 for the Octavia Waight Centre. Thanks, Tropic Air!
"As part of the airline's largest charitable fundraiser of the year, Tropic Air business partners, staff and Customers joined efforts and raised $450 for the Octavia Waight Centre in San Ignacio. A check was presented to the organization on Friday, May 6th."
Psychedelic Blues Concert The SISE House of Culture is having a special Full Moon Concert tonight, May 21st, at 7:00pm, at the Cayo Welcome Center. It'll be a Psychedelic Blues Experience, and Eddie Allen and his band will really tear it up. If you like music, you'll love this.
"SISE House of Culture invites you to a Full Moon Concert happening Tonight Saturday May 21st at 7 pm at the Cayo Welcome Center. Don't miss out!"
Wildlife in Belize Video Contest The Department of Environment is having a video contest for World Environment Day, with the theme being 'Wildlife in Belize.' It's for primary and high school students, and there are prizes, including a domestic trip. Rules are here.
"Announcing World Environment Day 2016 Video Competition - Please tell as many students as you can..."
Chocolate Festival 2016 at Big Falls Celebrating everything chocolate!
Marine Fair 2016 It was a long hot day but the Reef Week 2016 Marine Fair was a success. Organizations who took the time to come out and share their message with the students of San Pedro. Hol Chan wants to thank all those who participated, The Department of Environment, Solid Waste Management, OCEANA, Sea to Shore Alliance, Saga Humane Society, MarAlliance, and the Belize Fisheries Department. Also thanks to The San Pedro House of Culture for hosting the event at their compound.
Boca Del Rio cleanup As part of Reef Week the Hol Chan staff went out to clean up the entrance to the river at Boca Del Rio. We all enjoy the water, so lets keep it clean by picking up our trash when we visit the beach so it odes not end up in the water.
Channel 7
Bulgarian ATM Fraudsters Plead Guilty Ten days ago, we showed you the 2 Bulgarian ATM Scammers who are believed to have stolen thousands of dollars from Belize Bank ATM's from around Belize City. Initially, 25 year-old Halid Aptula and 28 year-old Georgi Petrov were each arraigned on 1 count of theft for only 500 dollars. Well today, when they were taken back to court for an adjournment, the police slapped on 17 additional counts of theft. And that's where the Bulgarians did a very surprising thing: they stood up and pleaded guilty to all charges brought against them.
As we told you they were caught on Saturday, May 7, by mere chance, after a vigilant internal auditor from Belize Bank spotted Halid Aptula in the act of scamming the Belize Bank ATM. Both men, it appears, had stolen pin numbers from persons outside of Belize. The investigation into the scam revealed that they had an interesting cyber theft scheme going on. They installed hidden cameras at ATM's outside of Belize, which captured PIN numbers of bank patrons. They then made fake credit cards, and they then came to Belize, where they used the stolen pin numbers and these fake cards to make mass withdrawals, all of which were stolen monies.
PUP Takes S.I. Challenge To Supreme Court Yesterday, we showed you our interview with Opposition Leader John Briceno about the PUP'S trip to the Sarstoon River, scheduled for tomorrow. Member of the Party's National Party Council and the entire media, are preparing to go down to Punta Gorda, where they will try to get in or near the Sarstoon.
And while that is one front, on another front, Briceno and the party's legal advisor were in the Supreme Court before Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin this morning for the first hearing of their challenge to the Sarstoon Statutory Instrument. That's the now infamous law which restricts civilians from entering the Sarstoon for a period of 30 days.
The S.I. expires next week but the case went before the Chief Justice for the first time today, and the Government's attorneys told the court that they were not ready to file their arguments, given that the date for the hearing had been moved up. So, the Chief Justice adjourned it until June 27, by which time, the Sarstoon SI will be history. So, was the adjournment a setback for the PUP? Here's what Briceno and the PUP's legal advisor had to say about it:
Will Police/Coast Guard Block PUP's Sarstoon Expedition? So, while the PUP has to wait an entire month to have their lawsuit against the Government heard, it's possible that their other planned Sarstoon action might not happen. Our information is that security forces will attempt to stop them from leaving Punta Gorda Town by boat - same as they did the Belize Territorial Volunteers 17 days ago.
So, is the PUP prepared for that possibility? Here's what the Opposition Leader had to say:
"I've gotten it on good grounds that the national executive will be stopped tomorrow. Will not even be allowed to go on the waters - will be stopped in PG by elements of the Coast Guard and the police. Are you surprised to hear something like that?"
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the PUP:
"Well I'd be most disappointed in the government and in the Prime Minister, because the Prime Minister last week made a pronouncement that he would lift the tight restrictions on Belizeans visiting the Sarstoon as long as you report to the B.D.F.'s Forward Operating Base. We are saying it is not a political trip, it is an educational trip."
