Recent Belize News
7/22/2010 to 8/31/2010
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Today's Belize News


Drowning In Succotz
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
The body of an unidentified man was found floating in the Mopan River at Succotz Village - around 6:30 yesterday evening. ...

Man Gets Off Aggravated Assault
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Forty-two year old Dalesmon Lewis, who was charged with aggravated assault of an indecent nature of a 7 year old female child, was freed of the charge when ...

Centenarian Carlton Fairweather
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Average life expectancy for a man in Belize is seventy two years old, so it's news whenever anyone, especially a man makes it to a the one hundred year old ...

Restore Belize Launches Community Safe Zones
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
"I am Belize" - that's the feel-good anthem for the project called RESTORE Belize - but two months after the project was launched, many have been asking if ...

The Resort Says
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Today a Press Release was sent out by Mata Chica Resort - though not on official letterhead - and it proffers a slightly different version of events. ...

Marijuana In A Fry Jack
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Twenty four year old Elisa Chan, an unemployed of 36 Alan Pitts Crescent who allegedly tried to smuggle eighty grams of cannabis into Belize Central Prison ...

Trouble In Paradise: Homicide at Matachica
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8 hours ago‎
Matachica Beach Resort at the north end of Ambergris Caye is one of Belize's most exclusive and highly rated hotels. But last night, the property's 57 year ...

No reason to Celebrate Civic
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8 hours ago‎
The big question that people are asking is "will the Civic Center be demolished?" While we don't know the answer to that question yet, what we do know is ...

LoveFM - ‎11 hours ago‎
Police in Belize City are looking for a twenty four year old man who is accused of robbing a teenager of his personal belongings, including his bicycle. ...

WEB BONUS: More on Belize
Fly Rod & Reel Magazine - ‎8/31/10‎
“Okay,” our guide Fabian said from his poling perch. “Ahead of you at 11 o'clock in that gap next to the bare branch. See him? Big snook. ...

From The Publisher
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
Once I began to speak out, however, and that speaking may have begun in the classrooms of Belize Technical College in the latter part of 1968, ...

Five PUP divisions boycott Johnny
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
The group, virtually all Belize City-based, with the exception of Corozal Southeast, also boycotted an executive meeting Monday, which was set to put in ...

Is customer health a priority in Chinese “fry chicken?”
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
Granted, we can buy a fry chicken dinner for under $5 and this could be considered good value for money due to the high cost of food in Belize, ...

Sustainable Tourism Program promises upgrade for northern downtown area and ...
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
The Fort George area of Belize City has always generally been considered one of the more genteel sections of Belize City and more recently has been ...

Maya leaders call on GOB to withdraw appeal – recognize customary Maya land rights
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
The land claim previously quoted by the Toledo Maya Cultural Council is 500000 acres, which represents roughly 10% of Belize's land mass, and includes most ...

Season of stress
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
In Belize we believe the hurricane season really begins with September and ends in October. These two months are when we have historically experienced most ...

Early morning shooting on South Street
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
Jose Trujeque, 24, an unemployed resident of Belize City, was rushed to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital this morning after an unknown person who was ...

“The Civic” condemned for September celebrations
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
Amandala has confirmed that the Ministry of Works has condemned “The Civic,” the Belize City Center, as unfit to be used for events during the September ...

Eight charged for stabbing and brawl in St. Margaret's
Amandala - ‎8/31/10‎
Constable Maurice Castillo of the Special Patrol Unit (SPU), assigned to the village, and an unnamed soldier of the Belize Defence Force took the complaint ...


Belize Medium Term Development Strategy 2010–2013
ISRIA  - ‎8/31/10‎
As with other Caribbean countries, Belize's small size, openness and physical location make it highly susceptible to social and economic shocks and to ...

Two Guns Off The Street
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Two men appeared in Magistrate's Court today to answer to charges of keeping a firearm and ammunition without a gun license. In the first incident, ...

Survived A Shot To Head
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
22 year old Justin Longsworth was shot multiple times on Saturday morning while hanging out with a group of friends under a shed on Victoria Street. ...

Boxing Boots
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
We recently saw him dancing on stage at the UDP national convention, but just because he likes to get down, doesn't mean that Boots Martinez is all fun and ...

Another Fire; Family Claims Arson
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
In just over a week, fires have destroyed three homes in Belize City. The latest fire on early Saturday morning left Robert Tracey, a labourer of Belize ...

The Travails Of Bejohn and Devon
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Two persons, 25 year old Bejohn Martinez and 18 year old Devon Bailey were acquitted of 2 counts of robbery today in connection with an incident which ...

Gunshots In Front Of A City Home
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
We've already told you about two city shootings, and there was one more. A 16 year old minor reported to police that on Thursday at about 12 midnight - she ...

