Recent Belize News
7/1/2020 to 7/10/2020
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Today's Belize News

July 10, 2020


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Specials and Events

Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

The San Pedro Sun

Mayor Daniel Guerrero supports Honourable John Saldivar for UDP party leader
The Mayor of San Pedro Town, Daniel Guerrero, has shown his support to Belmopan Area Representative, Honourable John Saldivar for the leadership post of the ruling United Democratic Party (UDP). On Sunday, July 12th, the UDP will host a second convention in Belize City to elect a party leader. The two aspirants for the post are Saldivar and Minister of Education, Honourable Patrick Faber.

Caye Caulker primary school students receive tuition assistance from Andre Perez, PUP Standard Bearer
With the staunch belief that education is essential for the future of communities and the country, on Wednesday, July 8th, the People’s United Party (PUP) Standard Bearer for Belize Rural South, Andre Perez was in Caye Caulker handing out tuition assistance to 56 primary school students. Among the recipients, ten top students with an average of 95% and above were granted full scholarships, while the remaining receive half of the total cost of their school’s fees.

National Elite Basketball League presents new Commissioner Christopher McGann
Christopher McGann was announced as the new commissioner of the National Elite Basketball League (NEBL) on Wednesday, July 8th. McGann replaces former commissioner Karim Juan, who served for the past six years in guiding the league.

Various Belizean Sources


Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
Friday, July 10th, Meal Pick ups: Location: Barrier Reef Sports Bar & Grill. Tiimes: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am - 12:30pm.

COVID-19 UPDATE: Three More Cases of Covid 19 Detected
Given the increasing number of samples that require processing, another set was tested today. That has allowed us to identify a further 3 cases, they are all minors and are members of a family who had been illegally across the border. The 3 new cases are in Orange Walk bringing their total to 7. We had one case recovered so we have a total of 11 active cases. While we acknowledge a general concern with the airport’s opening in August, we at health remain very much concerned with the ongoing illegals crossings at the Northern, Western and Southern entry points.

National Citizen Appreciation Day
The Caye Caulker Police Sub Formation is hosting National Citizen Appreciation Day on July 15th 2020, where they recognize outstanding citizens who have had a hand in developing the Caye Caulker Community.

Award of Complementary climate funding to the Government of Belize
The World, in grappling with the current COVID19 pandemic, has had a stark reminder of how disasters disproportionally affect the vulnerable. The disease is having a particularly dramatic impact on families and communities in developing countries that have fewer resources and weaker social safety nets. The COVID-19 economic downturn will differ from previous crises, as many of the sectors overexposed to the collapse in economic activity, such as tourism, absorb a sizeable share of female employment. The UNDP programme, "Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean" (EnGenDER) has been working with implementing partners, stakeholders and donors over the last year to strengthen disaster risk management systems for 9 Caribbean countries and build resilience to the effects of climate change. This work is happening at a variety of levels, from improving central

Renewal of Effluent License
The Department of the Environment (DOE) hereby reminds companies producing effluent (wastewater) that the renewal of Licenses to Discharge Effluent is due each year on April 1. A valid License to Discharge Effluent is required to comply with the Environmental Protection (Effluent Limitations) Regulations, Chapter 328 of the Subsidiary Laws of Belize, as amended in 2009, especially as it relates to Section 14. These regulations establish that it is illegal to dispose of effluent without a license or written permission from the DOE. Companies that have not yet applied should complete an application for renewal of their license and submit it to the DOE, along with payment of the $500.00 fee for the period 2020/2021. Payments can be made at the nearest treasury or sub-treasury to Government Account Number 23328/11718/120/15. Proof of payment is to be forwarded to the DOE office along with the application.

Parvovirus on Ambergris Caye
For the past two weeks we have seen 18 cases of Parvovirus on island, all these cases have been pets with owners. On the bright side 12 of these cases have fully recovered. It is a very contagious virus, it affects dogs/puppies that are not fully vaccinated. We would like to stress that vaccinations are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for your dog/puppy! Please be cautions, do not take your unvaccinated dog to the beach, around other dogs or for walks until he/she has received all their vaccinations.

Run For A Cause
This Saturday, July 11th, starting at the Central Park at 6:00 a.m. Sign up fee is $10.00 and all proceeds will go towards school supplies for students attending this school year. See you there!

Corozal Power Outage on Sunday
Power outage scheduled 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 12 to affect entire Corozal District. This scheduled power outage is necessary for our teams to conduct maintenance and testing of equipment at Corozal substation and to install new power lines in the area.

Pictures from day 3 of Las Alboradas
Day #3 Las Alboradas a Nuestra Sra.del Monte Carmelo hosted by the Guerra,MartineZ& Leslie Family a yearly faithful & family tradition.

Midas Lobster Fest July 4th 2020
Midas Belize had a fun Full Moon Lobster party. In related news, they are having the next party on August 1st. Mistah Geeh and Supa G will be there.

Work is well underway on the Corozal/Sarteneja Road Project
The project is upgrading to (highway standard) the entire road from Corozal Town all the way to Sarteneja. It is financed by Taiwan and its execution overseen by a Taiwanese firm, Overseas engineering and Construction Company Limited S.A. Ground was broken in November, 2019. The contract is for the design and upgrading of 27 miles of road, including the construction of two bridges to replace old ferries at Pueblo Nuevo and Laguna Seca. Upon completion, the new road will provide a direct and all-weather link between Corozal Town on the Northern Highway and many of the communities to the east of the Progresso Lagoon-John Piles Creek–Laguna Seca Waterway System, including the village of Sarteneja.

Republic of Yucatan
In 1840 the country known as the Republic of Yucatan was form with what is today the states of Yucatan,Campeche,Quintana Roo and with portions of Belize . The centralist Mexicans didnot like what was happening so they send the Mexican army to Yucatan . The Mexican army arrived at the Pacabtún's farm in Mérida, where it learned that Yucatán had already prepared the defense of Mérida and had the reinforcement of eleven thousand Yucatec Maya indigenous soldiers(who were promised better treatment if they help fight against the Mexicans). The Mexican army back off .

Bonifacio Novelo (19th century) was a Maya Máasewal fighter in the so-called Caste War . He was a Maya caudillo and tatich (in maya: cacique, great chief, in the east of the state of Yucatan, along with Cecilio Chi and Jacinto Pat. For some time before the war he was a merchant traveling the peninsula even reaching to what would become Belize . Bonifacio Novelo children which are known are Claudio Novelo ,Baluina Novelo and Canuto Novelo.

Art & Soul series: Egbert "Babes" Gill
This week's Art & Soul series features a well known Corozal singer, songwriter and musician. We are delighted to showcase Egbert "Babes" Gill who's love for music began at a very early age. The majority of his music is reggae. Babes was runner up at the 2019 National Song Competition with his song "This is Belize". To date he has recorded over 60 songs, produced three CD's and recently released on YouTube his dreamy reggae song "All My Desire". Check it out! -

Channel 7

24, Including 4 Women, Locked Up For 30 Days Under SOE
Two days ago, we told you about the Southside state of emergency - which was launched at 3:00 on Tuesday morning in simultaneous raids all across the southside. Police detained 99 persons, and all of them faced the possibility of being locked up at the Hattieville Prison for a month. In the last State of Emergency, 130 alleged gangsters were held for 30 days.Well, this time, it's far less. Of the 99 detained, police sent up only 24 of them today - this includes four females. The Commissioner of Police explained why at a press conference today.

My Teenaged Son Sent To Jail - And No One Told Me!
For another mother, whose minor aged son was also sent up today, it's a nerve-racking nightmare. And while she too believes that her child's rights have been violated, she is also angry that the cops didn't tell her that they'd put her 17 year old son on lockdown until 36 hours after he was detained. Shermaine Martinez - Concerned Mother: "Nobody called me miss and that is my thing about this, that is what hurt me the most, nobody called me..."

COMPOL Says ACP Vidal Showing Encouraging Signs After Stroke
And, the man that mother might want to blame was the police department's "tip of the spear" on this pre dawn operation. That's the operation's commander Assistant Commissioner Marco Vidal. He led the operation at 3:00 in the morning but by 6:00 in the evening, he was hospitalised with a serious stroke and a brain bleed. The 50 year old Vidal was audibly slurred when he spoke at a press conference on Tuesday evening, and the Commissioner himself took the senior cop to the hospital immediately after. We got an update from COMPOL Williams today:

No Arrest For Weekend Double Murder In City
The pre dawn operation that Vidal led, and the entire state of emergency was prompted by two gang related murders over the weekend.But, for all the furore created by this new Southside SOE, and all those dozens of suspects detained, there have still been no arrests for the murders.Today, the Commissioner said they know who did it but cannot get witnesses to speak because of gang intimidation:

Protesting Professors In Belmopan
Tonight, there is tension at the University of Belize where the administration and the Faculty union are at extreme odds. The source of the discord is that the University has had its subvention cut substantially and must now find a solution to major budgetary shortfalls.It's a problem with no easy answers, but the faculty and staff insist that they must be heard, while the University President says they've already been given that opportunity and haven't said much of anything.

Cops Commended For Catching Bank Robbers
Last week Thursday, the biggest news was about the Scotiabank robbery, the daring heist pulled off by 5 robbers, and the immediate response by police who caught the thieves, with the stolen money and weapons, all within 500 feet of the bank.As has been widely reported, the cops also shot two of the robbers, killing one of them, Gasman Young.Today, the cops who showed uncommon bravery and competence were rewarded at a special at the Raccoon Street Station and 7news was there:

COMPOL to Cops: Shoot Before You're Shot
And, if you still have any doubts about the police rules of engagement when it comes to using deadly force, the Commissioner made it clear today that he tells his cops to shoot first, when facing a threat: Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police: "When I speak to my officers on a daily basis, my thing to them, you first, you second, you third, you fourth, you fifth is the way you have to think about a criminal..."

COMPOL Got Nada To Say To Nadir
And one cop who made his own pre-emptive strike yesterday was Police Constable Nadir Mendoza. He's facing a police tribunal verdict next week for stealing one of the department's guns. But, he appeared on 7News last night pre-empting that verdict to say he's being railroaded by his own department. Today, the commissioner held to his ground that PC Mendoza has a lot to answer for: "His alleged behaviour over the past few months have been nothing but comparable to that of a criminal and so he is before a tribunal for having stolen some guns from police which end up in the hands of criminals, that's a matter for him to deal, if they adjudicator finds that he is not guilty, I am fine with that. If the adjudicator should find that he is guilty, then I am fine with that too, I await the decision of the adjudicator where that matter is concerned."

Arzu Takes COMPOL To Supreme Court
And while the commissioner can let that one slide, he can't pretend to be Mr Nice Guy with Corporal Eldon Arzu. The Corporal and the Commissioner have locked horns over the leadership of the Police Association for over a year now, and the fight continued this afternoon in the courtroom of Justice Sonya Young.Arzu is attempting to convince the presiding judge to grant him leave to bring a judicial review claim against the Police Commissioner. According to Arzu, the Commissioner failed to follow the rules of the Police Association's election process. Arzu contends that the Commissioner arbitrarily extended the nomination process, which allowed for Sergeant Jane Usher and her team to enter elections, long after the deadlines set by the Police Association's election rules. His attorney, Nazira Myles, presented arguments on his behalf and attempted to convince Justice Young to grant him leave.

AG Says They Tried To Settle
We also got an opportunity to speak with Police Minister and attorney General Michael Peyrefitte about what could end up being a long and drawn-out legal fight between Corporal Arzu and Police Commissioner Chester Williams.He said that he is aware of that and that he tried to intervene and facilitate an out-of-court settlement between the two sides. Here's how he explained why that failed, and why all persons concerned must now wait on the lawsuit to run its course:

Uncle Confessed To Nephew's Murder
The Commissioner also discussed the one weekend murder which they have charged someone for. That's the chopping death of 26-year-old Pedro Cus, in San Pedro Colombia Village in the Toledo District.

UDP Convention - When A Party Isn't A Party
Sunday at the ITVET will witness the UDP's second national convention in 5 months. The party will select a new leader - after the abortive February 9th convention. That event was bursting with political combustion - and we saw the UDP machinery pumping like a great locomotive; but Sunday's convention will be more like a little red "tuk-tuk". That's largely due to COVID safety considerations, but we'd have to imagine that it's also - to some extent - a sheepishness inspired by just being "shame" that the last leader they picked lasted for 60 hours - and now they get a chance to pick him again!Such is the state of affairs in the UDP heading into Sunday event - and Jules Vasquez compares and contrasts, last time, and this time:

UDP On Hon. Saldivar, No Laws Broken
And, the three candidates for leader are Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Wilfred Elrington.Today, the press asked the Chairman how Saldivar is still in the running - after he was made to step down as leader and cast out of Cabinet after the Lev Dermen revelation. Peyrefitte says Saldivar Committed no crime:

Three States of Emergency In Succession: The Police State Cometh?
And while we didn't even bother to spar with Peyrefitte on that one, we did search him out on the Southside state of emergency. It's the second Southside emergency this year - and it seems that police are now using this very extreme measure as a kind of policing tool for preventative detention.Presently, the entire Southside of Belize city, from Burdon Canal to the Swing Bridge is under a state of emergency, and we asked the Minister if this is the incipient stages of a police state:

Belmopan By Bus!
Last night, we showed you how the Public Service Union came up big in its out-of-court settlement with the Belmopan City Council. The union has to give up their hilltop property that they had grown attached to over almost 2 decades. But, in exchange, they will get full title to an alternative piece of land, valued at around $475,000, and the council will even assist them with equipment and assistance to build their new headquarters.Well, the Union's President is announcing that he and the executive have signed another agreement which should provide relief to public officers, in their daily commute between Belize City and Belmopan for work. The PSU has entered an MOU with the bus company, ADK Charters.

Real Climate Change Funds
Finally tonight, Belize has received $97,000 USD in funding to leverage sustainable climate finance from the Green Climate Fund. The funding comes through the UNDP's EnGenDER project which focuses on enhancing climate resilience, gender equality, and inclusion for vulnerable and marginalized populations.The funding is aimed at strengthening the country's disaster risk management system while building resilience to climate change and it's meant to combat losses to the agricultural sector, an industry that is more important than ever as tourism struggles.

Channel 5

23 Males, 4 Females Locked Up Under Anti-Gang S.O.E.
After spending two nights in lockdown, four women are among a group of twenty-seven gang members who were carted away to the Belize City Prison this afternoon. The police dragnet [...]

Marco Vidal on the Road to Recovery
And the man who led the anti-gang operation, Assistant Commissioner of Police Marco Vidal is already on the road to recovery after suffering a stroke on Tuesday evening, following the [...]

Sentencing for Danny Mason et al Adjourned
After nine o’clock this morning, convicted murderer Danny Mason and four other accomplices in the beheading of Pastor Llewellyn Lucas arrived at the Supreme Court to learn their fate. But [...]

Lisa Shoman to be Appointed Judge of the Supreme Court
While on the matter of judges, there is word tonight that Prime Minister Dean Barrow will be proceeding to have Senior Counsel Lisa Shoman appointed to the post of judge [...]

U.B.F.S.U. Holds Peaceful Protest in Belmopan!
Since last week we’ve been reporting on a growing dispute between the University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union and the University of Belize’s administration. The U.B.F.S.U. is only acknowledged [...]

What Up With U.B.F.S.U.’s Status?
As you heard in that story, the President of the U.B.F.S.U. says they are being shut out due to the lack of certification to show its union status.  We caught [...]

Will U.S. Authorities Come for John Usher?
A massive judgment with damages of one hundred and thirty-eight point seven million U.S. dollars was handed down earlier this week against businessman John Usher.  He was embroiled in the [...]

Hearing of Application for Judicial Review in the Case of Cpl Eldon Arzu Vs the ComPol Commences
Arguments were heard in the Supreme Court today on an application for judicial review filed by attorney Nazira Myles on behalf of her client Eldon Arzu. The Corporal of Police [...]

National Security Minister Tried to Resolve Issue
At an event earlier in the day, Minister of National Security Michael Peyrefitte spoke of his efforts to ease tensions between the ComPol and the former President of the Police [...]

N.H.I.’s Budget Cut
Last week, we reported on the cuts at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where Doctors Fernando Cuellar and Amin Hegar have been terminated.  Tonight, we can confirm that the National [...]

Everything’s A Go for Sunday’s U.D.P. Convention
A second leadership convention for the United Democratic Party is scheduled for this Sunday at the ITVET compound here in Belize City where three candidates, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and [...]

Police Presence on Convention Day
From an operational perspective, the Belize Police Department will be deployed to the ITVET to maintain law and order on the day of the convention, however, officers will not be [...]

Dalla Vans Increase Price by 100%
The dollar fare on the well-known ‘Dalla Van’ that run in the south side of the city is soaring by as much as a hundred percent. Commuters are now paying [...]

Special Chicken Cuts Scarce, but Not for Long
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the productive sector, but today poultry producers confirmed that whole chickens are not in short supply at the grocery stores.  But chicken parts are and [...]

Recognizing Bravery in the Line of Duty
A ceremony was held today to recognize the quick response of alert police officers that led to the apprehension of four robbers of Scotia Bank. As you know in an [...]

ComPol Acknowledges the Good Deeds of His Officers
In acknowledging the effort of the men and women of law enforcement, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams also highlighted the fact that when officers run afoul of the law, they [...]

Uncle Confesses to Murdering Nephew
Police in Punta Gorda have cracked the murder of Pedro Cus.   Onastacio Sirik, reportedly confessed to P.G. police, telling them that he killed his nephew.  Sirik first told police that [...]

No Charges for the Murders of Raheem Faber and Raheem Miles
In Belize City, charges have not been leveled on any of the five men who police believe are responsible for the murders of Raheem Faber and Raheem Miles last weekend.  [...]

The EA Volleyball Academy Hosting a 7-Week Camp
Volleyball is an all-time favourite sport among children of all ages. Today, we found a group of volleyball aficionados dribbling the ball at the Mexico Sports Centre. The programme is [...]


PSU celebrates new property
Yesterday, we told you that the Public Service Union (PSU) is in the process of moving their headquarters to somewhere new. This is the conclusion to the tireless Hilltop Property Saga, and the PSU is more than happy to have a resolution that suits everyone.

NHI Clinics face major cutbacks
The National Health Insurance (NHI) Program budget was cut by fifteen percent. The cut has forced the Ministry of Health to limit medical services provided at the NHI Clinics. Love News spoke to Dr. Ramon Figueroa, Chairman of the NHI program and he stated that persons in Southside Belize City are the most affected.

Brave police from precinct awarded
Several police officers attached to Precinct Four were awarded this morning for the successful response to last week’s bank robbery and for their efforts in addressing crime in their zone. A brief ceremony was held this morning inside the conference room of Precinct Two on Raccoon Street where the Police Commissioner and the Minister of National Security addressed the gathering.

ACP Vidal on his way to recovery
Assistant Commissioner of Police Marco Vidal continues on mandatory bed rest after suffering a hemmoragic stroke on Tuesday evening. Vidal was heading the State of Emergency operations when he fell ill. Today, Love News asked the Police Commissioner for an update on Vidal’s current condition and if there will be someone holding over his post as Operations Commander.

Possible extradition for John Usher
Earlier this week we told you of the pickle that Belizean businessman John Usher has found himself in. The FTC had proposed to the US Court in the District of Maryland that an order be enforced that finds Usher liable to pay one hundred and thirty-eight million US dollars as compensation to the investors in Sanctuary Bay.

Southside State of Emergency criticism
The introduction of this third State of Emergency since the start of 2020 has been met with some criticisms. Minister of National Security rationalized the criticism saying that the only ones who have an issue with police raids and other operations are those who break the law.

UBSFU takes to the streets
The University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union (UBFSU) took to the streets of Belmopan this morning to vent their frustrations with the UB’s Board of Trustees and the Labor Department. The basis of the protest has to do with the delay in the issuance of their signed certificate from the Labour Department which would give them teeth in their negotiations with UB.

Love Foundation’s anti-corruption campaign a success
The Love Foundation is helping Belizeans fight against corruption with a campaign they started two years ago. While they had to endure many trials along the way, they are one step closer to defeating corruption in our country.

John Saldivar eligible to run for UDP party leader
John Saldivar is back in the news tonight as he is one of three men hoping to succeed Dean Barrow as the UDP’s Party Leader. We have been down this road before back in early February. In that first round Saldivar was up against Patrick Faber and won handsomely as the UDP’s leader elect. His fall from grace came within seventy two hours after that victory when Prime Minister Dean Barrow found that Saldivar had lied to him about accepting monies from US criminal, Lev Dermen.

Who is supporting who?
When it comes to the delegate list for Sunday’s convention, our newsroom has confirmed that John Saldivar has garnered the support of Dianne Finnegan, UDP’s Lake Independence Standard Bearer, Ashton McKenzie (Mayor of Punta Gorda) and Daniel Guerrero, Mayor of San Pedro Town. Today we spoke with UDP’s Area Representative for Belize Rural Central, Beverly Williams who spoke on where her support lies for Sunday.

Dalla Vans now cost two dallas
There is a situation brewing between the Dalla Van Association and the Belize City Council. The issue has to do with the vans charging a fee of $2 per person and their insistence in the...

William Mason and associates back in court
William “Danny” Mason and his four associates were back in court today, but this time, they appeared at the Belize City Supreme Court in front of Justice Antoinette Moore. At around 9:30 this morning, the...

Breaking Belize NewsPJ

Belize confirms 3 new cases of COVID-19
The Office of the Director of Health Services has confirmed 3 new cases of COVID-19. […]

Police investigate shooting in Esperanza
Authorities are investigating a shooting incident that occurred on Tuesday night in Esperanza. According to […]

Don’t spare the rod: Attorney General and Police Commissioner encourge reasonable corporal punishment for children
Today, Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte and Commissioner of Police Chester Williams told parents all over […]

Three armed bandits rob Bowen delivery truck
Police are investigating an armed robbery that occurred yesterday evening in Cristo Rey, Cayo. Driver […]

Police investigate shooting in Esperanza
Authorities are investigating a shooting incident that occurred on Tuesday night in Esperanza. According to […]

Attorney General acknowledges deficiencies in prosecution system
Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte acknowledged today that prosecutions in Belize hinge too heavily on eyewitness […]

“Law-abiding citizens don’t need to fear State of emergency,” says Attorney General
Following the end of the State of Emergency (SOE) due to COVID-19, the Government of […]

Police know the people responsible for weekend murders, cannot charge because witnesses being intimidated
There were two Belize City murders over the weekend, Raheem Faber, 19, and Raheem Myles, […]

Georgeville residents concerned about community land being surveyed and distributed as lots without approval of village council
Residents and the village council of Georgeville in the Cayo District have raised concerns about […]

Canada joins Global Ocean Alliance
Today, Canada joined the United Kingdom and other countries in the Global Ocean Alliance. The […]


Wed on a Whim: Elope in Belize
Who doesn’t love good news? Especially right now, when so much feels so heavy. While staying updated with current news and events is important, so is maintaining hope. What’s more hopeful that a couple deciding to tie the knot during a global pandemic? To say that COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in the wedding plans of those planning a big celebration would be a dramatic understatement. To that end, many have across the industry has seen a spike in elopement requests – regardless of whether that’s in 2020 or 2021. If you’ve had to adjust your special day, consider an elopement in Belize; think micro-wedding in the rainforest or on the sandbars of Belize.

What You’re Probably Missing Most from Belize
Whether you’ve lived your whole life in Belize or simply visited for a vacation, there will be things you’ll miss about this tropical paradise full of warm smiles, golden sunshine and stunning natural beauty. In no particular order, here are a few things people are looking forward to the most while travel to Belize remains on hold.

International Sourcesizz

Former Bad Boy artist Shyne is reminding people that it’s all love between him and Sean “Puffy” Combs. Shyne shared a throwback picture of him and Diddy in 1999 riding around in the backseat of a car in New York City. In the caption, Shyne writes, “21 years ago……maybe another lifetime @diddy.”

Travel Advisors Selling the Caribbean to Host Dive Webinar
The Belize Tourism Board announced that Travel Advisors Selling the Caribbean (TASC) will host a Diving in the Caribbean and Risk Mitigation Amidst COVID-19 webinar on July 14 at 1 p.m. EST. The webinar will provide travel advisors with insights from the Caribbean Divers Alert Network, identify the most spectacular dive sites in the Caribbean and detail the elements that make the Caribbean’s “underwater gardens” so unique, TASC said.

Simone Biles and Boyfriend Stacey Ervin Jr. Split After 3 Years of Dating: 'It Was for the Best'
Simone Biles has confirmed her split from Stacey Ervin Jr. In Vogue's new cover story exploring her resilience and the coronavirus pandemic's impact on the Olympics, the 23-year-old revealed she and her boyfriend of three years called it quits in early March. "It’s hard being young and having that long of a relationship and then ending it," the four-time gold medalist told Vogue of splitting from Ervin, 26. "But it was for the best.” Biles' confirmation of their breakup comes months after fans noticed he did not wish Biles a happy birthday in March.


  • Channel 5 Obituaries - ALBERT BRUCE CHANANNES SR., 1min.

  • Channel 5 Obituaries - WILLIAM LINCOLN FLOWERS, 1.5min.

  • Galen University Summit on Recovery, Continuity, Transformation, Opportunity, and Innovation, 70min.

  • Winning submission to Make Belize Films' Coronavirus Music Video Competition!, 1.5min. Congratulations to 8yr old Ava Guerrero on her winning submission for the Corona Virus Video Competition! As Belize gears up to open back up to tourists with the first stage being the opening of PGIA on August 15, Ava’s video reminds us that to keep safe we must keep practicing the recommendations from the Ministry of Health and most importantly follow the rules. Click enjoy, share and stay safe!

  • Rendezvous Caye Belize Blog, 4min. Sailing, fishing ,swiming ,camping

  • Rum Talk with Travellers Liquors from Belize,61 min. Host: Matt Pietrek. What You'll Learn: Join Matt Pietrek for a deep dive into Travellers Liquors from Belize with: Amanda Perdomo, Director of Business Development. Myito Perdomo Jr., Master Blender, Distillery Manager. Odair Quetzal, Technical Distillery Manager.

  • BELIZE FAMILY ADVENTURE., 6min. We had a wonderful lunch at Maracas riverside restaurant.

  • National Guidelines for Re-Opening of the Tourism Sector Post-COVID-19, 3min.

  • CTO webinar discussion with Paul Pennicook, CEO of the Curacao Tourist Board and Yashin Dujon, CEO, Ministry of tourism, Belize on updates on their destinations, 62min. With August 15th approaching attached is a Zoom webinar discussing the opening of tourism. The webinar was held this morning with Paul Pinnicook, CEO of Curacao's Ministry of Tourism and Yashin Dujon, CEO, Belize's Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation. The discussion was conducted by the Caribbean Tourism Organization.

    July 9, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union organizes demonstration against possible salary reductions
    The country’s national tertiary institution, the University of Belize (UB), is facing complications as the UB Faculty and Staff Union (FSU) is at odds with the institution’s senior administration, primarily regarding issues of financial exigency that could see a possible pay cut for staff. The back and forth between the said Union and the university’s administration have apparently not eased tensions, and now a demonstration has been planned for Thursday, July 9th in the Capital City of Belmopan.

    Blue Water Grill helps feed seniors and provides grocery bags to those in need
    Grocery bags and hot meals - Blue Water Grill has been ensuring the island's seniors receive a hot meal weekly, thanks to generous donations! The crew at Blue Water Grill (BWG) is no stranger to rolling up its sleeves and getting to work, and during these difficult times on the island, they are doing just that! Volunteers, staff, and owners are busy in the kitchen, preparing hot meals and grocery bags to deliver to hundreds of people in need. Primarily focused on seniors, the hot meals are delivered every Thursday, and the menu varies weekly.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Thursday, July 9th Meal pick ups Location: Hibisca. Time: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am - 12:30pm.

    Book Drive for the Caye Caulker Library and the Ocean Academy Library
    We are 1 week into the combined Book Drive to benefit the Caye Caulker Library and the Ocean Academy Library. *Thank you* to the community members who have already donated. For all of July, we will continue to accept donations of books from the community. Check around the house. Donate your extra books so that others may benefit. Now is the time to return your overdue library books with no fee. You can drop books off at the CC Library (M-W-F, 2-4:00) or the OA Library (T-Th, 2-4:00) or at Caye Breeze Cafe on the beach between the water taxis.

    Forum: Belize Tourism Industry, Charting a Way Forward
    The current status of the tourism industry and its recovery remains paramount for the Belizean economy to stabilize and recover from the negative impacts of the pandemic. All public and private sector stakeholders must unite and join forces to maximize the resources available. The Belize Tourism Industry Association (BTIA) will be hosting a forum to welcome key stakeholders from the private and public sectors and members of the BTIA to an all-day session to strategize and chart the way forward compounding our resources and capabilities in a unified manner.

    Plain Speaking
    The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) presents Plain Speaking, a live update on the reopening of tourism, where Mr. Yashin Dujon, CEO, Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation, will share on Belize's response to COVID-19 and the country's perspective on the recovery process. Tune in on July 9th at 9 a.m. local time to keep abreast of the latest developments in Belize as our tourism industry moves forward on the path to full recovery. Tune in for the inside stories of the resumption of tourism activity in Belize and Curacao.

    Warrant Officer Class 1, Wilfred Mojano graduated from the United States Sergeant Major Academy on 20 June 2020. Well done Sir, congrats. The course assemble on the 20th may 2019 with a total of 721 students to include 74 international students from all over the world to include Belize.

    Cecilio Chi
    Cecilio Chi ( 1820 - 13 of December of 1848 ) was a leading Maya Máasewal , born in the village of Tepich in the Yucatecan peninsula . In 1842 he had participated in the defense of Campeche which allowed him to get to know the military organization. In 1846 he was chief of his native town. He participated in the organization of a rebellion against the domination and exploitation of the Criollos(Whites) in the region. He coordinated the insurrection with Manuel Antonio Ay , the Cacique de Chichimilá , and Jacinto Pat , among others , with the purpose of constituting a Maya nation independent from Mexico, which would respect the rights of indigenous people .

    Government House Rehabilitation Project
    Facebook is reminding me about a post I made about two years ago which I am sharing. At that time the vision of what we wanted to accomplish at Government House was only a distant dream. You know you start out with a dream and the end product sometimes doesn't always end the way you want it. However, although the end product in our instance ended up a little different than the original rendition, we accomplished the original dream. We have reached the end of the portion of our project. At times it seemed only a distant light at the end of a tunnel. Today, we are a mere weeks from our grand opening.

    The Office of the Film Commissioner informs the General Public of continuity of services by the Belize Film Commission
    In light of the recent discontinuance of logistical support that was being provided to the Belize Film Commission by the office of the Film and Media Arts Unit at NICH, we wish to inform all interested parties that the Office of the Film Commissioner continues to provide the same outstanding level of service to which the public and the Film Industry have become accustomed. To that end, all interested parties are asked to use the below provided coordinates for any future contact with the Film Commissioner and / or his office.

    Dear Members of the Academic Council, Members of Senior Management, other Directors, Representatives of the UBFSA Executive and the University Faculty and Staff. I am writing to inform you that I will be having an online meeting on Monday, 13th July, 2020 beginning at 9:00 am where I will be presenting my recommendations to you on how we will treat with reducing our projected cash loss of $7.13 million for the new academic year 2020/2021. I will be doing so after due, deliberate and extensive consultations with all of our stakeholders, many of you, and I sincerely thank all of you who have responded to my request to share your thoughts on how we can treat with this severe projected cash reduction of 33% of our cash annual income...

    Paint N Splash
    See you this week at from 2-4pm Thursday to paint "Pelican".

    Unemployment Relief Top-up Cards
    Approved applicants for the COVID-19 Unemployment Relief are advised that top-up cards will be prepared for those who still have not been able to receive their approved payments due to banking information errors. Such persons should send a text with their correct telephone number to phone number 613-0095 so that they can be contacted should the need arise.

    Flood Forecast for July 8, 2020

    BELIZE AUDOBON SOCIETY - Our 'Greening Across Belize' initiative is back for 2020, and we have 300 mahogany trees to give away! If you want to have Belize's national tree growing in your own yard, all you have to do is come and collect one, first come first served! You can collect your tree from Guanacaste National Park or St Herman's Blue Hole National Park Wednesday-Sunday, or we have a limited supply at our head office in Belize City, which is open Monday-Thursday. If you're coming to the office there's no need to enter reception, just head straight around to the back yard to pick one up.

    Corozal Yard Sale Sunday
    The Rotaract Club of Corozal will be doing a Yard Sale this Sunday at Roundhouse. Come support your favorite club in Belize. Items for cheap. This Sunday, July 12th. We’ll be there from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. We will also be selling Micheladas! Tek one fi di heat!

    Tourism Gold Standard Recognition Program Application
    The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) is pleased to advise that application form for the Tourism Gold Standard Recognition Program is now available on the BTB website here. Completed applications should be submitted to for processing. Thereafter, an email confirming your application status or acceptance into the program will be provided. BTB will review submissions and corresponding details, and follow through with inspections. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 227-2420 EXT 274.

    Galen Virtual Economic Summit
    Galen University is having 5 sessions in their Economic Summit over the next 2 weeks. The 2nd is tonight, and focuses on the tourism industry.