Belizean Fishermen Caught Smuggling Conch In Honduras We always hear about foreign fishers form Honduras and Guatemala raiding Belizean waters and then taking out of season catches south to their countries. But, it's a dirty trade in which Belizean fishers also play a role - and there's proof of that tonight.
A trio of Belizeans were caught last week Thursday in Honduras in an illegal fishing operation. They are Manuel Flores and Bartolo Jimenez from Belize City, and Jeffery Gongora from Ranchito, Corozal.
According to reports from Honduras the group were found at the entrance of the Alvarado Lagoon, in Puerto Cortes, Honduras. Inside the vessel the authorities discovered 600 pounds of conch in an icebox. The conch is believed to have been captured in Belize and then taken to Honduras for sale. The products were impounded and the men were arrested. The boat remains at the naval base in Puerto Cortes and the illegal catch has since been donated to an orphanage and home for the elderly in that country. As for the three men, they were handed over to the Honduran immigration department and are now awaiting deportation back to Belize.
Churches Say "No" To PUP The Belize Council of Churches is saying NO to the PUP Sarstoon trip this weekend. Today they called the media to a press conference at the IVET conference room to present their position on several matters concerning the ongoing Belize/Guatemala dispute. But before we get into the broader scope of their position, here is what they had to say regarding tomorrow's PUP expedition:
Bishop Roosevelt Papouloute - Methodist Church
"We are just coming out of a meeting with the Leader of the Opposition and some of the members of the opposition party that were present and we have made our position very clear that we would support a stop to that trip tomorrow to give to the negotiation in the process to take its course as all diplomats seek to meet with those from Guatemala with the support of the international community to arrive at a peaceful resolution to this. So, yes we have call on the opposition party not to pursue that trip tomorrow."
Churches Take Position On Bze-Guat Dispute Now back to the real reason of why we were called for the press conference today. The topic of the Belize/Guatemala dispute has been at the fore of National discussion for a while. But the churches are only now choosing to come out publicly on the matter. They prepared a one page document outlining their position on several key issues surrounding the dispute. They presented this to the media today.
Bishop Philip Wright - Anglican Diocese of Belize:
"The Belize Council of Churches calls on the people of Belize to support the peaceful approach that our government brings to the negotiation table. The Belize Council of Churches calls on the Government of Belize and the Opposition Party to work together for the common good of Belize and a peaceful solution to this problem. The Belize Council of Churches calls on all parties involved; governmental, political and nongovernmental to work for a united front at arriving at a peaceful resolution. The council calls on the media to be more responsible in its reporting so as to avoid an atmosphere in panic among all parties. The Belize Council of Churches calls among the Government of Belize, the Opposition Party and all who are intimately involved in the process to be resolute in their effort at maintaining Belize's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
Ecclesiastical Diplomacy? But more than just putting forth a position, the churches say they are also actively pursuing solutions to the problems in their own way. For starters, they will be holding a day of prayer next week Sunday. But the most substantial move that the churches are making is the dialogue they are attempting to create with their Guatemalan counterparts. One of the those contacts is Archbishop Oscar Julio Vian Morales. He made headlines earlier this week for his criticism of the Guatemala government using the territorial dispute as a distraction.
Bishop Christopher Glancy - Auxillary Bishop. Roman Catholic Church"
"In the media this week there was reporting here in Belize, the arch bishop of Guatemala City and what he said in preaching about the situation. I called him yesterday, I know Archbishop Oscar Julio Vian from meetings that I have been with him both in Costa Rica and Bogota Columbia. I in fact visited him in his office as well in Guatemala City when I was there giving retreat to a group of priests."
Churches Say "Amen" To ICJ We also asked the head table about their position on the ICJ. Should Belize go to the ICJ to resolve its territorial dispute with Guatemala? Here is the Council's consensus on that matter.
"What's the council's position on whether or not the matter should be resolved at the International Court of Justice? Have you sat and discuss a formal position on that matter?"
Bishop Philip Wright - Anglican Diocese of Belize:
"We believe we should go to the ICJ and pursue the diplomatic course."
Present at the head table in support of the positions taken today were Bishop Philip Wright of the Anglican Diocese; Auxiliary Bishop Christopher Glancy of the Roman Catholic Church; Bishop Roosevelt Papouloute of the Methodist church; Reverend Canon Leroy Flowers, past president of the Belize Council of Churches; Karen Taylor, president of the Black Cross Nurses Association; and Fred Shyu, of the Belize Chinese Christian Mission.