Independence Day Jr Miss' Is....
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
The renovations were aimed at transforming the pediatric ward of Belize's biggest hospital into a modern and comfortable therapeutic area.

Fatal Accident Leaves Teenager Dead
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
19 year old Guatemalan national Donald Ansensio who was carrying a passenger identified as 39 year old Santos Moreira was riding his bicycle towards Belize ...

City Shooting Leaves Man With Bullet To Chin
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
According to neighbors, Jose Trujeque - was standing in a yard at number 11 South Street a little after 10 this morning- when a long gunman rode up and ...

A Shotgun Blast Through A Window
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Around 2:45- 20 year old Darwin Rocke along with his mother Myrna Ferguson and 2 other brothers were at their home on Aloe Vera Street when they were ...

Briceno's Tour De Force Performance At NPC
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
The PUP held its National Party Council meeting on Saturday morning at Independence Hall in Belize City. It was no ordinary event: no less than the balance ...

St. George's Village
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Either way, to get to the story of Belize, you have to go back to St. George's Caye - which was once the capital of this settlement. ...

Burned by Broaster
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/31/10‎
Last week we ran a story in which Superintendent of Police Edward Broaster told us that 21 year old Jermaine Elijio was scalded with hot water while he ...

LoveFM - ‎8/31/10‎
Three children have been reported missing from the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Centre in Belize City. Foster mother Darlene Swift reported that on Sunday ...

LoveFM - ‎8/31/10‎
Belize City Police are looking for two men who reportedly fired several shots at a house. Darwin Rocke told Police on Sunday he was at his mother's house ...

LoveFM - ‎8/31/10‎
Shortly after ten thirty this morning, twenty-four year old Jose Trujeque was at a residence located on South Street in Belize City. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/31/10‎
... Caye community on having garnered the consent of the Government of Belize to become the newest village among the 194 villages and communities in Belize. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/31/10‎
The National Sports Council has indicated that the Belize City Centre cannot be used for any of the regularly scheduled events for the September ...

LoveFM - ‎8/31/10‎
The theme for this year's September celebrations is “United and Proud: Moving Forward: I am Belize”. The theme and the logo were unveiled yesterday at the ...


More Mas Camp Madness
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
That's when the fight cool down, but approximately 5 minutes after there were some guys from other well known gang area in Belize came through and was ...

10K Worth Of 24K Gold
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
31 year old Irma Gonzalez, told police that between the seventeenth and the twenty-sixth August, someone stole $10800.00 dollars worth of jewelry from her ...

BGYEA's Big Plans
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
The Belize Grassroots Youth Empowerment Association - they call themselves "BIG-YEA" - and now they've got their eyes on another big piece of land. ...

Cop Stabbed, Robbed Of Weapon In Crazy Brawl
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
A policeman was almost killed in a bar brawl in St. Margaret's Village a week ago. It happened last week Saturday night at 11:55 when things got out of hand ...

International Flair, Homegrown Finish On Fast Food
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
Fast food is not new to Belize - in fact we'd say that on most nights in Belize City - the majority of the population eats fast food for supper. ...

Trailer Home Honey
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
When we left you last night - the CYDP's Bee Capture unit was still at work at that home on Boots Crescent. Well, the not so good news is that they only got ...

Social Security Safe Stolen
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
The social security office in Corozal was burglarized and the thieves stole the entire safe! It happened sometime between last night and this morning. ...

Straughn Siblings, Shotgun Slugs & Sativa L
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
Two brothers, 23 year old Roy Straughan and 27 year old Godwin Straughan , were charged with 5 offences, keeping ammunition without a gun license among them ...

Movements At Mas Camps
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
"Ok my theme for this year is "you betta Belize it" we are Belize, flora, fauna we have nature with it, we have the flower section, we have animal section ...

The ICT Dream
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
But the promise of it was made somewhat real today when the governments of Taiwan and Belize opened Belize's first ICT center. It is a place of promise, ...

Celebration Outline
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
The calendar is very heavy, every weekend after this there will be something for Belize to do. We are looking for a great king and queen out at MCC working ...

PUP: Briceno vs. The Band Of Five
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/27/10‎
The PUP will have a National Party Council meeting tomorrow at 10:00 am at Independence Hall in Belize City. But what will be decided at that meeting is ...

LoveFM - ‎8/27/10‎
The Government of Belize has launched a multiple-ministry approach to the sustainable development of the Mountain Pine Ridge Reserve. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/27/10‎
The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry is calling for a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Representatives. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/27/10‎
25-year-old Lisa Alvarez of Supaul Street who allegedly tried to smuggle 183 grams of cannabis into the Belize Central Prison in a supply of food was ...

LoveFM - ‎8/27/10‎
Thief or thieves have targeted the offices of the Belize Social Security Board in Corozal town. Branch Manager Ismelda Waight called police around seven ...