    Watershed Ecology Field Course, Hosted by SAVE the MACAL RIVER in Belize
    The SAVE the MACAL RIVER in Belize project is having Kimo for a Watershed Ecology Field Course on Sunday. Walk along river edge learning about living organizms and their functions . Kimo Jolly will once again enlighten us with his experiences of the rivers flora and fauna. Sunday Funday again. Macal River wooden Bridge.

    Realize Belize 2019-20 Year in Review
    Realize Belize has their 2019-20 Year in Review out, and there are some impressive numbers in it. Thanks, Realize Belize, for helping with inclusion in Cayo!

    NEBL Welcomes New Commissioner
    The National Elite Basketball League (NEBL) is pleased to introduce the new commissioner of the league. Mr. Christopher McGann has been selected as the commissioner and he is tasked to ensure that the 2021 season continues to build on the momentum and successes of the past seasons. Mr. McGann holds a Master’s Degree in Banking and Finance and has worked in various research and managerial positions in Belize. Mr. McGann has extensive experience in financial management and analysis and strategic plan development and execution. Christopher also played in the inaugural 2014 NEBL season with Belmopan Bandits and 2015 with Hurricanes. He is originally from Belmopan, but presently resides in Belize City. The league is excited to embrace this new transition in its leadership and administrative structure as it prepares for the upcoming 2021 season amidst the existing pandemic.

    BTB's Staff School Supplies to Students of San Antonio RC School, O.W.
    Approximately 70 children from San Antonio RC School in the Orange Walk District today received an assortment of back to school supplies as part of the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) staff's community outreach to assist those in need during the COVID-19 crisis. The presentation was made today by BTB employees in partnership with the Rotary Club of Orange Walk who also contributed to the project. The donation was comprised of knapsacks, composition books, hand sanitizers, masks (kids' size), pencil cases and a variety of other stationeries.

    Application for Re-Opening in the Tourism Safe Corridor
    Application for re-opening in the tourism "safe corridor" is now available for stakeholders to fill out and submit. As Belize opens the PGIA to international guests on August 15, 2020, the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) is working along with the Ministry of Health and other agencies in ensuring safety protocols and procedures are in place to minimize the spread of COVID-19. We are therefore, in the first instance, re-opening in a "safe corridor" and have prepared an application form for properties who can accommodate international guests as per the checklist.

    Ya'axché’s BioBlitz!
    The event will be taking place on July 23 to 24, 2020 at Ya’axché’s Field Station at Golden Stream. BioBlitz engages the Maya Golden Landscape children with nature and science. Children will learn from Ya’axché’s expertise about birds, mammals, freshwater bugs, plants and how to navigate in the forests using a compass and map. Join us for a fun learning day! Children from the communities of Aguacate, San Jose, Golden Stream, Medina Bank and San Pedro Colombia are invited to submit their application by Friday, July 17, 2020.

    Channel 7

    ACP Vidal Recovering From Stroke
    Assistant Commissioner of Police, and head of police operations, Marco Vidal is in the hospital showing signs of improvement after having a serious stroke last night. If you saw him at yesterday's Southside State of Emergency press conference you would have observed that his breathing was laboured, and his speech appeared slurred. Here's a clip: As you heard, his breathing was laboured, and he appeared short of breath.

    Families of Men Detained In SOE Complain
    And while Vidal recovers, don't expect "get well" wishes from the Queen Street holding cell. That's where about 100 men remain detained after the Southside state of emergency went into effect yesterday morning. Today, they remain there, where most will be transferred to the Kolbe Central Prison for 30 days. For the families of these men, it's an incredibly difficult time, losing in many cases, their breadwinner, and also trying to support them while behind bars.

    CWU Says 21 Days To Strike At Port of Belize
    21 days notice of industrial action, that's what the Christian Workers Union has given the Port of Belize. A letter from the union says that its Members who work in the Security Department at Port are moving from the protest stage to invoking the twenty-one (21) days' notice of intent to strike. As we've reported, it's all about the CWU's efforts to get the Port to rescind what it calls an "arbitrary and unconscionable ten percent salaries reduction" against its Members. Union Leader Mose Hyde says the stevedores stand in solidarity with the staff:

    Trial Coming Up For Narcos
    This morning, the Gang Suppression Unit was on high alert at the Magistrate's Court in Belize City. That's because they were escorting the 8 foreigners who were charged for illegally landing that drug plane on the Coastal Road in September of last year. You'll remember that major bust as the one where Belizean joint law enforcement teams intercepted some of the narco-traffickers trying to smuggle almost 3,000 pounds of cocaine through Belizean territory. The lawmen had a shoot-out with the narcos, and 2 of them were injured.

    PC Nadir At His Nadir
    Nadir Mendoza, he's the police constable who's been on the news plenty of times - accused of various criminal offences, from gun theft, to armed robbery. And, we're talking gun theft from his own police department at the Precinct Three formation! He's before the court for that theft, and facing a police tribunal for the same. Plus he has spent two weeks on remand for the armed robbery allegation. Indeed, Mendoza is a man running into a strong headwind when it comes to his police career and his liberty as a fee man.

    Chicken Parts Scarce, Prices Going Up
    Chicken, in most households, it's what's for dinner, or at least for lunch. Indeed Belize is one of the top consumers of chicken meat in the Western hemisphere. And that's why it's of concern that chicken could be getting scarce and the price per pound going up. The last time we reported on chicken prices, they were way, way down. That was at the start of the COVID quarantine, when the chicken companies were literally giving it way. But, now that consumption patterns are returning to normal, prices could be going up, due to scarcity.

    Man Gets Off Murder At A Party
    He's been on remand at the Belize Central Prison since October 2017, but tonight 23-year-old Steve Moss, the man police charged with the murder of 31-year-old Daniel Anderson, is home free. That's after Justice Colin Williams dismissed the charge for lack of evidence showing his guilt. Viewers will remember Anderson's killing, which happened on October 1st, 2017, in front of Bismark Nigh Club, which is located on Queen Charlotte Street in Belize City. Alex Underwood was celebrating his 28 birthday at the club, and Anderson was one of the party-goers. Police reports were that Anderson and Moss got into some sort of confrontation, which escalated into a street brawl. Moss allegedly pulled out a firearm and shot Anderson in the chest.

    Charged With Murder For Toledo Killing
    On Monday's news, we told you about the fatal chopping of 26-year-old Pedro Cus, a farmer from San Pedro Colombia Village in the Toledo District. Well, police have moved swiftly to charge one man for it. He's 47 year-old Onastacio Sirik, a farmer from the same village, and since this is a murder charge, he will be arraigned and remanded to the Belize Central Prison.

    The PSU Compromise With Belmopan City Council
    Last night, we told you about how the Public Service Union and the Belmopan City Council had reached an out-of-court settlement in their fight over the union's hill-top property. It was an amicable end to a bitter dispute between the union and council, who accused Mayor Khalid Belisle and his administration of unfairly selling the land right out from under them. The Union later sued the Council, and the new owners to try and get it back. The PSU president promised that there would be a grand ceremony to announce what the settlement was, and this afternoon, they invited us to the Bull Frog Inn in Belmopan to see for ourselves.

    A Place Where The Mentally Ill, And The Disenfranchised Are Welcome
    It's a place of refuge for the mentally ill, elderly and the disenfranchised where fun and relaxation is always the order of the day. And this morning, as they celebrated their 7th anniversary I stopped by the Welcome Resource Center to learn more about the programs and activities enriching the lives of the center's participants. There was excitement in the air this morning as the Welcome Resource Center, a drop-in center for adults of many backgrounds, celebrated its anniversary with games, snacks, and camaraderie.

    UB President Says Where's The Recommendation UBFSA
    Last week, the University of Belize's Faculty and Staff Union called a press conference to announce that they had become frustrated with the President, Dr. Clement Sankat, and the Board of Trustees. They say that for weeks, they've been trying to convince the president and the board to include them as valued stakeholders in the decision-making process of how the National University will survive the COVID crisis facing the country. They gave the President and the Board a deadline of Monday to make meaningful efforts at consulting with them, or else they would take industrial action.

    If You Want to Protest Against the Opening of the PGIA...
    Last week I went into the streets to find out how the average man and woman felt about the August 15th re-opening of the PGIA. The majority wasn't at all comfortable with it. Those apprehensions are what a group of activists is hoping to capitalise on with a protest being held next week Wednesday. It's called the "No Open Di PGIA Protest" - and activist Ya-Ya Marin Coleman is one of the lead organizers.

    No New COVID Cases
    There are no new cases of COVID 19 to report tonight. Yesterday, 63 samples were tested and turned negative. There are currently 9 active cases.

    605 Repatriates Have Their Return Coordinated
    And one of the main sources of new active cases is the ongoing repatriation of Belizeans stranded abroad. 264 have been repatriated, 1004 have applied to be repatriated, 908 have been approved, and 605 have their coordinated return in progress.

    SICB Has Major Legal Troubles
    Reports reaching our newsroom are that a defense attorney was escorted by police officers yesterday to the offices of the Sugar Industries Control Board. They were there to 'crowfoot' the organization's assets. Viewers may know that the Board, also known as the SICB, is one of the regulators of the Sugar Industry in the north. We understand that Dr. Carlos Itza, one of the SICB's former employees sued them in the Supreme Court for failing to fully compensate him. Dr. Itza once served as the Chairman of the Sugar Cane Production Committee.

    Channel 5

    Alleged Drug Traffickers Appear in Court
    Eight Central American nationals were escorted to court today in handcuffs under the watchful eye of heavily armed police officers and the Gang Suppression Unit. The men were busted in [...]

    ACP Marco Vidal Suffers a Stroke
    Assistant Commissioner of Police Marco Vidal headed an early morning law enforcement operation in Belize City on Tuesday where he led just about three hundred police and B.D.F. officers into [...]

    Deconstructing the Need for a Second Anti-gang SOE
    The south side of the Old Capital was quiet today and free of gang activity.  A second curfew that will last for a month has been instituted and the police [...]

    3 Fisherman are Remanded for Charges Related to San Pedro Home Invasion
    There was a home invasion and robbery in San Pedro Town over the weekend which also involved a kidnapping. Three fishermen have been arraigned for the crime. Ruben Martinez, Mark [...]

    P.S.U. and Belmopan City Council Sign Agreement Which Includes 1.2 Acres of Land
    The Belmopan City Council and the Public Service Union settled their almost two-year long dispute over the Hilltop property in Belmopan. As a part of the settlement, the Belmopan City [...]

    Policeman Investigated for Sexual Assault in Independence
    A policeman attached to the Intermediate Southern Formation in Independence Village is under investigation following an allegation that he forced a female minor into an unlawful sexual act.  On Monday, [...]

    Steven Moss is Freed
    In the court, the murder case of Steven Moss fell apart for the prosecution, when Supreme Court Justice Colin Williams dismissed the charge against him. A discharge warrant was prepared [...]

    Respect the Law and Law Enforcement Officers
    While a state of emergency is in effect in the south side of the City, across the country, a nightly curfew for children remains in effect, despite the lifting of [...]

    U.B.F.S.U. Set to Demonstrate in Belmopan!
    There’s new development into the University of Belize’s management issues. Late this evening, the President of the UB Professor Clement Sankat issued an invitation via a press release to the [...]

    B.N.T.U. Leader Meets with U.B.F.S.U.
    National President of the Belize National Teachers Union Senator Elena Smith this afternoon met with the University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union in Belmopan as it prepares to protest [...]

    B.N.T.U. President Says Schools Are Not Ready to Open
    The B.N.T.U. President also told News Five today that schools are not ready to reopen.  In an interview, Smith expressed serious concerns, saying that many schools across the country will [...]

    B.N.T.U. President Questions Belize’s Preparedness after the P.G.I.A. Reopens
    According to Smith, teachers who are willing to return to classes are also expressing concerns for their safety and the safety of their students especially since the P.G.I.A. will reopen [...]

    G.O.B. Announces COVID-19 Unemployment Top-up Cards
    Over eighty thousand persons applied for the COVID-19 Unemployment Relief, but only forty-three thousand applications were approved. Many persons, however, complained of not having received any assistance, despite receiving a [...]

    Senate Report on Immigration Investigation Almost Completed
    It’s been years now that the immigration scandal implicating several U.D.P. ministers, including the infamous Elvin Penner, came to light. Penner is the former Minister of State for Immigration and [...]

    Christian Workers Union Submits Notice of Strike Action Against P.B.L.
    The Christian Workers Union on Wednesday submitted a notice of strike action against the Port of Belize Limited.  The staff of the P.B.L. has been protesting against a ten percent [...]

    Christopher McGann is the New N.E.B.L. Commissioner
    The 2020 season of the National Elite Basketball League was cut short in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But this season is over, and now, the league is in [...]

    B.T.B. Staff Donates School Supplies to Students of San Antonio RC School
    Seventy students of San Antonio RC School in the Orange Walk District today received an assortment of back to school supplies as part of the Belize Tourism Board staff’s community [...]

    Scotia Bank Belize Donates P.P.E.s to Belize Police Department
    Scotia Bank Belize has made a donation today; it handed over five thousand dollars to be used for personal protective equipment to the Belize Police Department. The protective face shields [...]


    PSU gets new headquarters
    After having gone through the wringer to maintain Hilltop as their headquarters, the Public Service Union (PSU) had to compromise. The Hilltop property was sold by the Belmopan City Council to Simplex Design Company Limited.

    PBL workers to protest in 21 days
    The Port of Belize Limited employees have submitted their 21 days’ notice for strike action. According to the President of the Christian Workers Union, Evan Mose Hyde, the notice is a ‘just in case’ move as the security guards are considered as essential and they would have to give ample notice to take part in the protest.

    UBFSU to hold demonstration
    The University of Belize’s Faculty and Staff Union (UBFSU) had threatened to take industrial action if their demands were not met, and tomorrow, those threats will come to fruition. The Union is holding a demonstration at 10am, commencing at the steps of the National Assembly.

    Captain Elton Bennett prepares to leave for the UK
    Commandant of the Belize Coast Guard, Captain Elton Bennett will be travelling to the United Kingdom next month to do a one-year course that would then take him up to the rank of Rear Admiral. Captain Bennett has been at the helm of the Belize Coast Guard for roughly eight months and has brought about much streamlining in the process.

    BTB donate school supplies
    Today, the Belize Tourism Board staff donated school supplies to students of San Antonio RC School Orange Walk district. Approximately 70 children from San Antonio RC School received an assortment of back to school supplies as part of the (BTB) staff’s community outreach to assist those in need during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Scotiabank donates to Rotary Club
    Scotiabank is doing their part for the community by donating $5,000 to the Rotary Club for the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the Belize Police Department. The Rotary Club will procure the PPE’s and distribute it to the members of the BPD.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Armed bandits hold up Bowen delivery truck in Cristo Rey
    Reports to BBN is that around 5:30 p.m. today, armed bandits held up a Bowen […]

    World Health Organization acknowledges “emerging evidence” that COVID-19 could be contracted through airborne transmission
    Following an open letter by over 230 scientists earlier this week, the World Health Organization […]

    New York Times list Belize as a recommendation to US tourists
    As the global COVID-19 pandemic rages on, the spike in confirmed cases in the United […]

    Scotiabank and Rotary donate to the Police Department
    Today, Scotiabank Belize handed over a donation of $5,000 to the Rotary Club for the […]

    Children’s curfew in effect; parents scolded
    A curfew for minors remains in effect from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. according to […]

    New Scenes of Crime office rented from Barrow and Williams firm
    The Scenes of Crime division of the National Forensic Science Service (NFSS) is moving to […]

    National Security apparatus denies State of Emergency ‘fatigue’
    The newly-promulgated State of Emergency regulations, as of Tuesday morning, last for 30 days in […]

    Why another crime-related State of Emergency?
    “We had no choice,” Minister of National Security Michael Peyrefitte said Tuesday, “but to ask […]

    Flood levels continue to fall
    The National Hydrological Service of Belize informed today that flood levels are falling. The weather […]

    National Elite Basketball League welcomes new commissioner
    The National Elite Basketball League (NEBL) has welcomed the new commissioner of the league, Christopher […]

    American Airlines resumes flights from Miami to the Caribbean while Florida shuts down over spike in COVID-19 cases
    The United States is leading global infections for COVID-19 with over 3 million cases prompting […]


    A Beautiful San Pedro Day and Chicken Boat Dreams
    Generally, I dislike a vague title like this…one that is confusing…means very little to you when you read it. The nice day part, yes…but Chicken boat dreams? But life is small right now…for many of us, confusing. Limited trips to town still (more because we are low on funds but also because it seems safest now). So for now…a pretty day and a possible ride on the Quality Poultry boat to Belize City? These things make me happy. Here are my photos.

    A Flavors of Belize Recipe: Fish Tacos
    Whilst the country remains closed to the outside world for a little longer, we know that food can transport you to another place. We know you can’t wait to see the sea again, so here’s a recipe inspired by the Caribbean Sea! These Fish Tacos, courtesy of the Flavors of Belize Cookbook, combines fresh fish fillet with soft flour tortillas and a zingy creole pepper sauce. Your first bite will transport you to a beach chair in Belize; think sand in your toes, salt in your hair, and a very happy belly.

    Belize introduces ‘Safe Corridors’ for Tourism Reopening
    As Belize prepares to reopen on August 15 to international passengers, the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) and Ministry of Health (MOH) prepares ‘safe corridors’ for tourism. Alongside the MOH, BTB, and other agencies, Belize continues to work to ensure all safety protocols and procedures are in place to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at reopening. As the Caribbean country enters Phase 3 of a 5-Phased Reopening Plan, BTB now opens their application process to the properties that can accommodate international guests, as per the checklist.

    International Sourcesizz

    The Top 10 Resort Hotels in Central America
    Travel and Leisure’s Top 10 Resorts in Central America have been announced! We would like to congratulate Matachica Resort - Belize, Central America , Blancaneaux Lodge and Turtle Inn from Belize for making the coveted list.

    I’m a U.S. Citizen. Where in the World Can I Go?
    Acclaimed publication The New York Times has featured Belize in a complete list of places reopening to American tourists.

    GraceKennedy signs Briana Williams as GK foods ambassador
    GraceKennedy (GK) Group CEO Don Wehby has announced that GK Foods has signed sprinter Briana Williams as its newest Brand Ambassador, effective July 1. The National Under 20 record holder will represent the GK Foods brand locally, as well in the regional and international markets, over the next three years. “We have been watching Briana's performances for some time now, and easily concluded that she would be a great addition to GraceKennedy. Her talent, discipline and focus are beyond impressive, especially at such an early stage in her career.


  • Be a part of a CLEANER Belize ... Separate and Recycle!, 1.5min. Promotional Ad for Belize Solid Waste Management Authority.

  • KREM: Wake Up Belize, 2hr42min.

  • Live Cam - San Ignacio - Cayo, Belize - Looking over Spanish Lookout, Live cam looking west, over Spanish Lookout. The Belize-Guatemala BORDER (yes, Guatemala, it is a border because Belize is not part of your country.) is off in the distance.

  • Belize Estate & Company Ltd. - Auto Show 2020, 18min. The Summer Auto Show will take place on July 11th at 9:00 am at the Riverside Tavern. We talked with folks of the Belize Estate & Company Ltd. about the show and BEC's Summer Oil Change Promotion. David Vasquez - Sales Manager, BEC. Ryan Marin - Sales Manager, Belize Diesel & Equipment.

  • The Welcome Resource Center, 16min. The Welcome Resource Center has been working for the past seven years providing assistance to mental health patients. Over the years the services has increased and they continue to need the support of the community to aid those in need. We talked with Joyce Ellis, Administrator of the Welcome Resource Center, about the work of the center and how you can help them. She also told us about the clothing drive as they are looking for male clothing.

  • The Government of Belize & BelTRAIDE - Rolling out a MSME Support Program, 35min. The Government of Belize in collaboration with BelTRAIDE will be rolling out a MSME Support Program as part of the second phase in the COVID-19 Economic Relief initiative. We talked with Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director of BelTRAIDE, about the parameters of the assistance being offered and who will be able to access it.

  • Galen Virtual Economic Summit, 73min. Galen Virtual Economic Summit: Recovery, Continuity, Transformation: Opportunities and Innovations to adjust to the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Channel 5 Obituaries - EDEN ELIZABETH JONES, 2min.

  • SolutionsPlus Webinar, 1hr47min. Coordination and hosting of Financial Planning Webinar


  • Swimmers meet wild sharks and stingrays face to face in Belize, 1.5min. These swimmers in Belize were treated to an incredibly close encounter with wild sharks and stingrays. This is an are where the animals congregate to feed and breed. The are is a huge marine park that is protected. Although the animals are free to come and go as they please, they can come to no harm here.

  • Made in Belize - Nari Self Care, 14min. BELTRAIDE salutes our clients who are making waves in Belize! In this Made in Belize feature, we sat down with Sheena Gentle of Nari Self Care.@nari.bze Nari Self Care handcrafts skincare products made from all-natural ingredients. We encourage Belizeans to help build our country by buying from MSMEs.

  • Live Beach Cam - The Phoenix Resort - Ambergris Caye - San Pedro, Belize,

  • DJ TASH Soca Segment- Belize Got Talent Virtual Show (Hosted by DJ Dalla), 13min. Young Vibrant DJ Tash alongside mic man Junyah was aired live virtually on Belize Got Talent Show Hosted by DJ Dalla! DJ Tash's Soca Segment

  • Beach Around the World S1E1 - Bright Days In Belize, 24min. After the loss of her husband, a woman kept their traveling traditions alive and feels Belize's Caye Caulker is perfect for the family's future home. She brings her cousin along to find the ideal beach house with enough space for the family of six.

  • Images of Yucatan, Belize and Honduras, '03, 7min.

    July 8, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    UDP to elect its new party leader this weekend
    On Sunday July 12th, the ruling United Democratic Party (UDP) will attempt for a second time to elect a new party leader to replace retiring and long-time head of the party and Prime Minister Right Honourable Dean Barrow. The leadership convention scheduled to take place at the ITVET Centre in Belize City will see three UDP Ministers, Former Minister of National Security, Honourable John Saldivar, Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture, Honourable Patrick Faber and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honourable Wilfred Elrington.

    Three Ambergris Caye Fishermen arraigned and remanded for Attempted Kidnapping, Burglary and Wounding
    On Monday, July 6th, fishermen Ruben Avalos Martinez, Mark Hernandez and David Lopez of the San Mateo Subdivision were arraigned at the San Pedro Magistrate Court after being charged for the crime of Attempted Kidnapping, along with Burglary and Wounding. They were remanded to the Belize Central Prison and are scheduled to return to court on October 7, 2020. The incident took place on Saturday, July 4th, at a residence in San Mateo.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Wednesday July 8th Meal pick ups. Location: Barrier Reef Sports Bar & Grill Times: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am - 12:30pm.

    La Isla Carinosa Academy Open for Registration
    We welcome you to register for our new school year 2020-2021. Feel free to visit our office during any of the specified dates. You must wear a mask and be conscious of social distancing when visiting our office. Note: registration after 15th of July will incur a late registration fee.

    School Re-opening at La Isla Carinosa Academy
    On 10th August, we open LICA with a whole new way of living...face masks, face shields, social distancing, sanitizing very regularly, daily temperature screening, and SOP manual to follow. So, we bought a bunch of face masks, face shields, and infrared thermometers to ensure the safety, protection, and wellbeing of our LICA community. This week, we start measuring and marking for social distance. We must keep all members of our LICA community protected.

    "Golitos" Football Marathon
    Over the weekend, the San Pedro Sports Committee organized a "Golitos" Football Marathon for males and females. Over 16 male teams and 6 female teams signed but in the end, Las Piratas placed first and the Goal Strikers placed second in the female category. Placing first in the male category were the Malandros defeating Rony's Boys who placed second. Kudos to all the teams that participated and a great job to the organizers of the marathon for creating these events for the community to enjoy.

    Ms. Velma Melendez Passes away
    Mayor Daniel Guerrero, the San Pedro Town Council and Staff would like to extend its sincere condolences to family and friends of Ms. Velma Melendez on her sad passing. Ms. Velma was dear to the community and we will miss her singing at the various Karaoke events, especially for the Dia de San Pedro Karaoke competition. We hope her family and friends find the strength in each other to overcome this great loss. May her soul rest in peace.

    San Pedro Town Public Library Summer Program 2020
    The San Pedro Town Public Library is hosting its annual summer program starting Monday July 13th ends July 17th from 9:00am to 11:30am. For further information you can call us at 206-2028

    San Pedro Public Library Literacy Camp- Conservation
    San Pedro Town Public Library is pleased to present this year's Literacy Camp.Children ages 6-14 are invited to join us on July 24th until July 28th from 9:00 am- 11:00am.This event is free of cost. This year the camp will focus on conservations. Children will learn practical ways to practice conservation at home and in their environment. This activity aims to foster an appreciation for our environment.

    Think Positive and Shine
    Interactive session to learn quick and effective ways on how to enhance your customer experience to boost sales.

    If you or someone you know has four (4) spare empty barrels to donate or sell we would be truly grateful. The barrels are to be used for our decorated trash barrel project in Corozal. Either call 602-2126 or inbox us through this news blog.

    Multiple United Airlines repatriation flights from Belize
    United Airlines and the Government of Belize are providing a weekly repatriation flight from Belize City to Houston, TX every Friday until Philip Goldson International Airport opens on Saturday August 15, 2020. Flights are planned for the following dates (7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/07, and 8/14). United Airlines Flight UA 2421 departs Belize at 13:55 pm and arrives in Houston, TX at 17:32 pm. Please make a reservation directly with United Airlines at

    Deep Dive Talks
    This Thursday, Deep Dive Talks is back with our latest guest, local artist and fisherman, Ernest Garcia. We're excited to be talking to Mr. Garcia about not only his well-known marine life artistry, but also how he balances expressing his creativity with his long-time love of fishing. Join us on Instagram Live this Thursday, July 9th at 12:30PM CST as Oceana's Toledo Field Representative, Analee Chuc, chats with Ernest about his life, work and connection to the Caribbean Sea.

    Tourism Gold Standard Training Webinars
    The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) is offering a series of Tourism Gold Standard Training Webinars for all accommodation stakeholders. The webmars. which you can attend from the comfort of your home/ office using a computer or mobile device, will be delivered online and include a lively question and answer segment. These sessions will feature specific topics from the Tourism Gold Standard Health and Safety Protocols for Accommodations and Restaurants, particularly to assist employees with implementation. All sessions are offered twice to provide more opportunities for all stakeholders to benefit.

    COVID-19 Update | July 7, 2020
    A further 63 samples were tested today for SARS-CoV2 and all have turned out to be negative. Please continue to listen to the official sources of information and we all should continue to take the necessary prevention measures as they become a part of our new norms. Changing our behaviour as we move along with this pandemic will prove to be a vital element in addressing any further cases of COVID-19.

    Metal Haven Benque Double Header
    Metal Haven is having a double header this Saturday in Benque. It starts at La Playa, where Jose and Romario will do an acoustic set, and then moves to El Bohemio, where Kumar Quiroz and As Moonlight Falls will perform.

    Scholarship opportunity. Masters in Public Policy and Good Governance
    The Helmut-Schmidt-Programme is designed to academically qualify future leaders in the fields of social & political science, law, economics, public policy and administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. The programme offers highly qualified graduates with a first university degree the chance to obtain a master’s degree in disciplines that are of special relevance for the social, political and economic development of their home country.

    Channel 7

    Fast As Lightning, Hard As Thunder, Another Southside SOE
    Two weekend murders and a rise in armed robberies has prompted the state to declare another Southside state of emergency. It went into effect this morning at 3:00 am. And while you were sleeping, all gang neighbourhoods on the Southside were roused from their sleep by as many as 300 hundred police officers conducting raids and sweeps. The Minister of National Security explained the reasoning at a press conference this evening at the Raccoon Street police station:

    Police’s Rapid No-nonsense Response
    Now, the last Southside State of Emergency started on March 18th, and finished 30 days later. When it was done, the Police Commissioner Chester Williams wanted that another one would be put into effect at the sound of the first gunshot. And he has held true to that promise. Belize City had seen no gang murders since April - until last weekend. This evening, the Commissioner outlined a rapid and no nonsense response to a rising wave of crime:

    Ops Commander Vidal: We Arrested 99
    The cop coordinating the response on the ground was commander of operations ACP Marco Vidal. The former GSU creator and commander is known for his hard nosed approach, and he gave an outline of what was done in the city - and to those gangsters who fled the city to escape the police dragnet: "This morning between 3a.m. and 11a.m. we launched the operation that was mentioned earlier by the commissioner targeting ten gangs in the south side of Belize City. The primary focus, however, was two sections or two gangs; the Ghost Town gang and the South Side Gang and its immediate affiliates..."

    Is SOE The Only Tool That Police Have?
    So, while many in the public may applaud the police for the get-tough, rapid response. Others might ask, why such a drastic measure? A state of emergency suspends many of a citizen's fundamental rights - and infringes on the presumption of innocence and due judicial process. After all, many might say, shouldn't the police have other tools at their disposal? Rather than mass incarceration and suspension of citizens' right? The Commissioner explained that - as he sees it - convicting gangsters is difficult:

    Kicking In Doors At Dawn
    And while the Commissioner is receiving facebook praise for swift and decisive actions against gang members, as we told you earlier, he has his detractors. And in the wake of the new Southside state of emergency Cherisse Halsall found a trail of kicked in doors and shaken citizens. Here is that story. It was between 4:00 and 6:00 this morning when the Police and the GSU unleashed their own brand of violence on the southside of Belize City. This surveillance video from the home of Doris Grant in the Yabra area shows a mobile pulling up to her front yard and unloading a swarm of officers.

    Cops Answer Complainers
    AND, the press challenged those at the head-table about the complaints from the family members of these detained gang members. Some of the residents, as you saw in our story, was alleging police excess and damage to property.

    COMPOL Scolds Parents of G's
    And while Commissioner Williams was not entertaining those complaints, he also had harsh words for parents of those criminally involved young men who he has previously referred to as "animals." He said that it's no time to cry for hardened criminals: "And to the parents who continue to tolerate your children to behave like monsters among us..."

    Not All Detained will Be Jailed
    So, to recap, the Police have detained 99 gang members. These are persons who, according to their intelligence gathered, are either involved in some way with the two gang-related murders this weekend in the City, or the plans for retaliation against family members and friends of the deceased men. Finally, some of these detained individuals were picked up because police linked them to the recent spike in crimes such as armed robberies and the extortion of business owners. The press challenged the police on the possibility that the State of Emergency operations this morning led to the detention of gang members who are trying to stay out of trouble.

    Stevedores Upset: Institute Go-Slow At The Port
    Last week we took you to the Port of Belize where full-time staff hd commence a lunchtime protest of their 10% pay cuts. Those measures were escalated today when a go-slow was put into effect. The idea is to hit their employer where it hurts: on the bottom line. Now, PBL already claims that its bottom line was hurting due to COVID, and that's why these pay cuts were made. Now, the workers want the Port to feel deeper pain. This afternoon, as his colleagues chanted and hoisted signs in the air, Staff Rep Will Lambey told us that the go-slow is a completely separate action from a 21-day notice to strike.

    PSE Settles Hilltop Fight
    Tonight, the fight between the Belmopan City Council and the Public Service Union over the union's Hilltop Headquarters is over. The Union has entered an out-of-court settlement with the Council and the Government, and sometime next month, it will vacate that land, and leave it to the private company which the Council sold it to. You probably remember that very public dispute that the PSU had with the Belmopan City Council. In 2018, the Council sold the Union's Hilltop Property to the private company, Simplex Designs Limited. The union complained bitterly about this transaction because this property had been their base of operations for almost 20 years. They were claiming that the Council ought to have given them the first opportunity to purchase the land.

    Man Escaped Kidnappers, They Cleaned Out His House
    Tonight, we report on a very usual kidnapping attempt that occurred on the island town of San Pedro. 34-year-old Virgilio Gomez Alverto, a Honduran laborer from the island, has reported to police that 3 men attacked him at his home, and tried to force him onto a boat. When he escaped, the culprits burglarized his home and stole several of his appliances. Alverto says it all started at 11:00 on Saturday morning, he was at home in the San Mateo Area of San Pedro when 3 familiar men entered his home. One carried a machete, another had a knife, and, the other, a piece of stick.

    PUP Asks Court to Injunct PM
    For the past few weeks, we've been reporting on the PUP and the UDP's fight over a January judgement given by the former Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin. He found that the Prime Minister, as Minister of Finance and the Financial Secretary violated the constitution when they spent public funds without first getting parliamentary approval. And while that is what he said in court, Benjamin never delivered his formal judgement in writing, and so the government is calling it a non decision and carrying on like it never happened.

    PUP Blasts Brad’s "Boledo" Contract Renewal
    Last week we told you that Brad's gaming company had been granted another ten-year contract for Boledo/Lottery. Well, the PUP is not impressed. The Opposition says, quote: "Even in times of crisis, and cuts in critical sectors, it is business as usual for the UDP."

    Min. Nat. Sec. Renting From PM's Law Firm, Barrow and Williams
    Today's police press conference announcing the State of Emergency for Southside Belize City gave the press an opportunity to ask Police Minister Michael Peyrefitte about the plan for the Scenes Of Crime Personnel. Reports are the Government is entertaining the possibility of renting office spaces from Barrow and Williams, the Prime Minister's law firm building, which is located on Albert Street. The media asked Peyrefitte about that today, and he said that Gian Cho, the Director of the National Forensic Science Service, made the informed choice:

    Wilfred Waffles
    He's offering himself for leader of the UDP in 5 days, but Wilfred Elrington does not sound like a man on a mission. In a wholly mystifying interview with LOVE TV yesterday, he said he's in it, but not necessarily to win it: "My name is still in the race and it will remain there until after the procedure is finished on Sunday. I have had the opportunity to meet with most of the delegates. For one reason or the other I can't tell you that my support has been strong, I can't tell you that. Really, I was of two minds. One mind told me, don't get involved..."