Melchor-ians Will Protest Against Guatemala City And while the PUP goes to the Sarstoon in protest of the Belize government's law - and also against Guatemala's military presence - at the same time, Guatemalans will be doing their own protest out west. But they won't be protesting against Belize. Nope, they're protesting against their own government! It seems that since the Guatemalan government seriously stepped up its aggression one month ago - the flow of Belizeans over to Melchor has slowed to a trickle. Guatemalan Immigration authorities report a decrease of 80% in Belizean visitors - and that has put a serious hurting on businesses in that border town. And so, reports to security forces in Belize say that tomorrow, Melchor business owners will be protesting against their capital, Guatemala City for sponsoring the aggression against Belize which has ha da serious business backlash.
Alrick Smith charged for Planning Hit on Lozano Family Police are making major progress in the fatal Ladyville shootout investigation. As we told you, both 19 year old Darwin Estuardo Prado and 28 year old Egbert Baldwin were charged with a number of offenses. Those include 3 counts of attempted murder, 3 counts of use of deadly means of harm, 1 count of wounding, 1 count of grievous harm and 1 count of dangerous harm. These charges were brought against Prado and Baldwin for shooting at Lozano's crew outside their Marage road house. But another ominous element has been introduced, in the form…of the infamous Alrick Smith. Yes...he is in the news AGAIN! for the second night in a row but tonight he is the one charged for abetment to commit murder. Now police had told us that they are examining the familial link between Smith and the deceased gunman Lionel Rhamdas - they are in-laws, and police said they had to be prepared for any retaliatory acts from Smith and his crew. Well so said, so done - after the death of his brother in law Rhamdas, Smith allegedly threatened the life of 11 members of the Lozano family including the mother Cynthia Lozano and her sons. Apart from Smith's charge, police also found a weapon that is believed to have been used to kill Rhamdas. Today at a press briefing Assistant Commissioner of Police Edward Broaster gave us more details.
From Threats To Action : Men Found Scouting Lozano Residence Now although Smith has been charged, police remain alert and in tune with the street operations in Ladyville. That's how they caught 4 men and a minor in a truck, lurking near the Milpa and Marage Road Area - right where the Lozano's live. Police spotted them around 11:30 last night and they were all searched. No weapons were found but what raised the red flag was the fact that one of the men in the vehicle was Rhamdas's cousin. Police told us that last night was not the first time men were seen suspiciously scouting that area.
ACP Edward Broaster, O. C. Eastern Rural Division
"This last evening due to efforts of our police officers in the Milpa-Marage road area, we came upon a black pickup truck, C-27748 which was driven at the time by Glen Reneau, 34 years of a Neal's Pen Road address. A juvenile, 16 years of the same address, One Germain Patnet, 31 years of Manta Ray Boulevard, Curl Estrada, 28 years of Silk Grass Village and Dion Rhamdas of Manta Ray Boulevard in the area of Bobo Hill near the Milpa-Mirage road area. Upon seeing the police, the driver of the pickup, increased speed. However, the police managed to intercept them and we have been conducting searches in the area this morning to see if any firearms or what have you was thrown out."
Police Push Peace Project Among Ladyville Gangs Now things are only getting worse in the Milpa-Marage Area since that Saturday morning shootout at the Lozano home. But how are police dealing this? Today they told us that their primary focus is gang interventions.
Broaster had told us that it is quite a challenge getting all the groups to settle their grievances because they all refuse to compromise or even speak to one another.
Peace Park At Pilar? In our last segment we told you how the Melchoristas want back their Belizean customers, but archaeologists from Belize, Guatemala and the US seem to be getting along just fine at the El Pilar Mayan Site. And to prove it, the Guatemalan Minister of Culture and Sports Jose Urruela visited El Pilar earlier this week.
As you may be aware, a part of El Pilar is in the Cayo District in Belizean territory, and the other part is in Peten, Guatemala. Up until a few years ago, the Belizean tour guides have been afraid to take their guests there because they've been the target of Guatemalan bandits.
But, this ancient city could be a thing that unites Belize and Guatemala. That's because the Guatemalan Minister of Culture expressed on his Wednesday visit that El Pilar could become the symbol of peace and co-existence where both country's co-management this Natural monument.
Parliamentary Peace-making Earlier, we showed you how the council of churches will try its own kind of ecclesiastical diplomacy, well, speaker of the House Mike Peyrefitte was in Nicaragua earlier this week to try his hand at Parliamentary peace-making. Peyrefitte is the Vice President of "FOPREL", the Forum of Presiding Officers of National Parliaments of Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean Basin, while the speaker of the Guatemalan Congress, Mario Taracena Diaz-Sol is the President. They met yesterday at the Congress Conference Room in Managua, Nicaragua along with Speakers and Deputy Speakers of the parliaments of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica.