LoveFM - ‎8/27/10‎
I think that all the Mayan people here in southern Belize are aware of it but I think that they didn't give any reason because maybe it's political. ...

A time for prayer and a time to fly your flag at half mast
Amandala - ‎8/27/10‎
I call on Belizeans who want to see a better Belize to stop talking and start taking positive, loving and meaningful action. We can make a difference! ...

IDEAS AND OPNIONS - Rights and Freedom
Amandala - ‎8/27/10‎
My position is that in a God affirming state like Belize, a law which gives a pregnant woman the right to terminate her pregnancy would be unconstitutional. ...

SCA girls, Brown Bombers U-15 & U-19 win BDFA football championship
The Reporter Belize - ‎8/27/10‎
... championship finals of the summer football competition organized by the Belize District Football Association at the MCC grounds on Saturday, August 21. ...

Belize and the US agree on a plan to fight crime and strengthen security
The Reporter Belize - ‎8/27/10‎
Under the agreement the Government of Belize and the United States will continue to be partners in projects funded in part or fully by the US Government. ...

Harrison Staine shot dead on Berkley Street
The Reporter Belize - ‎8/27/10‎
Belize City police have also made no arrest for a previous attempt on Staine, whom they described as a mental patient. Staine was heading for the corner ...

“I'm not scared!” - PUP leader John Briceńo
Amandala - ‎8/27/10‎
We note that whereas only 5 of 13 Belize District constituencies were represented at the Tuesday meeting, all of the constituencies of the other five ...

Restore Belize falters
The Reporter Belize - ‎8/27/10‎
Operation RESTORE (Re-Establish Security Through Outreach Rehabilitation And Education) Belize, is a sound idea that ...

Sex trade destroying the lives of our children
Amandala - ‎8/27/10‎
The “sugar-daddy” syndrome is widely accepted in Belize, especially where teenagers are concerned, but Minister of Human Development Peter Eden Martinez ...

Reporter game pays out $1700 to Martha Galvez
The Reporter Belize - ‎8/27/10‎
The winning person can cash in his or her prize at the Reporter office in Belize City. The entire newspaper must be presented along an identification card ...

Tougher sentences in the pipeline for serious crimes
Amandala - ‎8/27/10‎
A House Committee meeting is due to be held Thursday, August 26, in Belmopan to discuss a suite of changes to the laws of Belize for longer sentences and ...

Tanya Carter trumps National Song Competition
The Reporter Belize  ‎8/27/10‎
Her song, entitled “My Belize-Belizean Pride”, was a professional blend of vocals and musical arrangements that would have satisfied any Soca fan. ...

Stop Child Sexual exploitation!
The Reporter Belize  ‎8/27/10‎
Mrs. Barrow is also Belize's Special Envoy for Children and Women, and she urged the social partners to step up their efforts to combat and eradicate child ...

BCWU leaders go head to head
The Reporter Belize - ‎8/27/10‎
The newly elected executive of the Belize Communications Workers Union (BCWU) is already experiencing it first bout of controversy. ...

FCIB Diamonds win in BVA mixed volleyball
The Reporter Belize - ‎8/27/10‎
... the mixed division championship finals, held under the auspices of the Belize Volleyball Association at Belize City Center on Saturday night, August 21. ...

Visiting Belizean criticizes Social Security Board
Amandala - ‎8/27/10‎
I was told that these persons never paid Social Security and in some case earned legal status in Belize even after retirement age. ...


Ministry of Tourism and NICH Acts to...
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
The Belize Tourism Board also addressed the issue of protection for local tour guides at the meeting on Friday. Allegations recently surfaced that BAKABUSH ...

Mexican cartel blamed in killings
The News Journal - ‎8/26/10‎
said Wilber Cuellar, a migrant from Belize who was staying at the shelter. Cuellar, 35, vowed the massacre would not deter him. "I'm not afraid. ...

Belize City Family Gets A New Home
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
BELIZE CITY, Belize, Thursday, August 18, 2010 – As part of the “Building for Change Program” and in accordance with our goal of enhancing the communities ...

Carnival Camps Jump Off
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
Not only in Belize but all over the place. We have our white costume is portraying life and peace, we have pink which symbolizes cancer, we have red which ...

Helen Yue Murder Conspiracy Comes Together
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
The major crimes unit of the CIB office in Belize City has scored a major investigative coup with a weapons bust which has led to the unraveling of the ...

Still No Capital Charge For Laverne “Antichrist” Longsworth
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
32 year old David White was allegedly doused with kerosene and set on fire by his common law -wife Lavern "Antichrist" Longsworth on July 15th. ...