    Thinking Beyond a Southside SOE
    As we showed you at the top of the news, 99 suspected gangsters are off the jail, and more are being sought. But, while the Southside state of emergency is a quick fix to create peace, it is not and could never be a long term solution for Southside crime - which is caused by structural poverty and violence. Today the Commissioner and the AG spoke about some alleged gangsters who were locked up the first time around and seemed to have gotten the message - so were spared this time. But, then there is the issue of long term containment of crime and lawlessness. Here's that:

    US Court Says Belizean has to Pay 138 Million in 30 Days
    A US District Court in Maryland says a Belizean man has 30 days to find 138.7 million US dollars to pay the Federal Trade Commission or risk jail time. John Usher, the Stann Creek resident who was allegedly the point man for the Sanctuary Belize scam has been found individually liable for multiple violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act. The Federal court found that Usher has formulated, directed, controlled, various fraudulent activities related to the Sanctuary Bay scam. It concludes that Usher willfully controlled and participated in the fraudulent scheme.

    PUP Rep Blasts Former BAHA Exec Director
    PUP shadow minister of agriculture, Orange Walk South's Jose Mai is on the attack against former Executive Director for BAHA, Emir Cruz. Cruz retired at the end of March after 7 years at BAHA. As part of his exit package, he got to take home his Director's vehicle, a 2016 Isuzu D-Max for a few thousand dollars. And while far form ideal, from our long observation of party politics in government, this kind of four-wheeled sendoff is not unusual; in fact, it's pretty standard. But, for Jose Mai, it sends the worst message - especially when Baha is facing budget cute. We spoke to him about it via zoom yesterday:

    Channel 5

    Another S.O.E. for South Side Belize City Amid Spike in Gang Violence
    At three o’clock this morning, another state of emergency came into effect in certain parts of Southside Belize City.  Police believe that the S.O.E. will abate gang activity and other [...]

    Are There Any Signs of S.O.E. Fatigue on Belizeans?
    The anti-gang state of emergency bookends the national state of emergency that expired on June thirtieth to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Effectively, the south side of Belize City has [...]

    Innocent Citizens Need not Worry About Dragnet
    Concerns from residents from the neighbourhoods that were swept by police this morning are centered around innocent citizens being corralled into the roundup.  While several persons complained loudly about damage [...]

    Families Want Justice for Slain Men
    The state of emergency for the south side of the city is a temporary measure of thirty days to prevent further bloodshed and other violence in the streets of the [...]

    5 Suspects in Both Murders are Detained
    Late this evening, the Commissioner of Police confirmed that a number of persons were taken into custody and questioned on their possible involvement in the murders of Faber and Miles. [...]

    Scenes of Crime Moves to Former Barrow and Williams Building
    The Attorney General also addressed today another issue that is bubbling. The Scenes of Crime team is being relocated from the Queen Street Police Station to a new home in [...]

    Quarter Billion-Dollar Judgment Handed Down Against John Usher
    A U.S. District Court in Maryland has handed down one of the biggest judgements against a local businessman in a case which has been described as one of the biggest [...]

    P.U.P. Asks Courts to Formalized Judgment against PM Barrow
    In the local courts, Opposition Leader John Briceño and Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee Julius Espat have made an application seeking that the Chief Justice’s ruling against Prime Minister [...]

    A Peaceful End to the Hilltop Property Dispute
    The Public Service Union saga on the Hilltop property has come to a peaceful conclusion. In what was to have been a case management in a counter-claim made by Simplex [...]

    P.U.P. Says Boledo Contract to Brads Stinks of Cronyism
    The ten-year contract for the administration of the lottery is coming under fire from the People’s United Party. Brads Gaming Company was awarded the contract by the government last week; [...]

    M.O.H. Calls on Public to Adhere to Healthy and Safety Measures
    Last week, Belize confirmed six new cases of COVID-19. The most recent patients were two Belizeans who entered the country illegally, but were placed under quarantine upon their entry.  They [...]

    Chetumal Placed Under Quarantine – Again!
    Chetumal has been placed under quarantine, again. That’s the news coming from our neighbours in the north. Televisa Quintana Roo, a Mexican news outlet, reports that the Secretary of Public [...]

    Sedi Opines on COVID-19 and the Economy
    COVID-19 continues to ravage countries around the world, including our Central and North American neighbors.  With Belize heavily reliant on the economies of Mexico and the United States, any downward [...]

    Prolonged Pantry and Unemployment Relief is Unsustainable
    While government’s relief initiatives, including the pantry and unemployment relief programmes, have gone a long way in helping families in need amid these COVID times, the granting of monies, as [...]

    CARICOM is Watching Guyana’s Political Impasse Closely
    While we spoke to the Foreign Minister on Monday, we also asked him about the situation in Guyana. Guyana is entering its fifth month of political deadlock since the results [...]

    San Pedro Man Claims Police Brutality
    There is another report tonight of the police abuse.  A man in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye is claiming that two police officers barged into his house at around eight-thirty on [...]

    Off Duty Cops are Off Duty at Non-Compliance Establishments
    The Commissioner of Police has complained about patrons of bars and nightclubs who are not complying with the measures in place to battle the pandemic. Chester Williams also says that [...]

    A Youth Summer Basketball Camp in the City
    Summer camps have been late to start this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, in fact, a number of organizations will not be conducting the popular programmes. But over [...]


    Drug plane, bound for Belize, crashes in Chetumal
    On Saturday night, a suspected drug plane that was being tracked from South America and appeared to be headed toward Belize’s airspace, made police scramble and deploy to a likely area where they believed it would land, and on their arrival at Chunox, they saw a road that was lighted with lanterns — in order to make it function as a runway. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams said that police took up a position and awaited the landing of the plane on the road, but the plane appeared, then circled the area, but it did not land. The plane then went across to an area in a nearby Mexican town, where it crash-landed, and not long after it burst into flames.

    Police charge 4 men for Scotiabank robbery
    Suspected bank robber, Gasman Henry Young, Jr., 24, of Belize City, who was one of five men who reportedly robbed a Scotiabank customer who was making a deposit at the bank’s Belama branch at about 3:00 yesterday afternoon, died after he was shot by police while trying to escape. The thieves, who stole a money bag from a depositor at the bank, which contained over $20,000 in cash and over $11,000 in checks, were confronted by police in the parking lot of the bank as they were getting away, and police fired at them. There was then a high-speed chase as the robbers drove from the parking lot into Henderson Street and towards Seashore Drive.

    Shaquille Raheem Myles, 23, executed by brazen gunman
    Shaquille Raheem Myles, 23, a laborer of Los Lagos, Belize District, was shot to death at about 7:00 Saturday evening. Myles and his friends were socializing at the corner of Waight Street and Fabers Road when a man, whose identity is not yet known, came up and shot Myles. The shooter then escaped. Myles ran into Fabers Road, where he collapsed. He had been shot in the head and chest.

    Raheem Faber, 20, shot and killed on Mayflower
    Raheem Faber, 20, a stevedore of the Yarborough area who foretold his death in April 2018, was shot and killed at about 11:30 Friday night in a yard on Mayflower Street. Police said that Faber was in the yard socializing with friends when a gunman rode up on a bicycle and shot him in the head and body, then rode away. All the persons in the yard scrambled for cover, and Faber ran out of the yard and toward Pine Street to escape, but he collapsed on the street.

    29th and 30th cases of COVID-19
    On March 23, 2020, Belize identified its first case of COVID-19, an unidentified woman of San Pedro, and ever since then, the nation’s government and health services have been on full alert. The island of San Pedro was put under quarantine, and when other cases were found in the Belize, Cayo, and Corozal Districts, the entire nation was put under near total lockdown for the entire month of April. The efforts were successful; in the first wave of the disease in Belize, there were only 18 cases, and 2 unfortunate deaths.

    Chon Saan goes after City Hall for old UDP bill
    The United Democratic Party Belize City Council that was led by Mayor Darrell Bradley left a paper trail of unpaid bills and other questionable financial transactions. The latest unpaid tab left by the previous council resurfaced on June 12, 2020, when attorney Mikhail Arguelles wrote the Belize City Council’s Senior Financial Manager, Rosalie Perez, on behalf of his client, Lee Mark Chang, owner of Chon Saan Restaurant. The subject of the letter was “re property tax arrangement.”

    Corporal accused of gun license fraud is released on bail
    Corporal Donald Pinelo of the Belmopan police was charged yesterday in the Belmopan Magistrate’s Court with 6 counts of forging official documents. No plea was taken and he was offered bail of $10,000 with 2 sureties of $5,000 each. Pinelo was able to meet bail and was ordered to return to court on Wednesday, October 28. He was prohibited from leaving the country without getting permission from the court.

    Court acquits Ontario laborer accused of stabbing caretaker
    Glenford Patterson, 27, a laborer of Ontario, who had been remanded since October 2018 on charges of attempted murder, aggravated burglary and use of deadly means of harm, was taken today to the Belmopan Magistrate’s Court, where he appeared in front of Magistrate Johnelle Villanueva for the committal of the case against him to a trial in the Supreme Court. But after examining the evidence produced by the defense and the prosecution, the trial magistrate found that the accused had not been properly identified. Patterson’s attorney, Hurl Hamilton, made a no-case submission, and the magistrate agreed, and Patterson was acquitted.

    Light & Peace Basketball Summer Camp 2020 under way
    With the lifting of the State of Emergency at the end of June, activity has immediately picked up in the sporting community, although the major competitive sports like football and basketball will take some time to get their new competitions under way. One area of activity that has quickly surged forward is the traditional “summer camps” for boys and girls during their school holidays, which have been much longer than usual this year, most schools having been closed from late March on account of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “Never forget the horrific Destruction of Libya”!
    In March of 2011, the “black” president of the United State Barack Obama, his VP Joe Biden and his warmonger Secretary of state Hillary Clinton green-lighted one of the most genocidal military attacks in modern history upon the independent and sovereign African nation of Libya. Not only was this a premeditated attack on Libya, but indeed an armada of the entire Western military alliance of NATO led the terror of a violent invasion. It was an arrogant and paternalistic show of white supremacy on a global scale.

    BPP leader says GOB must keep the PGIA closed to Americans, Mexicans and Guatemalans
    Ever since Prime Minister Dean Barrow announced that the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) will be open for commercial flights to jumpstart the tourism industry, many Belizeans have taken to social media to object to the opening of the airport. The objections were made by concerned individuals, however, and none of those objections had come from any organized group until now.

    Police to escort depositors to the banks
    Police will now escort representatives of businesses who are making bank deposits. The announcement was made today by Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams. The initiative is being undertaken to prevent the robbery of bank depositors, who have become a target of criminals. Commissioner Williams said that business owners can now call the Police Department to arrange for officers to escort depositors to the bank.

    Editorial: 10-year Boledo contract for Brads — 4 months before election
    It is not impossible that privatizing the Boledo, handing it to Brads Gaming Company Ltd. to run for ten years, was an extremely wise decision by the UDP government in 2009. Our national treasury was gaining less than $1 million from the game, and the contract reportedly called for $2 million annually as a licensing fee, and business tax. It is generally accepted that private businesses are run more efficiently than public ones, and it was common knowledge that the big vendors were skimming the profits of the Boledo; however, many felt that if government kept the game and put in a little effort to arrest the larceny, the gains for the national treasury would be greater than what we would get, have gotten, from privatizing it.

    Belizean Justin Williams No. 8 in Top 50 of Cycling News’ most influential people in cycling
    Thanks to a phone call to the Krem WUB this morning from another former Cross Country champion, Matthew Smiling, we entered a Google search and confirmed what Smiling shared, that two-time Belize Holy Saturday Cross Country Champion, Justin Williams had been named the No. 8 most influential person in cycling by the prestigious Cycling News international publication. Only two active cyclists are included in the seven individuals higher on the list than Justin.

    Sedi playing at leader maker
    I already told you that Sedi is no longer ready, for if he was, he wouldn’t be losing all these cases. In his youth, Sedi was invincible, and in his old age he is being battered, kicked around like ball on field. If I come over mean, forgive me, it’s only an effort to be truthful about what has happened to the gentleman’s cerebral powers, how it has eroded, naturally, because of inexorable Father Time. Oh no, I absolutely don’t like to see him being pummeled in the courts by foreigners. Atta dehn noh smaata than we!

    Dr. Jerome celebrates his 59th: March 7, 1987 …
    For the next few years all our affairs progressed at a timely pace, with no exceptional challenges facing either our country or the members of the extended family. In time the staffing of the hospital reached a comfortable stage, where Jerome and all members of the Surgery section, particularly, could be allowed to take their annual two weeks’ vacation, at least, while accumulating days towards their eventual long leave, without serious disruption to the work of the department.

    Hundreds of elephants are mysteriously dying in Botswana – a conservationist explains what we know
    Worrying news has recently come to light: hundreds of elephants have been found dead in Botswana, and as yet, there is no clear cause of death. But as an expert in elephants and their conservation, I believe we can at least rule out a few possible answers. Here’s what we do know: the first deaths were reported in March, but significant numbers were only recorded from May onwards. To date, it’s thought that the death toll stands at nearly 400 elephants of both sexes and all ages. Most of the deaths have occurred near the village of Seronga on the northern fringes of the Okavango Delta, a vast swampy inland region that hosts huge wildlife populations. Many of the carcasses have been found near to water.

    The Reporter

    Assistant Police Commissioner Marco Vidal Hospitalized
    There is a report that Assistant Commissioner of Police, Marco Vidal, is being hospitalized at a private hospital in Belize City after preliminary reports indicate he experienced breathing difficulties and "stroke-like" symptoms. The Head of Operations is said to have experienced the health difficulties after a late evening Police press conference on Tuesday, during which he and Police Commissioner, Chester Williams informed the nation of a State of Emergency imposed on the south side of Belize City.


    Hilltop Headquarters Saga comes to an end
    The saga involving the Public Service Union’s (PSU) Hilltop Headquarters in Belmopan has come to an end – and a happy one at that. This morning, the matter was settled in court at no cost to either of the three parties.

    Operations of the Belize Coast Guard during covid-19
    The three arms of the Ministry of National Security have had to work closer than every during the covid-19 endemic in order to ensure the safety of Belizeans. The Belize Coast Guard has been going above and beyond to assist in maintaining the State of Emergency regulations on sea as well as on land.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Tests return negative; Belize monitors 9 active cases of COVID-19
    Today, a further 63 samples were tested for COVID-19 and all have turned out to […]

    Police Eastern Division steps up presence in wake of recent murders
    Belize City residents have been greeted since Monday with regular checkpoints, stop-and-search operations and more mobile […]

    Five accused men held for weekend murders
    The Commissioner of Police Chester Williams confirmed to us that three persons are detained for […]

    State of Emergency: ‘The best weapon’
    According to Minister Michael Peyrefitte, law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear from another state of […]

    PUP calls out Government for renewal of national lottery contract for Brads
    Brads Gaming Group Limited (formerly Brads Gaming Company) will continue to administer the national lottery […]

    Marco Vidal: 99 arrested, more to come
    Ten gangs are under target in Belize City, according to ACP for Operations Marco Vidal. […]

    Commissioner to city criminals: You have been warned
    The Commissioner of Police, as he promised yesterday, has responded swiftly to the increased level […]

    Minister of National Security announces return to State of Emergency for parts of Belize City
    Minister of National Security Michael Peyrefitte has announced that as a temporary measure, the Governor […]

    China leads race for global COVID-19 vaccine
    China, the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, is leading the global race in finding a […]

    Belizean Defence Force Soldier graduates from U.S. Academy
    The Belize Defence Force (BDF) has announced with hearty congratulations the graduation of Warrant Officer […]

    Five years later, still no justice for Kareem Clarke
    It has been five years since Amandala journalist Kareem “Reemo” Clarke, 27, was murdered, but […]

    Reward out for Raheem Faber’s killer
    Police are offering a reward of up to $2,000 for the capture of the person/persons […]

    San Ignacio/Santa Elena Town Council, stakeholders host ‘Fireball’ business meeting
    Today, the San Ignacio and Santa Elena Town Council is hosting a meeting for the […]

    Brazilian President Bolsonaro tests positive for Covid-19
    CNN reports that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro personally announced on Brazilian TV channels today, Tuesday […]

    Ambassadors to discuss re-opening of Caribbean At Zoom Town Hall
    The ambassadors of multiple Caribbean countries including Belize have been invited to discuss how their […]

    $2,000 reward offered in Raheem Myles murder investigation
    Authorities are offering a reward for information regarding the murder of Raheem Myles, 23. Police […]

    University of Belize outlines cost-saving measures for surviving COVID-19 pandemic
    The University of Belize (UB) has issued a memo sharing some of its proposed action […]

    Wrong is Wrong
    By Lisa Shaman: I look at my UNIBAM rubber bracelet from 12 years ago. It says WE ARE ONE IN DIGNITY AND RIGHTS. Here we go. None of us is free from discrimination and injustice until we are all free. When I was Counsel to UNIBAM there were a few times […]


    Answers to MANY Questions About the August 15th Re-Opening
    Yesterday I wrote a post about what the Caribbean and Central Americas countries re-opening or not re-opening. Two weeks ago, we got a set date – August 15th. But there are LOTS of restrictions and safety measures – and last night, we got the answer to many of our questions. In an effort to keep all travellers to Belize informed, we are providing the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 below. We do invite you to consider postponing, rather than cancelling your vacation, and visiting our beautiful jewel in the near future when these restrictions are reduced. Kindly take note of our Frequently Asked Questions and all official updates from our Ministry of Health below to keep updated.

    Nine Places to See During your Belize Vacation
    Often times, visitors want to know the local hotspots for the must-do adventures to have when vacationing in Belize. If we had to choose some of the must-see sights and excursions in Belize, these nine places would undoubtedly make the list. Belize Barrier Reef, The Great Blue Hole, Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, The mystical ATM Cave, Xunantunich Maya Ruins, Caracol Maya Ruins, Monkey River, The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center, & Mountain Pine Ridge.

    Driving Times between Belize Destinations
    Belize is a small country, but some of our major destinations are still at least a half day’s road trip away from one another. Here’s what to expect when driving between major towns and cities in Belize. Plus, road and weather conditions can add to your travel time, especially if you drive at night. Driving is a good way to see Belize on your schedule. Belize has some incredibly scenic roads and highways. They rarely have a lot of traffic, and they’re fun to drive on. Stay safe by using common sense, obeying the speed limit and keeping an eye out for other drivers. Some side roads may not be lit at night, so bear that in mind when planning a road trip.

    What to know about coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel to Belize
    As the coronavirus situation evolves around the world, we will provide regular updates to help you make informed decisions about your Belize travel plans.

    International Sourcesizz

    WHO acknowledges 'evidence emerging' of airborne spread of COVID-19
    The World Health Organization on Tuesday acknowledged “evidence emerging” of the airborne spread of the novel coronavirus, after a group of scientists urged the global body to update its guidance on how the respiratory disease passes between people. “We have been talking about the possibility of airborne transmission and aerosol transmission as one of the modes of transmission of COVID-19,” Maria Van Kerkhove, technical lead on the COVID-19 pandemic at the WHO, told a news briefing.

    The 7 colors of the Bacalar Lagoon begin to disappear due to excessive tourism: UNAM
    Just half an hour from Chetumal, the Bacalar Lagoon is considered an emerging national destination, driven largely by the excess of sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean and the tourist developments that are increasingly expanding from the extreme north of Quintana Roo, to the border with Belize. The increase in its popularity as an alternative destination in the southeast of Mexico thanks to its unique lagoon and its strategic location on the way to Chetumal, have caused in less than five years that the number of travelers has increased exponentially.

    Your Sunscreen Is Probably Hurting the Ocean. Here's What to Do About It.
    I was at a surf competition on Oahu’s North Shore in early February, watching a crew of Brazilians do battle with Banzai Pipeline, when the heat’s live commentary was interrupted by a PSA. With a banal, “I know you’ve heard this a thousand times before” intonation, a voice reminded the thousands of spectators gathered along the beach to only use reef-safe sunscreens while enjoying the Volcom Pipe Pro. The broadcaster listed a couple chemicals that seemed difficult to pronounce, thanked a brand or two and then promptly transitioned to talking about açaí bowls. That, apparently, was that.


  • Stone Kraab Grill & Bar, 24min. Tim August is the Chef at Stone Kraab Grill & Bar. The lobster season is now open and so today he shared a recipe to add to your repertoire.

  • University of Belize - Update Segment 1, 24min. University of Belize officials were our guests to discuss the current crisis at the National University. They outlined the plans to adjust to the impact of COVID-19 and preparation underway for the new academic year. They also clarified the University's position on student fees and proposed salary cuts. Professor Emeritus Dr. Clement Sankat - President, University of Belize. G.A. Harrison Pilgrim - Chairman, University of Belize Board of Trustees.

  • University of Belize - Update Segment 2, 40min.

  • Belize Chamber & Commerce & Industry - Introduction to Digital Marketing, 14min.

  • University of Belize Faculty & Staff Union - State of Affairs, 44min.

  • Belize Network of NGOs - National Recovery Strategy, 41min.

  • BELIZE snorkeling with sharks in Belize, 2min. Belize - the second largest coral reef in the world. Marine Reserve Hol Chan, SharkAley and Coral Garden, snorkeling with sharks, turtles, stingrays on coral reefs accompanied by local guides Carlos and Salvador. A real travel experience.

  • Cave World Adventures Bats in Belize, 1min. The Curtain Room inside Actun Chapat cave in Belize Largest Cave in Central America

  • Launch of the Belize Open Government Plan Development: Public Discussion, 82min. In advancing open government in Belize through a multi-stakeholder co-creation approach, the Trust for the Americas and the Organization of the American States (OAS), are supporting during 2020 the process for developing Belize’s first open government action plan. The Action Plan is intended to serve as the instrument to orient the actions of stakeholders in Belize to accomplish certain open government commitments that are identified and agreed by government and non-government in different topics and/or sectors.

  • "Couch Potato Sharks" Snorkeling with Nurse Sharks Caye Caulker Belize - Our Fly Ocean, 1min. Nurse sharks are known as the "Couch Potato" of Sharks in the Shark world. They are able to stay still in contrast to bigger sharks like the Great White who need to keep swimming in order to breathe. This video was filmed off the coast of Caye Caulker, Belize.

  • Ministry of Human Development Downtown Rejuvenation Project, 3.5min. Here is a short video on the history of the new Women and Family Support Department Building that will be open this month. The new building located on Albert Street is a collaboration between the Ministry to Tourism and Civil Aviation (Downtown Rejuvenation Project) and the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation.

    July 7, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    SPTC works on street and sidewalk rehabilitation
    Works to rehabilitate Blake Street leading into the San Pablo Subdivision are underway by the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC). The much-needed upgrade to the streets has now extended to CocoPlum Street, where on Monday, July 6th, heavy machinery equipment was observed at work. In the downtown area, the SPTC is reconstructing the sidewalk next to the Roman Catholic Primary School. The street upgrade leading to the San Pablo Area began on Friday, July 3rd, with Blake Street getting the needed renovation. The plan is to rehabilitate all streets in the subdivisions that are in dire condition.

    Governments of United Kingdom and Canada and PAHO/WHO donate over USD$271,135 of PPEs for COVID-19 Response in Belize
    As Belize strives to be prepared for the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the country, the Governments of the United Kingdom and Canada collaborated with the Pan American Health Organization to support the Ministry of Health of Belize to continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic through the donation of various items valued at USD$271,135.

    Ambergris Today

    Pic of the Week: Into The Blue With Amigos Del Mar Divers
    It looks so peaceful down there, doesn't it? COVID worries away, the dive crew and staff of Amigos del Mar Dive Shop, Ambergris Caye, Belize, took to the clear waters off the coast of La Isla Bonita as a reminder of just how awesome diving is in Belize. After way too much time under quarantine, the inviting waters at Esmeralda Canyons were the perfect therapy. - Picture by John Romero

    Various Belizean Sources


    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Tuesday, July 7th Meal pick ups Location: Food Republic. Times: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am - 12:30pm.

    BNN’s National Recovery Strategy Tabled at National Oversight Committee
    In addition to recommendations on economic recovery, the document outlines steps that can be taken to enhance Belize’s agricultural sector and food security; strengthen the national health system; have the country’s educational institutions adapt to meet student needs; lessen the nation’s tourism product to external shocks; and implement crisis planning and response mechanisms across the public and private sector.

    Caribbean-American Heritage Month: Celebrating the U.S. – Caribbean Partnership
    Looking back on June 2020’s National Caribbean-American Heritage Month celebrations across the region.

    Thirty-Two Years of Integrating Archaeology and Heritage Management in Belize: A Brief History of the Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance (BVAR) Project’s Engagement with the Public
    Archeology is more than just digging in the dirt, it’s cultural heritage management and precise archaeological research! Click the link to read on the contributions BVAR (Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project) has done over the past 32 years!

    Monday with the Maya: Itzamna
    Itzamna, the creator deity, was an all pervasive deity with many aspects - being the first priest, inventor of writing and curer of disease in the Maya world. In his celestial aspect Itzamna is associated with the Principal Bird Deity and is said to have been the first to name the places in Yucatán and to divide the lands. A benevolent Itzamna was invoked in several calendrical ceremonies. In the Maya New Year ceremonies he was honored to avert calamities. Along with Ix Chel, he was invoked as the god of medicine and was the patron god of the day Ajaw , the final and most important day of the twenty Maya days.

    Las Fiestas to our Patron St. Our Lady of Mount Carmel
    Las Fiestas to our Patron St. Our Lady of Mount Carmel will start tomorrow July 7th - 16, 2020, every morning at 4:00 a.m. with the traditional festivities Alboradas. This season as a community we will be observing a few modifications but may we guided to enrich and grow with the experiences that the year has been providing.

    Housekeeping - Covid secure Training
    In an effort to help the hospitality industry re-open on August 15th, HTS – Belize has revised some of its current training programs to fit within the BTB and Ministry of Tourism reopening guidelines and new Gold standard for accommodations. Below is a list of upcoming training & certification being offered. Please click on the training you are interested in to see detailed information. For questions call 615-6444 or email

    “Diving in the Caribbean and Risk Mitigation” webinar
    Want to learn more about the Caribbean and its underwater marvels? The TASC is hosting its “Diving in the Caribbean and Risk Mitigation” webinar on July 14. Join in as a panel of knowledgeable speakers discuss this topic.

    Scholarship Opportunity
    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the association of German universities, is currently calling for applications for full scholarships programmes for master's and some doctoral studies at German universities. The Development-Related Postgraduate Courses- Educating Professionals for Sustainable Development – Program offers the possibility of studies in various areas relevant to development (economics, natural resources, engineering, international public health and others).

    Belize Botanic Gardens Horticulture Training Program
    Hello Gardeners, we are pleased to inform you that we will be having classes on the topics listed in the pic. $40 per person per class. You can choose which topics you will like to learn about and come on that day. To secure a spot send us a message or call 671-3322. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS OPPORTUNITY!

    IOM Belize Organizes First Humanitarian Charter Flight for Stranded Migrants
    The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Belize organized on Friday (03/07) its first humanitarian charter flight carrying 32 stranded Salvadorans nationals to El Salvador. and bringing 13 Belizeans who returned home from El Salvador. The group had been waiting in Belize and Salvador for almost four months due to COV1D- 19 related border and airport closures. The Salvadoran group included 20 males and 12 females. 1 of whom is a minor, and the Belizean group included 8 females and 5 males. "There are currently limited routes for migrants to return home. Through the support of and close coordination with government authorities, partners and 10M teams. We have been able to ensure Salvadorans and Belizeans can reach their countries of origin in a safe and orderly manner" said Malina Galanu. Project Specialist with the I0M Belize.

    Governments of United Kingdom and Canada and PAHO/WHO donate over USD$271,135 of PPEs for COVID-19 Response in Belize
    As Belize strives to be prepared for the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the country, the Governments of the United Kingdom and Canada collaborated with the Pan American Health Organization to support the Ministry of Health of Belize to continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic through the donation of various items valued at USD$271,135. "The UK Government is committed to supporting our Belizean friends and partners through this global crisis," said British High Commissioner to Belize, Claire Evans OBE. "By all of us working together, we can all help save lives, protect vital healthcare systems, reduce the risk of future waves of infection globally and, together, work to help mitigate the wider social and economic impacts of Covid-19. In addition, the UK is, with a multi-million-pound commitment, working towards the development of a possible vaccine."

    Tropic Air adding flights between Belize City (TZA) and San Pedro (SPR) on weekends
    Starting this weekend (July 11), we are adding flights between Belize City (TZA) and San Pedro (SPR) on Saturdays and Sundays. Schedule is below: Saturdays: San Pedro (SPR) to Municipal (TZA) 9:00am, Municipal (TZA) to San Pedro (SPR) 9:30am. Sundays: San Pedro (SPR) to Municipal (TZA) 4:00PM, Municipal (TZA) to San Pedro (SPR) 4:30PM. Opening hours for both San Pedro and Belize City Stations over the weekend are as follows: Saturday: 8:00am - 10:00am, Sunday: 3:00pm - 5:00pm.

    A further 38 samples were processed today, majority of these being from the flights that arrived on Friday, July 3rd (some pending for tomorrow). All samples today are negative for SARS-CoV2. We remain with 9 active cases and we continue to ask the community to exercise the necessary prevention measures, especially as we move into new norms and the evolving evidence in terms of COVID-19.

    Hon. Pablo Marin visits Molecular Biology Unit at Central Medical Lab
    This morning the Minister of Health, Hon. Pablo Marin visited the Molecular Biology Unit at the Central Medical Lab to see the recent donations that will assist us to increase our COVID-19 testing capabilities as we work towards ensuring more efficient and shorter turnaround time to process samples. The donations in the photograph included the Pockit Analyzer donated by the Government of Taiwan and the QuantStudio 7Pro thermocycler donated by Belize Bank through the Lord Michael Ashcroft Fund. The Minister extends appreciation on behalf of the people of Belize for all the donations we are getting and for those who have committed to continue to help us.

    SISE Family Park Fest
    The SISE Family Park Fest will be on Saturday, July 18th, at the Macal River Park. DJ Mesmerize and many other DJ's will be mixing. Good food and music, and fun for the entire family.

    Commonwealth launches webinar series for youth to take charge of their future
    Hey are you a young person? Curious about how you can get involved and take charge of your future? Register today! The first webinar is July 15th! Don’t miss out!!

    A before and after of Xunantunich!
    These photographs are from a newly published paper that re-traces the archeological research and cultural heritage management of major sites in Belize. The authors "emphasize the need to train Belizeans as professional archaeologists and conservators, to serve as the next generation of advocates for Belize’s heritage management."

    It's one of the most picturesque parts of the country, and the natural beauty of the Stann Creek Valley is further enhanced by the remarkable transformation of the road that passes through it. The Stann Creek Valley Road, which is the continuation of the Hummingbird Highway, has been completely rehabilitated and repaved all the way to Dangriga, all the narrow bridges removed, and road safety features added, such as guard rails, line markings, reflective road studs (cat’s eyes), traffic signs, pedestrian crossings and bus stops. It’s a pretty handsome investment that was long overdue and part of the nationwide infrastructure transformation that has become the hallmark of this UDP Dean Barrow Administration. Development you can see, feel and drive on!

    Channel 7

    City Sees First Gang Related Murders in Months
    Gang related murders came back to the city this weekend after a more than three month break - and the first victim is a teenager. 19-year-old Raheem Faber was murdered on Friday night in what police are calling a gun deal gone bad. It happened just before midnight at the corner of Ebony and Mayflower streets, where Faber and four other young men were hanging out. Reports are that Faber who had been targeted was shot with a gun that he sold. His family believes that he was called out of his home that night to be executed. Cherisse Halsall Reports: It's a parent's worst nightmare: a sharp knock at the door from what turns out to be the police followed by the quiet and somber revelation that your child has passed away killed by senseless gun violence.

    The Killing Of Two Raheems
    Less than 24 hours later, another Raheem, 23-year-old Raheem Myles had also been shot and killed in a very similar scenario. Police believe the two murders are directly connected. Myles was hanging out with friends at the corner of Faber's Road and Waight streets when he was gunned down. This morning the Commissioner of Police provided an explanation for the connection between the killing of the two Raheem's, each gunned down in the other's neighborhood: "The shooting of the other Raheem, Raheem Myles, from what we're seeing, is a retaliation for the death of Faber." And while the matter is cut and dry for the Commissioner, Myle's father had yet to be brought up to speed when we met him this morning. even expressing sympathy for the killing that police say ultimately resulted in the murder of his own son.

    Police Move Swiftly To Stem Gang Violence
    For the police department, these gang-related murders are a big priority, because they are the first since mid March when the Southside State of Emergency was put into effect. Today, the police commissioner said that they have been receiving persistent reports that the City's gangs are increasing their criminal activities once again - and those two weekend murders are proof of that. Compol Chester made it clear that his department isn't going to tolerate any kind of lawlessness or threats public safety:

    Cus Killed In San Pedro Columbia
    And while this press conference was taking place, the press began receiving reports that a another murder had occurred, this one in the Toledo Village of San Pedro Colombia. When the press asked the Police Commissioner about it, he said that he hadn't yet been briefed by his responding officers: Reporter: "Sir, is there any information on the murder in PG?" Chester Williams Commissioner of Police: "I just got a text that there was some chopping in San Pedro Colombia, Punta Gorda and the victim may have succumb. Other details at this time I don't have."