According to a press release from the National Assembly Peyrefitte briefed the Speakers about Belize's perspective on the recent shooting death of a Guatemalan child in the Chiquibul Reserve.
Commonwealth Calls For Peace And tonight, we have one more piece of news for you on Belize Guatemala Relations. That's the meeting of the Commonwealth Ministerial Committee on Belize which happened on Monday May 16. That's exactly as newly elected Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Baroness Patricia Scotland, committed to when she visited Belize at the end of last month.
The committee, which chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Barbados, and comprising Barbados, Canada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Nigeria and Tanzania, as well as Belize, was briefed by Foreign Affairs Minister Wilfred Elrington. He spoke to them on recent issues related to the Adjacency zone, and the discussions taking place between both country
Prisoners 'Pot' Picked up by Police This afternoon police found 12 ounces of weed in front of the prison. The report is that a group of inmates were working outside when someone drove passed and threw out parcels of weed in front of the prison. One of the working prisoners was walking towards the drugs but he was stopped by a prison officer. Since the prisoner did not pick up the drugs, he was not charged. The weed was deposited as found property.
Illegal Loggers Charged Yesterday we told you about the illegal logging operation that got busted in the Mayflower Bocawina National Park. That's in the Stann Creek District. Two men were arrested and today they were brought before the court in Dangriga to be read charges of illegal entry into a national park and illegal logging of a protected area. Those men are Carlos Palacio and Donald Wewe of Silk Grass Village. In court today both men plead not guilty to the offence and were granted bail of $4,000 dollars plus a surety of the same amount. Carlos Palacio met his bail and was released however Donald Wewe was not able to meet bail and remains in police custody. At this time the Forest Department is still assessing the amount of damage done to the forest, so we cannot give you a figure on the loss. What we can tell you is that among the trees being felled were Mahogany and Sapodilla. As we told you yesterday, on Wednesday Park Rangers of the Mayflower Bocawina Reserve were conducing regular patrols in the area when they heard the distinctive sound of a chain saw. As a result they alerted APAMO, who in turn alerted the authorities. We will be following this case.
Channel 5
Alrick Smith Remanded for Alleged Intention to Kill an Entire Family Another Ladyville resident is tonight on remand, following a shootout last Saturday on Marage Road during which twenty-one-year-old mechanic Lionel Rhamdas was killed. Thirty-one-year-old Alrick Smith has been charged for [...]
Ladyville Police Recover Firearm Used in Marage Road Shootout Investigations are ongoing into the deadly exchange of gunfire which claimed the life of Lionel Rhamdas. In that shooting, at least three firearms were involved and police had initially recovered [...]
Sentencing in Bulgarian ATM Scam Reserved On May tenth, two Bulgarian nationals were charged for an unusual theft – using fake credit cards to withdraw cash from Belize Bank ATMs. Jeorgi Petrov and Halid Aptula would [...]
Pregnant Mother Fined $10,000 for Drug Trafficking An expecting mother, five months into her pregnancy, was fined ten thousand dollars today after pleading guilty to drug trafficking. Twenty-three-year-old Nicole Flowers appeared before Magistrate Carlon Mendoza this morning, [...]
P.U.P. Challenge Sarstoon Law in Court The People’s United Party was in court today challenging the Statutory Instrument informally dubbed the Sarstoon Law. It prohibits civilians from going into the river under the Public Safety Act, [...]
Briceño Says a Message Must Be Sent to Guatemala The Sarstoon River is currently a study in confusion and controversy. Here’s why. We’ve always owned half of the southernmost waterway. Guatemala has a claim, but we own it. Things [...]
Will the P.U.P. Reach the Sarstoon on Saturday? The P.U.P. heads to the Sarstoon on Saturday, with its leadership scheduled to depart P.G. at ten for the Guatemalan controlled waterway. But with all that said, will the P.U.P. [...]
Parliamentarians Discuss Belize & Guatemala Speaker of the House of Representatives Michael Peyrefitte, while attending the Eighteenth Extraordinary Meeting of FOPREL in Nicaragua, met with Mario Taracena Diaz-Sol. He is the Speaker of the Congress [...]
Council of Churches Weighs in on Belize/Guatemala Differendum The Belize Council of Churches is weighing in on the Belize/Guatemala differendum and has issued a statement in support of a peaceful solution to the enduring territorial dispute. The position [...]
Belize/Guatemala Clergy Seeks to Broker the Peace Last weekend, Guatemalan Archbishop Oscar Julio Vian openly spoke out against the government of President Jimmy Morales for seeking to use the territorial claim as a smokescreen to divert attention [...]