A Pageant With Purpose
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
"Ok the contestants are between the ages of 9 and 11 and they will be competing in cultural costume representing a district in Belize and one caye, ...

Broaster Braces Burglar
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
And while Broaster was out there with us for most of the morning around noon , he zipped off on what seemed to be an emergency call. A short while later, ...

Traffic Blocking In The Heart Of The City
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
The downtown area of the city was locked in an epic traffic jam today as a tourist van broke down - on the swing bridge. The van suffered engine problems, ...

Boat Crash In Caye Caulker
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
According to the commissioner of ports, the boat left Belize City around 2:30- and while approaching a pier in Caye Caulker Village -the boat's control ...

Power Play In The PUP: Five Parliamentarians Oppose Briceno
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
... party leader John Briceno 's office - which is not at Independence Hall - but at what's known as the Happy Tails building on Eve Street in Belize City. ...

Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/26/10‎
We've done stories before on bee-keeping in cultivated farm areas, known as apiaries....but how about extracting bees from an urban infestation? ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
Many families from all walks of life throughout Belize are currently fighting severe illnesses, and one of the biggest challenges is finding the necessary ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
The Leader of the opposition People's United Party has received an important endorsement of his leadership of Belize's oldest political party. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
Among the issues raised were the lack of necessary infrastructure in southern Belize for mass cruise ship tourism such as sewage treatment, public restrooms ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
Today is the second day of the first national symposium on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Belize. Representatives from a wide cross ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
The Belize Medical Associates is this year celebrating its twenty-second anniversary. In observation of the event, the BMA will be holding an Evening with ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
It will develop, implement and host software applications for departments and agencies of government in Belize. It will accommodate network server systems ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
The symposium is being held under the theme, “Preserving Innocence and Dignity” and is aimed at highlighting the severity of the situation within Belize. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
Love News understands that both Miller and Lemoth are wanted in Belize City on murder charges relating to the death of fourteen year old Helen Yu.

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
According to the local registrar for CXC in Belize Juan Vargas, the results for the exams which were administered in May and June of this year, ...

LoveFM - ‎8/26/10‎
Hoare who was blind, was a well known personality, especially around Belize City where he did not allow his disability to hinder him. ...

Helen Yu's alleged killer charged
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
Reports are that initially Matura's mother, Lisa Matura told police and the Belize Family Court that her son was 17 and a minor and he was to be treated as ...

Four Charged For Illegal Weapons and Dru...
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
On Wednesday afternoon, 29-year-old Elbert Milller a Food Vendor and resident of #3685 Freedom Street in Belize City, 23-year-old Emmanuel Lemoth, ...

Teenager charged with murder of Iyan Ant...
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
Just as his funeral service began, 18-year-old Kirk Smith was being escorted to the Belize Family Court. He was taken there since he was believed to be a ...

One man walks one man convicted of firea...
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
On Monday August 23, two city youths on separate trials for firearm and ammunition offenses saw their cases come to an end in the Belize City Magistrate's ...

American fined for running aground on re...
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
When he appeared in court on Tuesday August 24, the prosecutor for the Port of Belize, Mario Vernon told the court that they were withdrawing all charges ...

Waste Control to Continue Free Collection of School Garbage
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
On Tuesday, August 24, the Deputy Mayor of Belize City and Councilor responsible for Sanitation, Phillip Willoughby, organized a meeting with the Ministry ...

Government Addresses Auditor General's Annual Report
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
... to an open and accountable government and will leave no stone unturned to ensure that this legitimate demand by the people of Belize is fully satisfied.

Then and Now
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
If the Super Bondage Skettel is crowned, she is saying that she will kick Nada the full 96 miles all the way from Happy Tails in Belize City smack into her ...

El Rey Responds
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
The 100% Government of Belize funded project is increasing the seating capacity inside the stadium to FIFA standards which comes complete with changing room ...

Minister Faber Wants Youths to Step Up to the Plate
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
In Belize, the Ministry of Youth and other youth agencies collaborated to kickoff the year at the Radisson Hotel. Dyllan Williams is the CARICOM Youth ...

Ladyville's Lov'n Touch Newest Uniform Manufacturers
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
Michael Hutchison, Area Representative for Belize Rural Central, joined Michael Ortiz, Chairman of Ladyville Village, and other residents to celebrate the ...

Tourist Zone for Destination Belize
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
It is the first impression that millions of tourists experience of Destination Belize, and to put it lightly, it is a disgrace. The Belize Tourism Board ...

Mrs. Kim Barrow Hosts National Symposium on CSEC
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
Shaw is the Chairperson of the Child Development Foundation of Belize. She is an attorney and she drafted the Legal Information Manual for the Legal ...

Suspension of nationality and permanent residence applications
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
... other such persons are not condoned as they have neither official authority nor recognition from the Immigration Department or the Government of Belize. ...