    Drug Plane Overflies Belize, Lands on Mexican Highway
    It's a striking visual image: a drug plane set on fire on a paved highway in broad daylight. It happened bright and early on Sunday morning on a rural two-lane highway in Central Quintana Roo - not far from Felipe Carillo Puerto. The Mexican Ministry of Defence had been tracking the jet and when it landed there was a shootout with the Mexican Army. With the support of the Navy an operation was deployed in the vicinity, with two "tanks" and a helicopter, to search for the alleged drug traffickers. A search of the nearby area led to the discovery of a truck, which was carrying 13 parcels of suspected cocaine weighing 66 pounds. Preliminary estimates are that it is valued at approximately 4.9 million dollars.

    Alleged Scotiabank Robbers Charged
    Last week Friday's headline story was about Gasman Henry Young, the accused bank robber who died in a shoot-out with police. The cops say that he was one of 5 culprits who attempted to carry out a brazen, broad-daylight robbery of Scotiabank's Belama Branch. Tonight, his alleged co-conspirators are at the Belize Central Prison after they were arraigned in Magistrate's Court today. They are identified as 28-year-old Jason McKenzie, 29-year-old Anthony Barrow, and 24-year-old Leon Westby, and a 17-year-old, and today they were all jointly arraigned on the offenses of robbery, aggravated assault, damage to property, keeping an unlicensed firearm, and keeping unlicensed ammunition.

    Robbers Pounce On Bayview Oasis Bar
    But, while police have managed to close the case on that Scotiabank Heist, they don't have anyone detained yet for a robbery which happened on Saturday afternoon at the Bayview Oasis Bar. IT'S is located at mile 5 on the Philip Goldson Highway, and preliminary investigation from police indicates that 2 armed men followed a Bowen delivery truck, robbed its employees, and then robbed a Bayview employee. Here's more from the cops: "On Saturday, just at about 3 p.m., police responded to a robbery at Oasis Bar, located on the Philip Goldson Highway, where they spoke to a delivery truck driver for Bowen and Bowen..."

    COVID Coming From Across The Borders
    On Friday night we told you that the Ministry of Health was expecting at least one other case of COVID case to be confirmed later that night. And, by 8:00 pm, we had not one but two new cases. They are a man and a woman who entered the country illegally through La Union in the Orange Walk District. The good news is that they are asymptomatic and have been confined to the mandatory quarantine area from when they were caught coming across. So that brings it 9 active cases - all in quarantine. They comprise 8 Belizeans and one Honduran. In fact, all of the last 12 cases - from case 19 - which appeared on June fifth through to case 30 - which appeared last Friday, are all imported.

    Another Border Jumper...
    That's what residents of Guinea Grass did this weekend when they saw a suspected border jumper roaming around a farm on a village road. They called police and the Quick Response Team responded. They found a Guatemalan, 50-year-old Elias Hernandez Lopez.

    IOM Guarantees A "Dignified Return Of Migrants"
    So, back to Friday's two repatriation flights that touched down at the PGIA. The first was a United flight out of the US and the second a TAG Airlines from Salvador. Tonight we can tell you that that TAG airline flight was the first of its kind, a humanitarian charter flight for stranded migrants. The chartered flight carried 32 Salvadoran nationals back to Salvador and to brought 13 Belizeans home from El Salvador.

    Plenty PPE’s From UK & Canada
    The UK and Canadian governments in collaboration with PAHO and the World Health Organization have donated half a million dollars worth of PPE for Belize's COVID response. The much-needed supplies were presented to Minister of Health Pablo Marin in an official handing over ceremony this afternoon at the P.G.I.A. Here's how British High Commissioner Claire Evans put the donation in context. "Yes, well the UK had donated $340,000BZD we're doing it in partnership with PAHO and with our colleagues from the Canadian government so it's part of a wider contribution that we're making from the UK to the Caribbean."

    Masks Are a Must In Da Club Says COMPOL
    Today at his press conference the commissioner of police underscored - once again - that if you go to a nightclub, you have to use a mask. This weekend was the first without curfew in months, so many people hit the clubs. The COMPOL says a mask is a must, punto final: "I have given a directive this morning that police officers will not be working at certain establishments, these are nightclubs. One of the reasons for that is because some of them are not sound proof; some do not have an exit and entry separate..."

    Malathion Shipment Arrives
    The heavy rains of June and May have passed, but Mosquito season is still in swing. And, the Ministry of Health today just got a long awaited shipment of mosquito killer Malathion. COVID had slowed down the shipment of supplies, so the Health Department has been using leftover supplies from last year.

    UB Responds To Students
    Last week, we told you about the frustration of the members of the University of Belize's Faculty and Staff Union. They were reporting that after weeks of pleading with the President, Clement Sankat, and the Board of Trustees, the senior administration of the national university was persisting in its attempts to exclude them from the difficult conversation about how the institution will survive the COVID-induced economic crisis facing the country. The union and the staff and faculty members the represent had given the Board and the President until 11 o'clock today to include them in the decision-making process, or else, the teachers would engage in industrial action.

    Vehicle Plunges Into Drain No One Hurt
    Fortunately, no one was hurt today on the Western Highway when a vehicle plunged headfirst into a drain and ended up on its side. It happened in front of Hot Mama's in Unitedville where passersby came to the rescue and flipped the vehicle right side up in order to free the driver who had become trapped inside. He appeared semi unconscious.

    Channel 5

    Raheem Faber is Gunned Down on Ebony Street
    Within days of the lifting of the curfew, violence has returned to the streets of the city. Two men were killed over the weekend and it is believed the murders [...]

    Raheem Myles is Murdered in Retaliation
    Less than twenty-four hours after the killing of Raheem Faber, Raheem Myles was gunned down. Police believe it was a retaliatory murder, avenging the shooting death of Faber.  When Myles [...]

    A Chopping Death in Southern Belize
    A man was killed in southern Belize. The body of Pedro Cus was found this morning around ten-forty behind his uncle’s property in San Pedro Columbia in Toledo. Reports are [...]

    Four Men, Including a Minor, Are Arraigned for Armed Robbery at Scotiabank
    The four persons accused of carrying out a brazen afternoon armed robbery at Scotiabank Belama Branch appeared in court today.  Anthony Barrow, Jason McKenzie, Leon Westby and a minor are [...]

    Police Seeking Two Suspects in Oasis Bar Robbery
    There was a robbery in the city and police are looking for two suspects. It happened around three o’clock on Saturday afternoon at the Oasis Bar on the Philip Goldson [...]

    Latest COVID Patients Confirm Positive on Second Test!
    On Friday, Belize recorded two more cases of COVID-19.  This brings the total number of cases to thirty, nine of which are active. Today, thirty-eight more samples were processed, but [...]

    ComPol Says Cops Will Not Work at Some Establishments
    Commissioner of Police Chester Williams says that a number of patrons in bars and nightclub establishments weren’t wearing masks this weekend. He notes that social distancing was also not being [...]

    Belizean Security Forces Ward Off Narco Plane
    Belizeans security forces on Saturday night deterred a narco plane from landing in the country. That plane was forced to crash land on a highway in Quintana Roo, Mexico. The [...]

    Murder Case of Steven Moss Gets Underway
    The murder case of Steven Moss got underway today before Supreme Court Justice Colin Williams in a trial without a jury. But while the case was set to start, it [...]

    Police Say Dylon Flowers is Released Pending Investigation
    On Friday we told you that forty-year-old Dylon Flowers was released from police detention pending further investigation. Today Superintendent of Police Alejandro Cowo confirmed this to say that the D.P.P.’s [...]

    Cops to Step Up Crime Fighting!
    In the past few weeks we’ve been reporting on a number of robberies and just this weekend two Belize City men were killed.  Police say that gang rivalry is at [...]

    ComPol Williams: “Gang members will not be allowed to have their way in the city!”
    And when it comes to the gangs, Commissioner Chester Williams says that he has zero tolerance for the crimes they are committing and will not be taking it lightly – [...]

    U.B.F.S.U. Meets with University’s Finance Subcommittee
    As the crisis at the University of Belize continues to fester, the executive of the University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union met at length with the president and management [...]

    U.B.F.S.U. Still Not Certified Despite Assurances from Labor Department
    The failure to have the union certified, according to Doctor Pio Saqui, falls squarely on the Department of Labour since a letter sent to U.B.F.S.U. on January twenty-ninth indicated that [...]

    Financial Crisis Leaves UB in Tailspin
    The University of Belize spends a huge amount of money in salaries and wages, as much as one point three million dollars every month.  That staggering figure eats up seventy-five [...]

    B.M.D.A. Says K.H.M.H.A.’s Decision to Terminate Doctors is Unjustifiable
    As part of its cost cutting measures, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital has terminated professional contracts.  In May, the hospital ended its contract with Ophthalmologist, Doctor Amin Hegar.  Later in June, [...]

    P.P.E.s Donated to Belize
    A little over half a million Belize dollars worth of Personal Protective Equipment was donated to Belize by the governments of the United Kingdom, Canada and PAHO/WHO for the country’s [...]

    C.W.U. Continues Protest Against P.B.L.
    The staff at the Port of Belize Limited today continued their demonstration against their employer. The management at the Port has decided to cut staff salaries by ten percent due [...]

    Sedi is Still in the U.D.P.’s Leadership Race
    Pickstock Area Representative, Wilfred ‘Sedi’ Elrington is the third candidate running in the upcoming U.D.P. leadership convention this Sunday. The two others are Patrick Faber and John Saldivar. The second [...]

    Murdered Five Years Ago and Still No Justice for Kareem Clarke
    Five years ago to this date, Kareem Clarke was gunned down in Belize City. The journalist was heading home on his bicycle when he was met by gunfire. Like so [...]

    Still No Justice for Kyla Young
    Kareem Clarke isn’t the only family member that Melanie Young has lost to gun violence.  Her seventeen-year-old daughter, Kyla Young, was shot and killed in Belize City in February of this [...]


    Opposition Leader goes on countrywide tour
    The Leader of the Opposition, John Briceno, has started his countrywide tour in the Cayo District. His goal is to meet with residents and address their concerns.

    University of Belize’s chairman responds to UBFSU
    The University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union (UBFSU) has been declared as uncertified to act as a registered group. Chairman of the University of Belize, Harrison Pilgrim spoke to Love News over the weekend where he explained that the institution is yet to see any official documents on the union’s viability in representing the faculty and staff.

    Stevedores face their own issues at PBL
    In the first half of our news we told you of the protest by the Port of Belize Limited workers. There is another story coming out of the operations at the Port; this time involving the stevedores.

    Gang retaliation leaves another man dead
    The second young man that was killed was 23-year-old Raheem Miles. On Saturday sometime around 7pm, Miles was standing at the corner of Faber’s Road and Waight Street when he was shot several times. Police believe that his murder is in retaliation of the death of Raheem Faber.

    Teenager killed in Belize City
    The two other weekend murders are reportedly gang related. The first occurred just before midnight on Friday. 19-year-old Raheem Faber was standing at the corner of Ebony and Mayflower Street when he was killed. Superintendent Alejandro Cowo gave us more details on what transpired.

    No increase for UB’s tuition
    The Faculty and Staff union is not the only force that the University of Belize’s Board of Trustees has to reckon with. Recent decisions have also upset the student body, who took to social media to protest against a proposed increase in tuition.

    Protest at Port of Belize Limited continues
    For four days the Port of Belize Limited employees have been protesting during their lunch breaks against the implementation of a 10% pay cut. The protest began last week and according to the Chief Representative for the workers, Wayne Lambey, the PBL has declined to meet with the employees and the labor department.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Minister of Health visits Central Medical Lab
    Today, Minister of Health, Pablo Marin visited the Molecular Biology Unit at the Central Medical […]

    Medical and Dental Association concerned about doctors losing their jobs
    The Belize Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) is calling on the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital […]

    Latest batch of COVID-19 tests come back negative
    The Ministry of Health (MOH) reported today that the latest batch of COVID-19 tests has […]

    Police Department cracking down on nightclubs
    The Police Department is renewing its challenge on nightclubs, among the last establishments to reopen […]

    Murders of Raheem Faber and Raheem Myles linked by retaliation, rivalry
    The otherwise separate murders this weekend of Raheem Myles and Raheem Faber in Belize City […]

    Football Federation of Belize plots August return
    The Football Federation of Belize (FFB) today announced plans to resume competition in all disciplines […]

    National Hydrological Service says flood levels are falling
    The National Hydrological Service of Belize informed today that flood levels are falling. The weather […]

    Tropic Air adds weekend flights between Belize City and San Pedro
    Tropic Air Belize informed today that beginning this weekend, the company is adding flights between […]

    Pedro Cus chopped to death in San Pedro Columbia, body found by uncle
    Pedro Cus, 26, a farmer of San Pedro Columbia Village, Toledo was found dead on […]

    United Kingdom, Canada and Pan American Health Organization hand donate Personal Protective Equipment to Belize
    Today, the British High Commissioner to Belize, Claire Evans was in attendance at the handing […]

    Police confirm arrests in robbery at Scotia Bank
    Police have arrested and charged three persons with a robbery of a depositor at Scotiabank […]

    Police awaiting doctor’s report in Burrell Boom shooting
    The death of Roy Fitzgerald Gabourel remains under investigation by Police. The report of a […]

    Hurricane center issuing advisories for Tropical Storm Edouard, located over North Atlantic
    The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisories on Tropical Storm Edouard located over the North […]


    COVID-19 Update for Travellers
    In an effort to keep all travellers to Belize informed, we are providing the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 below. We do invite you to consider postponing, rather than cancelling your vacation, and visiting our beautiful jewel in the near future when these restrictions are reduced. Kindly take note of our Frequently Asked Questions and all official updates from our Ministry of Health below to keep updated.

    COVID-19: Tourism & Re-openings in the Rest of Central America
    Belize’s borders have been closed since the end of March. Just last week, a very limited re-opening of the International Airport has been announced for August 15th. Arrivals in Belize are HIGHLY recommended to have a COVID test within 72 hours of arrival to be fast-tracked thru the customs and immigration process. But they will have to go directly to a certified hotel that will provide not just a room but meals, tours, and everything that the visitor will need. There are still MANY questions about the specifics. How long do they expect this phase to last? What metrics will they be looking at to expand tourism – allow tourists to exit their hotels? What about homeowners and people visiting those with home – when can they return? Hopefully, we will get some answers soon.

    The Green Iguana Conservation Project at San Ignacio Resort Hotel
    Love animals? Then this one’s for you. Get the chance to spend the day with these amazing local lizards at the Green Iguana Conservation Project. Started in 1996, The Green Iguana Conservation Project is a continuous effort that aims to conserve and look after the endangered Green Iguana species in Belize. Located within the lush Macal Valley grounds of the San Ignacio Resort Hotel, this excellent program collects and hatches iguana eggs, raising the reptiles until they are past their most vulnerable age. The iguanas are then released into the wild.

    International Sourcesizz

    The Quiet Village of Seine Bight, Belize
    Belize is full of hidden gems, and you’ll find one just outside the popular beach town of Placencia. The village of Seine Bight is a few miles north of Placencia between Maya Beach and the Placencia Lagoon. It’s a quiet place that feels like it’s a world away from the popular tourist destinations of Placencia Village, San Ignacio or San Pedro in Ambergris Caye. Seine Bight’s original inhabitants were the ancient Maya, who established a trading settlement on the shores of both bodies of water. Pirates discovered this hideaway on the beach in the 17th century, later using it as a trading post of stolen loot for many years. Today, Seine Bight is a stronghold for the Garifuna.

    Tropical storm Edouard is fifth named storm of 2020, earliest such Atlantic storm on record
    Mother Nature put on her own modest Fourth of July fireworks over the weekend, when Tropical Depression 5 formed near Bermuda on July 4. Despite marginal conditions for development – sea surface temperatures (SSTs) near 25 degrees Celsius (77°F), moderate wind shear, and dry air – TD 5 managed to intensify into Tropical Storm Edouard at 11 p.m. EDT July 5. By 11 a.m. EDT July 6, Edouard had intensified to 45 mph winds as it sped northeast at 37 mph over the open Atlantic. Edouard was the earliest fifth Atlantic named storm formation on record, beating the record set by Emily on July 12, 2005. The fifth named storm of the year typically does not occur until August 31, so we are nearly two months ahead of climatology. None of this year’s named storms have been hurricanes, and the first hurricane of the season usually arrives by August 10.

    Belize: Cuban women on the front line
    The Cuban medical brigade in Belize is on the front line of the fight against Covid-19, and the women who make it play a key role. Dr. Mauro Castelló told Cuba Internacional vía the Internet that Cuba's medical cooperation started more than 30 years ago and since then, hundreds of physicians, licentiates and health technicians have visited the country. All of them have rendered their services in all six districts of the nation: Belize, Cayo, Corozal, Orange Walk, Stann Creek and Toledo, noted Castelló, who is a pediatric surgeon.

    IOM organizes double return flight between Belize and El Salvador
    A plane chartered by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) completed last Friday a round-trip humanitarian flight, carrying 32 Salvadoran nationals from Belize to El Salvador and bringing home 13 Belizeans on the return trip. "This is the first large group movement of its kind for stranded migrants in Belize through IOM Assisted Voluntary Return Program," said Diana Locke, IOM's Head of Office in Belize. “This represents a big step in the right direction for the dignified return of migrants in the region.”


  • Peter Lawrence on ReefTV, 2hr.

  • Brent's Two Cents: The Semi-Serious Thoughts of a Guy in Belize, Episode 1 - KKK / PGIA / UDP, 30min. The former leader of the KKK might be a citizen of Belize. Concern about Covid-19 when the Belize International Airport re-opens in August. And everything old could be new again when the UDP elects their next leader. It's the debut episode of Brent's Two Cents, the newest podcast from Belize!

  • Belize Barrier Reef: Exotic Fish, Sea turtle, Shark [National Geographic Documentary 2020 HD, 52min. The Belize Barrier Reef is the second-largest coral reef system in the world. Estimated to be nearly 4,000 years old, its waters are home to an immense marine ecosystem. Explore a deep blue wilderness brimming with rare, exotic fish, sea turtles, sharks, and huge green morays.

  • 60 Second Science: Measuring Jaguar Density in Belize, 1.5min. Panthera Research Fellow Bart Harmsen tells us about his new study on how to best measure jaguar density in Belize's Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary. Researchers recommend longer and more varied sampling to obtain more accurate jaguar estimates.

  • San Pedro Town Mayor Daniel Guerrero endorses John Saldivar for Party Leader, .5min.

  • Rotary Club of Belize Sunrise | Year In Review 2020-2021- Dr. Selma Bermudez Rotary Club President, 8min.

  • PAGENTRTY IN BELIZE | FT RENEA MARTINEZ, 15min. Today girls talk video we speak on pageantry. Miss Martinez has been in the pageant industry for sometime and she shed some light base on her experience.

  • A Christmas Celebration In Belize, 6.5min. While visiting Belize, I joined in on a December tradition in a small village.

  • Las Alboradas to our Patron St.Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 9min.

  • Want to learn a little about the Garifuna Drums, 5min. Here is an educational video on the Primero and Segunda drums. Video is courtesy of our very own colleague, Josh Arana, Coordinator of Stann Creek House of Culture and Institute for Social & Cultural Research ISCR NICH.

    July 6, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    Doctor Love: Marriage or Cat-astrophe?
    Dear Doctor Love, I have been dating a wonderful man and we are planning to get married. We have one big problem—my cat. She’s been mine for nine years so giving her up isn’t an option. She has the run of the house and sleeps at the foot of my bed. My boyfriend is very allergic. At first he tried over the counter allergy medications and they didn’t help at all. Within minutes of coming to my place he is sneezing and itching and if he stays the night, he is wheezing by morning...

    Ministry of Tourism provides set of guidelines as Belize prepares to open its tourism industry
    The first move Belize is making in preparing to restart the tourism industry is the re-opening the Philip Goldson International Airport on August 15, 2020. As that time approaches, the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation has been working diligently trying to address the impacts of COVID-19. As such, the ministry is encouraging tourism stakeholders to follow a set of guidelines for the opening of the tourism industry after the pandemic. This set of measures/recommendations is found in a digital document titled COVID-19 Resources.

    European Union (EU) reallocates 500,000 Euros to PAHO for Belize COVID-19 Emergency Response
    The European Union (EU) has reallocated 500,000 Euros from the existing “Health Sector Support Programme Belize Project” that is being implemented jointly by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Ministry of Health to support the Ministry of Health and the country’s response to COVID-19. In a country where resources are limited, responding to the global health crisis of COVID-19 has meant reprioritizing for risk mitigation and strengthening the health sector for improved service delivery, a challenge that is understood by the European Union.

    Award of License to Administer the Belize Government Lottery
    The Government of Belize, via the Lotteries Tender Panel, has completed negotiations with Brads Gaming Group Limited for a license to administer the Belize Government Lottery for the period of April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2030 In September 2019, the Government of Belize announced the open tender for the license to administer the Government Lotteries for the period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2030.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Monday, July 6th, Meal pick ups. Location: Belize Diving Services Ltd. Times: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am -12:30pm.

    Belmopan Day will be on Saturday, August 1st
    Belmopan Business Expo, Creative Art Walk, Food and Entertainment. Registration for Business Expo and Creative Art Walk is now available at the Local Economic Development department or call 822-2271 Ext. 248

    The Reporter

    Armed robbery at Bayview Oasis
    The Reporter has confirmed that there was an armed robbery at Bayview Oasis, located about a half a mile before the Haulover Bridge yesterday afternoon. It happened sometime after 2:00 p.m., while a Bowen and Bowen delivery truck was doing business at the establishment. Two armed men accosted the three Bowen employees and robbed them of the money bag, which contained the day's sales. The robbers also stole an undetermined amount of money from the place of business.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Over 230 scientists claim COVID-19 is airborne
    The New York Times is reporting that some 239 scientists are petitioning the World Health […]

    Jacinto Ville villagers want “illegal land survey” to stop
    The chairman and villagers of Jacinto Ville in the Toledo district are calling on the […]

    Ministry of Health gives COVID-19 update
    Today, the Ministry of Health (MOH) provided an update regarding the last 12 confirmed cases […]

    The world still has more than 4.4 million active cases of COVID-19
    As of 10:00 a.m. today, July 5, 2020, the total amount of global COVID-19 cases […]

    Wave of robberies continue as thieves target Bayview Oasis, Bowen deliverymen
    As a string on robberies and burglaries continue to plague Belize City, with no tangible […]

    One killed, one injured in Faber’s Road shooting
    Raheem Miles, 23, was killed in a shooting incident that occurred last night around 7:00 […]

    University of Belize rolls back planned tuition increase, cuts fees
    Despite losing up to $7 million in income from the Government (subvention cut by 25 […]


    Getting around Belize by water taxi: San Pedro Belize Express
    San Pedro Belize Express is a long-standing family-run company that provides reliable, regular, safe and fast water taxi services. Their boats are relatively new which means they are comfortable and schedules are rarely disrupted by technical difficulties. In addition, the crew are friendly, professional and accommodating. Their fleet of 14 boats offers 37 daily routes, with several to each destination a day. This means you don’t have to structure your day around travel and should you miss a ferry, it’s not the end of the world – you just get the next. Their routes include Belize City, Caye Caulker, Ambergris Caye and Chetumal and range from 30 minute trips between islands to one hour 30 minute trips from Ambergris Caye to Chetumal, the border of Mexico and Belize.

    International Sourcesizz

    'Beach Around The World': With $2k budget for a 4-bedroom house, will Cas and Stephanie find their dream home?
    Stephaine and Cas decided to leave their city life in a bid to look for some adventure. The brother-sister duo shared the same love for the beach and thought it would be a good idea to move across countries and start a new life. Stephanie, a mother of four beautiful children — three adopted and one biological, always wanted to live a life where she traveled. While she dreamed this with her husband, his battle with cancer cost him his life. Despite this, Stephanie made sure that she would fulfill her husband's wish of traveling and living a life that was minimalist while making sure all their children understand how to value the little things in life. To make sure her children learned the simple things in life, she and Cas decided to find a new place in Belize.


  • Spanish Travelers of the World about Belize Barrier Reef, 1.5min. Tonight we dive into the waters of Belize to discover its coral barrier. Did you know it's the second largest in the world and it's only overtaken by the Australian?

  • The Living Room - The Belize and Guyana Covid 19 Conversation, 2.5hr. Join our team in The Living Room this Sunday, as we continue to discuss the regional response to Covid 19. This week we are having a conversation with Caricom members Belize and Guyana

  • Exploring Blue Creek, Southern Belize, 5min.

  • Mexico and Belize underwater wildlife, 8.5min. My underwater adventures in Mexico and Belize while swimming with whale sharks, reef sharks, sting rays and barracuda.

  • Belize, 6.5min.

  • Swimming with Sharks in Belize, 9min.

  • Belize 2020, 8.5min. San Ignacio & Placencia.

  • Old Belize Train Ride, 8min.

    July 5, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    Government of Belize Announces the MSME Support Program
    The Government of Belize, through a collaborative effort lead by the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Commerce, the Ministry of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development, and BELTRAIDE, hereby advises the public that it will roll out the second phase of Government’s COVID-19 Economic Relief Program. The second phase includes the continuation of the Unemployment Relief Program and incorporates a new component, the Micro-, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Support Program. The objectives of the programs in the second phase are to continue providing direct cash relief for workers who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and also to MSMEs that have suffered revenue loss. The program is expected to help safeguard and promote employee retention, as well as assist MSMEs as they transition and adapt to the economic challenges presented by the pandemic.

    Wolfe’s Woofers: Extravagance
    The 'No Se Nada' Club tries to save Moses' new marriage - but he says his wife is all about extravagance. “6-ball in the side pocket,” Vernon called, sinking the ball for an easy score. While Vernon ran the pool table the other members of the Nosenada Social Club listened to Moses bitching about his wife, Tysha. “I’m thinking about getting divorced,” he said. “You crazy,” Mario told him. “You only been married six months. What’s wrong with Tysha?” “Boss,” he said to me. “What’s that big word for when people want to spend lots of money they don’t have?”

    Gregorio Najarro installed as the new president of the Rotary Club of Ambergris Caye
    The Rotary Club of Ambergris Caye officially swore in their new president, Gregorio Najarro, at a ceremony celebrated on Wednesday, July 1st at Hidden Treasure Restaurant. Past President Andrew Ashcroft was present to officially hand over the duties for the period of 2020-2021 to Najarro. The event also saw the swearing-in of president-elect Kate Corrigan and other members of the club. Najarro, a well-known islander from the Escalante Sub-division south of San Pedro Town was first announced as the incoming president on February 5, 2020 during a lunch meeting. Months later, Najarro has taken the reins of the club which was officially chartered in May 2016.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Sunday, July 5th Meal pick ups. Location: Belize Diving Services Ltd Times: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:35am - 12:30pm.

    Thunderbolt Notice
    Daily runs to start Monday, July 6th. However, Stops in Sarteneja will be made upon request for pick up or drop off of passengers who reserve ahead of time.

    UB says Student Fees won’t Increase
    Below is a press release sent by UB. The Board of Trustees of the University of Belize and its Administration are aware that a student or group of students have been circulating an erroneous post on Facebook suggesting that the University plans to increase tuition and fees for all students in August 2020. The Board of Trustees and the Administration take this opportunity to respond to this inaccurate and potentially damaging expression of concern and notify all its students of the truth related to the university’s plans to protect them from the full impact of the COVID19 pandemic...

    Jacinto Pat was a batab (Yucatec Maya indigenous intendant) from the town of Tihosuco. He was leader and initiator - along with Cecilio Chi and Manuel Antonio Ay - of the denominated War of Castes (1848-1901). According to the Encyclopedia of Quintana Roo, Pat is an ancient Maya surname that means "invent", "create", "make things with mud or wax". Before the Spanish invasion, this family ruled the Maya province of Ekab, had great power and presence on the island of Cozumel. Ah Naum Pat was the halach uinic of Cozumel, and when the invaders arrived many inhabitants of that island moved to the Yucatan peninsula, more than 70 families with this surname lived in Cochuah, especially in Tihosuco.

    Please note that we have been informed that construction will resume at Placencia Airstrip on Tuesday (7th). As such, service will once again be suspended to the Peninsula after our last flight on Monday (6th). Effective Wednesday, July 8th, our south schedule will be as stated below.

    Belize History Association General Meeting
    The BHA General Meeting is scheduled for 9:00 am on Friday July 17, 2020, at the NICH Museum Building, Belmopan. Attendees are invited to participate virtually on Zoom Meeting (an easy to use mobile and desktop platform for virtual meetings). Please confirm your attendance at this link: The zoom link will be provided to those who register.

    Channel 5

    Murder in Belize City
    Belize City police are investigating the shooting murder of 19 year old Raheem Faber which occurred just before midnight last night. Faber was shot several times while at the corner of Ebony and Mayflower Streets. According to reports, Faber was with some friends when the gunman approached him and fired shots. Faber was rushed to the KHMH where he died minutes later. Seven expended shells were found at the scene.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Looking at Japan’s mysteriously low COVID-19 death rate
    With just 972 deaths up to June 30, Japan enjoys one of the lowest death […]

    U.S. Independence Day: At Mount Rushmore, Trump says “We will not be silenced” by “angry mobs”
    The United States of America is observing its 244th anniversary of independence from Great Britain […]

    US Chargé d’Affaires remarks on 244th Independence of the United States
    Today, July 4, Americans all around the globe are celebrating the 244th anniversary of the Independence […]

    PUP Leader tours Western constituencies
    Leader of the People’s United Party (PUP) John Briceno has commenced a countrywide tour. Briceno […]

    Belize monitors 9 active cases of COVID-19
    Belizean health authorities are currently monitoring 9 active cases of COVID-19. The last 2 patients […]

    CARICOM Secretary-General says CARICOM Day 2020 like no other in history of celebration
    Annually, today July 4 is recognized as CARICOM day, a day for the Caribbean Community […]

    Financial Secretary casts Superbond relief in stark light of economic disaster
    Breaking Belize News has obtained the opening statement from Financial Secretary Joseph Waight made on […]

    Cement truck overturns on Placencia Road, one injured
    Motorists in the area of the Placencia Road, Stann Creek District, are advised to approach […]

    CARICOM hosts virtual conference to welcome incoming chair
    Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) hosted a special conference on July 3. […]

    Belize and Canada only Western Hemisphere countries to oppose China’s Hong Kong national security law
    The People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s foreign ministry and state media are declaring a victory […]

    Brads Gaming Group Limited retains boledo/lottery license
    rd Gmng Gru Lmtd (frmrl rd Gmng mn) wll ntnu t dmntr th ntnl lttr fr th rt f th 2020 dd, u t rh 31, 2030...

    Scotia Bank heist crew charged for robbery
    h gru f mn dtnd fr th brzn hurd ftrnn rbbr tgd t th t nk lm brnh n th hl Gldn hghw hv bn frmll hrgd...

    Raheem Faber killed in Friday night Ebony Street shooting
    Raheem Faber, a 19-year-old stevedore by trade, was shot multiple times and killed before midnight on Friday...


    An Amazing Year for Mangos on Ambergris Caye + Strange Fruit: Yummy Pickly Grocera
    I don’t remember a better year for mangos on Ambergris Caye. I’m not sure if it is a blowout year on the mainland for mangos. Or that there are fewer consumers (no tourists!) of fresh fruit in Belize right now. OR if mango-tree-owners are extra-incentivized to distribute more fruit (and maybe make a bit more money uring these TOUGH economic times.) Earlier in the week I visited David for another supply of fresh mangos. He had jars of what looked like berries…a green color so pale, they were almost white. Grocera, David said. Do I want to try?

    Celebrating CARICOM Day 2020
    CARICOM Day 2020 is like no other in our history. Today, we celebrate in an environment dominated by the continuing health and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Caribbean, the region – including Belize – has done relatively well in addressing the current crisis. So far, we have demonstrated that capacity for resilience; that has been the hallmark of our response to the numerous challenges faced over time. Today, we celebrate the 47th anniversary of the Treaty of Chaguaramas! Notably, the treaty that establish the Caribbean Community signed on July 4, 1973.

    International Sourcesizz

    Indigenous People in Central America Vulnerable for COVID-19
    The COVID-19 pandemic is much more than a health crisis: it is affecting people´s societies and economies. Although the impact of the virus varies from one place to another, it is very likely that it will increase poverty and inequality at a global scale, affecting especially the communities and indigenous peoples of Latin America, the most vulnerable groups in this context. In Central America, the effects are multiple: due to the quarantine, the closing of commerce, the isolation measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, the indigenous populations and peasant communities are having serious supply problems, with difficult access to food, hygiene materials and medical attention.


  • GENTLE GIANTS LOOKING FOR LOVE IN OUR COROZAL BAY ON 4TH OF JULY, 8min. Splish! Splash! We we're taking a bath. A mating herd of about 8-10 manatees has been making its rounds along our Corozal Bay since this morning. We were lucky enough to have spotted them chasing each other around the shallow waters infront of Rainbow Park and Beach just before noon today. It appeared that this herd of manatees was just looking for love in our Bay. The largest female appeared to be between 8-9 feet in length. It is the first time that I have personally witnessed such an aggregation of manatees anywhere in our beautiful Belize. What a privilege to have been able to video these gentle giants.