Council of Churches Does Not Support P.U.P. Trip to Sarstoon The church is somewhat late in joining this national conversation, but what is the impetus behind a need for it to weigh in on Belize and Guatemala? According to Bishop [...]
The Asian Community Gives Input on Guatemala Issue The Asian community being an integral part of Belize’s social fabric, along with its involvement in the private sector, we asked a representative of the Belize Chinese Christian Mission to [...]
Gateway Youth Center Hosts Community Health Fair “Healthy Me, Healthy You, A Gateway to a Healthy Life” – that was the theme of a community health fair held today at the Gateway Youth Center on Daker’s Street [...]
Belize and Guatemala Sign Declaration of Peace in Managua The Presidents of the Legislative Bodies of Central America and the Caribbean Basin (FOPREL) met in Managua. The meeting was an emergency session called to discuss the escalating issue surrounding Guatemala’s claim to a portion of Belize’s territory. Coming out of that meeting was a signed declaration of peace by Belize’s House Speaker, Michael Peyrefitte […]
Council of Churches Present Their Views on Guatemala’s Claim and Escalation of Tensions The Belize Council of Churches met with the media this morning inside the conference room at ITVET on Freetown Road to present their recommendations on the ongoing Belize/Guatemala differendum. Bishop Philip Wright of the Anglican Diocese presented those points of recommendations. The Belize/Guatemala issue has been at the forefront for some months now and the […]
Council of Churches Advises PUP to Refrain From Expedition to the Sarstoon Less than an hour prior to this morning’s press briefing by the Belize Council of Churches, they had met with the Leader of the Opposition, John Briceno along with other members of the People’s United Party to get their feedback and views on the Belize/Guatemala situation as they had done some days ago with the […]
Chinese Community Weighs In on the Belize/Guat Issue In this morning’s press briefing, Fred Shyu of the Belize Chinese Christian Mission was present at the head table. He weighed in on the Belize Guatemala issue as he drew a similarity with their experience with Taiwan and China and their territorial disputes. Today, the Belize Council of Churches was asked what their position is […]
The Influence of the Churches in Belize The Belize Council of Churches has the representation of several denominations present in Belize and is one of the country’s social partners. Their counsel is sought at times by the politicians in several areas particularly when it comes to matters of human rights, national security and others. While the council is known to be a […]
Belize to Invite Guatemala to Join In Prayer Over Territorial Dispute With the Belize Council of Churches coming out with their views on the Belize/Guatemala issue, they have also embarked on efforts to bring the situation in prayer in collaboration with the churches in Guatemala. According to Bishop Christopher Glancy, the communication on the matter has already begun as he was recently in contact with the […]
Lozano Family Targeted in Thursday Night Shooting The gun violence continues in the Milpa Marage area of Ladyville. This past weekend, Lionel Rhamdas was shot and killed while three other men were injured. Last night a shooting occurred and Police believe the target was ten members of the Lozano family. They have arrested five men, including Alrick Smith. Smith was charged with […]
Ladyville Police Foils Plans to Avenge Recent Murder In a separate operation yesterday, Ladyville Police, acting on two reports of gunmen in the Milpa Marage area, apprehended four men in a black vehicle. Assistant Commissioner of Police Edward Broaster spoke on the apprehension. Although police suspect that the men were out to retaliate for Rhamdas’ death, which occurred on May 14, they are […]
Rural Police Strengthens Anti Crime Efforts Alrick Smith is well known to Police and as we said earlier, yesterday he was charged for abetment in the attempted murder of members of the Lozano family. Police are hoping that his arrest will ease the criminal activity in the Milpa Marage area, as Smith is considered to be very involved in a number […]
US National Detained For Fatal Traffic Incident 42-year-old Richard Christopher Moguel died in a road traffic accident on Thursday night. Shortly after nine o’clock last night, Police responded to reports of a traffic accident between miles nineteen and twenty on the Placencia Road. On arrival they saw a black single cab Chevrolet S10 pickup truck on the right hand side of the […]
Guatemala and Belize presidents of parliament sign declaration of peace At our news time, there is still no word from the Belizean Press Office but according to Nicaraguan media, president of the Belizean National Assembly, Michael Peyrefittie and president of the Guatemala parliament signed a peace declaration today May 19 in expectation that the two governments w...
12 years for teenager Devaughan Goodger who fatally stabbed Jason Pott on March 5, 2011 A moment of madness will cost 22 year old Devaughn Goodger at least seven more years of his life behind bars. Goodger pleaded guilty to the manslaughter death by stabbing of Jason Pott on Cleghorn Street, Belize City 5 years ago, on March 5, 2011. Supreme Court Justice Adolph Lucas at sentencing too...