ICT Center Inaugurated
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
It is also expected to develop, implement and host software applications for Departments and Agencies of the Government of Belize. ...

No more free condoms from BFLA
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
Last year the Belize Family Life Association (BFLA) distributed 360000 free condoms. This was made possible through a grant from the Global Fund to Fight ...

Brigadier-General Dario Tapia Visits Haiti
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
Since June, 2010, the Belize Defence Force Light Engineering Company has been in Haiti alongside members of the Louisiana Army National Guard (LANG). ...

Go Bananas with a 44M dollar Belize Bank loan
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
Over the past couple of weeks, the Guardian has been reporting on the almost half a Billion dollar debt which is owed to the Belize Bank by nine entities. ...

You're Fired - Trinidadians End Swasey's 40 year banking legacy at Belize Bank
The Guardian, Belize - ‎8/26/10‎
This week, the financial sector was shaken as one of the country's senior most bankers was unceremoniously booted out of the Belize Bank. ...


Sexual Exploitation of Children, A Growing Problem
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
This is often the kind of thing that happens in private, so there are no hard figures, but there is the certain knowledge that it is happening in Belize, ...

Accused Cop Bonilla Gets Off Charges
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
In November, police constable Sam Bonilla was accused of attempted rape, indecent assault and harm after he went to investigate suspicious activity at a bar ...

Leader Briceno Makes Moves To Neutralize Deputy Espat
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
We did speak with Belize Rural North hopeful Arthur Saldivar who we know attended the meeting to find out if he voted for any such resolution. ...

Two Boys Victims Of Sodomy
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
In unrelated incidents, two young boys one in Belize City, the other in Belmopan were sodomized by grown men. On August 22nd, a 9 year old student of Belize ...

Melodious Melonie Says She was Blocked Out of Song Competition
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
If you watched or went out to the national song competition on Saturday night, you'll know that one of Belize's best voices was not there: Melonie Gillett ...

Sabido Sent To The Slammer
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
The incident occurred on June 2nd, 2009 near Belize Electricity Limited on the Northern highway. The police received information of a robbery in progress ...

Clement Cacho Is Back
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
You may remember the name Clement Cacho, he's one of four police officers who were publicly maligned when they caught collective amnesia and were unable to ...

The Legacy Of Hector Hoare
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
Trailblazer for the visually impaired in Belize Hector Hoare died of acute renal failure last week Thursday. The news of his passing went mostly without any ...

Dara Donates
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/25/10‎
"I came this morning as part of Dara Cyber Home Theatre and the people of Belize that donate the food and I bring this little amount of food for him but I ...

Ancient Mayans thirsted for more than blood, Kimbell exhibit illustrates
Fort Worth Star Telegram - ‎8/25/10‎
There are many ceramics and stone works as well as a national treasure from Belize, a 10-pound jade head of the jester god that is so important to the ...


The BDF's Work in Haiti
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
You see the BDF daily on the streets of Belize City in the apparently endless operation Jaguar, but since the last week in June, a team of 38 soldiers from ...

A River Runs Right Up To It
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
And further west in Cayo this time in San Ignacio Town, heavy showers yesterday evening have caused the Macal river to rise. These pictures taken this ...

City Shooting Leaves Neighborhood Shook
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
A shooting on Far West Street last night has left a 19 year old man hospitalized. He is identified as Derrick Plunkett. It happened about 10 o'clock last ...

Senior Bank Executive Goes Home
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Shockwaves rippled across the banking sector yesterday when news went out that Senior Vice President at the Belize Bank Louis Swasey had been let go from ...

Easy Glen Proves It's Easy To Host A Press Conference
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
But to at least provide some context, today the "Keep Belize Clean Committee" along with the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Health held a press ...

It's A Bird, It's a Plane, It's...the Spy Chopper!
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
"In the United States we don't have jungles, we don't have canopy like this, so right there that's the number one reason why Belize is ideal. ...

All That It Took To Pave A Lane
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
After a long closure, which left area residents plagued by dust storms, the portion of Water Lane from the swing bridge to the canal has finally been paved. ...

Another Alley Fire; This time It's Arson For Sure
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Yesterday the news was about a fire in Petticoat Alley, and tonight it's about an early morning fire in an alley off Regent Street which gutted a two storey ...

Schools Will Not Be Overrun By Their Own Garbage
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
When we left you last night, the city's schools had been put on short notice that in the upcoming school year - which is just days away - Belize Waste ...

“Tencho” Needs Your Help
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Today he was released from the hospital but that's because there isn't anything else doctors can do for him here in Belize. Today his family told Seven News ...