  • Manatee Mating, 3.5min.

  • Hammerhead Shark North San Pedro, 14sec.

  • Just caught a jaguar chasing a peccary near Chan Chich lodge, 20sec.

  • A message from U.S. Embassy Belmopan Chargé d'Affaires, a.i. Keith Gilges on the 244th anniversary of America's Independence, 4min.

  • Tropical Nature Sounds - Jaguar Creek Belize, 5.5min.

  • Caye Caulker Belize, 13min.

  • Caye Caulker and San Pedro Ambergris Caye Belize, 6min.

  • Big Falls Highlights -Toledo, Belize - Drone, 1.5min. Learn about Belize, my hometown of Punta Gorda and what i'm currently up to.

    July 4, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation between Belize Customs and Excise Department and the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection
    The Belize Customs and Excise Department and the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) signed a mutually beneficial Memorandum of Cooperation that provides for collaboration on and implementation of an information sharing program utilizing cargo manifest and conveyance information. This program will enhance both governments’ ability to identify and track cargoes, conveyances, and entities that may pose a risk to international supply chains, including cargoes, conveyances, and entities that may be involved in customs offenses, combat transnational crime and other border security threats.

    CCJ rules Belize Government Breached Contract; Company to be Awarded Damages
    In a judgment delivered on 30 June 2020, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) granted an appeal in the Appellate Jurisdiction matter of Belize International Services Limited v Attorney General of Belize[2020] CCJ 9 (AJ) BZ. In 1993, Belize International Services Limited (BISL) entered into an agreement with the government of Belize to manage two registries (IMMARBE and IBCR).

    Health Safety Guidelines on resuming ground transportation operations in the tourism industry
    On Tuesday, June 30th, the Caribbean Public Health Agency, along with Global Ports Holding, offered a free webinar on ‘Safely Resuming Ground Transportation Operations in the Tourism Sector.’ This virtual activity was mainly geared towards taxi/driver operators, and tour operators. The main lesson was to train transportation operators in the importance of the passenger’s reassurance through the implementation of health safety measures during the ground transportation experience, including the reduced capacity of passengers inside a vessel/vehicle.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Reconstructing the sidewalk of the San Pedro R.C. School
    WORKING FOR THE SAFETY OF THE CHILDREN The San Pedro Town Council has embarked on a new project to reconstruct the sidewalk of the San Pedro R.C. School on their property. The duration of the project is estimated at 2 weeks and we cannot wait to see the end result!

    Keeping San Pedro Clean!
    The San Pedro Town Council continues to enhance and repair the streets. Today we are working on the Blake Street leading into the San Pablo Area.

    Santiago Pech, a Yucatec Maya leader of a group known as the Icaiche Maya and a group of his followers marched on to Holotonich. There he restated a prior claim to the left bank of the Belize River down to Black Creek mouth. By 1882, Santiango Pech had appointed “Alcaldes” at Holotonich, San Jose Yalbac, and San Pedro Yalbac area. The Yucatec Maya (Máasewal) continued to show resistance to the British invaders until the 1930’s when the BEC (Belize Estate Company) burnt down their houses and milpas in north-western Belize.

    Dive Into Tourism" Monthly Newsletter
    Now Available! The newest edition of “Dive Into Tourism” will highlight the data from our Tourism Consumption Study!

    FCD Environmental Youth Group General Meeting
    The FCD Environmental Youth Group held its General Meeting with the aim of selecting new Committee members and developing their 2020-2021 Action Plan. FCD applauds the efforts of the youth group as they progressively are creating a new cadre of environmentalists.

    The Down Rejuvenation Project is nearing its completion of the Belize Heritage Plaza formerly known as the Psslow. I was speaking to the contractor yesterday and I was informed that the end of construction is slated for the end of July. Hmm, not too sure about that, but here are some photos of works in progress.

    360 View of Cahal Pech
    Want to experience this view for yourself? Head on over to the Cahal Pech Archaeological Reserve. We're open everyday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.

    The Downtown Rejuvenation Project is gearing up for the opening of the new Women and Family Support Department Building located on #26 Albert Street this month. The new building is a collaboration between the Ministry of Human Development, Social Transformation and Poverty Alleviation, the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation and the Downtown Rejuvenation Project. The new building will continue to work with women as the founder, George Cadle Price, had envisioned it when he acquired the original building in the 1960's.

    The Origins of the Downtown Rejuvenation Project
    Methodological and Theoretical Approach May, 2011. Our approach on planning for heritage preservation in historic downtowns The experience gained by us working for a long time in Planning for Heritage Preservation in historic downtowns has shown that it is no longer possible to continue with the traditional approach based on just fulfilling the contents of heritage laws (when there are laws). Either the value as heritage of an historical area is understood as a wealth-generating asset (opportunities) and a way of improving the quality of life, and the protection policy is understood as the result of strategic processes of urban renewal with the participation of all actors that have a role in the development of the city –residents, businesses, developers, builders, etc...

    Award of License to Administer the Belize Government Lottery
    The Government of Belize, via the Lotteries Tender Panel, has completed negotiations with Brads Gaming Group Limited for a license to administer the Belize Government Lottery for the period of April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2030. In September 2019, the Government of Belize announced the open tender for the license to administer the Government Lotteries for the period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2030. Consequently, a Lotteries Tender Panel was established comprising representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Lotteries Committee, and the Gaming Control Board to assess proposals for the administration of the Government Lotteries. The evaluation was conducted in accordance with procurement policies as advised by the Ministry of Finance using a quality and cost-based approach.

    Government of Belize Announces the MSME Support Program
    The Government of Belize, through a collaborative effort lead by the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Commerce, the Ministry of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development, and BELTRAIDE, hereby advises the public that it will roll out the second phase of Government’s COVID-19 Economic Relief Program. The second phase includes the continuation of the Unemployment Relief Program and incorporates a new component, the Micro-, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Support Program. The objectives of the programs in the second phase are to continue providing direct cash relief for workers who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and also to MSMEs that have suffered revenue loss. The program is expected to help safeguard and promote employee retention, as well as assist MSMEs as they transition and adapt to the economic challenges presented by the pandemic.

    A further 77 samples were processed today for SARS CoV2, this has allowed us to identify a further two cases bringing our total to 30. These last two cases are that of a male and female, Belizeans caught entering the border illegally via La Union. They are asymptomatic and have been in the mandatory quarantine area from when they were caught. We therefore have 9 active cases that have been and remain under quarantine, 8 Belizeans and one Honduran.

    Reporting illegal 'border jumpers'
    The Ministry of Health appeals for cooperation from the public in reporting illegal 'border jumpers'. Our borders remain closed. Please call the police department in your community or call toll free 911and report anything related to this. We also reminds the public of our toll free 0-800-MOH-CARE (0-800-664-2273) hotline number. Call us anytime, even on weekends. Its a free call and we will respect your wishes to remain anonymous if that is a concern for you. Our district flu clinic numbers are also still active. You can also make a report by calling these numbers. Help us to keep our communities safe.

    The Belmopan Cavaliers are recruiting. Who wants to play rugby?

    Supa G's birthday concert is next Friday
    July 10th at 5:00 pm. Mark the date.

    BTB Inventory of Tourism Assets in Belize
    The BTB needs your help in updating the tourism asset inventory database. Please assist by filling out the survey.

    FCD Advocacy Strategy
    FCD announces a short consultancy for development of an FCD Advocacy Strategy. The call is open for two weeks. Interested parties are encouraged to request the Terms of Reference, by writing us at

    “Open Data: Enabling Belize Tourism Post COVID-19”
    CARSI grantee, The Trust for the Americas in collaboration with partner organizations invites innovators to participate in an online Hackathon competition on July 8th – 9th , 2020 to explore ideas under the theme “Open Data: Enabling Belize Tourism Post COVID-19”. The 48hr Hackathon will focus on solutions for the utilization of open data in tourism to promote destinations, highlight value-added services and improve safety and security. You can register through this link:

    Channel 7

    Robbers Zoned In On Target Making Cash Deposit
    Tonight three men remain in custody for armed robbery while one is in the hospital and another is in the morgue. Gasman Henry Young died last night at around 6:30 after police shot him during a failed but daring escape. Tonight more is known about this very brazen armed robbery at a busy bank on the northside. Here's a recap of that, as well as our last interview with Young, the robber who met his end at the hands of the police. We now know that 5 men pulled up in front of the Scotia Bank in this green van and two of them went inside. They had their eyes on a specific customer who they seemed to know knew was making a large cash deposit.

    Attorney Laments Client’s Death At The Hands of Police
    And Gasman Young was also very well known to the cops. He had been charged many times, before the court many times, and as you just heard him say, he felt he was a victim of circumstance. But, most in the public will say that he was also caught in the commission of an armed robbery - one that endangered the lives of many innocent bystanders. And his attorney Ronell Gonzalez says that his involvement in the robbery has yet to be proven and that as far as he's concerned, his deceased client remains innocent until proven guilty.

    Brad’s Win Gaming License For 10 More Years
    Brad's Gaming Group will be running the Belize Government Lottery for the next 10 years. Government announced today that Brads won the tender to administer the Lottery from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2030. This is after the license was put out to open tender last year in September. Three interested parties entered bids - and, in the end, after they were ranked based on pre-determined criteria, Brad's won out. Now, that will not win universal acclaim - Belizean's have an almost spiritual connection to Boledo, and some who play the game as a favourite past-time have their misgivings.

    DHS Fears Next Round Of Tests Could Have A Positive
    Don't be surprised if during this newscast we report on another positive case of COVID 19 in Belize. We say that because today on Ask The Experts, Dr. Marvin Manzanero said that the latest round of tests for persons under quarantine includes a "highly suspect" case:

    Belize Its First Repatriation Flight From Salvador
    Right now Belize has 28 positive cases - and apart from that highly suspect case - more could have come in today. That's because for the first time, there were two repatriation flights: one a United Airlines from the US and, the other, a TAG Airlines from Salvador, bringing in Belizeans who were stranded in Latin America. Manzanero discussed these repatriation flights:

    264 Have Been Repatriated
    The latest figures from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs say that 264 Belizeans have been repatriated, while 973 persons have applied, and 811 have been approved to return. 524 of those are having their return coordinated.

    Still Playing It Fast And Loose At Land Borders
    And while they are coming back legitimately through approved channels and border crossings, some Belizeans continue to play it fast and loose at the land borders. The police and the Ministry of Health yesterday learned of a woman and her two children who came into Belizean illegally. They were found at their grandmother's home in San Lorenzo.

    Chetumal Overwhelmed By COVID
    And for those who think that going over to Mexico right now - especially Quintana Roo is any kind of joke, have got it very wrong. News reports out of Chetumal say that the SESA, IMSS and Issste hospitals are about to collapse because almost 100% of the beds are being used by COVID cases. Today we got some perspective from Belize's ambassador to Mexico, Oliver Del Cid who is in Mexico City:

    Mexican Border Jumper Guilty
    In news of a Mexican who border jumped into Belize, Fransisco Hernandez who escaped from a quarantine centre in Orange walk and was recaptured has been sentenced. He was charged with illegal entry, escape from the quarantine facility and damage to property. He was today sentenced to 3 months imprisonment.

    The Mix Up With The Honduran Fishers
    The case is not so clear for the Honduran fishers who were caught at Gladden Spit earlier this month. There was a mix up with their tests, so we only learnt that one was positive three weeks after he was caught. Manzanero explained today: "The contact that the police officers had with the people who is positive happened almost a month ago. So there wouldn't be no benefit if those officers did not fall ill, the initial contact testing them at day 28 is not really going to make any scientific sense by now..." We also asked about he possible exposure of Placencia police since those fishers were taken to that station for at least 12 hours before they were sent to Dangriga. Manzanero said the risk is almost nil:

    UB Faculty And Staff In Fierce Fight With Admin
    Last night, you heard the complaints coming from the fledgling University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union. They say that the President and Board of Trustees are getting ready to implement what are believed to be severe, cost reduction strategies, designed to help the national university survive the COVID-induced economic crisis. The problem is that from the perspective of faculty and staff members, the senior administration is attempting to implement these tough decisions without meaningful consultations with them as stakeholders.

    PUP's Former Min. Of Ed. Weighs In
    Today, the Union received a show of support from the Opposition PUP, which says that the Barrow Government is at fault for attempting to cut the subvention to the University. In a press release sent today, the PUP said, quote, "The PUP condemns the decision of this UDP Government to slash (UB's) subvention by 24.2% from $11 million to $8.34 million. This severe cut will inevitably lead to a reduction in the programs of study offered by UB and likely, to the termination of members of faculty and staff. While we recognize and acknowledge the economic crisis facing the country, we view this decision to be misguided and counterproductive. The University of Belize is our National University and the flagship of our education system.

    Guatemalan Man Sentenced For Macaw
    He was shot in the Chiquibul more than three weeks ago, and yesterday, Guatemalan Scarlet Macaw poacher and border jumper Porfilio Ramirez appeared in court. The 36 year old was taken before magistrate Ladonna John in the San Ignacio magistrate court where he pleaded guilty to aggravated assault for which he was fined $1,500.00 dollars, and sentenced to 3 months for entering Belize illegally.

    Diane Says Adios to Youth Apprenticeship Pgm
    The 13th intake of the youth apprenticeship program entered the program today. It's a lifesaver for at risk adults who had missed out on a high school education, and a chance at holding down a decent job.

    Diane Sticking With Saldivar
    The fact is Finnegan's contract is coming to an end and has not been renewed. It's about time since the UDP's third term is coming to a close, but it's also perhaps symptomatic of the fracture in relations between Finnegan and youth Minister Patrick Faber.

    Life After COVID Curfew
    The UDP Convention to determine who will lead the ruling party is next weekend, but, for many aged 30 and under, this weekend is bruk-out weekend. It's the first weekend without any kind of curfew since March - and for police, it poses all kinds of difficulties. The Commissioner discussed that yesterday. "We do have our crime-fighting strategies in place and we will apply our strategies as best as we can. I had advised my officers yesterday on what we will be doing with a view to ensure that we police those core police functions as well as to ensure that we keep a tab on those persons who we know have that propensity of committing particularly violent types of crimes..."

    No Extensions for Nightclubs
    And a big part of keeping the weekend under order is the denial of extensions for nightclubs. The Commissioner explained: "While yes there's no curfew we have made recommendations to the ministry of labor or local government to advise the different liquor licensing boards not to grant any extensions at this time. So we expect that these liquor establishments will close at the ordinary hours the nightclubs close at 12 midnight I think on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 2 am so we expect that they will not go beyond those hours..."

    The Problem Of Quarantine Escapees
    Speaking yesterday in Belmopan, the Commissioner also discussed the difficult issue of quarantine escapees. They've been escaping from facilities guarded by the BDF, but it is an overall security issue. Williams discussed: "We did have a meeting with the minister to discuss this issue. Like you rightly said it's a. It is a pain in the butt if I may use that term and it can be frustrating. I heard you ask the question to Mr. Romero earlier as to whether or not the Mexican will be escaping from quarantine the regulations did provide for it to be an offense when one failed to comply with quarantine requirements and so if it is that you've escaped from a quarantine center..."

    Belize & US Customs Sign MOC
    The Belize Customs and Excise Department has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the US Department of Homeland Security, and the US Customs and Border Protection. The purpose of this MOC is to collaborate and implement an information-sharing program that utilizes cargo manifest and conveyance information. It's another attempt at combatting transnational crime and other border security threats that go undetected in the transport of cargo from country to country.

    Manza Says Limited Use For Taiwanese Tests
    Two nights ago we told you about the five thousand rapid tests received from the government of Taiwan. But, will they be useful in Belize, where the focus is on PCR testing? That's what we asked Dr. Manzanero today:

    Channel 5

    Gasman Young Jr. Succumbs to Gunshot Injury
    A man well-known to the law died within hours after he was shot following a brazen robbery.  On Thursday, around three o’clock in the afternoon, the Belama Branch of Scotia [...]

    Dylon Flowers is Released from Police Detention Pending Investigation
    Dylon Flowers was released from police detention just after five this evening. News Five understands that because he was released pending investigation, he can be rearrested and charged. But at [...]

    Brads Gaming Gets Another 10-Year Contract to Administer the Boledo and Sunday Lottery
    The government has confirmed that Brads Gaming Group Limited has been awarded another ten year contract to administer the lottery; the most popular game of chance in the country.  There [...]

    UB Faculty & Staff Union: Industrial Action Imminent at National University
    The situation at the University of Belize continues to deteriorate and is reaching boiling point. Tonight, U.B.’s Faculty and Staff Union is threatening industrial action if the University continues to [...]

    P.U.P. Says Ministry of Education Misguided
    The People’s United Party today chastised the Ministry of Education for cutting the subvention for the University of Belize. The P.U.P. says that the government’s decision to slash the university [...]

    P.U.P. Condemns Disrespect Shown to the UB Faculty and Staff Union
    The People’s United Party is also condemning what it describes as the disrespect shown to the U.B. Faculty and Staff Union by the Board of Trustees and the Ministry of [...]

    Francis Fonseca: “We have a rogue Prime Minister on our hands”
    Turning to the ruling of the recent ruling of the Caribbean Court of Justice, the former Attorney General, Francis Fonseca, says that Prime Minister Dean Barrow has gone rogue and [...]

    More Belizeans Come Home!
    The phased repatriation process continued today and so far two hundred and sixty-four Belizeans have been brought home. Two groups arrived today at the P.G.I.A., one from the U.S. and [...]

    Planning a Party in a Quarantine Hotel – Say What?
    Belize has recorded twenty-eight cases of COVID-19 – of the eight active cases, one of those patients was ordered to leave the country, so currently there are seven cases within [...]

    How Many Positive COVID-19 Cases Would it Take for Belize to Close Back Up?
    And as the six weeks countdown continues to the reopening of the P.G.I.A., a number of countries are struggling to contain the virus and their health systems are on the [...]

    DHS Warns That Chloroquine Cannot Prevent COVID-19
    The Ministry of Health is cautioning Belizeans about taking COVID-19 prevention treatment.  The Director of Health Services shared that there are reports of a pharmacy selling a medication known for [...]

    More Details on G.O.B.’s M.S.M.E. Support Programme
    The government on Thursday presented its plan to financially assist micro, small, and medium enterprises that have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Up to fourteen million dollars are [...]

    Application for M.S.M.E. Support Programme Starts on August First
    According to C.E.O. in the Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Commerce, Duane Belisle, the M.S.M.E. Support Programme will be implemented over a course of three months starting on August first, when the [...]

    Introducing BOOST 2.0
    According to Prime Minister Dean Barrow the existing Boost Programme will be augmented to include persons who are now unemployed long term due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. [...]

    Barrow to Briceño: “Se Acabo!”
    The first phase of the Unemployment Relief Programme, as well as the pantry assistance programme, is being audited by the Auditor General and her team. Leader of the Opposition, John [...]

    Arthur Saldivar Acquitted of False Rumor Charge!
    Attorney Arthur Saldivar had his day in court on Thursday when he was cleared of one count of spreading a false rumour.  On March twenty-ninth, Saldivar was arrested and charged [...]

    2 Men Accused of Sexual Offenses Get Supreme Court Bail
    Two men who are awaiting trial for sexual offences were granted bail by Supreme Court Justice Colin Williams, after attorney Ronell Gonzalez argued on their behalf.  Cesar Romero of the [...]

    BATSUB Employee Arraigned for Theft
    A woman, who is employed by the British Army Training Support Unit Belize, is out on bail, while she prepares to face trial for theft. Forty-year-old Hanselma Sutherland of a [...]

    Belize City Man is Arraigned for Possession of Drugs
    A resident of the Belama area of Belize City is out on bail tonight after he was reportedly nabbed with more than two pounds of marijuana on June thirtieth. Marco [...]

    P.S.B. Investigates Balam Street Incident
    The Belize Police Department’s Professional Standards Branch says there is an internal investigation into a police officer following an incident on Balam Street this past weekend in Belize City. Cops [...]

    No Risk for Cops Who Had Contact with Patient 24.
    There is an update about COVID-19 case number twenty-four in southern Belize. He’s one of the fishermen detained back in June for illegally fishing off the coast of Placencia within [...]

    Belize and US Sign Agreement for Stronger Customs Control
    The Belize Customs and Excise Department and the US Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection signed a memorandum of cooperation on Thursday. The agreement seeks to provide for [...]


    Police shoot robber dead on Seashore Drive
    A man about to make a bank deposit at the Belama branch of Scotiabank on the Philip Goldson Highway was robbed at about 3:00 p.m. this afternoon in the bank’s parking lot by a group of thieves who were traveling in a van. The thieves got out of the van and pointed a gun at the man and stole his money bag, but as they drove away, police, who were on patrol near the parking lot, were alerted of a robbery in progress and fired shots at the culprits in the parking lot as they made their escape with the money.

    Barrow says he “can’t pay, won’t pay!”
    In the midst of the Dean Barrow administration’s struggle to bolster the economy in the wake of the wreck caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is bad news coming out of Belize’s highest court, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), which ruled that the government’s takeover of two registries was illegal and a breach of contract. Not only did the Barrow government lose the case at the CCJ, but the judges were also unsparing in their blistering condemnation of the government’s action and the manner in which it went about acquiring the private companies.

    Allan Pollard endorsed for PUP in Queen’s Square
    Belize City’s youngest City Councilor, Allan Pollard, Jr., has thrown his hat in the ring and emerged with an endorsement as the PUP standard bearer for the Queen’s Square constituency. This places Pollard in competition in the upcoming general elections with Denise “Sista B” Barrow, who has run the division for the past three elections according to her brother, Prime Minister Dean Barrow. Councillor Pollard, at the young age of 25, said that he has no fear about going up against a competitor who is both older and more politically affiliated and experienced.

    UB Faculty and Staff Union vs UB president
    The University of Belize’s board of trustees received a letter dated July 1 from a disgruntled UB Faculty and Staff Union (UBFSU) regarding the institution’s alleged financial situation. The letter, which is addressed to the board’s chairman, Harrison Pilgrim, and signed by UBFSU president, Pio Saqui, and general secretary, Christopher Deshield, stated that at the last board meeting an oral presentation was given by the president of the university, Dr. Clement Sankat, which gave a dire portrait of UB’s finances. The union asserts, however, that no concrete evidence of the school’s financial state was presented before the vote nor was any information shared on how the financial situation at the university would affect the employees of the university.

    BCCI not happy about sale of Scotia Bank Belize
    The financial sector of Belize became the focus of much public debate and angst following Monday’s announcement that Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited (CIHL) formally applied to acquire Scotia Bank Belize. In a recorded address the Governor of the Central Bank, Ambassador Joy Grant C.M.G., made clear the bank’s intent to ensure that the acquisition is done in a way that safeguards the monetary and financial system’s stability and protects the Belizean dollar for the wellbeing of Belize. The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), however, is wary of such a drastic and unforeseen change in Belize’s banking sector.

    Shooting death in Burrell Boom
    A shooting that occurred at about 2:00 this morning in Burrell Boom as a result of a domestic dispute, has left one man dead. Police said this morning that Fitzgerald Gabourel, 53, became involved in a domestic dispute with his wife, Denise Gabourel, in their house, during which he lashed her with a machete and threatened to kill her.

    Cop arrested for issuing fake gun license approvals
    Corporal Oscar Itch, of Belmopan police, who was the Firearms Clerk at the National Police Headquarters, has been detained pending multiple charges of forgery, for producing false gun license approval letters. The Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams, said that Itch produced and issued about 30 fake gun licenses. He has been running a fake gun license operation in the department, said the Police Commissioner, who also revealed that about 28 of the fake gun licenses have been recovered.

    Mexican border jumper, found in Yo Creek, quarantined
    A resident of San Francisco Botes, Mexico, who jumped the Mexican border into Belize and went into Yo Creek, was found in the village and handed over to the Ministry of Health. The ministry put the Mexican national, Francisco Hernandez Perez, into the mandatory 14-day quarantine, during which he will be monitored, as per the COVID-19 protocol. If he tests negative after that period, he will be sent to the Belize Central Prison for a period of no less than 3 months.

    Kemel Espat, 27, motorcycle enthusiast, dies in road accident
    Yesterday morning, Kemel Espat, 27, a Santa Elena technician and a motorcycle enthusiast, died in a traffic accident that occurred while he was driving his motorcycle on Loma Luz Boulevard on his way to his home in Santa Elena. Espat was overtaking a vehicle on his right when a vehicle came from the opposite direction, and in an effort to avoid a head-on collision, he veered off the road and collided with a lamppost, and suffered massive head and body injuries as a result.

    Editorial: Corruption, party before country, and naiveté
    We could lay the blame for all our losses in the international courts on Lord Ashcroft-owned companies or on corrupt political leaders or political leaders putting the interest of their party before the country’s interests. No one would say that such a conclusion is entirely farfetched, because we have seen some of our political leaders do things that should have landed them in jail. There is another conclusion we can arrive at to explain the massive losses we’ve suffered in our business dealings with Lord Ashcroft, and that is that our political leaders are guilty of incredible naiveté.

    Sparks fly in Senate debate of $60 million loan motions
    The Senate met today to deliberate on four loan motions from the lower house of Parliament. Unlike the House of Representatives, where debates are often laden with insults and accusations, debate in the Senate, though passionate, is still far removed from the spectacle that has become characteristic of House meetings. Some of the social partners took the government to task for yet another raft of loans; nonetheless, the four motions that were introduced and passed in the House last Friday, passed easily through the Senate, but not before some sparks flew between Government and Opposition senators.

    Video streaming at the National Assembly
    The National Assembly has taken measures to modernize the way viewers can access and observe the proceedings of the House and Senate. In the past, various media houses have complained of not having adequate coverage of the meetings of these two parliamentary bodies and of having to compete for a secure space. As of last Friday, however, a new video streaming system was activated that involves the use of remote-controlled cameras and can produce a live feed to television and social media networks. The system consists of three cameras set at multiple angles of the chambers and a studio quality mixing board to provide optimum audio quality. It also has a digital recorder which allows the media houses to download and transmit the footage in real time.

    Government launches 2nd phase of unemployment relief program and MSME
    Prime Minister Dean Barrow held a virtual press conference this afternoon to launch the second phase of the COVID-19 unemployment assistance program. Flanked by two of his Cabinet ministers, the Prime Minister announced that his government also launched a Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises (MSME) program. In his opening remarks, Barrow said that the MSME initiative can function as a stand-alone program. Barrow said that research has indicated that 70 percent of private sector employment comes from enterprises that can be categorized as MSME.

    PM Barrow loses again… and we the people will pay!
    No other prime minister in the history of Belize has ever had the opportunity to govern our little Belize longer than PM Dean Barrow. A veteran politician who has never lost his constituency because he keeps the majority of his voters well-maintained and blindly loyal, Barrow is also a lawyer, thus it was assumed that he as a legal mind would know the law. He cannot claim ignorance of the law as a defence anyway, since under our legal system, “ignorance of the law is no defence” to anyone, and especially a lawyer!

    An old hero told me we need women to keep on the straight and narrow
    I made a call, a desperate call, for men to step up and defend our breed before we get watered down to something dat mek wi luk like real sheep, and now I promise to make it my bizniz to tell every brother I meet about what’s in store for male human beings for the next six thousand years if we don’t step to the plate now. Of course we deserve to be punished for what we did these six thousand years since Creation, but to change our DNA, dat wi can’t accept.

    The Fellowship of the Aggie Ring
    July 2, 2020– Being a native of Mauritius, an island famous for its dodo bird and turquoise lagoons, I felt embarrassed about putting on a floating vest to explore the dancing colors engulfing the exquisite marine life at Hol Chan in Belize. Halfway through the seamlessly planned tour by Ambergris Divers, my amateurism in snorkeling was reaffirmed, for I could feel my huge ring sliding far too freely down my finger. I should have left it behind at Diamond Lodge, my cozy boutique hotel on Seagrape Drive. After all, I earned this precious (and expensive) ring after many years in computer science classes at Texas A&M University in Aggieland. But then, the beauty and bliss of the marine reserve soon lulled me out of earthly quandaries.

    Gertrude Atkins’ incredible intrigues, and an Atkins clan reconciliation …
    Here in the capital, some strange developments were taking place with Gertrude even as her cousin Virgil’s life was reaching one of its high points with his marriage to Jewel’s sister. An incredible rumour had started circulating around the hospital that she was pregnant with Karl Sanchez’ child, causing disturbance, agitation and disquiet among most members of staff.

    Pay attention
    Dear Editor, On Wednesday, July 1, at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, there were 10,717,096 cases and 516,904 deaths from COVID-19, globally. Belize had 28 cases and 2 deaths from COVID-19. This pandemic has precipitated many socio-economic changes. In June 2020, the World Economic Forum announced that in January 2021, there will be a conference in Davos, Switzerland, called the Great Reset.

    Sweet Belizean freedom
    Dear Editor, The journalists of the BBC World Service were my teenage media heroes. From its powerful radio relay station on Antigua in the Caribbean, the BBC would reach an audience of millions throughout Central, Latin and North America. Here was London, calling out to the rest of the world with some of the finest programming and bravest voices.

    Dreams need finance
    Dear Editor: A people of a community decided that they would join forces to achieve a goal. The idea was very good, but the cost was too high. The dream they had was almost impossible, for the reason that they did not have the most important thing to start with, which was finances. However, they were determined and came up with the idea that each one would put aside an amount of money from their salary to provide the funding to send out several persons from the community to study a profession with the agreement that those persons, once qualified, would return to their home town and teach what was learnt free of cost.

    White supremacist ideas have historical roots in U.S. Christianity
    When a young Southern Baptist pastor named Alan Cross arrived in Montgomery, Ala., in January 2000, he knew it was where the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. had his first church and where Rosa Parks helped launched the famous bus boycott, but he didn’t know some other details of the city’s role in civil rights history. The more he learned, the more troubled he became by one event in particular: the savage attack in May 1961 on a busload of Black and white Freedom Riders who had traveled defiantly together to Montgomery in a challenge to segregation.


    Five men caught after brazen robbery at Scotiabank
    Quick police response today resulted in the detention of five robbers. At 3 o’clock this afternoon, employees of Scotiabank on the Philip Goldson Highway received a shock when five men entered the establishment armed and ready to rob.

    BPP comments on bank merger
    The Belize Progressive Party (BPP) is putting in their two cents as well as it relates to the merger and acquisition of Scotiabank by Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited. Yesterday we told you about their press release in which they stated that it is not in the best interest of the Belizean public for Lord Michael Ashcroft to be in control of more than fifty percent of the banking sector in the country.

    Behind the scenes of customized face masks
    Covid-19 has forced a new normal on citizens around the world. Face masks have now become a staple in this day and age. As a result, many are putting their personal touches on the now mandatory accessory.

    BPP disgrees with reopening of PGIA
    The Belize Progressive Party (BPP) has raised issues on the reopening of the Philip Goldson International Airport. Like many Belizeans, they feel that this move is not in the best interest of the country, as it may usher in the second wave of covid-19.

    UB’s board threatens to cut salaries
    There is an upset at the University of Belize and the unions are preparing to step in. Reports are that the institution’s Board removed the union rep,Dr June Young from the meetings and proceeded to cut salaries by 30% for the faculty and staff.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Ebony Street murder victim confirmed
    A murder took place in the early hours of Saturday morning on Ebony Street in […]

    Murder reported on Ebony Street
    BBN has received reports that one person was shot and killed a short while ago […]

    Two more cases of COVID-19 detected in Belize
    The Ministry of Health said that a further 77 samples were processed today for SARS […]

    Novel coronavirus mutated to spread pathogen but no change in sickness level
    Adding to the headaches over COVID-19, researchers have found that the virus itself has mutated in […]

    Study finds racial bias in football commentary
    Belize has apparently been dragged, if only tangentially, into the ongoing debate over structural racism and […]

    Crude oil prices shaky amid COVID-19 resurgence
    Reuters reports that while crude oil is trending up, prices fell below US$43 per barrel […]

    UDP leadership convention a three-man race after Darrell Bradley withdraws
    Former Mayor of Belize City and President of the Senate Darrell Bradley is now out of […]

    Belize and Cuba included in UNESCO Trans-cultural project
    Belize and long-time diplomatic ally, Cuba, are among the host of Caribbean countries included in […]

    Health officials monitoring COVID-19 situation in neighboring countries
    Today on Ask the Experts, Director of Health Services, Dr. Marvin Manzanero said that health […]

    Director of Health Services: One high-suspect case of COVID-19 identified
    As the repatriation process continues, today Dr. Marvin Manzanero informed that there is one highly […]

    Outgoing Belize Agriculture CEO praises response as the region looks for foreign direct investment in agriculture
    Outgoing CEO of Belize’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Jose Alpuche, praised aspects of Belize’s […]

    Barbados introduces 12-month welcome stamp to attract foreigners
    The government of Barbados is in the process of introducing its 12-month welcome stamp to […]

    Belize New Car Dealer Association promises huge discounts at upcoming Summer Auto Show
    The Belize New Car Dealer Association (BNCDA), a six-member body dedicated to providing the best […]

    Belize City Animal Aid hosting bakesale to offer care for sick dog
    The Belize City Animal Aid (BCAA), formerly the Belize City Humane Society, is hosting a […]

    PUP standard bearer assists over 300 students with school assistance program
    Belizean businessman and PUP standard bearer for Belize Rural South, Andre Perez has initiated a […]

    Ex- head of Mexican Criminal Investigation agency, Tomas Zeron believed to be in Guatemala or Belize
    The news of the disappearance of 43 teaching students in Mexico in 2014 sent shock […]

    Community Disaster Response Teams become certified
    On Thursday, residents from several communities in Belize City, got their certificates symbolizing the completion […]

    International Sourcesizz

    Virtual Belize Caye Fest
    Streaming 3:00pm-5:00pm Los Angeles "SUNDAY, JULY 5th, 2020." Facebook: *DjNoside *Belize Caye Fest. "Back to School Essential Supplies" Fundraiser to help support the needs of children in Belize.