Shane Bahadur arraigned for attempted murder of Alrick Smith 29 year old Shane Bahadur, a resident of Ladyville, is on remand at the Belize Central Prison after being arraigned late this evening on two criminal and indictable offenses of attempted murder and wounding for the Friday, May 6, 2016 shooting of Ladyville Mechanic, 31 year old Alrick Smith. This e...
After plea change, court hands down shorter sentence for firearm possession Recently, Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin handed down a critical decision which releases the hands of magistrates from handing down a mandatory minimum 5-year prison sentence in firearms-related cases. It is part of the fallout from the Allyson Major case where the law was found to violate the consti...
Hon Beverly Castillo, Minister of State- Immigration addresses passports Channel 7 News says that over the last 5 weeks they have been seeking official information from the Immigration Department regarding a report they received that the Department had discovered two fraudulent nationality documents. Beside questioning whether the two persons had ever been to Belize, the...
Woman’s dead body found near Dangriga Town pier A woman’s body was discovered near the Dangriga Town Pier but police say they do not suspect foul play. Just befor 10 o’clock on Wednesday morning, Dangriga Police were called to an area near the town pier and saw the body of a woman apparently dead. The woman was later identified as 54 year old Ang...
Illegal Loggers in the Mayflower Bocawina National Park Caught On Wednesday May 18, two Hispanic men were found illegally logging in the Mayflower Bocawina National Park located off Mile 6 on the Southern Highway in the Stann Creek District. According to a statement from the Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations (APAMO),which coordinated t...
The Reporter
Police officer jailed for allegedly raping 8-year-old girl
A 21-year-old Police Constable, Darren Martinez, has been remanded to the Belize Central Prison after being arraigned in Magistrates Court on Wednesday for allegedly raping an eight-year-old girl. Martinez was arriagned in front of Magistrate Deborah Rogers on Wednesday evening. He was charged with a single count of “sexual assault […]
Three men charged for Belize City shooting
Three out of four men connected to a Belize City shooting involving Assistant Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, appeared in court this week, answering to charges of use of deadly means of harm. On Monday, 23-year-old Devon Sankey, 21-year-old Justin Hyde, and 44-year-old Larry Wright were remanded […] Hail of gunfire in Ladyville: one dead, three injured
A weekend shooting in Ladyville has left one of the attackers dead and three victims with gunshot wounds. Shortly after midnight on Saturday May 14, a group of four were socializing outside the home of Cynthia Lozano, when three men approached, one from the front and two […] Guatemalan Gold Poachers Remanded on Multiple Charges
Three Guatemalan nationals – Carlos Roberto Perez Hernandez, 23; Edin Alexander Escobar Garcia, 17; and Solomon Martinez Pasqual, 21, were formally arraigned in the San Ignacio Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of ‘Illegal Entry to Belize’ and ‘Illegal Entry to a National Park’. Perez Hernandez was additionally charged with […]
Belmopan cop suspected of causing fatal accident DUI
Belmopan Police officer Roberto Tec is being investigated on suspicion that he was driving under the influence (DUI) when he drove his silver Kia Sorento into a head on collision with a blue Ford Explorer on the Philip Goldson Highway in Carmelita village around 6 o’clock Tuesday evening. Orange Walk […]
UB donates computers to primary schools
The Basic PC Repair (CMPS1212) class of the University of Belize is donating 27 computers to Infant 1 classes of primary schools in western and southern Belize. UB will be presenting the refurbished computers to the schools from Belmopan City and Punta Gorda Town at a ceremony […]
Global Rosary Crusade to unite over 2,500 Catholics Belize’s Catholics pray for protection from hurricanes at the annual Guadalupe Procession, but this year’s event, held last Friday, honored the 99th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. Over 2,500 faithful from parishes all over Belize assembled for this year’s procession, which was also a part of […]
Taiwan’s International Participation is Vital to Ensuring Global Health Security By Dr. Tzou-yien Lin Minister of Health and Welfare Republic of China (Taiwan) According to the WHO estimate released on April 21, 2014, a total of 774 lives were claimed in the SARS outbreak in 2003. Far beyond the nations where it claimed the most victims, SARS traumatized the world […]
Belie confirms first Zika case The Ministry of Health, this week, announced the first confirmed case of the Zika virus in Belize. On Monday the MOH said that of the samples sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), one has come back positive for the virus. “An immediate investigation was launched […]
Carmelita School expands with $204,368 Japan grant
The students of Carmelita Government School in Carmelita Village now have more space conducive to learning, with the addition of three new classrooms built with a $204,368 grant from the Government of Japan. Japan’s non-resident Ambassador to Belize, H.E. Masanori Nakano, and Japan’s Honorary Consul General in Belize, Monty Sadarangani […]
CARICOM Foreign Ministers support Belize-Guat dispute to be resolved by ICJ