CSEC Prelim. Results Encouraging
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Preliminary results are in for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) - formerly known as the CXC - exams and - on the whole - they are ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
Belize City Police are investigating a shooting incident that has left 19-year-old Derrick Plunkett suffering from gunshot wounds. Reports are that Plunkett ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
A two-day national symposium will he held this week in Belize City to discuss the growing incidents of the commercial sexual exploitation of children. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
This past Saturday the Belize Christian Workers Union held a Special General Meeting where they elected a new executive. Paul Perriott was re-elected as ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
The campaign is being coordinated by the Keep Belize Clean Committee which has joined with the Ministry of Works and Health. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
Today yet another Belize City man is detained on suspicion of arson. This is as a result of a fire last night at 30 A Regent Street. ...

Stewart Krohn writes from Cocoplum
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
I watch with amusement and sadness at the controversy taking place in Belize City over the handling of tours for the cruise lines…and cannot help but note ...

From The Publisher
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
The children of the immigrants who had come into Belize in the first half of the twentieth century – Arabs, Jews, Chinese, and so on, were being taught ...

Men to “boyz”
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
Forty years ago in Belize, little boys quaked in the presence of grown men. The little boys understood that they could be seen, not heard. ...

Untold history of the people called Creoles
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
They were forced against their will, then chained on Portuguese ships and taken to Barbados, Jamaica and Belize as slaves. Long before they lost their ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
42-year-old Eugene Staine was shot and killed on Sunday night in Belize City. Police reports are that around 7:15 Sunday night Staine was shot in the face ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
Belize City police have made an arrest in connection with the shooting death of fourteen year old high school student Helen Yu. Authorities say that Belize ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
Two buildings were destroyed by fire early this morning in Belize City. Love FM's Patrick Jones was on the scene. Two wooden structures at #22 Petticoat ...

PM Barrow unmoved by 7000 signatures against offshore drilling
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
“The jury is still out,” said Prime Minister Dean Barrow, in addressing the continued call from the Belize Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage to ban ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
... to open and accountable government and will leave no stone unturned to ensure that this legitimate demand by the people of Belize is fully satisfied.

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
The Receivers appointed to oversee the operations of Fresh Catch Belize Limited this morning issued a statement, seeking to clarify what the new ...

Justice Awich in line for Acting Chief Justice
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
Despite appeals from the Belize Bar Association, Prime Minister Dean Barrow maintains his stance that Chief Justice Dr. Abdulai Conteh is expected to demit ...

Schism over BTL shares – workers boot out executive
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
In an interesting turn of events on Saturday, August 21, members of the Belize Communication Workers Union (BCWU), via what has been reported to us as a ...

Harrison Staine murdered on Berkeley Street – why?
Amandala - ‎38/24/10‎
Harrison Eugene Staine, 42, an unemployed of Wagner's Lane, Belize City, was murdered with a single gunshot to the face. Staine leaves behind three children ...

Jermaine Matura, 18, charged for 14-year-old Hellen Yu's murder
Amandala - ‎8/24/10‎
Matura was remanded to the Belize Central Prison, until his next scheduled court date in the Supreme Court on September 27, 2010. ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
Three separate burglaries have been reported in the Corozal and Orange Walk districts and in Belize City. Corozal resident Antonio Dionisio of Santa Rita ...

LoveFM - ‎8/24/10‎
The Sub Aquatic of Belize Limited is the only recompression Chamber in Belize. If fact, chances are that if a diver suffers any medical difficulty, ...


“Tencho” Survives Shot To Face
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
As a result, Panting's jaw has been shattered and he might be needing medical assistance outside of Belize. "I don't know if we will have to fly him out ...

Placencia Beach Befouled By Honduran “Basura”
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Imagine a white beach, the waves gently lashing , pushed in by a fresh tropical breeze...and then imagine a mountain of garbage on it! It's a jarring image, ...

Waste Control to Schools: Pick Up the Bill For Picking Up Your Garbage
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
But they might have to re-adjust because on august 17th, Belize Waste Control sent out a letter - presumably to school managements - saying that schools ...

“Fortunate” Alley Fire
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
At the fire department once they hear that there's a fire in an address that end with the word "Alley" - they start to worry. That's because it means the ...

Ladyville Cops Make Major Bust
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Store owner Guanghan Lou and his son were inside their store when 4 men entered - one armed with a handgun - and held them up. The one with the gun hit Lou ...

Shot Up A Home On Racecourse
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Another shooting took place over the weekend - this time at a residence on Racecourse Street. It happened early Saturday morning around 5 o'clock. ...

Accused Of Killing Helen Yue
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
Jermaine Matura is accused of the murder of 14 year old Helen Yue, shooting her father and robbing their store. Specifically, he's been charged with Murder, ...

Mentally Ill Man Murdered
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
In June we told you about the shooting of 39 year old Harry Staine - a particularly disturbing case because the lifelong Wagner's Lane resident suffered ...