    8 Advantages of International Banking for Expats
    By Luigi Wewege, the Senior Vice President, Caye International Bank in Belize. There’s more than one type of expatriate in the world today. Some are people who live temporarily in a country due to work or pursuit of an education. Others are retirees who have chosen to spend their later years living in a country other than the one of your citizenship. Whatever has led to you assuming expat status, there’s no doubt that the banking and investment accounts based in the right offshore location can be a real asset.


  • Friday's "Ask the Experts", 55min. Joining us today is Dr. Marvin Manzanero, Director of Health Services.

  • Peter Lawrence on ReefTV, 2hr18min.

  • Great to see our CSAM artists in this ISCR video!, 1min. The beauty of art is that you decide what it is. Nature, society, or our culture inspire art and provide an open canvas to let your imagination run free. Check out how Ruth Budram Art and Andy Chuc Batab Maaskab Masewal are inspired by our Belizean culture in their creations.

  • Transfer of Electors: Elections and Boundaries Department, 2.5min.

  • Belize Hotel Association - COVID-19 Update, 44min. Belize has over nine hundred hotel operators that are eagerly awaiting the re-opening of the tourism industry. As a major stakeholder, the Belize Hotel Association chimed in on the scheduled re-opening of the PGIA and talked about how their membership is preparing to meet the gold standard requirements for visitors. They also shared their thoughts on the plan outlined by the industry leaders. Ted Tejada - President, Belize Hotel Association. Reynaldo Malik - Operations Manager, Muy'Ono Resorts.

  • Bleu Belize, 19min. Einar Marin is the Pastry Chef behind Bleu Belize. We talked with the young entrepreneur about the inspiration behind his gourmet sweets. We also sampled his carrot cake sprinkled with gold dust and assorted nuts.

  • The Belize Assembly for Person's with Diverse Abilities (BAPDA), 18min. The Belize Assembly for Person's with Diverse Abilities (BAPDA) continues the advocacy on behalf of its members. They are launching a new website today to facilitate the sharing of information and also introduced their campaign #PetitionforInclusion. Our guests talked with us about their efforts to take their cause to the House of Representatives. Roxanne Marin - President, BAPDA. Deon Sutherland - Treasurer, BAPDA.

  • July 2019 Belize Trip, 6min. A day on a remote island, getting to know Placencia, tubing through a cave river, and exploring Mayan ruins

  • A taste of Belize, 11min. A traditional rice and beans dish cooked in coconut milk and coconut oil.. I added roast chicken with mine.

  • BTB Inventory of Tourism Assets in Belize, 1min. The BTB needs your help in updating the tourism asset inventory database.

    July 3, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    PUP Standard Bearer Andre Perez assists San Pedro Town and Caye Caulker primary school students
    As the new school year approaches (August 10th), many families economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic face the challenge of paying for their children’s education. The crisis is far from over, and those less fortunate are finding it difficult to afford pending school fees. Andre PerezThe People’s United Party (PUP) Standard Bearer for Belize Rural South (BRS) Andre Perez (left) and his team created a School Assistance Program in June to assist those in need. As a result, $18,000 will go toward helping over 300 selected primary school students from San Pedro Town and Caye Caulker in the upcoming school year.

    Financial Education Subsidies reduced for high school students
    The new school year at the secondary level will see parents/guardians paying a $100 extra for their children’s education, after the government reduced the financial education subsidies to $200 instead of the usual $300. This modification in the high school subsidy program was announced via a virtual conference on June 8th by the Minister of Education, Honourable Patrick Faber, who explained that the cuts were triggered by the current global crisis caused by COVID-19.

    Taiwan Donates COVID-19 Antibody Rapid Test Kits to Belize
    These test kits are developed by Taiwan’s Excelsior Bio-System Incorporation and can deliver reliable results in just 10 to 15 minutes with 100 percent sensitivity and 95 percent specificity. These kits can be used to screen potential carriers of the virus who were infected more than seven days prior to testing. This medical assistance will help strengthen the capacity of the Government of Belize to ensure a smooth and safe re-opening of the Philip S.W. Goldson International Airport scheduled for August 15, 2020.

    Ambergris Today

    300 Students To Benefit From School Assistance Program By Andre Perez
    Mr Andre Perez, PUP Standard Bearer for Belize Rural South recognizes the harsh economic times families are facing during this pandemic. Families are out of work, unable to meet rent payments, provide for their families and send their children to school. With this in mind, he initiated the School Assistance Program. Over 300 primary school students in San Pedro Town and Caye Caulker applied and qualified to receive assistance for the upcoming school year, a total cost of $18,000.00.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Friday, June 3rd Meal Pick ups. Location: Barrier Reef Sports Bar & Grill. Times: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am - 12:30pm.

    Reef Radio goes International!
    Listen online from anywhere in the world!

    UB Faculty and Staff Demands Transparency from University President
    RE: EXIGENCY OF THE UNIVERSITY’S FINANCE: Greetings, The University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union (UBFSU) is a certified and recognized union in accordance with Chapter 304 of the Laws of Belize. This law mandates us to deliver the duty of fair representation to our membership. This representation involves matters that concern the terms and conditions of the service of our members. That being said, the issue of the University’s Finance and considerations treating with redundancy falls within this portfolio. Effectively, we are the sole bargaining agent for the bargaining unit better known as the “Faculty and Staff.” The Union must therefore be respected and be included in all mitigation measures that will affect its membership.

    BELIZE on HGTV this weekend with Macarena Rose
    Tune in for my 12th and 13th show for HGTV. This is the world premiere of a new show called "Beaches Around the World" July 5th and July 19th at 10pm EST time - TWO different episodes with 2 different families !! Tune in to watch. Caye Caulker will be featured in this series.

    Combined Book Drive for Caye Caulker & Ocean Academy Libraries
    Caye Caulker Library and Ocean Academy Library are joining forces to sponsor a book drive. Both of these libraries serve the Caye Caulker community with very little funding. But YOU can help! If you have any books just lying around your home or business, please consider donating them to the libraries...

    Manuel Antonio Ay was a Maya leader who was allegedly accused of having a letter with him about preparing a Maya rebellion after 300 years of oppression and discrimination in Maya land. Manuel Antonio Ay was executed in July 26,1847 and his body was exhibit infront of his Maya people as a Way to intimidate them. Instead the Maya Masewal grew more angry and days later July 30,1847 the Maya liberation started more commonly known as the Caste War started.

    July 4th Celebration Hosted by Palapa Bar and Grill
    Come out and celebrate The 4th of July with us. Lots of great music with DJ Chabo, food specials, $5 fireballs, $20 bucket of beliken light , jello shots!! Lots of open air space, , sundeck , and swim in the sea!!! Wear your red and blue!!! Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 3 PM, Palapa Bar and Grill, Boca Del Rio (over the water), San Pedro, Belize.

    Art & Soul Series: Mr. Bob Wright
    Our weekly Art & Soul Series features another talented Corozal artist! We are delighted to feature Mr. Bob Wright whose unusual choices in turning wood such as mango, kinep, sapodilla and buttonwood showcases the wide variety of wood found in Belize. Mr. Wright has recently retired from this labour intensive art form but continues to participate in our annual Men @ Work Art Exhibit with his private collection.

    NMAB is now accepting nominations for Maya Heroes Day awards
    Northern Maya Association of Belize is accepting nominations for this year's Maya Heroes' Day awards. Deadline is July 15, 2020. You may submit a nomination by emailing the completed form to or deliver a copy at Banquitas House of Culture.

    San Pedro Cleanup 1
    The turtle and manatee got re-painted by local artist, Mr. Efrain Guerrero, and they are looking bright and colorful. Don't you LOVE them?

    San Pedro Cleanup 2
    This week we cleared out the back of the Artisan's Market and re-painted the fence of the Town Cemetery.


    European Union (EU) reallocates 500,000 Euros to PAHO for Belize COVID-19 Emergency Response
    The European Union (EU) has reallocated 500,000 Euros from the existing “Health Sector Support Programme Belize Project” that is being implemented jointly by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Ministry of Health to support the Ministry of Health and the country’s response to COVID-19. 500,000 Euros of the Health Sector Support Programme Belize Project will be reallocated to: Enhancing national laboratory network diagnostic capacity including purchasing of testing kits, equipment and supplies, and providing training on their use...

    Changes in the Pump Price of Fuel Effective July 3, 2020
    The Ministry of Finance announces that effective July 3, 2020, the pump price of three fuel products will change. The prices for premium gasoline will register an increase and regular gasoline and diesel will register decreases as follows: Premium Gasoline will increase by 98 cents from $ 8.23 to $ 9.21 per gallon; Regular Gasoline will decrease by 27 cents from $ 8.84 to $ 8.57 per gallon; Diesel will decrease by 18 cents from $7.79 to $7.61 per gallon. The prices for kerosene will remain unchanged at $ 5.43 per gallon, respectively.

    The Belize Customs and Excise Department and the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) signed a mutually beneficial Memorandum of Cooperation that provides for collaboration on and implementation of an information sharing program utilizing cargo manifest and conveyance information. This program will enhance both governments’ ability to identify and track cargoes, conveyances, and entities that may pose a risk to international supply chains, including cargoes, conveyances, and entities that may be involved in customs offenses, combat transnational crime and other border security threats. It will also assist in facilitating safe international maritime, air and terrestrial transport of cargo and detecting or monitoring cross-border criminal networks or activities including contraband.

    Update on voting and ballots for the 2020 U.S. Elections
    Registering to Vote is fast, easy, and can be done from anywhere in the world! All U.S. citizens can receive their blank ballots electronically. Depending on the state in which you are eligible to vote, you may receive your ballot by email, fax, or internet download. Actions to take: Start by confirming your voter registration with your state. Some states require absentee voters to register annually so you may need to re-register. Go to the Federal Voting Assistance Program’s (FVAP) website at to connect to your state’s voter portal to register to vote, request a ballot, and more.

    U.S. Embassy Belmopan will resume regular American Citizen Services
    Beginning Monday, July 6, 2020 the American Citizen Services Unit at U.S. Embassy Belmopan will resume regular passport, notary, and consular report of birth abroad services for American citizens in Belize. To make an appointment for these services please follow the instructions at Please note that due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, all visitors will be required to wear masks, wash their hands when they enter the consular waiting room, and practice social distancing. We encourage all adult passport renewals to follow the instructions on our website to take advantage of the DHL Speed-It delivery service instead of physically appearing at the Embassy.

    San Pedro Tour Operators Meet Fundraising Goal
    We are happy to announce that we met our goal of $20,000. Our small island thanks you for your generous donation. The international's airport opens on August 15th. We invite everyone back to our island with the guide lines set by the Belize Tourism Board. See you soon!

    Aurora Garcia Saqui: Traditional Healer, Cultural and Community Activist, Artisan, Culinary Practitioner, Entrepreneur
    Aurora Garcia Saqui is one of the famous Garcia sisters. She is a proud Yucatec Maya who is well known for practicing and safeguarding her Maya culture through innovative ideas. Aurora Saqui was born on June 13, 1967 in San Antonio, Cayo District. Growing up on the family farm, “Arbolito” in San Antonio, along with her parents and siblings Mrs. Aurora heard legends of the gods and Maya culture but never thought how her culture would influence their lives. It all began in 1981 when Mrs. Aurora was working on the land at the farm with her siblings and discovered a slate stone. It was that finding that inspired and resurrected the ancient Maya custom of slate stone carving and became a family business known as “The Garcia Sisters Art Gallery and Museum” which has received national and international recognition in magazines and travel guides for their slate stone carvings. A piece of their art can be viewed at the Smithsonian Museum.

    The other side of the Belize Heritage Plaza under construction

    Channel 7

    Scotiabank Robbery Ends in Death
    Shots were fired in the Brodies Northside parking lot this afternoon - but it was the cops pulling the trigger, hot on the tail of armed robbers who had just pulled off a heist at the Scotiabank. Initial reports said it was a bank robbery, but it appears now to have been a big depositor who was robbed.

    Commissioner Says Businesses Can Call Cops To Make Deposits
    But, from a public safety standpoint, the commissioner conceded that robberies are on the rise. He discussed what businesses can do to keep safe: "We know the fact that people out there who are frustrated, people are desperate and so, while it is that they may not have a job to sustain themselves, people resort to other activities with a view to sustain themselves but my advice to business establishments is, to try as best as you can not to keep large amount of money within your establishment..."

    Another Corporal Criminally Charged For Gun License Fraud
    And as you heard the police commissioner say at the top of the news, it's been mostly a bad week for the department. And the bad news continued today when firearms clerk Corporal Donald Pinelo was charged for multiple country of forgery relating to the fraudulent issuance of gun licenses. Allegedly, he was also in on the same which involved another Corporal Oscar Itche - who was arraigned yesterday on 10 counts of forgery. Today, the Deputy Head of National crimes Investigation told the press about the charges for this other corporal with fraud now extending to 34 illegally issued licences:

    PSB Investigates Gun License Fraud
    Pinelo pleaded not guilty and was offered bail of $10,000. He returns to court on 28th October. So now, two police Corporals are charged for forging gun licenses - and putting more illegal weapons out there on the street. It's a fundamental betrayal of their job to uphold law and order and the Professional Standards Branch is investigating:

    PM Barrow Sends Ashcroft Alliance Warnings on Scotiabank
    Changing gears now, the Prime Minister held a press conference this morning - and in a sidebar spoke very questioningly about the Belize Bank acquisition of Scotiabank Limited. He says the central Bank has to take a long hard look: "That is the elephant in the room, that if somebody is going to own, if after the merger there is going to be this kind of super dominant position of the new entity. If this proposed acquisition is to be approved by the central bank of Belize, whose jurisdiction it is, it would put the Belize Bank in a dominant position. Now, Government has to weigh in on this matter..."

    He Killed His Brother In Law To Save His Sister's Life
    A man is dead, after he was shot by his brother-in-law. It's a tragic end to long-standing familial tension that came to a head with the ultimate act of violence. And while it sounds horrific it might not be as cut and dry as it seems.

    UB Faculty Wants Answers From Admin
    Tonight, the faculty and staff of the University of Belize, represented by their union, are calling for a long and honest conversation with the University's President and Board. They want to talk about how UB will weather and survive the global economic crisis. The Union is alleging that the President has not consulted them about the hard decisions to come over the coming weeks and months.

    GOB Launches MSME Grants and Loans Support
    And so while the UB faculty and staff are fearing the worst lies ahead for them - for many in the tourism sector, who've been laid off for months - the worst is already upon them. They got some measure of relief today when the government announced that the second phase of its unemployment relief program was going into effect at the middle of this month. Additionally, there will be money set aside for struggling micro, small and medium enterprises to access working capital and keep their staff employed.

    COVID Unemployment Relief Pgm Phase Two Has Narrower Focus
    And while the program for MSME's starts on August first, the second wave fo the unemployment relief program will start before that. But, this time, it will have a narrower focus group. It will not include those who have been unemployed for years but focus instead on getting relief to those who lost their jobs due to COVID-19. That change is likely due to the absence of the PUP from the decision making. In March, the PUP had pressed for the program to be all inclusive, while the UDP just wanted it to cover those in the tourism sector.

    How to Apply For Unemployment Relief
    So, phase two of the unemployment relief program with a more specific focus on the recently unemployed will now be opened at the middle of this month. It will be routed through the same website, and applicants are asked to be very precise with their information: "Once we come past the middle of July, we're going to be clearing up the portal that people were able to apply on and you will be able to go on and do a new application if you're going to be applying for phase 2..."

    In Face of CCJ Judgment PM Stands Firm
    And while that second wave of unemployment relief and the new program for MSME's was what the press conference was about, we spent a lot of time asking about the most recent judgment coming out of the Caribbean Court of Justice. That court, the highest in the land, has ruled against Prime Minister Dean Barrow and his Government for the 2013 nationalization of the IMMARBE and the International Business Companies Registries. The CCJ has also ordered that the case is to be sent back to the Supreme Court for an assessment of damages.

    Island Cop Diabetic, Not Drunk
    On Monday we told you about the San Pedro policeman who had gotten into a crash with a police mobile on the island's northside. He appeared intoxicated as he told a bystander not to capture the pickup stuck on the sidewalk - and not to post it on Facebook. Now, he sounded drunk, those at the scene said he smelled like he had been drinking, and he seemed to be walking unevenly. But, today police said he's diabetic, not drunk. The head of professional standards said no sample was taken:

    Balam Street Cop Confrontation Explained
    Superintendent Sutherland also commented on the case on Balam Street in Belize City. That's where an off duty police officer allegedly obstructed on duty officers who had gone there to make an arrest. The off duty cop was allegedly protecting his siblings. Sutherland says the police officers were assaulted: "There was also an incident that was shown on social media. I believe the video was shown on Facebook where there was an altercation on Balaam street Belize City with some officers and civilians. From that same incident, a police officer visited our office in Belize City and he made a complaint..."

    PSB Boss on Cayo Cop Charged For Dishonesty
    And Sutherland also spoke about a San Ignacio cop accused of "working with" money that was the property of detainees. Sutherland discussed the criminal charges involved: "Roy Zuniga who is attached to San Ignacio police was arrested and charged with a crime involving dishonesty. On the 27th of June, 2020, it was reported by a police officer at the San Ignacio police station that there was a total of 352 Belize currency locked up in a room, that was the property of a prisoner who was in custody..."

    Cops Recapture Mexican Who Escaped Quarantine
    And, Police also discussed the case of the Mexican detainee who had escaped from a quarantine centre in Orange Walk. This morning at 7:00am, the BDF security facility found that 26 year old Mexican Fransisco Hernandez has gone missing. Police determined that he had escaped through a bathroom window by removing 3 aluminium louvers. But, today the head of national crimes investigation told us that he was re-captured not far from the border.

    Community Leaders In a Disaster
    This morning, the Belize City Council's City Emergency Management Organization welcomed 28 new civilian volunteers into their disaster response network for the City. For several months the Belize Red Cross has been training them to become disaster management coordinators in their communities. The idea behind the program is that in the event of some sort of emergency situation, of residents from the Collet, Jane Usher Boulevard, and Lake Independence neighbourhoods, can contact their neighbours to act as first responders, instead of waiting for the traditional emergency organizations to arrive.

    Senate Debate CDB Loan
    And going now to Belmopan, there was a Senate to debate those 4 loan motions that the Barrow Administration passed in the House of Representatives last Friday. You'll remember that at that House Meeting last week, the Opposition was resisting some of these loan motions on several grounds. Among other complaints, they asserted that the Barrow Government's term in office is quickly coming to a close and that the Prime Minister should not be allowed to saddle Belizeans with more debt, while he is on the way out.

    Church Senator (Literally) Cries For Unity
    As you saw, UDP Senator Aldo Salazar scolded some of his colleagues for engaging in "political nonsense", when everyone should be focusing on possible solutions for surviving economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Well, there was a whole lot of that kind of back and forth.

    Compol Says Placencia Cops Had PPE's
    Last night we told you about the concerns surrounding the Honduran border jumper who became Covid case #24 for Belize. He's one from that group of three fishermen we told you about earlier in the month. They were caught on the night of June the sixth in a group of three fishing illegally at the Gladden Spit marine reserve. His positive test came up on June 26th, which is almost 21 days after he was first caught.

    Compol Concedes Sleeping Policeman Vehicle Had No License Or Insurance
    And while those cops await their swabs, another had his head burst open after Belmopan Standard Bearer Oscar Mira rear ended him on Friday night. The Commissioner has been shading blame towards Mira - but today said that ultimately it is an accident. He conceded that the policeman's vehicle did not have A license or insurance:

    Family Member on Self Defence Killing
    Earlier in the news, we brought you a tragic story where a man, defending his sister, killed his brother in law, Roy Gabourel. His death has left a family devastated yet according to one cousin in a strange state of calm. That cousin Eden Crichton stopped by our studio today.

    Channel 5

    A Brazen Armed Robbery at Scotia Bank Belama Branch; 5 Thieves Caught
    Armed robbers carried out a brazen robbery this afternoon around three o’clock; as many as five men, including a minor, pounced on the Belama Branch of the Scotia Bank.  At [...]

    Belize Police Department Stands Ready to Assist Businesses in Light of Robberies
    As you heard just now, cops were quick to respond and nab the culprits in the robbery at the Scotia Bank Branch on the George Price Highway. Today, Commissioner of [...]

    “It Ain’t Over ‘til the Fat Lady Sings;” PM Weighs in on Scotiabank Buyout
    The purchase of Scotiabank Belize by Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited, the parent company of the Belize Bank, awaits regulatory approval from the Central Bank of Belize. The initial announcement was [...]

    Concerns are Raised Over Pending Scotiabank Purchase
    The Central Bank is an autonomous body assigned to regulate the financial sector.  A majority of its board, however, is made up of members who are appointed by the Minister [...]

    PM Barrow Blames P.U.P. for B.I.S.L. Contract
    Last Friday, PM Barrow preempted the ruling of the Caribbean Court of Justice by publicly stating that government won’t and can’t pay any damages awarded to Belize International Services Limited [...]

    What’s the Road Ahead for Settling B.I.S.L. Damages?
    The road ahead for B.I.S.L. to collect on the damages is uncertain as it will entail another round of litigation once a quantum is settled at the Supreme Court.  According [...]

    $250M Still Outstanding to Michael Ashcroft
    The government owes Lord Michael Ashcroft and his various companies as much as two hundred and fifty million dollars, including the mounting debt from Universal Health Services, as well as [...]

    Sticking to His Guns, No-decision
    The prime minister’s no-decision view on an oral judgment handed down by former Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin has raised several eyebrows, particularly those in legal circles who argue that the [...]

    Burrell Boom Shoots His Brother-in-Law; Was it Self-Defense?
    Police are investigating the case of a man who was shot dead in rural Belize. The report is that it started out as a case of domestic dispute between a [...]

    Police Shares Details of Burrell Boom Fatal Shooting
    As you heard in that story, Roy Gabourel is dead and his brother-in-law, Dylon Flowers is detained for the fatal shooting. This all happened minutes after Gabourel allegedly hit his [...]

    Former Belize City Mayor Says There Is No Long Standing Agreement with Chon Saan
    Former Belize City Mayor Darrell Bradley told News Five today that there is no long-standing agreement between the Belize City Council and Chon Saan Palace. Bradley responded to an interview [...]

    Darrell Bradley Withdraws from U.D.P. Leadership Race
    According to Darrell Bradley, the timing during which Lee Mark Chang is attempted to collect a four-year-old debt is interesting, especially since it is two weeks before the U.D.P. leadership [...]

    Logistics in Place for U.D.P. Leadership Convention
    The second leadership convention in five months to determine who will succeed Dean Barrow as the leader of the United Democratic Party is less than two weeks away. On July [...]

    U.D.P. Chairman on John Saldivar’s Candidacy
    News Five also asked Chairman Michael Peyrefitte for his take as to why John Saldivar was being permitted to run again for the leadership, having given the party a black [...]

    An MSME Support Program for Private Sector Businesses
    As government prepares to rollout out phase two of its unemployment relief program, it is also gearing up for the introduction of another initiative to assist micro, small and medium [...]

    Up to Fourteen Million Dollars in MSME Assistance
    The application process will run for a period of twenty-one days beginning in August.  There are specific conditions to qualify for assistance, including the use of those monies to cover [...]

    Second Cop Charged in Fraudulent Firearm Licenses
    A second cop is named and charged in the fraudulent gun documents at the Belmopan Police Headquarters. He is Corporal Donald Pinelo and he was slapped with six counts of [...]

    Cop to be Charged for RTA That involves Oscar Mira
    Today Commissioner of Police Chester Williams also fielded question about the RTA involving P.U.P. standard bearer Oscar Mira. Williams noted that the cop in question will be facing some charges, [...]

    Mexican National Escapes Quarantine Center in Orange Walk; Later Captured
    The Mexican man who ran out of the quarantine facility in Orange Walk Town has been captured. Twenty-six-year-old Francisco Hernandez was captured on a feeder road between the villages of [...]

    Belizeans Facilitating Border Jumpers
    Border jumpers remain a constant challenge for law enforcers patrolling the porous borders. These border jumpers put the health of Belizeans at risk and, according to Director of Health Services [...]

    U.B.F.S.U. Fires Off Letter to Board of Trustees
    The national university is facing deep financial woes and things are in a state of flux. Today, President Clement Sankat of the University of Belize met with the university’s Board [...]

    No Union Rep on UB Board of Trustees?
    News Five is also in receipt of a letter dated July first from the Ministry of Education to President Sankat which is causing consternation to the Union. The letter speaks [...]


    BPP concerned over Scotiabank situation
    The Belize Progressive Party (BPP) has expressed concerns over the proposed acquisition of Scotiabank by Lord Michael Ashcroft through Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited (CIHL). According to a release they issued, this transaction would place over three-quarters of the net worth of the banking sector in the hands of one individual.

    CWU comments on salary cuts
    The situation at the Port of Belize between the management and the workers has intensified into a protest. As you may recall, the company stated that members of the Christian Workers Union (CWU), excluding the stevedores, were to take a 10% salary reduction.

    Farmers and Valley of Peace Farms Limited try to find a peaceful solution
    The farmers in Valley of Peace, Cayo District and the Valley of Peace Farms Limited (VOPFL) may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as it relates to their ongoing land dispute. Yesterday, our news team was out west and we got the farmers’ side of the story.

    Valley of Peace Limited to take four farmers to court
    While most of the farmers may have a reasonable and peaceful end to their land problem, there are four farmers who may not be as lucky. These farmers have court cases pending against them because they have expanded their farms outside the perimeters that were originally agreed upon.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Bank robber passes away; Police recover over $20K in Cash
    Five brazen robbers entered the Scotia Bank Belama branch on the Philip Goldson highway this […]

    U.S. reversing course on COVID-19
    As the United States prepares to celebrate Independence Day this Saturday, wide swathes of the country […]

    Should people be deliberately infected with COVID-19 to test vaccines?
    The New York Times has been polling health professionals on their views as to whether persons […]

    First bondholders’ meeting on consent solicitation “went well”
    It’s so far, so good for Belize’s attempt to get holders of the 2034 Bonds “Superbond” […]

    Prime Minister clarifies “non-decision” statement after legal authority cited
    Last week’s suggestion by Prime Minister Dean Barrow that the oral ruling, not reduced to writing, […]

    The Scotia and Belize Bank merger: Too big to fail?
    The number one and number two banks in Belize have agreed in principle to merge, […]

    Premium gas registers 98 cent increase
    The Ministry of Finance announced that effective July 3, 2020, the pump price of three […]

    Prime Minister still insists battles with Ashcroft are worth it
    Belize has been on the hook for up to $750 million related to court and […]

    Four detained following brazen daylight robbery attempt
    Our newsroom has confirmed that police have detained four persons following an attempted robbery of […]

    Scientists pointing to bars as a major point of infection for COVID-19 cases in the US
    The Associated Press is reporting that closing down bars in the United States may be […]

    Campaigns heat up as UDP prepares for 2nd party-leader convention
    The ruling United Democratic Party (UDP) will be holding its second party leader convention on […]

    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Support Program moves focus to employment support
    Some 70 percent of jobs and income come from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) […]

    Prime Minister and economic gurus unveil plans for economic recovery, unemployment relief
    The plan for support of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) has been supported by […]

    Mexican escapes quarantine center in Orange Walk
    Reports reaching our newsdesk are that this morning, a Mexican national that was quarantined at […]

    Aeromexico files for bankruptcy hoping to survive pandemic
    Aeromexico, Mexico’s oldest airline, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, as a means of surviving […]

    Ministry of Health; 100 days since 1st case of COVID-19 and no community spread
    On July 1, 2020, Belize reached 100 days since the first case of COVID-19 was […]

    Belize Camping Experience works around COVID-19 with innovative summer camp strategy
    Many of the social distancing restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic remain in place […]

    Apparent murder reported in Burrell Boom
    Police are said to have detained one person after a domestic dispute this morning led […]


    7 Tips to Live in Placencia, Belize
    Many retirees and expatriates have found a warm home in the Placencia Peninsula of Southern Belize. If you’re planning to join them, here are seven tips to help you get settled. 1. It’s easy to use a Local Realtor, 2. Placencia’s nightlife, 3. It’s still affordable, 4. It’s safe – but be cautious, 5. GPS not necessary, 6. It’s Cooler, 7. On Belize time.

    A Good Morning for Fishing, Laundry and Mosquitos
    I just drove 2 miles north – to a resort/residence called Sapphire Beach at about mile 9, North Ambergris – to drop Jeff and his beloved bamboo flyrod off for some wading and fishing. I stayed there a WHILE ago (5 years+ now!) and wrote this blog post. This morning, I took pictures and fought off mosquitos – they are fierce AND plentiful right now. In fact, I just walked down with my basket of laundry to the washing machine with a mosquito coil clenched in my teeth. Serious times call for serious measures. I thought I’d share the pictures with you. As you head farther along the road north of San Pedro town, there are more empty lots and things turn from suburban to….rural.

    International Sourcesizz

    CARICOM Hosts Virtual Conference To Welcome Incoming Chairman
    Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) will host a special conference today, Friday, July 3, which will see Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley handing over the reins to incoming chairman, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The Twentieth Special Meeting of CARICOM will be held via video conference throughout the region beginning at 10:00 a.m.

    Belize Realtor Macarena Rose to share her passion for beach front island living on HGTV's Beach Around the World
    Being stuck at home has inspired many to turn their daydreams into reality! While many families are only now looking at turning their dreams of sunny beaches into reality, Realtor Macarena Rose took the plunge and moved her entire life from Florida to Belize more than 16 years ago. Now she's eager to share her Caribbean island paradise with HGTV's new show, Beaches Around the World. Beaches Around the World, which premiers on July 5, 2010 at 10 p.m. EST (with a second episode airing on July 19, 2020 at 10 p.m. EST), follows homebuyers as they make the move from occasional tourist to full-time life in their own slice of beach front paradise. In two episodes of the show, Macarena Rose welcomes two families to the Belize island of Caye Caulker, known for its white sand beaches and the surrounding Belize Barrier Reef, perfect for snorkeling or scuba diving.


  • Prime Minister's Virtual Press Conference on the Unveiling of the MSME Support Program, 2hr18min. Prime Minister, Dean Barrow introduces Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Support Program.

  • For anyone craving a golf cart ride along the beach in San Pedro, hop on!, 1min. We took this video for you yesterday

  • Erratic Golf cart driving in San Pedro, 10sec.

  • Belize 2019: Lobster Fishing & Swimming with Sharks, 4min.

  • Cheeky moray eel off the shelf of Belize, 1min.

  • Surrounded by fish - aquarium dive in Belize, 1.5min.

  • Eagle Rays at the Belize Barrier Reef, min.

  • Belize Sea Kayaking and Tikal Guatemala, 9min. A 7 day sea kayak trip off the coast of Belize and a side trip to Tikal Guatemala.

  • JUMPING OFF WATERFALLS IN BELIZE, 6min. In this video we head to big rock, a waterfall that can only be accessed by driving deep into the belize mountains, we had lots of fun and hopefully this video captured some of it.

  • The Belize House, 13.5min. A documentary style video I created following Troy Roberts and the process he took to build a house in Belize.

    July 2, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    BNN shares its recommendations for a national economic recovery plan
    A movement known as the National Recovery Strategy has been tabled to the National Oversight Committee at a meeting held on Monday, June 29th, by the Belize Network of Non-Governmental Organizations (BNN). The economic recovery plan is the outcome of consultations with BNN’s membership, as well as recommendations from experts in economics, health, education, agriculture, tourism, and risk and crisis management.

    Barrington Moss drowns; police say no signs of foul play
    The results of a post-mortem conducted on the body of San Pedro resident 50-year-old Barrington Moss revealed that his death was due to drowning. His lifeless body was found on Saturday, June 27th, off the west coast of Caye Caulker near the area known as The Split. Moss was originally from the Belize City area but had been living in San Pedro, where he worked as a security guard. Those who knew him shared with The San Pedro Sun that Moss was a very friendly person and was always in a good mood. Those same people said that Moss was a good swimmer, so they are still trying to understand what happened on Saturday.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Paint N Splash
    See you this week at from 2-4pm Thursday to paint Monestera Leaves. join us this week to paint at Crazy Canucks. I have chosen to leave space for creativity! Maybe you want to add a butterfly, a gecko or ladybug! Or you might love the simplicity of the Monestera Leaf! $40bze gets you everything you need to paint a 12"×12" canvas. You may also request a 9" x 9" canvas for $30bze or a tote bag for $50bze ($20 deposit required for tote bags) Please click going and send us a private message on the paint n splash page to secure your spot.

