El Chiclero
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Published Monthly in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Cayo District, Belize. El Chiclero strives to uphold the best of journalistic standards, and is beholding to no political party, reporting the news as accurately and objectively as possible. The printing costs are paid from revenue generated by ad sales, and we thank our advertisers for their support.

Editor: Roger German. Comments and suggestions Always welcome.   Take a look!

Click on an entry to download an issue.  You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader* to read the issues. 

Most Recent! October, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 10
September, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 9
August, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 8
July, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 7
June, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 6
May, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 5
April, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 4
March, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 3
February, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 2
January, 2011 - Year 2, Issue 1

* Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader, Free

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