Victim Of Beatdown In Coma
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
On Sunday August 15th., at 8:40 in the morning BERT Ambulance service received a call of a man lying down unconscious on Wilson Street in Belize City. ...

Big Winner In Song Competition
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎8/24/10‎
The national song competition played out on Saturday evening at the memorial park, and it was live on channel 7. It was a great show, with high production ...


Rastafarians: “Selasie Lives”
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
Today is the 118th anniversary of his birth, and the Rasta United Organization in Belize are celebrating righteously for their living ...

Robbers Caught Red Handed
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
Police made a major intercept on Mahogany Street late this afternoon as they caught four men who had pulled an armed robbery an hour earlier. ...

Expressive Arts Camp Closes
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
For the past few weeks, The Ministry Of Education has been hosting a summer camp on expressive arts, from drama to art. The summer camp, which hosted 200 ...

Combined 69 years for Carnal Knowledge Of An 11 year old Girl
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
43 year old fudge vendor Bernard Pratt will spend 18 years in jail for the carnal knowledge of an 11 year old girl. He was convicted of four counts of ...

Troubled Youths Show Promise At Open Day
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
And while those kids at the expressive arts camp are celebrated and recognized, on the flip side of that are those at the Youth Hostel and the Belize Youth ...

Allegedly Stole His Wife's Sex Toys
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
41 year old ex police constable Clement Bol was charged for a most uncommon kind of theft today. His wife Ruby Bol alleges that he stole four sex toys from ...

Major Music Video Director In Belize
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
Tonight, He's here in Belize sharing his knowledge and dropping the science on aspiring video producers in a workshop by the Belize International Film ...

Tarrell's Terrible Condition; He's Now Hospitalized
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
... regrouping to send Tarrell of to Texas for another term of treatment and considering their long term options since obviously he can't live in Belize. ...

Was Jealousy The Motive For A Cayo Killing?
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎7/23/10‎
At 1:45 this morning in San Ignacio Town -38 year old Beel Efrain Cruz, was brutally slain outside a popular nightspot. He was shot 9 times allegedly by 42 ...

LoveFM - ‎7/23/10‎
The workshop is being hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment and the Forest Department of Belize. Wilbur Sabido is the Chief Forest ...

LoveFM - ‎7/23/10‎
Urbina who was on board a bus travelling from Belize City to Orange walk was taken off the bus at the police checkpoint at the Santa Martha/Carmelita ...

LoveFM - ‎7/23/10‎
“Education for Advancement is a private education service organization and in May of this year we launched our services in Belize. ...

Deal with the psychotic gangster first
Amandala - ‎7/23/10‎
It leaves one with the notion that in this moment of grave danger, the men of Belize have decided that the danger is too great, so the women will be left to ...

End of the line for Lord's Ridge Cemetery! Mile 13 land identified for city of ...
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
The Belize City Council with help from the Central Government of Belize has identified a 20-acre parcel of high land at ...

Bernard Pratt, 42, convicted of carnal knowledge
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
Pratt, a self-employed resident of Baracat Street, Belize City, faces 12 years to life imprisonment. Justice Herbert Lord gave him a week to prepare his ...

Fed-up woman torches deadbeat mate
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
The assault on White took place in their home on Castle Street in Belize City around 9:30 Thursday night, July 15. She told the media that she had become ...

Masquerade cop hit the skids! Search finds several police uniforms
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
The law caught up with Wilson last Friday while he was dressed as a policeman in Belize City. He had offered to give a young woman a ride in his car, ...

Privy Council quashes Kirk Gordon's murder conviction
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
After losing his appeal to the Belize Court of Appeal, Gordon had taken his case to the Privy Council and his attorney in Belize City, Simeon Sampson, ...

Jiovanni "Nose" Louriano, 33, executed in Hattieville
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
He was believed to be an associate of the 'Brick City' Gang based in the Lake Independence area of Belize City. A post mortem examination indicated he died ...

Belize gets US $33 million from CDF to support small & medium enterprises
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
It is providing a US $3 million to Belize to support small and medium sized enterprises and micro-entrepreneurs. In addition, a grant of some US$200000 ...

Call to oust Police Chief Crispin Jefferies! "We only want a better Belize ...
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
“This is not personal with me and certain members of the Belize Police Department. “This is what the public is calling for and all the mothers of Belizeans ...

Killer's bid for freedom rejected by Privy Council
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
... as Herrera had instructed him to do. Belize Court Of Appeals upheld the Supreme Court judgment, and the Privy Council found there was no merit to an appeal.

Mark Seawell's extradition hearings will proceed
The Reporter Belize - ‎7/23/10‎
Kaseke had challenged the legitimacy of the extradition trial, on the grounds that the 1870-1932-UK Extradition Acts are no longer applicable to Belize, ...