    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Thursday, July 2nd Meal pick ups. Location: Hibisca. Time: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am - 12:30pm.

    10th anniversary for Mr Will W Vallejos as Commissioner of Lands
    I want to take this opportunity to congratulate a dear friend Mr Will W Vallejos on his 10th anniversary as the Commissioner of Lands in Belize. Mr Vallejos, a humble Patchakan resident, has raised through the ranks of public service having served under successive governments (PUP and UDP) in the Ministry of Natural Resources. On July 1st, 2010, he was promoted to the current post he holds. This makes Mr Vallejos the youngest and longest serving Commissioner of Lands and the only Commissioner that has served under four (or 5) Ministers of Natural Resources.

    Biosafety in Tourism, the new Path
    The Central American Marketing Agency will offer another series of webinars. At CATA we continue to contribute to the strengthening of the regional tourism industry towards Central America post COVID19.

    FCD Research Unit Volunteers
    Since last year a Citizen Science program was organized at FCD with the assistance of the British Embassy in Belize. Citizen science, is the practice of non-scientists participating in research. In this case, local volunteers are helping monitor and recover data on scarlet macaws. These volunteers will spend a week or more in the Chiquibul with FCD’s Research Unit.

    La Chatona
    La Chatona is a female effigy and folkloric character most commonly associated with Benque Viejo del Carmen Town and surrounding western communities. She consists of a large female mannequin framed out of pleated bayal, a tropical vine. The hollow body frame enables a person to climb inside and dance her around. According to orally transmitted folklore, La Chatona represents Tona, a beautiful woman from the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Men working in the Chicle industry of Western Belize, known as chicleros, would recount how Tona was hired as a cook after appearing one day at a chiclero camp in the mountains...

    Virtual Press Conference on the Unveiling of the MSME Support Program
    Tune into the Facebook page of the Government of Belize Press Office today, Thursday, July 2nd, at 10:00 a.m. for a live stream of the Prime Minister's Virtual Press Conference on the Unveiling of the MSME Support Program.

    Taiwan Donates COVID-19 Antibody Rapid Test Kits to Belize
    The Embassy of Taiwan today, July 1st, donated 5,000 COVID-19 antibody rapid test kits to Belize. These test kits are developed by Taiwan’s Excelsior Bio-System Incorporation and can deliver reliable results in just 10 to 15 minutes with 100 percent sensitivity and 95 percent specificity. These kits can be used to screen potential carriers of the virus who were infected more than seven days prior to testing. This medical assistance will help strengthen the capacity of the Government of Belize to ensure a smooth and safe re-opening of the Philip S.W. Goldson International Airport scheduled for August 15, 2020.

    UB Faculty Rep. Dumped the night before meeting
    The University of Belize has been informed by the Ministry of Education that the term faculty representative on the Board of Trustees has expired. This is strategically done before major changes are expected to be tabled at a board meeting. If June Young’s term on the board concluded in February, why is the Ministry of Education requesting a nominee at the proverbial last hour. It is clear there will be no faculty representative present when alleged salary cuts will be tabled by the President at the July 2nd meeting.

    Please be informed that summer classes scheduled to start on July 7, 2020 have been cancelled. Parents and Students will be provided with an institutional email that will be used to communicate with you. Access to the institutional email will be shared with you in the coming weeks. We will also be updating you through our official facebook page. Best regards, Matias Casanova, Principal.

    Corozal Power Outage this Morning
    Power outage scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 2 to affect a portion of the Corozal District: Cristo Rey, San Pedro, Yo Chen, Concepcion, Louisville, San Roman, Santa Clara, San Narciso, San Victor, Aventura, Estrella and Libertad. BEL to replace burnt utility poles in the area.

    Cayo Full Moon Lobster Fest
    Midas will be having a Full Moon Lobster Fest this Saturday, July 4th. It's a pool party with a variety of competitions, along with DJ's and lobster. "SATURDAY 4TH OF JULY DJ Dalla Saturday Night Talent Show Live Broadcast from midasbelize starting 7PM. Paaty up till you can't done Competitions: Swim suit, Wet T-shirt. Swim race, Drinking, And much much more!!!! Also featuring Music by Mista Flava of Cloud 9 Sound, DJ Dalla and Remix Berto. A night to remember!!!

    Creative Highlight Wednesday: Naby Pech
    Today we go the culinary art business, meet and greet the famous Naby Pech, who is a young entrepreneur at age 28 she has been using social media to promote her delicacies on a by order and delivery process. Naby grew up in a humble and family oriented business, from there on she had the mentality that it is always best to be your own provider and not to be dependent on a salary. As a young mother of 2, she always wanted to create a business that would make her earn a decent income with her sole motivation of providing for her family, especially her two boys, who are her greatest pride and sole motivation. Naby had always been fond of exploring the kitchen, at age of 19 she started to make chicken puffs, she only made them for her family and then the neighbours and friends ordered the baked goodies. This ignited her desire to promote and sell her products all by orders.

    José María Barrera was born in Peto, Yucatán, on a date not yet specified. Like Jacinto Pat and Cecilio Chi, he was a soldier in the Yucatecan army and reached the rank of sergeant first. During the internal struggles between the Yucatecan bourgeoisie he was part of the forces of Colonel José Dolores Cetina and after deserting he joined Don Jacinto Pat. During the algid stage of the Caste War he was well known for his bravery in the combat against the whites and they called him "The terrible tireless enemy". Proven defender of the Maya Máasewal cause, thrown into battles, he shared with Jacinto Pat the idea that an agreement could be reached with the government of Yucatan to put an end to the conflagration begun in July 1847. In fact, José María Barrera was a participant in the initiative to sign the Treaty of Tzucacab signed by Jacinto Pat, who later ignored Cecilio Chi.

    2020 Scholarship Opportunity for Citizens of OAS Member States: Project Management
    The Master in Project Management (MPM) at the Global School of Project Management (GSPM) is a graduate program with international accreditation, designed to develop and strengthen your project management skills, supported by an online learning-teaching environment.

    Channel 7

    Corporal Charged For Running Gun License Scam
    He is accused of running an illegal gun licensing operation out of the police headquarters in Belmopan, and today, regulator in the firearms office, Corporal Oscar Itche was charged for 10 counts of forgery. He pled not guilty for all 10 charges and is scheduled to re-appear in court on the 28 of October. He is represented by attorney Leeroy Banner. Neither the cop nor his attorney spoke today in Belmopan - but the Commissioner of police spoke plenty yesterday. He explained how as Firearms Clerk, Itche allegedly used photocopies of the Compol's signature to create fake gun licences:

    PUP Pol Charged For Failing To Give Sample, Denies Drinking & Driving
    PUP Standard Bearer for Belmopan Oscar Mira appeared in Belmopan Magistrate's Court today where he was arraigned for one count of failure to provide a specimen. The charge goes back to an accident on Friday night. Mira was driving on the George Price Highway and rear-ended a car that was allegedly parked on the road, in the lane of oncoming traffic. A police Corporal was allegedly asleep behind the wheel. Mira says the car was an accident waiting to happen - and that it had been reported to police by another driver earlier on.

    The Streets Say, Keep The Airport Closed!
    The Philip Goldson International Airport opens on August 15th and Belizeans aren't being quiet about it. It's the topic of conversation at the water cooler, in the bank line, and everywhere else you can think of. Vacillating between an economic emergency and a pending public health disaster, everyone has their own opinion. This morning Cherisse Halsall took to the streets to get the people's perspective on the upcoming airport reopening as well as the official end of curfew. Here's what hey said:

    Guatemalan Poacher Charged After Recovering From Gunshot Wounds
    He was shot in the Chiquibul more than three weeks ago, and today, Guatemalan Scarlet Macaw poacher and border jumper Porfilio Ramirez was criminally charged. The 36 year old has been initially charged for the crime of Aggravated assault and entering Belize illegally. The Forestry Department is now expected to additionally charge him for wildlife poaching and illegal entry in a protected area. On Sunday, 7 June at about 6:00 p.m., Ramirez was allegedly one of two poachers that Forest Rangers from the Friends for Conservation and Development encountered in the Chiquibul National Park, about half mile inside Belize in the Caracol area.

    Bradley’s Politicus Interruptus?
    The UDP is days away from its second leadership convention for this year, and while the atmosphere is nowhere near as intense as it was in January, things are starting to heat up. And, reports suggest that it may be getting too hot for leader aspirant Darrell Bradley. Reliable reports say that by the end of this week, the President of the Senate and former two term Belize City Mayor is expected to pull out of the race for leader.

    SOE Ends, Stevedores Protest
    The State of Emergency ended at midnight last night and by noon today the Stevedores at the Port of Belize were back to protesting. This time they're contesting PBL's pay cuts which stand at a 10% reduction for full time staff members. Protesters say that while they're aware of the Port's announced 25% loss in revenue, they simply don't trust the port and need to see the numbers before they can embrace any proposed austerity measures. Cherisse Halsall was at the protest:

    Positive COVID Test For Honduran Fisher Causes Concern In South
    On Friday we told you about the Honduran border jumper who became Covid case #24 for Belize. He's one from that group of three fishermen we told you about earlier in the month. They were caught on the night of June the sixth in a group of three fishing illegally at the Gladden Spit marine reserve. At the time, the Director of Health services said all three fishers would be tested immediately and at the end of their 14 day quarantine. We don't know went wrong after that, but somehow his positive test came up on June 26th, which is almost 21 days after he was first caught.

    955 Have Applied For Repatriation
    And while those fishers entered illegally it's been a longer road for many Belizeans who've had to apply to get in. To date, just 205 out of 955 applicants have been repatriated and are either safely in quarantine or already at home with their families. 801 others have been approved to return and 495 coordinated returns remain in process.

    Ashcroft Alliance Will Press For GOB to Pay Up
    Last night, we told you about yesterday's big ruling from the Caribbean Court of Justice against the Barrow Administration. The highest court in the land has found that the Barrow Government violated the rule of law when it forcibly took control of the IMMARBE and the International Business Companies IBC Registries. The court has ordered that the case go back to the Supreme Court for an assessment of damages, which the Government has to pay to the Ashcroft company, Belize International Services Limited. Preliminary estimates indicate that Belize could be staring down another judgment debt in the vicinity of 50 million dollars

    AG Says CCJ Judgement Was Emotional
    We also asked the Attorney General for his take on the potential political consequences of this major loss at the CCJ by the Barrow Administration. The next general election is due in a few months, and the judgement can politically haemorrhage the UDP. And with the the CCJ calling the registries nationalization an "abuse of state power", there is much political mileage to be made. When we asked the AG about that, he said that this judgment is a double-edged blade, or a sort of "pania machete", that can hurt both political parties. Here's that part of the conversation, where we challenged him on the CCJ's rebuke of the nationalization:

    AG Says Americans Can’t Be Satisfied With Trafficking In Persons
    We also took the opportunity to ask the Attorney General about the US State Department's 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report. For a second consecutive year, the US is rating Belize as a Tier 2 watchlist country. This means that from the US Government's perspective, the Belize government hasn't done enough to combat human trafficking. But, they are at least recognizing that Belize has made significant efforts to comply with the US's minimum standards.

    Lilly’s Lament
    More than 7 years ago we told you about a terrible accident that happened between mile 88 and 89 on the Phillip Goldson highway. Three people were injured, and we never really followed up. But in the aftermath of that accident, like so many others, at least two young women's lives were shattered. And, 7 years later, they still can't pick up all the pieces. 22 year old Doris Nah lost both her legs and and 37 year old Lillian Roches broke hers. Today, Roches came to see us because all these years later, she still can't get compensated for all that she lost:

    Taiwan Donates Rapid Test Kits
    They're finally here: Rapid test kits that will be able to screen for COVID-19 in under 15 minutes. For weeks you've been hearing that these essential kits are our only path back to a normally functioning airport. And tonight 5,000 such kits are already in the country. They were donated by the Embassy of Taiwan and handed over to Prime Minister Dean Barrow by Ambassador Remus Li-Ko Chen. In a press release today G.O.B. said quote: "These kits can be used to screen potential carriers of the virus who were infected more than seven days prior to testing" end quote.

    War Over Land in Valley Of Peace
    Back in March of this year, we took you an area near the Valley of Peace Village in the Cayo District. That's where there was a brewing land dispute between farmers of that village and the American owned, large-scale grain agribusiness called Valley of Peace Farms. This company has titles for over 11,000 acres of farmland near the community, but within these thousands of acres, more than 50 farmers from Valley of Peace are claiming to have leases for, or rights over several hundred acres, that should be owned by the company.

    Senior Counsel Scolds PM
    Earlier in the newscast, we showed you our interviews with the attorney Eamon Courtenay and Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte in which they discuss yesterday's big judgment coming out of the Caribbean Court of Justice. Our conversation with Courtenay allowed us to ask him for his take on the Prime Minister's comments from last Friday's House Meeting. You'll remember how the Prime Minister publicly declared that the PUP's lawsuit against him has no effect because former Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin did not give a written judgment before he went into retirement.

    Channel 5

    Lord Michael Ashcroft Reacts to C.C.J. Decision
    The C.C.J. on Tuesday delivered a severe decision against the government using language like abuse of power, high-handed, and inconsistent with good governance. . The judgment handed down is in [...]

    Will Ashcroft Ever Collect on Monies Owed by G.O.B.?
    The likelihood of Lord Ashcroft being able to collect on hundreds of millions of dollars owed to him under the Barrow administration, is likely at zero to none as the [...]

    Government on the Hook for Another $250M to Ashcroft
    After signing an agreement in Miami, the PM agreed to pay five hundred million dollars for the acquisition and nationalization of B.T.L.  Government is once again indebted to Lord Michael [...]

    Government Amends Laws, but Judiciary Needs to be Strengthened
    Under the leadership of Prime Minister Dean Barrow, the government has amended laws on several occasions to suit its position on legal matters and introduced retroactive amendments.  This was first [...]

    Government’s Actions, Do They Bode Well for Investor Confidence?
    In a lengthy written decision accompanying the C.C.J.’s ruling on Tuesday, there are several points in which the bench rebukes the Government for its actions pertaining to B.I.S.L.  Justice Peter [...]

    Supreme Court Will Determine Quantum of Damages
    The ruling by the C.C.J. was grounded on equitable treatment since for over twenty years the receipts went into an escrow account rather than directly into the consolidated revenue fund [...]

    Attorney General Says Former Chief Justice Made No Decision
    Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte was also asked whether an oral ruling handed down by former Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin is a non-decision as stated by the Prime Minister recently.  Peyrefitte [...]

    P.U.P. Standard Bearer Arraigned for ‘Failure to Provide a Specimen’
    A politician was hauled before the courts today where he was read a single charge of failure to provide a specimen. P.U.P.’s standard bearer for Belmopan, Oscar Mira was arraigned [...]

    Cpl. Oscar Itch is Arraigned for 10 Counts of Forgery
    Also appearing in the Belmopan Magistrate’s Court today was Corporal Oscar Itch; he was arraigned for ten counts of forgery, for which he pleaded not guilty. On Monday, the firearms [...]

    Belize CitCo Will Not Pay Chon Saan Bill Incurred by Previous Council
    The Belize City Council is not going to pay the eighteen thousand dollars that Lee Mark Chang, owner of Chon Saan Palace is attempting to collect. Chang who is the [...]

    Chetumal’s Health System on the Brinks of Collapse
    News media in Chetumal are reporting that the health system there is on the brink of collapse due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. Chetumal has surpassed Cancun with [...]

    Pushing Quintana Roo’s #StayAtHome Campaign
    According Garrido, the Quintana Roo government is working with its people to curb the curve and prevent the further spread of the virus.  A campaign called ‘stay at home’ is [...]

    Recently Diagnosed COVID-19 Patients Asymptomatic
    As the numbers increase across the border, on Tuesday, Belize recorded four new COVID-19 cases. This brings the total number of active cases to eight—five females and three males.  According [...]

    M.O.H. Continues Preparation for P.G.I.A. Reopening
    According to Doctor Marvin Manzanero, the Ministry of Health is currently assessing how many beds and ventilators are currently available in the country for seriously ill COVID-19 patient. This is [...]

    4 Loan Motions Passed by Senate, including a C.D.B. Loan to Service Debt
    The Senate met today in Belmopan on four loan motions that were tabled in the House last Friday and were passed after heated debate. Government is borrowing a total of [...]

    Private Sector Senator Says G.O.B. Has No Plan for Economic Recovery
    According to Private Sector Senator Mark Lizarraga, the government has no solid plan for economic recovery and the right thing to do is to call elections now to give way [...]

    I.D.B. Loan to Provide Safety Nets for Vulnerable Populations Affected by COVID-19
    Forty-five thousand persons have benefitted from the COVID-19 Relief Programme by the government; fifteen thousand were directly employed in the tourism industry. Those were the figures presented by Doctor Carla [...]

    Is Money for Election?
    But Lead P.U.P. Senator Michel Chebat is asking where the millions of dollars went, concluding that the government is asking for money for electioneering.   Michel Chebat, Lead P.U.P. Senator [...]

    Enhancing Sugarcane Farmers Resilience to Natural Hazard Events
    Another loan brought before the upper chamber was for one million thirteen thousand U.S. dollars from the C.D.B. for sugar cane farmers to restore production, following the effects of the [...]

    Monies to Invest in Productivity of Farmers
    But Senator Mark Lizarraga was quick to crunch the numbers concluding that the million dollars for the drought is not enough because it works out to only about three hundred [...]

    Farmers Vs Valley of Peace Farms Ltd. in Land Dispute
    Back in March we told you about the land dispute between the Valley of Peace Farms Limited and the Valley of Peace Farmers Association. The Association is made up of [...]

    C.W.U. Members Demonstrate Against Salary Cuts
    Members of the Christian Workers who work at the Port of Belize this afternoon staged a protest in front of the Port in Belize City. They are complaining that the [...]

    Security Guard Shot During Robbery Attempt in PG
    Thirty-one-year-old Anselmo Ack was injured during a shooting incident in Punta Gorda on Tuesday night.  The security guard was along with forty-nine-year-old Olympia Pate, the manager of the local Uno [...]

    National Assembly Records Date Back to 1883!
    At the National Assembly on Tuesday, we had a first-hand view at the archives that date back to the colonial past of Belize. The interesting historical literature shows how the [...]

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    Children First and Last Belize and Universal Hardware donate paint to Calvary Temple Primary School
    As schools prepare for reopening in August, many are going about the job of sanitizing […]

    Taiwan donates COVID-19 test kits to the Government of Belize
    The Republic of China (Taiwan) has assisted Belize’s national COVID-19 response through the donation of […]

    The ambitious plans to help sugar and agriculture survive: will it go far enough?
    In introducing the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) US$1.013 million loan for enhancing sugarcane farmers’ resilience […]

    “Pouring the Stereotypes: A Racist-Sexist Cocktail”
    Deborah Mencias McMillan: Let me begin by saying that I do not speak or write on behalf of all Belizeans who identify as Black or on behalf of those of us who are offended by sexism. Instead, I hope that what I have penned will start […]

    BPP expresses concern over acquisition of Scotia Bank by Micheal Ashcroft
    The Belize Progressive Party (BPP) issued a statement today expressing their grave concern of the […]

    Mullins River resident reported missing
    The family of Steven Calbert Bernard, 26, of Mullins River, Stann Creek is concerned about […]

    Attorney General: Nobody has handled COVID-19 better than Belize
    Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte insists that Belize’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been better […]

    Senate begins debate of loan motions
    While acknowledging that Belize has been more fortunate than other nations so far in battling […]

    Michel Chebat: “I hope your bags are packed!”
    Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Michel Chebat questioned Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte’s rosy […]

    How much will Government pay for the takeover of registries?
    From Prime Minister Dean Barrow’s tart summary last Friday – “won’t pay, can’t pay. End […]

    Speech delivered by Carolyn Trench Sandiford on June 26, 2020 at John Paul II JC Commencement exercise
    Delivered by Carolyn Trench-Sandiford: Good evening, faculty, staff, students, family and friends; and esteemed graduates, whom I wish to thank for the honour and the prestige of addressing you today on your 2020 graduation […]

    Full Senate returns to debate budget amendments and loan motions
    The full 13-member complement of the Senate is scheduled to meet this morning to debate […]

    Police Commissioner summarizes dos and don’ts in new post-State of Emergency regulations
    Belize’s first period of state of emergency as an independent nation expired at midnight this […]

    Former KKK imperial wizard that lived in Belize says Black Lives Matter movement is “pointless”
    Bill Wilkinson, 77, former Imperial Wizard of the Invisible Empire of the Knights of the […]

    Security guard of UNO PG shot
    Authorities are investigating an attempted armed robbery that occurred last night in Punta Gorda. According […]

    Belize monitors 8 active cases of COVID-19
    Belize is currently monitoring 8 active cases of COVID-19. The Ministry of Health informed that […]

    Economic analyst suggests devaluing U.S. dollar
    An economic advisor has suggested one of the most radical ideas yet in the economic […]

    Chamber of Commerce expresses concerns over Belize Bank/Scotiabank acquisition
    The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) says that it is concerned about the […]


    Looking to eat something while being in Corozal? Corozal bay has a variety of Restaurants, Tortilla Factory, and Bakeries across town. If you are new in town, this will help you choose which restaurant you may want to choose. Here you will find a variety of food page's around Corozal Town. Like Restaurants, Bakery, and meat pies. Quality Chicken Express Corozal, Cielo Restaurant, Tacos La Mexicana, The Mexican Taste, D'Chill Out Deli, Doni and Dodits, Steak-House, Ruby's Ceviche, Elijah's Brick Oven Pizza, Marisqueria Pisces, White Deli, The Crepe House, Yassin's Lebanese Food, Lé Deliclassy, Corozo Blue's, Tortuga Paddel and Grill Lounge...

    Changes to Expect in Belize’s Airport at Reopening
    The government of Belize is entering the third phase of a tourism reopening strategy and Philip S.W. Goldson International Airport will reopen on August 15, Belize Prime Minister Dean Barrow announced late last week. On that date, open entry will apply for chartered flights, private aviation and the limited reopening of international leisure travel for visitors staying at approved hotels only. The first group of properties to reopen all will be “full-service” and have met the government’s new “Tourism Gold Standard“.

    International Sourcesizz

    Microsoft Warns Troubled Windows 10 Update Has New Problems
    While Microsoft has promised to make big changes to Windows 10, problems with the operating system continue to mount up. And now Microsoft has confirmed a further warning for an already deeply troubled update. The problem, once again, is KB4556799, a recent Windows 10 update pushed to millions of PCs which has already caused numerous issues, including Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) crashes, deleted user data, performance issues, broken audio and more. Microsoft is investigating these problems, but the company has now also confirmed on the official KB4556799 update page that it can break Internet connections as well.

    The Top Most Remote Destinations To Discover In Belize
    Head off the beaten track and discover some of the most beautiful sights of your life in Belize – a true Caribbean gem. Here are the most remote destinations to discover in Belize… With social distancing at the forefront of most travellers minds, we are having to branch out and explore more far-flung and remote destinations than before. It is a great chance to explore somewhere completely new and tick a new country off our bucket list. Combining lush rainforests with clear, beautiful waters and a rich history, Belize is a destination that fulfills all the criteria.

    Trio of areas warrant close watch for tropical development in Atlantic
    After a quick start to the 2020 hurricane season, the Atlantic is void of organized tropical systems. However, AccuWeather forecasters believe that could change with a few potential development zones to watch during the first week or two of July. All three areas of concern are relatively close to North America and the United States, a type of system that meteorologists often refer to as "homegrown" due to its close proximity. However, there are some hurdles that disturbances would need to overcome in order to strengthen into a named storm.

    Chetumal's health system is on the brink of collapse due to COVID-19. Treinta y cinco camas. Son los únicos espacios disponibles para los enfermos “graves” del Covid-19 en la capital del Estado. Las autoridades sanitarias confirmaron que al ritmo actual del incremento de contagios, en menos de dos semanas ya no se contará con lugares suficientes para recibir a los pacientes del coronavirus.

    United resumes travel to almost 60 'leisure locations' from IAH this summer
    Passengers will still be able to enjoy a much-needed vacation if they choose to this summer, because United will be flying to nearly 60 domestic and international destinations from the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, according to IAH Communications Director David Gonzalez. United’s August schedule includes popular summer destinations such as Honolulu, Punta Cana, Nassau, Antigua, Cozumel, Montego, Colorado Springs, Portland, Philadelphia and Louisville. The airline will also resume international travel to popular Latin American destinations including Belize, Costa Rica, Panama City, Lima and São Paulo.

    The Top Caribbean Beaches For 2020
    Well-known publication Forbes has included Belize in best Caribbean beaches for 2020! We all need a break and a chance to recharge, considering how deeply stressful and painful our world has become. We are in the unique position of opening our eyes to a new world of possibilities and change, and while much of the planet gets back to work, we need to remember to take care of ourselves and get outdoors. Hopkins Bay Beach: Enjoy the feeling of seclusion on your own patch of perfect beach, while being close to all the happenings of the local village. Take a kayak out to see the sunset over Victoria's Peak, one of Belize's highest mountains. Runners-up: Ambergris Cay, Silk Cayes, Caye Caulker, and Placencia.


  • Special Sitting of the Senate | July 1, 2020, min. View a live stream of the Special Sitting of the Senate July 1, 2020 in the National Assembly Chamber, Belmopan.

  • BELIZE HORSE EYED JACKS AND RESTING NURSE SHARK, 1.5min. As we worked our way around we were led to a nurse shark resting on the seabed. The horse eyed jacks were everywhere and very inquisitive.

  • Thousand Foot Falls - BELIZE, 1min. In the middle of Pine Ridge Forest in Belize lays the Thousand Foot Falls. One of the most beautiful places you can visit in Belize!

  • Scuba Diving the Blue Hole in Belize, 6.5min.

  • IDB & WTO - New innovative business ideas, 37min. The International Development Bank (IDB) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO) are collaborating for the Beyond Tourism Innovation Challenge. Our guest shared all the details of the challenge and how you can access the support for new innovative business ideas. Dr. Cassandra Rogers - IDB Country Representative to Belize. Dora Moscoso – Operations Senior Associate, IDB Lab. Terry-Ann Segree – Operations Senior Specialist, IDB Lab.

  • Dr. Jorge Hidalgo - thoughts on health challenges in reopening of the PGIA, 52min. Dr. Jorge Hidalgo shared his thoughts on the potential health challenges in the reopening of the PGIA. As one of three critical care doctors in country, he talked about how we can safeguard the health of both visitors and locals as the country prepares to restarts the tourism industry.

  • The Belize Friends Boys School, 23min. Some children require additional support to meet their academic goals. The Belize Friends Boys School has been supporting the transition from primary to secondary school fro children in high-risk areas. We talked with Frank Tench, Principal of Friends Boys Schools about the school's vision. He also talked about the registration process for the 2020-2021 Academic year. They are also making the call for members of the community who can sponsor a child.

  • Managing and Mitigating Your Financial Risk, 59min. While the national focus is on how the government is working to rebuild the economy today's guests shifted the conversation to individual financial literacy and management. Solutions Plus is offering a webinar on "Managing and Mitigating Your Financial Risk." We spoke with organizers about the objective of the webinar and how you can participate in this free session. Tessa Usher - Financial Advisor, Sagicor. Darrell Bradley - Attorney-at-Law.

  • D Real McCoy Entertainment Wednesday Night Jam Session, 1hr15min.

  • Xunantunich Belize - San Ignacio, 2.5min.

  • 2007 Jerry Jeff Walker Camp Belize, 40min.

  • The ATM Cave is a fascinating site to explore and one of Belize’s top tours!, 10min. Named one of the most sacred caves in the world by National Geographic, the ATM Cave is an otherworldly experience. Tune in to this audio tour to be transported to the Mayan underworld, as cave guide Mr. Cambranes walks you through the tight crevices, dark chambers and crystallized skeletons.

  • The ATM Cave in Belize - A Journey to the Maya Underworld, 62min. In this episode, ATM specialist Mr. Elias Cambranes from Katun Ahau Tours takes us on an amazing mind-blowing virtual tour of the ATM Cave in Western Belize. The ATM Cave is one of the experiences in Belize that you must have on your bucket list. The ATM cave is one of Belize's most stunning attractions and a visit will most certainly change your life. Until you visit in person, join us on this virtual tour with Elias and mark your calendars for your next trip to Belize and the Actun Tunichil Muknal cave.

    July 1, 2020


    Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.

    Specials and Events

    Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5, LOVETV, PGTV, Reef TV, KREM, and CTV 3. Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, Belize Now, Talk Ah Di Town, and other specials.

    The San Pedro Sun

    State of Emergency expires; certain restrictions remain
    As of Wednesday, July 1st, the State of Emergency (SOE) in Belize ends, and with it goes the curfew that had been enforced across Belize because of COVID-19. The Attorney General of Belize, Honourable Michael Peyrefitte, cautioned via the online forum Ask the Experts that it does not mean life will return back to normal, as COVID-19 is still out there and the country still has to contend with the potential danger. This major relaxation that abolishes the State of Emergency will now see businesses opening and people enjoying more freedom. However certain restrictions will still remain in place.

    Belizean Arts Gallery holds successful Children’s Art Competition
    The lock-down caused by the global crisis of COVID-19 affected all sectors in Belize, including education. As schools remained closed, Belizean Arts Gallery in San Pedro Town set up a Children’s Art Competition to encourage children to test their creativity during the lock-down. The competition was geared for children ages 4-10 and 11-16 and submissions were done virtually for safety reasons. Top winners were awarded cash prizes.

    Belize Tourism Board office in San Pedro Town closes down
    The office of the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) in San Pedro Town has reportedly closed down. On Monday, June 29th, all items were taken out of the office located inside the San Cas Plaza on Coconut Drive. The BTB has not officially commented on this closure, but it is believed that it is due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, which has the tourism industry on indefinite lockdown.

    Ambergris Today

    Diddy Congratulates Shyne Barrow As He Runs For Politics
    According to published reports, on Sunday (Jun 28) Diddy took to Instagram, to offer his support for his former artist, by announcing that Shyne was running for the Belize House of Representatives. “BELIZE I’m so proud of my brother @shyne_bz and the journey he is on,” Diddy wrote on Instagram. “He is running for the House of Representatives and needs your support. #BadBoy4Life”

    Belize's Plan For Tourism As International Airport Opens Aug 15
    Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Belize made the official announcement that Belize’s international airport (BZE), the Philip Goldson International Airport will be opened on August 15, 2020, as part of the country’s five-phase re-opening strategy for tourism. The opening of the international airport will kick-off Belize’s third phase of re-opening, allowing for further travel relaxation and open entry for chartered flights, private aviation and limited re-opening of international leisure travel with approved hotels only.

    New Rules As State Of Emergency Lifted In Belize
    On, July 1, 2020, Belize will no longer under a State of Emergency that was implemented in March as the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed. After being in complete lockdown, then moving on to phased relaxations of emergency lockdown measures, Belize will now enter a “Post State of Emergency” in which the Ministry of Health signs a Statutory Instrument to bring into effect the Quarantine Authority. Under this Quarantine Authority all businesses are free to open and the curfew has been lifted, but social distancing and the wearing of masks are being strictly enforced by the law. Land borders will remain closed until further notice, while the Belize’s Philip Goldson International Airport is scheduled to open on August 15, 2020.

    Various Belizean Sources


    Caye Caulker Soup Kitchen day Location
    Wednesday, July 1st (Happy Canada Day!) Meal pick ups. Locatoin Happy Lobster. Times: Village: 11:00am - 11:45am. Bahia: 11:45am - 12:30 pm.

    Participate in a fully Virtual 48hr Hackathon Competition on "Open Data: Enabling Belize Tourism Post COVID-19"
    Date: Wednesday 8th July @9:00AM - Thursday 9th July, 2020 @9:00PM (BZ Time). Duration: 48 hrs. Venue: Online. Theme: "Open Data: Enabling Belize Tourism Post COVID-19." We invite and encourage innovators from the public sector, civil society and civic tech, and anyone interested in the topic, to participate in this online Hackathon competition and explore ideas staged under the theme “Open Data: Enabling Belize Tourism Post COVID-1

    10 high school scholarship recipients
    Belizean American Businessman Roman Palma has committed funds to 10 high school students for tuition and uniform. He had accepted entries via an email address and all emails were vetted and selected by Belizean professionals living in Europe for transparency and no interference was made by friends or family members. However in addition to the 10 on the list, Mr. Palma has still committed to assist two additional persons who were not selected.

    Mr. John Thomas is Fisher of the Year 2020
    FISHER OF THE YEAR 2020 ANNOUNCED ON CARIBBEAN FISHER FOLK DAY, YESTERDAY. Thomas has been fishing for over 30 years, and is member of three fishing committees. He says he has been fishing since the age of 16 years, and was inspired by his father, who was also a fisher. Congratulations to John Thomas.

    We congratulate Mr. Lennox Leslie and Mr. Dermin Shivers, both of Placencia, who were selected as outstanding fishers for 2020. Mr. Leslie, who has been fishing for over 35 years, is an active advocate for sustainable fishing, and a member of the Placencia Cooperatives. Mr. Shivers a sports Fisher, turned commercial fisher, was nominated by his common-law wife, who describes him as an all-around fisher. Due to the COVID-19, Mr. Shivers has moved into commercial fishing in order to take care of his family and provide for consumers in southern Belize.


    Virtual Violin Camp
    Allegro Music School will be having a virtual violin camp. Cindy's an amazing violinist.