CARICOM Foreign Ministers have called for the Belize-Guatemala territorial dispute to be brought speedily to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for a final resolution after national referenda on the issue. Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington represented Belize at the 19th Meeting of the CARICOM Council for Foreign and Community Relations […]
NICH launches Belize Music Week
The National Institute for Culture and History (NICH ) launched Belize Music Week at the Bliss Institute for the Performing Arts, in Belize City on Monday morning, May 16. It also served to promote several other musical events happening later this year, such as the second Belize International Jazz Festival, […]
Elrington expects continued good relations with Taiwan
Friday marks an important part of Taiwan’s history with the swearing into office of Tsai Ing-wen as Taiwan’s first female president, in the presence of representatives from 59 countries worldwide, including Belize. The ceremony happened Friday morning in front of Taiwan’s presidential office building in […]
GOB slow to react to allegations of Guatemalan incursion and kidnapping
On Tuesday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it has contacted the Organization of American States (OAS) to request a verification exercise at the border in Green Hills, Cayo District with regard to allegations made by Roger Plett and Rudy Friesen. According to CEO Lawrence Sylvester, the Ministry is aware […]
The Government of Belize has suffered an unexpected setback with the higher-than-expected valuation of BTL shares by the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Belize is legally bound to accept this valuation. The court has said it estimates the shares taken from the Ashcroft companies to have a value of some $253 […]
Belize Banks, Visa sued for fraud
The Belize Bank and Belize Bank International Ltd. along with several other entities owned by Michael Ashcroft are being sued jointly with Visa for alleged fraud. Evergreen E¬Pay Solutions Inc., an e-¬commerce payment processing company based in Palm Coast, Florida filed the lawsuit in a Miami U.S. District Court last […]
Elrington: Belize and Guatemala to reach diplomatic agreement on Sarstoon soon
The high tension that prevails, particularly at the Sarstoon border, as part of a long¬standing territorial dispute with Guatemala is expected to be diffused “very shortly”, Belize’s Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington said this week, despite uncertainties that he will be able to meet with his […]
Your electric bill will go up
Belize Electricity Limited said this week that it accepts the recommendation by the independent expert who reviewed its proposal for an increase in the Mean Electricity Rate (MER). BEL said on Thursday that from the onset it had approved the consultant chosen by the Public […]
Fuel prices hiked AGAIN!
Motorists in Belize are feeling another burn in their pockets as fuel prices rose again on Wednesday following a price hike just weeks ago. With the hike, premium gas is now cheaper than Regular. Pump prices are now $9.62 per gallon for regular gasoline, […]
Fuel prices hiked AGAIN! Motorists in Belize are feeling another burn in their pockets as fuel prices rose again on Wednesday following a price hike just weeks ago. With the hike, premium gas is now cheaper than Regular. Pump prices are now $9.62 per gallon for regular gasoline, […]
Breaking Belize News
First “Sarstoon hearing” adjourned
The first hearing of the People’s United Party’s challenge to the Public Safety Act Regulations, Sarstoon Order of 2016, took place this morning at the Supreme Court. But when the case goes back to court in June, it may be likely that the crux […]
Alrick Smith charged with abetment to murder
Police continue to try to crack down on the spiraling violence in the Ladyville area of Eastern Division (Rural). In the wake of the shoot-out at the residence of Cynthia Lozano early last week Saturday on Marage Road, police have arrested the two accused […]
Bulgarians plead guilty to ATM thefts
This afternoon, Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser reserved sentence on the case of two men accused of theft of over $14,000 from the Belize Bank ATM machine after they both changed their not guilty plea to guilty for the offenses of a total of 18 […]
Gas price up again
The price of gas at the pump went up again on Wednesday night. Regular gasoline is now $9.62 per gallon, up from $9.12. Premium remains at $9.26 per gallon and diesel remains at $8.29 a gallon. There was also another fuel price increase just […]
Churchmen call for peace in Guatemala dispute The Belize Council of Churches says it supports Government’s program of diplomacy with relation to the Belize-Guatemala dispute and is calling for all involved to avoid unnecessary conflict. That includes, according to president Reverend Roosevelt Papouloute, not supporting tomorrow’s planned trip to the Sarstoon […]
How Do You Grocery Shop in San Pedro, Belize? The answer is: very differently than I did in the US. But then, that makes sense. I am not in the US. And that being said, it did take me a while to adjust and learn how to make it work for me.
1. Fruits and Vegetables: Eat local. Vegetables and fruits grown in Belize are fresher, generally and much cheaper in price. You can find apples, pears, imported lettuces…but you are going to pay for them. The year round fruits are usually: pineapple, bananas/plantains, papaya and watermelon. And then we get all sorts of fun seasonal stuff from mangoes to custard apples. Buy what looks and smells good. And try new stuff!