LoveFM - ‎6 hours ago‎
A Belize City man lies critically wounded following a shooting incident this morning. Police Press Officer Sergeant Fitzroy Yearwood reports on the police ...

LoveFM - ‎6 hours ago‎
The Belize Defense Force is conducting another internal investigation following the disappearance of approximately ten thousand dollars worth of food items. ...

LoveFM - ‎6 hours ago‎
Dengue fever is reaching epidemic status across the Caribbean and Belize. With several hundred confirmed cases reported in Belize so far this year, ...

Help For Farah
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
The blood drive is set for next Saturday July 31st at WIN Belize on Dean Street from 8 am to 4 pm. They are accepting all blood types, but donors must be 18 ...

An Alcohol-Fuelled Fight Between Friends Led To Manslaughter
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
Almost exactly two years ago On Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 the killing of 26 year old Leslie Gentle, Jr. was headlined as a vicious stabbing death. ...

Tourism Village Up For Sale?
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
According to newspaper reports out of Turkey a company called Global Liman ??letmeleri, is considering the acquisition of the Belize and Roatan ports, ...

Tarrell Takes A Downturn
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
In short he's fallen back into the hole he was in when he left Belize on March 24th - at that time he had only been home for three weeks - and in that short ...

2010 Central American and Caribbean Games
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
Belize's small delegation has medaled yet. But in the Cycling discipline, Belize's riders both male and female have performed respectably. ...

Marcel Marches Against His Own UDP
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
UDP's Orange Walk East Area Representative Marcel Cardona did a most uncommon thing today - he mounted a protest against his own party and government, ...

More Bad Cop Business
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
But none of that played any role when he came to Belize in late March or early April. One of the first things he did was apply to be - you guessed it - a ...

A Camp For Reading
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
Seems we just can't get enough of summer camps, and there's no shortage of them. Most recently we've shown you the astrology and photography camps, ...

Another City Shooting
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
There was another shooting this morning. It happened early, around 7:00 and the first reports that went out were that the victim had died. ...

Armed Robber Remanded
Channel 7 Daily News - ‎6 hours ago‎
Twenty-eight year old Carlos Castro Vasquez, a fisherman, who was released from prison on bail less than two weeks ago, went back to jail today remanded ...

Espat Building - To house Ashcroft company
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
The role of the GRU is to assess risk for clients of the British Caribbean Bank or Belize Bank. Our information indicates that the focus will be on business ...

Carnal knowledge charge withdrawn ...
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
In 2008, then 19-year-old William Torres was accused of having sex twice with a 14-year-old girl in Western Belize. On Monday July 19, Torres who was facing ...

Junior Softballers called to open tryout
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
The Belize Softball Federation as part of its developmental programme will be hosting an open tryout on Saturday July 24, 2010 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm at ...

Bernard Pratt convicted of carnal knowle...
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
The alleged sex crime occurred between June 1 and July 31, 2008 in Western Belize, at a home the child frequented with her sister. ...

Tuff e Nuff clip the high flying Atlantic Bank in overtime
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
The Interoffice Basketball Competition continued on Monday July 19, 2010, at the Belize City Centre with three games on the schedule. In the first game, ...

Junior athletes to participate in Youth Olympic Games Flame
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
Belize will be represented in Mexico City, Mexico, by two young athletes as part of the Pan American Sports Organisation (PASO) reception of the 1st Olympic ...

Mirage Lady Rebels mute the telephone giant in ladies softball
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
The 2010 Belize City Female Softball Competition continued last Friday July 16, at Rogers Stadium the home of softball in Belize between the defending ...

The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
NOW the drunken editor of the Belize Slimes is begging us to back off. To this drunken idiot we say, there is NO backing off. You have, for many years, ...

26 Belizean professionals continue their journey towards Doctorate Degrees
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
NSU is offering the program through its Fischler School of Education and Human Services, with endorsement from Belize's Ministry of Education in ...

Rotten Crocus Bag
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
Under the leadership of the Comrade, they heralded a new dawn, a new era, full of vision, marching boldly to “Set Belize Free”. You see what we got in those ...

Ministry of Health establishing Additional Dialysis Services in Belize
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
The Task Force welcomed the visit of Dr. Wayne Trebbin, President of WORTH and Nurse Carolyn McTeague, Vice President of WORTH for a second time to Belize ...

Another Super Bond Payment Due
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
Again on August 20, in just under a month, the Government of Belize will have to take US$23497211.11; that's BZ$46994422.22 to service the Super Bond. ...

More water and electricity for Banana Belt
The Guardian, Belize - ‎7/22/10‎
Highway, was financed by the Government of Belize and the European Union as part of the Banana Belt Clean Water Project. The Banana Belt Clean Water project ...

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