    COVID-19 UPDATE, Four More COVID Cases - All Returnees
    Our active surveillance in terms of COVID-19 continues, particularly as we follow the established protocols in terms of the repatriation process. Today, a further 95 samples were processed and that has allowed us to identify 4 more cases of COVID-19. The 4 persons identified came into the country last week, 2 through the Northern Border entry point and 2 on the flight on Friday, all as part of the repatriation process. All 4 persons are asymptomatic and went into immediate mandatory hotel quarantine upon arrival.

    On Monday, June 22, 2020 the Belizean public was notified of a share purchase agreement by which Caribbean Investment Holdings Limited (CIHL), the parent company of The Belize Bank Limited, would acquire the shares of Scotiabank (Belize) Limited, pending regulatory approval. This acquisition leaves 50% of the commercial banking sector under the control of one institution and reduces the number of commercial banks in Belize from five to four. The impact of this transaction will be felt across the entire spectrum of personal and business customers seeking credit, finance, foreign exchange, correspondent bank services, and much more. It is therefore imperative for the BCCI to express its views and concerns.

    Statutory Instrument No. 94 of 2020

    Statutory Instrument No. 95 of 2020

    Tropic Air Resumes Placencia Flights
    Tropic Air has been informed that intended work on the Placencia Airstrip has been postponed. This will allow us to resume flights to the Peninsula effective tomorrow, July 1.

    Monthly Weather Summary, May 2020
    Climatologically May is the warmest month of the year in Belize. The first part of the month is typically characterized by warm, dry and hazy conditions. However, this month is also the transition month from the dry to the wet season across the country. Therefore, the rains usually start in the south after the first week of May and gradually make their way northwards.

    For those who CANNOT obtain a Covid test result within 72 hours of arriving in Belize when the airport opens on August 15, you can get your Covid test upon arrival at Belize International Airport at NO CHARGE. As soon as it's available, in the near future, you will need to download the Belize Health App to your phone. At the airport they will scan that into their system, along with all the details filled out on the required health form, including exactly where you are staying. You HAVE TO remain in place at that location UNTIL they advise you of your test result. If it's positive, you have to remain in quarantine at your location for 14 days...

    The bathrooms at Billy White Primary are almost finished!
    Thanks, Rotary! The bathroom project at Billy White Primary is almost completed. There was extra money in the budget so we added a covered walkway. Thanks again to our partner Rotary Clubs for crearing this Global Grant for Belize's children. This modern toilet buildings reduce illness and absentee rates drop significantly.

    FCD EYG Nursery
    Today members of FCD Environmental Youth Group and DYS Staff rehabilitated the nursery located at Department of Youth Services Benque Center. Given to the lack down, Covid-19, the resent heavy rains and winds the nursery and plants were affected. They planted new seeds and prepared another portion of the yard for it to host another portion on the ongoing backyard gardening project at DYS. The nursery is part of an ongoing project DYS and FCD EYG have through an MOU for joint reforestation projects. The nursery will also host a backyard gardening project to teach young people about subsidies farming.

    The British authorities had agreements with the Yucatec Maya(Máasewal) group known as the Icaiche Maya about the interchange of prisoners. So if some one from one part did a crime or something wrong. The person would be remited to the judge or leader so they can give a punishment. Jose Maria Manzanero a Maya captain of Marcos Canul was detained and was captive along with his wife in Orange Walk town. According to the Maya Leader Marcos Canul the event went against the agreement and, Manzanero was imprisoned without a formal judgment. Canul Presented his claims but the British ignored him.

    Channel 7

    CCJ Administers Withering Rebuke To Barrow Admin On Registries’ Takeover
    Belize, like the rest of the world is currently in the midst of an economic crisis created by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and tonight, the Barrow Government is bracing for another body blow. That's after the Caribbean Court of Justice has ruled that GOB owes many millions more in damages to the Ashcroft Alliance. As we told you, the Government and the Ashcroft company, Belize International Services Limited (BISL), has been waiting for a ruling the Government's 2013 acquisition of the International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) and the International Business Companies (IBC) Registry.

    Ashcroft Alliance Attorney Expresses Satisfaction
    This afternoon, we spoke with attorneys for both sides. We start first with the preliminary comments from Eamon Courtenay, the attorney for BISL who has been pressing this case on behalf of his clients for 7 years. "The court has found that the government acted unconstitutionally and illegally in a high-handed way in taking over the registries without any court order permitting them to do so. They have remitted the matter to the supreme court for the supreme court to calculate the amount of damages that should be paid..."

    AG Says CCJ Emotional
    Here now are the comments from government's lawyer, the Attorney General, Michael Peyrefitte, reacting to the judgment which issued a withering rebuke to his government : "I am not going to be emotional like the CCJ, they made a decision, they are the final appellate court and we are bound by that decision. They said that even though they admitted that in the judgement, when the PUP entered into the contract with Michael Ashcroft in 1993 and when the PUP extended the contract from 2005 to 2020, that it was basically illegal, that they believed that nevertheless there was a breach of contract by the government..."

    Chamber Urges Central Bank To Review BBL/SBL Merger
    And while the Ashcroft Alliance is surely doing a celebratory dance tonight, the Chamber of Commerce is throwing a little rain on their parade. The Chamber says it is concerned about what it calls "the inevitable economic and consumer impact of Scotiabank's acquisition" and says the Central Bank should review the acquisition. The release notes that the acquisition leaves 50% of the commercial banking sector under the control of one institution and reduces the number of commercial banks in Belize from five to four.

    COMPOL Says Firearms Clerk Was Running Fraudulent Gun License Operation
    Tonight police Corporal Oscar Itche is in serious trouble. He's the firearms clerk posted at Headquarters in Belmopan and the commissioner of police is alleging that Itche was running a serious scam out the backdoor of the police station. It's a case of alleged mass fraud - where Itche was allegedly selling gun licenses for as much as three thousand dollars each. Now, gun licenses are free - and gun owners pay an annual fee to keep their weapons licensed.

    PUP Pol to Be Charged For Failure To Give A Blood/Urine Sample
    Last night on the news you saw PUP Standard Bearer for Belmopan Oscar Mira talking about the accident he got into on Friday night. Mira says a policeman was sleeping in a car that was parked on the George Price highway at mile 45. Mira says he couldn't avoid rear ending the car The PUP politician says it was the sleeping cop's fault - but tomorrow Mira is the one going to court. He's going to be arrested and charge for failure to provide a blood or urine sample for testing his alcohol level. Today Mira confirmed to us that he did not give a sample, saying, quote: "I spoke to my attorney as soon as it happened - I was advised not to give a sample and that's what I did."

    COMPOL: "Apparently Drunk Is Not Drunk"
    Mira told us that he doesn't believe that any sample was taken from the police officer who he crashed into either. He claims the officer was sleeping in the car in his police trousers and a t shirt, and that his car was parked in the way of approaching traffic Mira suspects that alcohol was involved but that is just an allegation. Same as it is out in San Pedro - where early on Friday morning a police officer ran a patrol pickup unto the concrete barrier between the road and the sidewalk.

    Bedlam On Balam Street
    The Commissioner was able to speak far more conclusively about an incident captured on Balam Street in Belize City over the weekend. An off duty police officer is accused of obstructing a team of officers seeking to make an arrest. The Commissioner today said his obstruction was not acceptable - even if the officers showed up to make an arrest for a petty bicycle offence:

    Officer Criminally Charged For "Working With" Prisoners' Stuff
    And, in another alleged act of misconduct involving a police officer - a police officer assigned to the San Ignacio Formation has been accused of stealing $400 dollars in property from prisoners at the station. The Commissioner says he has instructed that criminal charges be brought: "We have a police in San Ignacio I believe its PC Roy Zuniga. There was a prisoner who was detained in San Ignacio and, police as would the norm, took possession of the prisoner's property which included some money..."

    Four More COVID Cases - All Returnees
    And, we take a break from police news for the latest COVID report. There are four new cases to report tonight, all repatriates who returned on Friday. They were repatriated last week, 2 through the Northern Border entry point and 2 on the flight on Friday. All 4 persons are asymptomatic and went into immediate mandatory hotel quarantine upon arrival.

    Burning After Bust
    Last night we told you about a weed and weapons bust at a house on Iguana Street Ext. That led to three arrests. Today that house is completely destroyed, having burned to the ground. The question now is whether it was burnt. Cherisse Halsall went looking for answers. This was the house at 180 Iguana Street when the police made a bust of drugs, a weapon, and ammunition. They also arrested and charged three occupants for possession of drugs and unlicensed firearms and ammunition.

    Police after Minister's Payslips
    John Saldivar is gearing up for the UDP convention, but he could be running into a headwind. On Friday the Reporter Newspaper broke news, saying quote, "a formal request has been sent to the relevant government agency for copies of payslips for former Minister of National Security John Saldivar and his affiliates Douglas Grant Jr., Jason Neal and Ismael 'Miley' Garcia as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged improprieties." end quote.

    Still No Answers In Roadside Murder
    And while the cops wait for answers on those payslips, another investigation is also yielding limited information. It's the case of Bullet Tree villager Isaias Oroman who was found yesterday morning shot to the chest and cruelly discarded on the side of the road. This morning we got an update on Oroman's case from Sr. Superintendent Hilberto Romero. He says that while a suspect had been detained he was later released. Sr. Supt. Hilberto Romero: "One person was in custody for questioning, but has since been released and the investigation continues."

    Motorcycle Rider Died While Overtaking
    And while there are no developments in Oroman's case, police have served a Notice Of Intended Prosecution to the driver that collided with 27-year-old Kemel Espat. It was a collision that resulted in Espat's instant death, a tragedy that as we showed you has left a family and a community in mourning. This morning Superintendent Romero gave us the police's play by play of the accident.

    Robbers Rode Motorbike From Village To Village
    Romero also told us about a pair of robberies that seem to be related. They happened yesterday in the adjoining village son Frank's Eddy and St, Matthews where tow men stole a motorbike and then went-a-robbing:

    Property Taxes For Food In Foam Plates
    Lee Mark Chang is threatening to sue the Belize City Council over $18,679.00 owed to his restaurant Chon Saan Palace by the previous Council's administration. Chang says that an agreement had been made with the council to trade-off property taxes against restaurant orders made between September of 2016 and October of 2017. But to date, that agreement has not been honoured. Chang through his attorney Mikhail Arguelles is now pressing the present council to see if it intends to pay the bill in full or honor the agreed-upon trade-off. Here's what Chang told us earlier today:

    Growing Pains With New Video System At Nat’l Assembly
    The National Assembly has a brand new 60 thousand dollar video switching and streaming system - which will radically change the way the media covers house and senate meetings - and how you see it on TV, the internet and the news. Channel 7 has been covering these meetings since 1994, and it's been pretty much the same: a whole bunch of cameras jammed up on the balcony, all jostling to get the same shot. But this new system - which went into effect on Friday - changes all that. Now, remotely controlled cameras - which need no camera operator - capture it all - and the signal is streamed to you on facebook and tv, and also sent to the media.

    Post Curfew Policing
    The state of emergency ends at midnight tonight - but the curfew is still in effect for 10:00 pm tonight. The odd part is that you have to go indoors at 10:00, but, if you're that type you can then come back out at midnight - 'cause there's no more curfew. IT's an idle example, but, it's also an illustration of how tough enforcement has been for police where the rules of social living are constantly changing. Today the Commissioner discussed the challenges:

    Police Dissuading Public Drinking
    But, just as the Minister of National Security said yesterday, the police will be cracking down on quality of life laws. And that starts with public drinking: "You would know, under the intoxicating liquor licensing act, they have the offense of public drinking. Which again, we have seen has picked up back across the country. People are hanging out in front of the store drinking all day or all night. These are issues that we must enforce. And going forward we are going to be extremely stiff, particularly with the sale of alcohol and liquor establishments..."

    Chester Vs. Arzu, Round 949
    Last night, we showed you the brief court hearing that Justice Sonya Young held yesterday to start addressing another application that Corporal Eldon Arzu has brought against the Commissioner of Police. He is attempting to convince the Supreme Court to allow him to bring a claim for judicial review. According to Arzu, the Commissioner did not follow the rules of the Police Association's election process, when he delayed in setting a date for the election, until 6 months later.

    Duct Taped Bandits In South
    And our final crime stories tonight took place in the south. It was 4:45 on Friday evening when 4 men in a dark Blue SUV pulled up at the Uno Gas Station in Santa Cruz Village. All them but the driver entered the convenience store armed with hand guns and the Deputy Commander of National Crimes Investigation told us what happened next:

    American Couple Held Up In South
    And also in the south, an elderly American couple was robbed during a home invasion in the village of Seine Bight on Sunday night. Romper told us more:

    Channel 5

    C.C.J. Rules that Government Unlawfully Acquired IMMARBE in 2013
    A major decision was handed down today by the Caribbean Court of Justice in a one hundred and forty-eight page judgment. The  judgment from the highest court of Belize is [...]

    Eamon Courtenay Calls IMMARBE Takeover Roguish and Thuggish
    The comprehensive judgment included the views of every judge of the C.C.J., who came to the same unanimous decision.  Senior Counsel Eamon Courtenay, who represents B.I.S.L., spoke with News Five [...]

    Eamon Goes In on PM Barrow for “Won’t Pay, Can’t Pay” Remark
    The government now finds itself on the hook for as much as ninety million Belize dollars, plus interest which has accrued on that quantum since 2013.  On Friday, Prime Minister [...]

    PM Preempts C.C.J. Ruling; He is Chided for Those Remarks
    PM Barrow told reporters that they need not seek a response from him in respect of the outcome of the B.I.S.L. appeal.  He famously said, “I am telling you from [...]

    C.C.J. Judge Rips G.O.B. a New One
    Of the five judges who presided over the appeal, the written judgment rendered by Justice Peter Jamadar is perhaps the most cutting and a scathing rebuke of the government.  In [...]

    PM Barrow Chided Over Non-decision Comment
    Aside from the ‘won’t pay, can’t pay’ statements from the PM, there is also the matter of non-decision.  When PM Barrow dismissed former Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin’s ruling that he, [...]

    Lee Mark Chang Challenges City Hall for Unpaid Food Bills of $18,000 Plus
    A letter was leaked today in which businessman and U.D.P. standard bearer for Caribbean Shores, Lee Mark Chang is threatening legal action against the Belize City Council for unpaid food [...]

    Chang Says it is Not Political, it’s Business
    The letter has been released within weeks of the July leadership convention of the U.D.P. where Darrell Bradley is seeking to be leader. Political pundits believe that the timing of [...]

    Police Corporal Busted for Gun Documents Fraud at Police Headquarters!
    Tonight a corporal of police is detained for operating a fraudulent gun license approval scheme.  Corporal Oscar Itch who was stationed at the Police Headquarters in Belmopan issued nearly thirty [...]

    P.U.P.’s Oscar Mira to be Charged for Failure to Provide Specimen
    Tonight, a cop is in the hospital recovering from injuries sustained in a road traffic accident and the police department is getting ready to charge P.U.P. Belmopan Standard Bearer Oscar [...]

    PC Zuniga Steals $400 from Man in Detention at Police Station
    Another cop is in hot water tonight and this time he’s from the San Ignacio Formation. Police Constable Roy Zuniga reportedly stole four hundred dollars in cash from a person [...]

    Were San Pedro Cops Drunk on the Job?
    More news on cops who apparently were not behaving like cops. This time it is about two policemen in San Pedro who were filmed slurring, walking, and acting like they [...]

    ComPol Says Investigation into Saldivar and Longsworth Progressing Slowly
    Last week news broke that the Belize Police Department had lodged a formal request with relevant government agencies to get documentation as a part of investigation into Belmopan Area Representative [...]

    4 New Cases of COVID-19 Detected in Belize
    There are more COVID-19 patients bringing to total number of positive cases for the country to twenty-eight. The office of the Director of Health Services has just released the data, [...]

    Cops to Come Down Tough on Night Clubs and Rum Shops!
    A new S.I. will come into effect as the country’s state of emergency ends. The Belize Police Department will be enforcing the measures that remain in place, such as the [...]

    Robbers in Franks Eddy and Saint Matthews!
    There were two robberies in villages along the George Price Highway on Monday. Police say that two thieves robbed a supermarket in Franks Eddy Village, while a resident of Saint [...]

    Robbers Target Gas Station in the South!
    ….moving south, robbers also hit a gas station last week Friday. Police say that a gas attendant reported that some time after five that evening, four men visited the UNO [...]

    Cpl Eldon Arzu Back in Court Attempting to Overturn Election Results of Police Association
    Corporal Eldon Arzu is before the courts again attempting to overturn the results of the recently elected executive of the Police Association. Those elections concluded two weeks ago and Sergeant [...]

    No Suspect and No Motive for Bullet Tree Murder
    Tonight police say that they have released the man who was being questioned about the murder of fifty-two-year-old Isaias Oroman of Bullet Tree Village. Senior Superintendent Hilberto Romero says that [...]

    Land Issue Brewing in Jacintoville
    On Monday, we showed you a land situation in Red Bank Village that has divided the village council and residents of that southern community.  Tonight, another land situation is brewing [...]

    Belizean American Businessman Gives 10 High School Scholarships
    Belizean American businessman, Roman Palma is gifting scholarships for tuition and uniform to ten high school students from around the country. The Roman Peace Scholarship Fund was created by Palma [...]

    New Video/Audio System Installed in National Assembly Chambers
    A modern system has been installed in the National Assembly. It will facilitate the broadcast of live proceedings of the House and Senate by media houses who will be able [...]


    State of Emergency, curfew ends June 30
    Appearing on the government’s webcast Ask the Experts this afternoon, Attorney General Michael Peyrefitte said that as of June 30, the State of Emergency will end, but it’s still not a free-for-all, because new measures under the Quarantine Act will come into effect the following day, Wednesday, July 1. The Statutory Instrument that will give legal effect to the rules under the Quarantine Act will be signed by the minister before July 1.

    Cabinet rejects Ashcroft company’s proposed $200 million port investment
    It has been churning in the rumor mill for a few days now that Cabinet did not give the green light to one of Lord Michael Ashcroft’s companies, which had proposed an expansion of the Port of Belize Limited. Waterloo Investment Holdings Limited had proposed a $200 million expansion on lands owned by the Port of Belize Limited. The Waterloo expansion would have included a cruise terminal with multiple onshore berthing capacities, and the cargo-handling capability of the port would have been modernized with bulk-handling facility.

    Government passes relief loan motions for $60 million
    Earlier during the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister Dean Barrow revealed that government’s revenue was completely dried up and that “I would have to borrow until I can’t borrow no more.” In his capacity of Minister of Finance, PM Barrow introduced and steered four loan motions, totaling $60 million, through all their stages at the sitting of the House of Representatives today.

    PGIA will reopen August 15
    The Belizean economy (and government’s finances in particular) has been hemorrhaging due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the consequent halt of global tourism for the last few months. COVID-19 has infected almost 10 million persons worldwide and spikes are being reported in over twenty North American states and in Central and South America, and it is against that background that the Government of Belize has been contemplating and planning the reopening of the country’s tourism industry.

    Illegal Honduran is COVID-19 case #24
    The Director of Health Services (DHS), Dr. Marvin Manzanero, reported today, Friday, that another positive case of COVID-19 has been identified after the results of another batch of tests were issued. While information on the person who tested positive has not been forthcoming, the DHS confirmed that the individual is a Honduran national who had entered Belizean waters illegally.

    Human trafficking in Belize remains at Tier Two
    As of June, Belize remains a Tier Two country on the U.S. State Department’s Annual Trafficking in Persons Report. In 2018, Belize had finally been upgraded from a tier three status; however, in the report for 2020, the country’s status has remained consistent because the “government does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, but is making efforts to do so.”

    Former Prime Minister Said Musa to receive specialized surgery overseas
    The absence of the former People’s United Party (PUP) two-term Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Said Musa, from today’s House of Representatives meeting, was noticeable. The senior parliamentarian and area representative for Fort George has been recovering from what family members have described as a mild stroke that he suffered on May 17, 2020. After the House meeting, the media inquired about the health condition of Rt. Hon. Musa, while interviewing his son, Kareeem Musa (Caribbean Shores).

    Vehicle crashes into lamppost on Philip Goldson Highway
    A non-fatal traffic accident occurred on the Philip Goldson Highway at about 6:30 this evening near Mejia’s Construction, which resulted in extensive damages to a car, which was traveling to Belize City from Ladyville.

    Barrington Moss drowns in Caye Caulker
    Barrington Moss, 31, a security guard of San Pedro, drowned while swimming in the sea in the Split area of Caye Caulker, which is a popular swimming area. He reportedly went swimming yesterday morning and disappeared.

    Man detained for firing 9 shots at squirrel in his apartment
    A man has been detained pending charges of discharging his firearm in his apartment, and his licensed 9mm pistol has been deposited as an exhibit. At about 12:30 this morning, the man fired 9 shots at a squirrel that “spooked” him in his apartment, located at Mile 3 on the Philip Goldson Highway.

    Editorial: Belize has 45 days to tighten our defense
    The Government of Belize, in what might be considered a desperate move to gain US dollars, has announced a plan for a limited reopening of the tourism industry. The Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) will be opened for traffic on August 15, but at that time the only hotels that will be allowed to receive guests are those that have the Tourism Gold Standard Certificate of Recognition and have the capacity to provide full service. Some owners of the hotels that are not qualified to receive guests from abroad are understandably not happy.

    Opposition members blast Government’s $60 million loan motions
    At one of his early press conferences, when the country was just getting ready to do battle against the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Barrow assured the nation that “we have millions of dollars in our coffers.” “You will begin to see spending like you’ve never seen before,” he said. That did not happen. In fact, shortly after making that prime ministerial declaration, PM Dean Barrow told the country that “government revenue sources had dried up.” The government was broke.

    Belize City Council commences Belize Acceleration Program
    Mayor Bernard Wagner, the Belize City Council and collaborating partners today made history with a one-of-a-kind program to help people become self-reliant entrepreneurs by giving them training and support. The program, called Belize Acceleration Program, was launched today, and Cohort 1 of the program, comprising of 20 candidates, received their certificates, issued by Mayor Bernard Wagner and Councilor Javier Castellanos during a ceremony at City Hall on Regent Street this morning.

    Imports down 39.7% in May, says SIB
    The Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) reported that Belize’s imports for May 2020 saw a dramatic decrease of $67.3 million, down 39.7% from the $169.4 million worth of goods we imported in May 2019. The SIB attributes most of this decrease to the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in an economic slowdown. “Imports of ‘Machinery and Transport Equipment’ dropped substantially by 47 percent or $16 million, from almost $34 million in May 2019 to approximately $18 million in May 2020, as the country purchased less vehicles, parts for food processing machinery and telecommunications equipment

    Doug Singh and Aaron Humes
    Ah, I knew one day I’d get to this interview that led to the fall of a UDP favorite. Of course I know that being current is best, but I also know that late is better than never. Sometimes it can be worth the wait. Fish kud kom frahn riva batam with a whole new perspective. It can happen. Bah, nothing new came up on this one, but maybe I have a good reason for being late. People who know I write this column, sometimes I have to tell them that I’m an opinionist, not a journalist.

    Eulogy for Elinor Wilson (Belisle) Hyde (1)
    A thing of beauty is a joy forever; and there is nothing on earth more beautiful than a mother’s love. To all you wonderful mothers out there, both present and in spirit only by your special nature of love and giving, we say thank you. Thank you all! And today, most specifically, we say thank you, thank you, and thank you, Lord, our Father in Heaven, for giving us our own exceptional mother, Elinor Wilson (Belisle) Hyde.

    Eulogy for Elinor Wilson Hyde nee Belisle (2)
    Writing a eulogy for my mother, Elinor Wilson Hyde nee Belisle, is a tall task. A tall task indeed. This is the opinion of my father, a man who has written some outstanding eulogies in his time and who knew my mother longer than any of us and as well as it is possible to know someone you have been married to for almost 75 years. They met when she was sixteen years old and he courted her for five years before they became man and wife.

    Eulogy for Elinor Wilson Hyde nee Belisle (3) Reflections of a niece
    E-L-I-N-O-R (Elinor) Wilson Belisle, the youngest of Eva Lindo Belisle and Wilfed Belisle four children, was born on September 16, 1924. She married Charles Hyde October 13, 1946 and together they produced 9 children, 7 boys and 2 girls. She took her marriage vows very seriously and devoted the rest of her life to her husband and subsequently her children. She literally waited hand and foot on him and much to the consternation of her brothers defended him at all time. My father Buck, to his dying day, remembered her telling him she had to “stand by her man”.

    The surprise wedding of Virgil and Safira …
    During 1981/82 while Alida was doing her residency, two significant developments had taken place in the extended family. Firstly, Kiah had left in August for Canada to start his degree in Geography, and Safira had been transferred back home to set up a branch of the National Library Service in the town.

    Andy Jones writes on farming
    Dear Editor, I would like to start off by first thanking you for keeping us informed during this COVID pandemic. Your newspapers were hard to find, so I assume other people out there were as grateful as I was for you timely news items. I’ve been reading and listening to the news out there, as they finally start pushing to get our farming industry back up again. While this is great news I would like for people to realize that contrary to what they are saying on the radio and television, farming is something you must dedicate yourself to.

    Dear Editor: Life is a constant struggle. It is said that we are the ones who decide what kind of life we want to live, while there are others who say that it’s destiny — that before we were born it was already written. After over three quarters of a century living on this planet earth, I must accept that I don’t know; probably there is some truth in those ideas. Life has taught me that not everything we plan is accomplished. However, there are certain objectives that we can only achieve if we are determined, even though other factors will intervene because of reasons which are out of our control.

    The Reporter

    Do All Black Lives Matter in Belize?
    by: Adrian P. Torres The day after Prime Minister Dean Barrow was elected in February 2008, an American classmate texted me, “Just read that your country elected its first black Prime Minister!” It was a peculiar message for a few reasons. By that point—a mere 27 years since becoming independent—Belize had only been governed by three other Prime Ministers, and so to the extent that Dean Barrow’s election was an accomplishment, we had achieved it in a relatively short period of time, beating the most progressive country in the world by over 200 years. Moreover, Dean Barrow had been involved in electoral politics since the early 1980s and he served as a high-ranking Minister during the UDP administration elected in 1993, making his ascendancy to Prime Minister rather unremarkable.


    US Embassy hosts discussion to commemorate Caribbean American Heritage Month
    The month of June marks the Caribbean American Heritage Month, which is designated to recognize the significance of Caribbean people to the history and culture of the US. While this is mainly celebrated in the US, a panel discussion was held here in Belize at the US Embassy.

    WATCH: Valley of Peace farmers fight for their farmlands
    In March of 2020, the farmers in Valley of Peace, Cayo District, staged a protest after their farmlands were sold to Valley of Peace Limited (VOPFL). While the company may bear the name of the village, the farmers in that area have no shares in the company.

    Breaking Belize NewsPJ

    4 more cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Belize
    The Ministry of Health informed a short while ago that four (4) more cases of […]

    Oscar Mira to be arraigned for failure to provide blood specimen
    Today, Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams told the media that Oscar Mira will be charged […]

    Tropic Air resumes Placencia flights
    Tropic Air has been informed that intended work on the Placencia Airstrip has been postponed. […]

    Lifting the Veil from today’s Belize – Part I
    By Bill Undo: Belize's economy has effectively collapsed since the lockdown at the end of March. The extent of that collapse is worrying for many of us but we should also admit that Belize's economy has been struggling for the last fifteen years. […]

    Outstanding fishers of 2020 honored
    The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) congratulates Lennox Leslie and Dermin Shivers, both of Placencia, who […]

    Chon Saan Palace takes on City Council: claims nearly $19,000 in ‘food for tax’ arrangement
    Chon Saan Palace and its owner Lee Mark Chang is claiming some $18,679 from the […]

    CCJ rules against Government in registries case; Supreme court to determine damages
    The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), as anticipated by Prime Minister Dean Barrow, ruled against […]

    Belize signs US $10 Million agreement for phase 2 of Caracol Road Project
    The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) has reportedly signed a US $10 million public […]

    European Union bars US travelers over COVID-19
    The European Union (EU) is scheduled to re-open borders tomorrow and since the COVID-19 cases […]

    Micah Goodin pays tribute to Mayor Wagner’s handling COVID-19 economic storm
    The views expressed in this article are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Breaking Belize […]

    Belize and bondholders to meet today
    At 10 a.m. this morning Belize time, Belize’s financial authorities will be discussing, in a […]

    Belize plans Economic Recovery Program: No to IMF, default on Superbond on the table
    The Government of Belize says it has a plan for economic recovery, according to a […]

    Petrocaribe marks quiet 15th anniversary
    Monday, June 29th was the 15th anniversary of the formation of Petrocaribe by late Venezuelan […]

    Belize City Council to upgrade 23 streets with Municipal Bond funds
    A few weeks ago, the Belize City Council was worried about having to potentially merge […]

    High School scholarship recipients announced
    Last week, we shared with you the story of Belizean-American businessman, Ramon Palma who had […]

    Global COVID-19 prevention trial of hydroxychloroquine to resume
    Reuters reports that the British health regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), […]

    Daycares allowed to open; children under 6 not required to wear masks
    On Ask the Experts yesterday, the Attorney General Micheal Peyrefitte informed that daycares will be […]


    Getting to Secret Beach in San Pedro, Belize
    Although it’s name is Secret Beach, this popular beach is gaining traction as a popular, not-so-secret chill spot. Essentially, it is an inland beach that’s surrounded by white sand, swaying palm trees and everything else that creates the perfect tropical setting. You can only get there by boat or golf cart while on San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. While San Pedro has been popular for decades, travelers have only discovered Secret Beach 10 years ago, when a developer built the first road that went from the eastern side of the island to the western side.

    International Sourcesizz

    Intra-regional travel in focus as Caribbean re-opens
    Intra-regional travel in the Caribbean has taken a serious blow with LIAT reportedly wrapping up operations. The news concerning the regional carrier, which was announced by Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne, comes at a time when many in the Caribbean don't want to travel to the United States or Europe. As countries in the region begin to re-open their borders to international travellers, it is the tourist from the United States who is being targeted despite that country’s rising COVID-19 rate, with over two million cases to date.


  • Tips when visiting the markets, 1min. Message from the BMDC, Ministry of Health and Market Managers.

  • Foodie Expo Held in Belize City, 4min. A gastronomic event took place this weekend; it was a Foodie Expo that brought together persons in the food industry. It was staged at 501 Hub in Belize City on Saturday. Due to the lookdown and the closure of restaurants and food vending, these businesses have taken a hit, so the expo presented them with the opportunity to showcase a wide variety of authentic food available throughout the country. There were sweet, vegan and savoury treats including vegan nachos, sushi, and even wines.

  • Belize International Services Ltd v The Attorney General of Belize, 61min. This is judgment delivery for a matter involving an alleged breach of contract by the Government of Belize. In June 1993, Belize International Services (BISL) entered into a Management Services Agreement with the Government of Belize.

  • Belize Adventist Junior College Live Graduation, 1hr42min.

  • Beachfront Bargain Hunt S27E01 Paradise in Belize, 23min.

  • TOP 8 Visually AMAZING places in BELIZE, 4min. Take a visual tour around the beautiful country of Belize. Explore the following places: Caracolmayan ruin, the 1000 foot falls waterfall, Big Rock Fall, Caye Caulker, Ambergris Caye, Secret Beach, Turneffe Atoll, Rio Frio Cave & more.

  • Caribbean American Heritage Month Panel Discussion, 1hr42min. A discussion entitled “Our Shared History, Our Shared Future: A Candid Discussion on Race, Equality, Compassion and Justice”, cosponsored by the Government of Belize Press Office and the Love Foundation Belize.

  • Belizean dancer - Experiences and the impact of COVID-19, 22min.

  • Social Work lecturers - Importance of the profession, 33min.

  • Deputy Director General of the Statistical Institute of Belize, 42min.

  • Musical Guest - Ras Indio, 14min.

  • Philip Goldson International Airport will re-open - August 15th, 65min. August 15th has been officially announced as the date the Philip Goldson International Airport will re-open. A phased approach was introduced yesterday that details the protocols that will be in place to ensure the safety of both passengers and nationals. We invited representatives of the Belize Tourism Industry Association (BTIA) to speak on the re-opening and how the industry is preparing to meet the new requirements.

  • An update from San Pedro, 23min. Coming to you live from Ambergris Caye, Belize, talking today about Belize celebrations, weather, best time to visit, airport reopening, and more! Thanks to Melody Sanchez Wolfe from Dulce Belize Weddings and Belizean Melody Art Gallery who is assisting me in talking about the history behind some of Belize's biggest celebrations!

  • Restore Belize continues with Building Relationships & Connections in the classroom, 31min.

  • Belize Adventist Junior College Live Graduation, 1hr42min.

  • Fishing in san pedro Belize, 3.5min.

  • Belmopan City - Belize - B Roll - DJI Mavic Pro, 1.5min.

  • Vivian's Cafe - San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize, 1.5min.

  • Driving in Belize city(Narrated): East Collet canal to Princess Margaret Drive, 23min. Belize city became a Town in 1638 by the lumber harvesters. Before it became a Town it was a small Maya City called Holzuz. It was a post for the English because it was on the sea and a natural outlet for local rivers and creeks which the British used to shipped Logwood and mahogany. Belize Town was the home of thousands of African slaves that were brought by the English. As of 2019 the population of Belize city is 124,096, and for the whole country it's 408,487.

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