2. Dairy Products: Fresh diary products – from milk to yogurt to ice cream – are a relatively new thing in supermarkets. We live on an island and the temperature is generally quite warm. Not ideal for diary transportation.
3. If you want to “eat American”, it’s going to be cost ya. I’ve seen it so many times. A group of visitors going around a store, filling their cart with Doritos and Fruit Loops, frozen pizzas and Stoli Vodka. They get to the register, see the total and pale. These things are imported and cost up to five times what they cost in the states.
A Travel Guide to Belize City Belize City is the old capital of the jewel and also the financial and industrial hub of Belize. Contrary to popular belief, Belize City can be an enjoyable urban adventure like any other city in the world. Much history has taken place in and around its vast area making it a heritage center for Belizeans.
Just to clarify the city status: the actual capital of Belize is Belmopan, the new capital of the country. However, most people still refer to Belize as Belize City, established in 1638 as “Belize Town” and then “Belize City”, which was then abandoned as the capital a couple years after hurricane Hattie destroyed it in 1961.
With Belize City’s diverse offerings, we’re here to give you a heads up on the best of the best of things to do, see, taste, and experience in the old capital of Belize.
International Sources
Lorain County volunteers help with mission in Belize The saying “one person’s trash is another one’s treasure” might be best illustrated through a global lens.
That is the lesson learned by many Lorain County residents who spent time this spring traveling to Belize to help provide much-needed equipment and educational materials to extremely poor regions.
It was the ninth annual mission trip sponsored by Resource Centers International, a cooperative project of the Rotary Clubs of District 6600 — which extends from
mid- to western Ohio — and civic and educational organizations in Belize.
Three of the volunteers who made the trip are members of the Rotary Club of Elyria, said Kent Iler of LaGrange, who was along for his third trip to the country.
The group delivered and distributed chairs, books, school supplies, computers, videocassette recorders and other equipment to a library, medical clinics and 19 schools.
Hershey Expands 'Learn To Grow' Program To Belize Sugar Industry And Launches New Sustainable Sugar Sourcing Policy The Hershey Company announced a new partnership with the Sugar Industry Research and Development Institute (SIRDI) to expand its Hershey Learn to Grow sustainable farming program to sugar suppliers in northern Belize.
The program will train farmers in sustainable agriculture practices to responsibly grow and harvest sugar cane. The new program builds on The Hershey Company’s leadership in ensuring the raw materials used for its iconic brands are procured from sustainable sources where the entire community benefits from the business.
“We’ve seen great success from our Learn to Grow program in the cocoa sector and now have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the sugar industry,” said Eric Boyle, Director of Responsible Sourcing and Procurement at the Hershey Company. “The combination of our new Sustainable Sugar Sourcing Policy and the new farmer training program will give consumers the assurance that the sugar in our products is responsibly and sustainably grown and harvested.”
The Belize Tree Houses at Ian Anderson’s Caves Branch Jungle Lodge, 2min. The Belize Tree Houses at Ian Anderson's Caves Branch offer outstanding accommodations with spectacular views of the surrounding jungle canopy where the songs of toucans, chortle of chachalacas and howls of howler monkeys harmonize and complement the soothing sound of the Caves Branch river below.
La Beliza Island Resort, 1.5min.
Jaguar Reef Lodge & Spa • A Scuba Diver’s Paradise, 1.5min. For over twenty years, Jaguar Reef Lodge has been the resort of choice for thousands of travelers who enjoy our central location, our comfortable cabanas and suites, our beachfront dining and our easy access to many of the natural wonders that have made Belize a world-class adventure travel destination!
Villa Margarita, 2min. A Tranquil Beach Hideaway. Escape to a relaxing beach getaway where picturesque sunsets, white sandy beaches and alluring waters of the Caribbean Sea, is at the heart of your doorstep!
Almond Beach Resort & Spa, 2min. Our intimate 25 room beachfront resort offers outstanding accommodations, lavish amenities, exciting adventures and breathtaking sunrise and sunset views of the ocean.
Join us in Belize!, 2min.
Consulate of Belize to California Celeste Peterson Art Exhibit, 32min. Consulate of Belize to California Launches Cultural Desk,
Fine Arts Exhibit
Ziplining in Belize, 25min. Ziplining through the rain forests of Belize.
A close-up look at a Stingray's needle in Belize, 1min. Steve Irwin, the famous Crocodile Hunter, was killed by one of these stingrays. R.I.P. Steve.
Wyatt's World: in Belize, 2.5min. I went snorkeling with my dad in Belize.
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